path: root/src/Scilab2C/FunctionTableManagement/AddBranch.sci
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authornutricato2007-03-22 11:16:08 +0000
committernutricato2007-03-22 11:16:08 +0000
commite733d0ce2c4d804896031c0789fa192106508a35 (patch)
treede48d20cd612719258ca77cc1a989b76bdf834b8 /src/Scilab2C/FunctionTableManagement/AddBranch.sci
parent1f7bc0e6e253814dcb748da0eb8f931f45de7952 (diff)
Preliminary version to generate a tree for each library function
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Scilab2C/FunctionTableManagement/AddBranch.sci')
1 files changed, 173 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Scilab2C/FunctionTableManagement/AddBranch.sci b/src/Scilab2C/FunctionTableManagement/AddBranch.sci
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e5f2da7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Scilab2C/FunctionTableManagement/AddBranch.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+function TreeBase = AddBranch(TreeBase, Branch, CINFO )
+// To understand how this software works the steps are:
+// 1. check if "fn" is stored in the USER2CLib;
+// a. if "fn" there is, we have to check if "fn.S" there is
+// i. if "fn.S" there is, we have to check if "fn.S.R" there is
+// ii. if "fn.S" there isn't, we can store the Branch
+// ...
+// and in the same way for the other case.
+// b. if "fn" there isn't, we can store all the Branch
+ getf("SearchFunctionName.sci");
+// I have to search the point where to insert the (sub) branch
+// suppose I have to insert the function structure fn.S.R.D.CINFO
+// the first operation is to cut the function structure in sub-structure
+ ind = strindex( Branch, '.' );
+// SubBranch is an array which element, for the example are:
+// SubBranch(1) = fn.
+// SubBranch(2) = S.
+// SubBranch(3) = R.
+// SubBranch(4) = D.
+// SubBranch(5) = CINFO
+// PAY ATTENTION!!! you have S. and not S
+ SubBranch = strsplit( Branch, ind );
+// I have to know the number of the element (I can have fn.S.R.D.S.R.D.CINFO)
+ [NumSub, Temp] = size( SubBranch );
+ clear Temp;
+// I extract the first element of the SubStranch array. I know this element is the
+// name of the function (in the example is fn)
+ TempStructure = part(SubBranch(1), [1 : length(SubBranch(1))-1]);
+// I search the function
+ [TempProt, FlagFind] = SearchFunctionName( TempStructure, TreeBase(1)(1) );
+ index1 = 2;
+ if FlagFind then
+// if I found the function name I have to explorer the structure until I find the sub branch to add to the TREE
+ GoOut = %F;
+ while ( (GoOut == %F) & (index1 <= (NumSub-1) ) );
+// index1 point to the position in the sub structure that I have to check if is present in the TREE
+// (if I have fn.S.C.... in my tree, I have to point to fn.S because I'll add a new branch for the R leaf)
+// I use Temp because I have to remember the previous position
+ Temp = TempStructure + "." + part(SubBranch(index1), [1 : length(SubBranch(index1))-1]);
+ [TempProt, FlagFind] = SearchFunctionName( Temp, TreeBase(1)(1) );
+ if FlagFind then
+// so, If Temp is present in the tree I upload the new position
+ index1 = index1 + 1;
+ TempStructure = Temp;
+ else
+// else, I have found the position where to add the sub branch
+ GoOut = %T;
+ end
+ end
+ else
+// If I don't found the function name I have to add it in the TREE
+ TreeBase(1)(1,$+1) = TempStructure;
+ TreeBase($+1) = "ERROR";
+ end
+// index1 is the position of the first sub branch that I have add in the TREE
+ for index = index1 : NumSub-1,
+// I extract the Leaf in the index position
+ TempLeaf = part( SubBranch(index), [1 : length( SubBranch(index) ) - 1] );
+// I have to verify if I point to a tree or to a leaf
+ dimension = eval("size(TreeBase." + TempStructure + ")");
+ if dimension(1) == 1 then
+// If I point to a leaf, I construct a temporany tree before to append the leaf
+ TempTreeBase = tlist( ["TempTreeBase", TempLeaf], "ERROR" );
+ TempCommand = "TreeBase." + TempStructure + " = TempTreeBase";
+ execstr( TempCommand );
+ else
+// else (is the case that I have in my structure fn.S.R.D.S.R.D.CINFO and I want to memorize fn.S.R.D.CINFO)
+// I add another branch
+ TempCommand = "TreeBase." + TempStructure + "(1)(1,$+1) = TempLeaf";
+ execstr( TempCommand );
+ TempCommand = "TreeBase." + TempStructure + "($+1) = ''ERROR''";
+ execstr( TempCommand );
+ end
+ TempStructure = TempStructure + "." + TempLeaf;
+ end
+ TempLeaf = part( SubBranch(NumSub), 1 : length( SubBranch(NumSub) ) );
+ if eval("TreeBase." + TempStructure + "(1)") == "ERROR" then
+// When I close the loop for I have to append the leaf CINFO,
+// but it is necessary to verify if we are at the end of the tree
+ TempTree = tlist( ["TempTree", "CINFO"], CINFO );
+ command = "TreeBase." + TempStructure + " = TempTree";
+ execstr( command );
+ else
+// se non trovo ERROR non è detto che possa trovare CINFO, quindi devo perfezzionare la ricera
+// if it isn't the end of the tree it is necessary to verify if I have CINFO
+ Temp = TempStructure + ".CINFO";
+ [TempProt, FlagFind] = SearchFunctionName( Temp, TreeBase(1)(1) );
+ if FlagFind
+// if there is CINFO, I add this information
+ TempCommand = "TreeBase." + TempStructure + ".CINFO($+1) = CINFO";
+ execstr( TempCommand );
+ else
+// else I append to the last CINFO the new one
+ TempCommand = "TreeBase." + TempStructure + "(1)(1,$+1) = ''CINFO''";
+ execstr( TempCommand );
+ TempCommand = "TreeBase." + TempStructure + "($+1) = CINFO";
+ execstr( TempCommand );
+ end
+ end