path: root/macros
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authorjofret2010-06-22 13:09:14 +0000
committerjofret2010-06-22 13:09:14 +0000
commit6bd68f23dcee0f8cff08b200af2ce26d51b047d2 (patch)
treecfc5e285706016915de98793be0083c0aec9ef35 /macros
parent0c067afb1bc36b90911b88317fb734719504f3fe (diff)
Remove personnal mail
Diffstat (limited to 'macros')
3 files changed, 39 insertions, 35 deletions
diff --git a/macros/ASTManagement/AST_HandleEndGenFun.sci b/macros/ASTManagement/AST_HandleEndGenFun.sci
index 3db11733..2c3bbfb9 100644
--- a/macros/ASTManagement/AST_HandleEndGenFun.sci
+++ b/macros/ASTManagement/AST_HandleEndGenFun.sci
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ function [FileInfo,SharedInfo] = AST_HandleEndGenFun(FileInfo,SharedInfo,ASTFunT
// Structure of Funcall:
// overloading function for "funcall" type tlist string function
// this is a node of the AST
-// fields:
+// fields:
// rhs : a list
// name : string, the name of the function
// lhsnb: number, the number of function lhs
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ Flag_FunAlreadyCalled = 0;
PrintStepInfo('Handling Funcall/Operation/Equal',FileInfo.Funct(nxtscifunnumber).ReportFileName,'file');
//NUT: da sistemare senza le global
-global SCI2CSTACK
+global SCI2CSTACK
global StackPosition;
// ---------------------------
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ global STACKDEDUG
if (ASTFunName == 'OpIns')
SharedInfo.SkipNextEqual = 1;
SharedInfo.Equal.Nins = SharedInfo.Equal.Nins + 1;
- //NUT: Force ins to have 0 args. Double check it.
+ //NUT: Force ins to have 0 args. Double check it.
NOutArg = 0;
//NUT: io aumenterei qui gli argomenti in ingresso della ins cosi qui vengono fatte tutte le modifiche del
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ if (ASTFunName == 'OpIns')
// 1 more input argument containing the values to be inserted in the matrix.
- NInArg = NInArg + 1;
+ NInArg = NInArg + 1;
InArg(NInArg).Name = SharedInfo.Equal.InArg(SharedInfo.Equal.Nins).Name;
InArg(NInArg).Scope = SharedInfo.Equal.InArg(SharedInfo.Equal.Nins).Scope;
elseif (ASTFunName == 'global')
@@ -97,8 +97,7 @@ elseif (ASTFunName == 'global')
if (NOutArg ~= 1)
PrintStringInfo(' ',ReportFileName,'both','y');
PrintStringInfo('SCI2CERROR: Unexpected number of output arguments for global function.',ReportFileName,'both','y');
- PrintStringInfo('SCI2CERROR: Please report this error to:',ReportFileName,'both','y');
- PrintStringInfo('SCI2CERROR:',ReportFileName,'both','y');
+ PrintStringInfo('SCI2CERROR: Please report this error to:',ReportFileName,'both','y');
PrintStringInfo(' ',ReportFileName,'both','y');
SCI2Cerror(' ');
@@ -145,13 +144,13 @@ if (ASTFunName == 'global')
- // That means it is the first time we encounter
+ // That means it is the first time we encounter
// this global variable and in C this means that
// we don't have to do nothing.
// SharedInfo.SkipNextFun = SharedInfo.SkipNextFun + 1;
SharedInfo.SkipNextFun = 1;
InArg(1).Type = 'GBLToBeDefined';
InArg(1).Size(1) = 'GBLToBeDefined';
InArg(1).Size(2) = 'GBLToBeDefined';
@@ -159,11 +158,11 @@ if (ASTFunName == 'global')
InArg(1).FindLike = %nan;
InArg(1).Dimension = %nan;
InArg(1).Scope = 'Global';
- // #RNU_RES_B
+ // #RNU_RES_B
PrintStringInfo('***Putting global variable in the symbol table***',ReportFileName,'file','y');
PrintStringInfo(' Symbol ""'+InArg(1).Name+'""',ReportFileName,'file','y');
PrintStringInfo(' Type: '+InArg(1).Type,ReportFileName,'file','y');
PrintStringInfo(' Size(1): '+string(InArg(1).Size(1)),ReportFileName,'file','y');
PrintStringInfo(' Size(2): '+string(InArg(1).Size(2)),ReportFileName,'file','y');
@@ -173,7 +172,7 @@ if (ASTFunName == 'global')
PrintStringInfo(' Scope: '+string(InArg(1).Scope),ReportFileName,'file','y');
PrintStringInfo(' ',ReportFileName,'file','y');
@@ -202,7 +201,7 @@ if (SharedInfo.ResizeApproach=='REALLOC_ALL_RESIZE_ALL')
InArg(cntin).Size(2) = '__'+InArg(cntin).Name+'Size[1]';
//#RNUREM_MERNU vedi se la seguente fa casino l'ho aggiunta in modo che agia=ones(1,3) sia generata come realloc ma non ho verificato.
- tmpscope = InArg(cntin).Scope;
+ tmpscope = InArg(cntin).Scope;
lengthNumber = length('Number_');
if (part(tmpscope,1:lengthNumber) == 'Number_')
//#RNUREM_ME RNU il problema e' che ones(3,1) allora l'output e' 3,1 e come faccio a trasformare 3 e 1 in simboli in modo tale che realloco anziche' allocare
@@ -237,26 +236,26 @@ elseif ((ASTFunName == 'OpMinus') & (NInArg == 1) & (InArg(1).Dimension == 0)&(I
// -1 is not translated as tmp = OpMinus(1), but
// it is considered as a single entity "-1"
- SharedInfo.SkipNextFun = 1; //RN: SISTEMAMI
+ SharedInfo.SkipNextFun = 1; //RN: SISTEMAMI
OutArg(1).Type = InArg(1).Type;
OutArg(1).Size = InArg(1).Size;
OutArg(1).Dimension = InArg(1).Dimension;
OutArg(1).Value = -InArg(1).Value;
OutArg(1).FindLike = InArg(1).FindLike;
- OutArg(1).Scope = 'Number_'+InArg(1).Type;
+ OutArg(1).Scope = 'Number_'+InArg(1).Type;
elseif ((ASTFunName == 'float') & (NInArg == 1) & (InArg(1).Dimension == 0) & (InArg(1).Scope == 'Number'))
// --- Manage OpMinus when applied to scalars. ---
// -1 is not translated as tmp = OpMinus(1), but
// it is considered as a single entity "-1"
- SharedInfo.SkipNextFun = 1; //RN: SISTEMAMI
+ SharedInfo.SkipNextFun = 1; //RN: SISTEMAMI
OutArg(1).Type = InArg(1).Type;
OutArg(1).Size = InArg(1).Size;
OutArg(1).Dimension = InArg(1).Dimension;
OutArg(1).Value = InArg(1).Value;
OutArg(1).FindLike = InArg(1).FindLike;
- OutArg(1).Scope = 'Number_s';
+ OutArg(1).Scope = 'Number_s';
elseif ((ASTFunName == 'double') & (NInArg == 1) & (InArg(1).Dimension == 0) & (InArg(1).Scope == 'Number'))
// --- Manage OpMinus when applied to scalars. ---
@@ -265,27 +264,27 @@ elseif ((ASTFunName == 'double') & (NInArg == 1) & (InArg(1).Dimension == 0) & (
SharedInfo.SkipNextFun = 1;
- SharedInfo.SkipNextFun = 1; //RN: SISTEMAMI
+ SharedInfo.SkipNextFun = 1; //RN: SISTEMAMI
OutArg(1).Type = InArg(1).Type;
OutArg(1).Size = InArg(1).Size;
OutArg(1).Dimension = InArg(1).Dimension;
OutArg(1).Value = InArg(1).Value;
OutArg(1).FindLike = InArg(1).FindLike;
- OutArg(1).Scope = 'Number_d';
+ OutArg(1).Scope = 'Number_d';
OutArg = FA_GetOutArgInfo(InArg,NInArg,OutArg,NOutArg,SharedInfo,FunPrecSpecifier,FunTypeAnnot,FunSizeAnnot,ReportFileName);
// --- Generate the names for the output arguments. ---
-// Update of OutArg.Name and OutArg.Scope fields.
+// Update of OutArg.Name and OutArg.Scope fields.
if ((ASTFunName == 'OpMinus') & (NInArg == 1) & (InArg(1).Dimension == 0) & (InArg(1).Scope == 'Number'))
- OutArg(1).Name = string(OutArg(1).Value);
+ OutArg(1).Name = string(OutArg(1).Value);
elseif ((ASTFunName == 'float') & (NInArg == 1) & (InArg(1).Dimension == 0) & (InArg(1).Scope == 'Number'))
- OutArg(1).Name = string(OutArg(1).Value);
+ OutArg(1).Name = string(OutArg(1).Value);
elseif ((ASTFunName == 'double') & (NInArg == 1) & (InArg(1).Dimension == 0) & (InArg(1).Scope == 'Number'))
- OutArg(1).Name = string(OutArg(1).Value);
+ OutArg(1).Name = string(OutArg(1).Value);
[OutArg,SharedInfo] = GenOutArgNames(ASTFunName,InArg,NInArg,OutArg,NOutArg,LhsArg,NLhsArg,FileInfo,SharedInfo);
@@ -366,7 +365,7 @@ end
if (sum(SharedInfo.CFunctsAlreadyCalled == CFunName) == 1)
Flag_FunAlreadyCalled = 1;
//#RNUREM_ME Add the C function name to the list of C functions called in the current .sci file.
SharedInfo.CFunctsAlreadyCalled(size(SharedInfo.CFunctsAlreadyCalled,1)+1) = CFunName;
@@ -386,7 +385,7 @@ GenCFunDatFiles(ASTFunName,FunPrecSpecifier,FunTypeAnnot,FunSizeAnnot,InArg,NInA
// -----------------------------------
// --- Update SCI2C Function List. ---
// -----------------------------------
-// Functions that are not already available in C are stored
+// Functions that are not already available in C are stored
// in the SCI2C Function List and converted in C at the end of
// the translation of the current .sci file.
//NUT: il problema della d0d0OpEqual dovrebbe essere legato al fatto che cerco di fare la opequal legata alla ins...
@@ -419,7 +418,7 @@ load(FunInfoDatFileName,'FunInfo');
// --- Generate include. ---
-if ((Flag_FunAlreadyCalled == 0) & (FunInfo.LibTypeInfo == 'USER2C') & (SharedInfo.NextCFunName ~= CFunName))
+if ((Flag_FunAlreadyCalled == 0) & (FunInfo.LibTypeInfo == 'USER2C') & (SharedInfo.NextCFunName ~= CFunName))
// (SharedInfo.NextCFunName ~= CFunName) I don't want an include in the same file. Ex. in main.h I don't want include "main.h"
PrintStringInfo('Adding include',ReportFileName,'file','y');
diff --git a/macros/ASTManagement/AST_HandleWhileStatem.sci b/macros/ASTManagement/AST_HandleWhileStatem.sci
index 5c823ab3..45d434f0 100644
--- a/macros/ASTManagement/AST_HandleWhileStatem.sci
+++ b/macros/ASTManagement/AST_HandleWhileStatem.sci
@@ -20,19 +20,19 @@ function [FileInfo,SharedInfo] = AST_HandleWhileStatem(FileInfo,SharedInfo)
// Status:
// 20-Jan-2008 -- Edoardo Nutricato: Author.
// 20-Jan-2008 -- Rubby Nutricato: Minor Changes.
// Copyright 2007 Raffaele Nutricato.
// Contact:
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
-//NUT: accertati che l'epilogo e il prologo del while siano effettivamente differenti o se
+//NUT: accertati che l'epilogo e il prologo del while siano effettivamente differenti o se
//NUT: si puo' avere un solo file utilizzato sia per il prologo che per l'epilogo.
//NUT: da sistemare senza le global
-global SCI2CSTACK
+global SCI2CSTACK
global StackPosition;
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ if(SharedInfo.WhileExpr.CondVar == '')
// The while condition variable is generated by the HandleEndGenFun.
- // --- Pop the name of the condition variable or number. ---
+ // --- Pop the name of the condition variable or number. ---
Pop1 = AST_PopASTStack();
[ArgName,ArgScope] = AST_ExtractNameAndScope(Pop1);
@@ -84,12 +84,12 @@ if(SharedInfo.WhileExpr.CondVar == '')
PrintStringInfo(' ',ReportFileName,'both','y');
PrintStringInfo('SCI2CERROR: Expected while(variable) or while(number).','','stdout','y');
PrintStringInfo('SCI2CERROR: Expected a variable or number in the AST while expression.','','stdout','y');
- PrintStringInfo('SCI2CERROR: Report this error to','','stdout','y');
+ PrintStringInfo('SCI2CERROR: Report this error to','','stdout','y');
PrintStringInfo(' ',ReportFileName,'both','y');
SCI2Cerror(' ');
SCI2Cerror('Expected a conditional variable in the while expression');
SharedInfo.WhileExpr.CondVar = ArgName;
// --- Repush strings into the AST stack. ---
diff --git a/macros/CCodeGeneration/C_SCI2CHeader.sci b/macros/CCodeGeneration/C_SCI2CHeader.sci
index 5e8acd5d..b545bc8a 100644
--- a/macros/CCodeGeneration/C_SCI2CHeader.sci
+++ b/macros/CCodeGeneration/C_SCI2CHeader.sci
@@ -28,11 +28,16 @@ SCI2CNInArgCheck(argn(2),1,1);
// --- End Initialization. ---
// ---------------------------
PrintStringInfo('** ************************************************',FileName,'file','y');
-PrintStringInfo('** hArtes/POLIBA SCILAB2C',FileName,'file','y');
-PrintStringInfo('** Contact:',FileName,'file','y');
+PrintStringInfo('** This file has been generated using',FileName,'file','y');
+PrintStringInfo('** Scilab2C (Version 2.0)',FileName,'file','y');
+PrintStringInfo('** Please visit following links for more informations:',FileName,'file','y');
+PrintStringInfo('** Atoms Module:',FileName,'file','y');
+PrintStringInfo('** Scilab2C Forge:',FileName,'file','y');
+PrintStringInfo('** Scilab2C ML:',FileName,'file','y');
PrintStringInfo('** ************************************************',FileName,'file','y');
PrintStringInfo(' ',FileName,'file','y');