path: root/macros/sci2c_gui.sci
diff options
authorAbhinav Dronamraju2017-09-29 22:00:40 +0530
committerAbhinav Dronamraju2017-09-29 22:00:40 +0530
commit9bc7ad78e8d7d7acc4b9387aa592542832e80b31 (patch)
tree7fce060665a91de5e5adb12d02003351c3d1fdfc /macros/sci2c_gui.sci
parent33755eb085a3ca8154cf83773b23fbb8aac4ba3e (diff)
parentac0045f12ad3d0938758e9742f4107a334e1afaa (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/sci2c_gui.sci')
1 files changed, 108 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/macros/sci2c_gui.sci b/macros/sci2c_gui.sci
index e6b0530c..cad8b247 100644
--- a/macros/sci2c_gui.sci
+++ b/macros/sci2c_gui.sci
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ margin = 13;
radiow = 85;
// Figure creation
-sci2cfig = figure("figure_name", gettext("Scilab to C conversion tool"),"tag","sci2cfig", "visible", "off");
+sci2cfig = figure("figure_name", gettext("Scilab to C conversion tool"),"tag","sci2cfig");
// Remove Scilab graphics menus & toolbar
delmenu(sci2cfig.figure_id, gettext("&File"));
@@ -38,8 +38,10 @@ uimenu("parent", h, "label", gettext("Sci2c help page"), "callback", "cb_sci2c_g
uimenu("parent", h, "label", gettext("About SCI2C tools..."), "callback", "cb_sci2c_gui", "tag", "about_sci2c_menu");
figw = 800;
-figh = 15*margin + btnh + 7*widgeth;
+figh = 16*margin + btnh + 10*widgeth;
sci2cfig.axes_size = [figw figh];
+sci2cfig.auto_resize = "on";
+//sci2cfig.visible = "off"; // to be sure that no plot can appear in the window
// --- Validation ---
@@ -74,9 +76,10 @@ cancelbtn = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
// Frame
optframe = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
+ "relief", "groove",...
"style", "frame",...
"units", "pixels",...
- "position", [margin 2*margin+btnh figw-2*margin 4*margin+4*widgeth],...
+ "position", [margin 2*margin+btnh figw-2*margin 7*margin+6*widgeth],...
"fontname", defaultfont,...
"fontunits", "points",...
"fontsize", 12,...
@@ -87,7 +90,7 @@ opttitle = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
"style", "text",...
"string", gettext("Options"),...
"units", "pixels",...
- "position", [2*margin 2*margin+btnh+4*margin+4*widgeth-8 50 14],...
+ "position", [2*margin 5*margin+btnh+4*margin+6*widgeth-8 50 18],...
"fontname", defaultfont,...
"fontunits", "points",...
"fontsize", 11,...
@@ -172,8 +175,103 @@ sciintocradiono = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
"callback", "cb_sci2c_gui",...
"tag", "sciintocradiono");
+// --- Board Name ----
+brdnmy = sciintocy + margin + btnh ;
+brdnmlabel = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
+ "style", "text",...
+ "string", gettext("Board Name: "),...
+ "position",[2*margin brdnmy widgetLabelWidth widgeth],...
+ "horizontalalignment", "left",...
+ "fontname", defaultfont,...
+ "fontunits", "points",...
+ "fontsize", 12);
+brdnmType = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
+ "style", "popupmenu",...
+ "string", ["";"Uno";"Mega-ATmega1280";"Mega-2560 or Mega ADK";"Nano - ATmega168";"Nano - ATmega328";"Micro";"Mini - Atmega168";"Mini - Atmega328";"Pro Mini (3.3V, 8MHz) - ATmega328";"Pro Mini (3.3V, 8MHz) - ATmega168";"Pro Mini (5V, 16MHz) - ATmega328";"Pro Mini (5V, 16MHz) - ATmega168";"NG or older - ATmega168";"NG or older - ATmega8";"Duemilanove - ATmega328";"BT - ATmega328";"BT - ATmega 168";"Diecimila/Duemilanove - ATmega168";"Esplora";"Ethernet";"Fio";"Leonardo";"Robot Control";"Robot Motor";"LilyPad Arduino - ATmega328";"LilyPad Arduino - ATmega168";"LilyPad Arduino USB"],...
+ "position",[2*margin+widgetLabelWidth brdnmy 3*radiow widgeth],...
+ "horizontalalignment", "left",...
+ "fontname", defaultfont,...
+ "enable", "off",...
+ "fontunits", "points",...
+ "fontsize", 12,...
+ "min", 0, ...
+ "max", 1, ...
+ "value", [1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0],...
+ "callback", "cb_sci2c_gui",...
+ "tag", "brdnmType");
+sciintocy = brdnmy
+// --- Output format: Standalone or Arduino
+outformaty = sciintocy + margin + btnh ;
+outformatlabel = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
+ "style", "text",...
+ "string", gettext("Type of output format: "),...
+ "position",[2*margin outformaty widgetLabelWidth widgeth],...
+ "horizontalalignment", "left",...
+ "fontname", defaultfont,...
+ "fontunits", "points",...
+ "fontsize", 12);
+outformatradiostalone = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
+ "style", "radiobutton",...
+ "string", gettext("Stand-alone"),...
+ "position",[2*margin+widgetLabelWidth outformaty 2*radiow-10 widgeth],...
+ "horizontalalignment", "left",...
+ "fontname", defaultfont,...
+ "fontunits", "points",...
+ "fontsize", 12,...
+ "min", 0, ...
+ "max", 1, ...
+ "value", 1,...
+ "callback", "cb_sci2c_gui",...
+ "tag", "outformatradiostalone");
+outformatradioarduino = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
+ "style", "radiobutton",...
+ "string", gettext("Arduino"),...
+ "position",[margin+widgetLabelWidth+2*radiow outformaty radiow widgeth],...
+ "horizontalalignment", "left",...
+ "fontname", defaultfont,...
+ "fontunits", "points",...
+ "fontsize", 12,...
+ "min", 0, ...
+ "max", 1, ...
+ "value", 0,...
+ "callback", "cb_sci2c_gui",...
+ "tag", "outformatradioarduino");
+outformatradioavr = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
+ "style", "radiobutton",...
+ "string", gettext("AVR"),...
+ "position",[margin+widgetLabelWidth+3*radiow outformaty radiow widgeth],...
+ "horizontalalignment", "left",...
+ "fontname", defaultfont,...
+ "fontunits", "points",...
+ "fontsize", 12,...
+ "min", 0, ...
+ "max", 1, ...
+ "value", 0,...
+ "callback", "cb_sci2c_gui",...
+ "tag", "outformatradioavr");
+outformatradiorpi = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
+ "style", "radiobutton",...
+ "string", gettext("Rpi"),...
+ "position",[margin+widgetLabelWidth+4*radiow outformaty radiow widgeth],...
+ "horizontalalignment", "left",...
+ "fontname", defaultfont,...
+ "fontunits", "points",...
+ "fontsize", 12,...
+ "min", 0, ...
+ "max", 1, ...
+ "value", 0,...
+ "callback", "cb_sci2c_gui",...
+ "tag", "outformatradiorpi");
// --- Run mode option ---
-runy = sciintocy + margin + widgeth;
+runy = outformaty + margin + widgeth;
runlabel = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
"style", "text",...
"string", gettext("Run mode: "),...
@@ -211,7 +309,7 @@ runradiotranslate = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
runradiogenlib = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
"style", "radiobutton",...
"string", gettext("Generate library"),...
- "position",[2*margin+widgetLabelWidth+2*radiow runy 120 widgeth],...
+ "position",[2*margin+widgetLabelWidth+2*radiow+20 runy 150 widgeth],...
"horizontalalignment", "left",...
"fontname", defaultfont,...
"fontunits", "points",...
@@ -226,8 +324,9 @@ runradiogenlib = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
// --- Output directory ---
// ------------------------
// Frame
-optframemaxy = 2*margin+btnh + 4*margin+4*widgeth;
+optframemaxy = 5*margin+btnh + 4*margin+6*widgeth;
outframe = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
+ "relief", "groove",...
"style", "frame",...
"units", "pixels",...
"position", [margin optframemaxy+margin figw-2*margin widgeth+2*margin],...
@@ -280,6 +379,7 @@ outbtn = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
// Frame
outframemaxy = optframemaxy + 2*margin + widgeth + margin;
// headerframe = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
+// "relief", "groove",...
// "style", "frame",...
// "units", "pixels",...
// "position", [margin outframemaxy+margin figw-2*margin widgeth+2*margin],...
@@ -332,6 +432,7 @@ outframemaxy = optframemaxy + 2*margin + widgeth + margin;
// Frame
headerframemaxy = outframemaxy //+ 2*margin + widgeth + margin;
selframe = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
+ "relief", "groove",...
"style", "frame",...
"units", "pixels",...
"position", [margin headerframemaxy+margin figw-2*margin 3*margin+2*widgeth],...
@@ -412,6 +513,4 @@ filebtn = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
"callback", "cb_sci2c_gui",...
"tag", "filebtn");
-sci2cfig.visible = "on";