path: root/macros/sci2c_gui.sci
diff options
authorSandeep Gupta2017-06-18 23:55:40 +0530
committerSandeep Gupta2017-06-18 23:55:40 +0530
commit277d1edfa17bf3719d90ddbac8e31f6181e952c3 (patch)
tree0661f1f52af0a0fd654edd4984c30e57037303c6 /macros/sci2c_gui.sci
First commit
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/sci2c_gui.sci')
1 files changed, 488 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/sci2c_gui.sci b/macros/sci2c_gui.sci
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6dbd4628
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/sci2c_gui.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,488 @@
+// Scilab ( ) - This file is part of Scilab
+// Copyright (C) 2009 - INRIA - Vincent COUVERT
+// This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+// This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+// you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+// are also available at
+function sci2c_gui()
+// Sizes
+widgeth = 20;
+widgetLabelWidth = 220;
+btnh = 22;
+btnw = 80;
+defaultfont = "arial";
+margin = 13;
+radiow = 85;
+// Figure creation
+sci2cfig = figure("figure_name", gettext("Scilab to C conversion tool"),"tag","sci2cfig");
+// Remove Scilab graphics menus & toolbar
+delmenu(sci2cfig.figure_id, gettext("&File"));
+delmenu(sci2cfig.figure_id, gettext("&Tools"));
+delmenu(sci2cfig.figure_id, gettext("&Edit"));
+delmenu(sci2cfig.figure_id, gettext("&?"));
+toolbar(sci2cfig.figure_id, "off");
+h = uimenu("parent", sci2cfig, "label", gettext("File"));
+uimenu("parent", h, "label", gettext("Close"), "callback", "cb_sci2c_gui", "tag", "close_menu");
+h = uimenu("parent", sci2cfig, "label", gettext("?"));
+uimenu("parent", h, "label", gettext("Sci2c help page"), "callback", "cb_sci2c_gui", "tag", "sci2c_help_menu");
+uimenu("parent", h, "label", gettext("About SCI2C tools..."), "callback", "cb_sci2c_gui", "tag", "about_sci2c_menu");
+figw = 800;
+figh = 15*margin + btnh + 9*widgeth;
+sci2cfig.axes_size = [figw figh];
+sci2cfig.auto_resize = "on";
+//sci2cfig.visible = "off"; // to be sure that no plot can appear in the window
+// --- Validation ---
+// Convert button
+convertbtn = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
+ "backgroundcolor", [0.8 0.8 0.8],...
+ "style", "pushbutton",...
+ "string", gettext("Convert"),...
+ "position", [figw-2*margin-2*btnw margin btnw btnh],...
+ "fontname", defaultfont,...
+ "fontunits", "points",...
+ "fontsize", 12,...
+ "tag","convertbtn",...
+ "callback","cb_sci2c_gui");
+// Cancel button
+cancelbtn = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
+ "backgroundcolor", [0.8 0.8 0.8],...
+ "style", "pushbutton",...
+ "string", gettext("Cancel"),...
+ "position", [figw-margin-btnw margin btnw btnh],...
+ "fontname", defaultfont,...
+ "fontunits", "points",...
+ "fontsize", 12,...
+ "tag", "cancelbtn",...
+ "callback","cb_sci2c_gui");
+// --- Options ---
+// Frame
+optframe = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
+ "relief", "groove",...
+ "style", "frame",...
+ "units", "pixels",...
+ "position", [margin 2*margin+btnh figw-2*margin 4*margin+6*widgeth],...
+ "fontname", defaultfont,...
+ "fontunits", "points",...
+ "fontsize", 12,...
+ "fontweight", "bold", ...
+ "horizontalalignment", "center");
+// Frame title
+opttitle = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
+ "style", "text",...
+ "string", gettext("Options"),...
+ "units", "pixels",...
+ "position", [2*margin 2*margin+btnh+4*margin+6*widgeth-8 50 18],...
+ "fontname", defaultfont,...
+ "fontunits", "points",...
+ "fontsize", 11,...
+ "horizontalalignment", "center");
+// --- Building Tool ---
+buildtooly = 2 * margin + 2 * btnh + margin;
+buildtoollabel = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
+ "style", "text",...
+ "string", gettext("Tool to compile generated C code: "),...
+ "position",[2*margin buildtooly widgetLabelWidth widgeth],...
+ "horizontalalignment", "left",...
+ "fontname", defaultfont,...
+ "fontunits", "points",...
+ "fontsize", 12);
+buildtoolradiowin = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
+ "style", "radiobutton",...
+ "string", gettext("nmake for Windows with Visual Studio / Visual Express"),...
+ "position",[2*margin+widgetLabelWidth buildtooly 5 * radiow widgeth],...
+ "horizontalalignment", "left",...
+ "fontname", defaultfont,...
+ "fontunits", "points",...
+ "fontsize", 12,...
+ "min", 0, ...
+ "max", 1, ...
+ "callback", "cb_sci2c_gui",...
+ "tag", "buildtoolradiowin");
+buildtoolradiounix = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
+ "style", "radiobutton",...
+ "string", gettext("make for Unix / Windows with Cygwin"),...
+ "position",[2*margin+widgetLabelWidth buildtooly-widgeth 5 * radiow widgeth],...
+ "horizontalalignment", "left",...
+ "fontname", defaultfont,...
+ "fontunits", "points",...
+ "fontsize", 12,...
+ "min", 0, ...
+ "max", 1, ...
+ "callback", "cb_sci2c_gui",...
+ "tag", "buildtoolradiounix");
+if getos() == "Windows"
+ set(buildtoolradiowin, "value", 1);
+ set(buildtoolradiounix, "value", 0);
+ set(buildtoolradiowin, "value", 0);
+ set(buildtoolradiounix, "value", 1);
+// --- Copy Scilab code into C option ---
+sciintocy = buildtooly + margin + btnh ;
+sciintoclabel = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
+ "style", "text",...
+ "string", gettext("Copy Scilab code into C: "),...
+ "position",[2*margin sciintocy widgetLabelWidth widgeth],...
+ "horizontalalignment", "left",...
+ "fontname", defaultfont,...
+ "fontunits", "points",...
+ "fontsize", 12);
+sciintocradioyes = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
+ "style", "radiobutton",...
+ "string", gettext("Yes"),...
+ "position",[2*margin+widgetLabelWidth sciintocy radiow widgeth],...
+ "horizontalalignment", "left",...
+ "fontname", defaultfont,...
+ "fontunits", "points",...
+ "fontsize", 12,...
+ "min", 0, ...
+ "max", 1, ...
+ "value", 0,...
+ "callback", "cb_sci2c_gui",...
+ "tag", "sciintocradioyes");
+sciintocradiono = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
+ "style", "radiobutton",...
+ "string", gettext("No"),...
+ "position",[2*margin+widgetLabelWidth+radiow sciintocy radiow widgeth],...
+ "horizontalalignment", "left",...
+ "fontname", defaultfont,...
+ "fontunits", "points",...
+ "fontsize", 12,...
+ "min", 0, ...
+ "max", 1, ...
+ "value", 1,...
+ "callback", "cb_sci2c_gui",...
+ "tag", "sciintocradiono");
+// --- Output format: Standalone or Arduino
+outformaty = sciintocy + margin + btnh ;
+outformatlabel = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
+ "style", "text",...
+ "string", gettext("Type of output format: "),...
+ "position",[2*margin outformaty widgetLabelWidth widgeth],...
+ "horizontalalignment", "left",...
+ "fontname", defaultfont,...
+ "fontunits", "points",...
+ "fontsize", 12);
+outformatradiostalone = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
+ "style", "radiobutton",...
+ "string", gettext("Stand-alone"),...
+ "position",[2*margin+widgetLabelWidth outformaty 2*radiow widgeth],...
+ "horizontalalignment", "left",...
+ "fontname", defaultfont,...
+ "fontunits", "points",...
+ "fontsize", 12,...
+ "min", 0, ...
+ "max", 1, ...
+ "value", 1,...
+ "callback", "cb_sci2c_gui",...
+ "tag", "outformatradiostalone");
+outformatradioarduino = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
+ "style", "radiobutton",...
+ "string", gettext("Arduino"),...
+ "position",[margin+widgetLabelWidth+2*radiow outformaty radiow widgeth],...
+ "horizontalalignment", "left",...
+ "fontname", defaultfont,...
+ "fontunits", "points",...
+ "fontsize", 12,...
+ "min", 0, ...
+ "max", 1, ...
+ "value", 0,...
+ "callback", "cb_sci2c_gui",...
+ "tag", "outformatradioarduino");
+outformatradioavr = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
+ "style", "radiobutton",...
+ "string", gettext("AVR"),...
+ "position",[margin+widgetLabelWidth+3*radiow outformaty radiow widgeth],...
+ "horizontalalignment", "left",...
+ "fontname", defaultfont,...
+ "fontunits", "points",...
+ "fontsize", 12,...
+ "min", 0, ...
+ "max", 1, ...
+ "value", 0,...
+ "callback", "cb_sci2c_gui",...
+ "tag", "outformatradioavr");
+outformatradiorpi = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
+ "style", "radiobutton",...
+ "string", gettext("Rpi"),...
+ "position",[margin+widgetLabelWidth+4*radiow outformaty radiow widgeth],...
+ "horizontalalignment", "left",...
+ "fontname", defaultfont,...
+ "fontunits", "points",...
+ "fontsize", 12,...
+ "min", 0, ...
+ "max", 1, ...
+ "value", 0,...
+ "callback", "cb_sci2c_gui",...
+ "tag", "outformatradiorpi");
+// --- Run mode option ---
+runy = outformaty + margin + widgeth;
+runlabel = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
+ "style", "text",...
+ "string", gettext("Run mode: "),...
+ "position",[2*margin runy widgetLabelWidth widgeth],...
+ "horizontalalignment", "left",...
+ "fontname", defaultfont,...
+ "fontunits", "points",...
+ "fontsize", 12);
+runradioall = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
+ "style", "radiobutton",...
+ "string", gettext("All"),...
+ "position",[2*margin+widgetLabelWidth runy radiow widgeth],...
+ "horizontalalignment", "left",...
+ "fontname", defaultfont,...
+ "fontunits", "points",...
+ "fontsize", 12,...
+ "min", 0, ...
+ "max", 1, ...
+ "value", 1,...
+ "callback", "cb_sci2c_gui",...
+ "tag", "runradioall");
+runradiotranslate = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
+ "style", "radiobutton",...
+ "string", gettext("Translate"),...
+ "position",[2*margin+widgetLabelWidth+radiow runy radiow widgeth],...
+ "horizontalalignment", "left",...
+ "fontname", defaultfont,...
+ "fontunits", "points",...
+ "fontsize", 12,...
+ "min", 0, ...
+ "max", 1, ...
+ "value", 0,...
+ "callback", "cb_sci2c_gui",...
+ "tag", "runradiotranslate");
+runradiogenlib = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
+ "style", "radiobutton",...
+ "string", gettext("Generate library"),...
+ "position",[2*margin+widgetLabelWidth+2*radiow runy 120 widgeth],...
+ "horizontalalignment", "left",...
+ "fontname", defaultfont,...
+ "fontunits", "points",...
+ "fontsize", 12,...
+ "min", 0, ...
+ "max", 1, ...
+ "value", 0,...
+ "callback", "cb_sci2c_gui",...
+ "tag", "runradiogenlib");
+// ------------------------
+// --- Output directory ---
+// ------------------------
+// Frame
+optframemaxy = 2*margin+btnh + 4*margin+6*widgeth;
+outframe = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
+ "relief", "groove",...
+ "style", "frame",...
+ "units", "pixels",...
+ "position", [margin optframemaxy+margin figw-2*margin widgeth+2*margin],...
+ "fontname", defaultfont,...
+ "fontunits", "points",...
+ "fontsize", 12,...
+ "fontweight", "bold", ...
+ "horizontalalignment", "center");
+// Frame title
+outtitle = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
+ "style", "text",...
+ "string", gettext("Output directory"),...
+ "units", "pixels",...
+ "position", [2*margin optframemaxy+margin+widgeth+2*margin-8 90 14],...
+ "fontname", defaultfont,...
+ "fontunits", "points",...
+ "fontsize", 11,...
+ "horizontalalignment", "center");
+outlabel = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
+ "style", "text",...
+ "string", gettext("Directory name: "),...
+ "position",[2*margin optframemaxy+2*margin-1 100 widgeth],...
+ "horizontalalignment", "left",...
+ "fontname", defaultfont,...
+ "fontunits", "points",...
+ "fontsize", 12);
+outedit = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
+ "style", "edit",...
+ "string", TMPDIR,...
+ "units", "pixels",...
+ "position",[3*margin+100 optframemaxy+2*margin-1 figw-6*margin-100-btnw widgeth],...
+ "fontname", defaultfont,...
+ "fontunits", "points",...
+ "fontsize", 12, ...
+ "tag", "outedit");
+outbtn = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
+ "backgroundcolor", [0.8 0.8 0.8],...
+ "style", "pushbutton",...
+ "string", gettext("Browse"),...
+ "position",[figw-2*margin-btnw optframemaxy+2*margin btnw btnh],...
+ "fontname", defaultfont,...
+ "fontunits", "points",...
+ "fontsize", 12,...
+ "callback", "cb_sci2c_gui",...
+ "tag", "outbtn");
+// -------------------------------
+// --- SciLib main header file ---
+// -------------------------------
+// Frame
+outframemaxy = optframemaxy + 2*margin + widgeth + margin;
+// headerframe = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
+// "relief", "groove",...
+// "style", "frame",...
+// "units", "pixels",...
+// "position", [margin outframemaxy+margin figw-2*margin widgeth+2*margin],...
+// "fontname", defaultfont,...
+// "fontunits", "points",...
+// "fontsize", 12,...
+// "fontweight", "bold", ...
+// "horizontalalignment", "center");
+// // Frame title
+// headertitle = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
+// "style", "text",...
+// "string", gettext("Scilab library header"),...
+// "units", "pixels",...
+// "position", [2*margin outframemaxy+margin+widgeth+2*margin-8 110 14],...
+// "fontname", defaultfont,...
+// "fontunits", "points",...
+// "fontsize", 11,...
+// "horizontalalignment", "center");
+// headerlabel = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
+// "style", "text",...
+// "string", gettext("File name: "),...
+// "position",[2*margin outframemaxy+2*margin-1 100 widgeth],...
+// "horizontalalignment", "left",...
+// "fontname", defaultfont,...
+// "fontunits", "points",...
+// "fontsize", 12);
+// headeredit = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
+// "style", "edit",...
+// "string", gettext("<enter a file name>"),...
+// "units", "pixels",...
+// "position",[3*margin+100 outframemaxy+2*margin-1 figw-6*margin-100-btnw widgeth],...
+// "fontname", defaultfont,...
+// "fontunits", "points",...
+// "fontsize", 12, ...
+// "tag", "headeredit");
+// headerbtn = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
+// "backgroundcolor", [0.8 0.8 0.8],...
+// "style", "pushbutton",...
+// "string", gettext("Browse"),...
+// "position",[figw-2*margin-btnw outframemaxy+2*margin btnw btnh],...
+// "fontname", defaultfont,...
+// "fontunits", "points",...
+// "fontsize", 12,...
+// "callback", "cb_sci2c_gui",...
+// "tag", "headerbtn");
+// -------------------------
+// --- File(s) selection ---
+// -------------------------
+// Frame
+headerframemaxy = outframemaxy //+ 2*margin + widgeth + margin;
+selframe = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
+ "relief", "groove",...
+ "style", "frame",...
+ "units", "pixels",...
+ "position", [margin headerframemaxy+margin figw-2*margin 3*margin+2*widgeth],...
+ "fontname", "arial",...
+ "fontunits", "points",...
+ "fontsize", 12,...
+ "fontweight", "bold", ...
+ "horizontalalignment", "center");
+// Frame title
+seltitle = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
+ "style", "text",...
+ "string", gettext("Input file"),...
+ "units", "pixels",...
+ "position", [2*margin headerframemaxy+margin+3*margin+2*widgeth-8 50 14],...
+ "fontname", defaultfont,...
+ "fontunits", "points",...
+ "fontsize", 11,...
+ "horizontalalignment", "center", ...
+ "tag", "seltitle");
+// --- Sub-functions selection ---
+subfunslabel = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
+ "style", "text",...
+ "string", gettext("Sub-functions: "),...
+ "position",[2*margin headerframemaxy+2*margin-1 100 widgeth],...
+ "horizontalalignment", "left",...
+ "fontname", defaultfont,...
+ "fontunits", "points",...
+ "fontsize", 12);
+subfunsedit = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
+ "style", "edit",...
+ "string", "",...
+ "units", "pixels",...
+ "position",[3*margin+100 headerframemaxy+2*margin-1 figw-6*margin-100-btnw widgeth],...
+ "fontname", defaultfont,...
+ "fontunits", "points",...
+ "fontsize", 12, ...
+ "tag", "subfunsedit");
+subfunsbtn = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
+ "backgroundcolor", [0.8 0.8 0.8],...
+ "style", "pushbutton",...
+ "string", gettext("Browse"),...
+ "position",[figw-2*margin-btnw headerframemaxy+2*margin btnw btnh],...
+ "fontname", defaultfont,...
+ "fontunits", "points",...
+ "fontsize", 12,...
+ "callback", "cb_sci2c_gui",...
+ "tag", "subfunsbtn");
+// --- File selection ---
+filelabel = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
+ "style", "text",...
+ "string", gettext("Main file name: "),...
+ "position",[2*margin headerframemaxy+3*margin-1+widgeth 100 widgeth],...
+ "horizontalalignment", "left",...
+ "fontname", defaultfont,...
+ "fontunits", "points",...
+ "fontsize", 12,...
+ "tag", "filelabel");
+fileedit = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
+ "style", "edit",...
+ "string", gettext("<enter a file name>"),...
+ "position",[3*margin+100 headerframemaxy+3*margin-1+widgeth figw-6*margin-100-btnw widgeth],...
+ "fontname", defaultfont,...
+ "fontunits", "points",...
+ "fontsize", 12,...
+ "tag", "fileedit");
+filebtn = uicontrol("parent", sci2cfig,...
+ "backgroundcolor", [0.8 0.8 0.8],...
+ "style", "pushbutton",...
+ "string", gettext("Browse"),...
+ "position",[figw-2*margin-btnw headerframemaxy+3*margin+widgeth btnw btnh],...
+ "fontname", defaultfont,...
+ "fontunits", "points",...
+ "fontsize", 12,...
+ "callback", "cb_sci2c_gui",...
+ "tag", "filebtn");