path: root/macros/ASTManagement/AST_HandleEndGenFun.sci
diff options
authorsiddhu89902015-12-17 14:48:36 +0530
committersiddhu89902015-12-23 11:26:29 +0530
commit329613eb48542f24bb9014a0a617b05199726e99 (patch)
treebf571563bb735fc2ccd9a300a952f8557667fd77 /macros/ASTManagement/AST_HandleEndGenFun.sci
parent96b51a5ded447676d493be9721e4480065a5ae7e (diff)
Code generation for Arduino changed. DC motor added to Arduino.
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/ASTManagement/AST_HandleEndGenFun.sci')
1 files changed, 387 insertions, 370 deletions
diff --git a/macros/ASTManagement/AST_HandleEndGenFun.sci b/macros/ASTManagement/AST_HandleEndGenFun.sci
index f9515cd1..f6ae58e7 100644
--- a/macros/ASTManagement/AST_HandleEndGenFun.sci
+++ b/macros/ASTManagement/AST_HandleEndGenFun.sci
@@ -46,7 +46,11 @@ ReportFileName = FileInfo.Funct(nxtscifunnumber).ReportFileName;
Pass1HeaderFileName = FileInfo.Funct(nxtscifunnumber).Pass1HeaderFileName;
FunInfoDatDir = FileInfo.FunctionList.FunInfoDatDir;
CGblDeclarFileName = FileInfo.Funct(nxtscifunnumber).CGblDeclarFileName;
-PeripheralInitListFile = FileInfo.PeripheralInitListFile;
+if(SharedInfo.OutFormat == 'AVR')
+ PeripheralInitListFile = FileInfo.PeripheralInitListFile;
+elseif (SharedInfo.OutFormat == 'Arduino')
+ SetupListFile = FileInfo.SetupListFile;
Flag_FunAlreadyCalled = 0;
@@ -67,382 +71,395 @@ global STACKDEDUG
//NUT: verifica se ASTFunType e' veramente importante
[ASTFunName,InArg,NInArg,OutArg,NOutArg] = AST_GetFuncallPrm(FileInfo,SharedInfo,ASTFunType);
-if (ASTFunName == 'OpIns')
- SharedInfo.SkipNextEqual = 1;
- SharedInfo.Equal.Nins = SharedInfo.Equal.Nins + 1;
- //NUT: Force ins to have 0 args. Double check it.
- NOutArg = 0;
- // #RNU_RES_B
- //NUT: io aumenterei qui gli argomenti in ingresso della ins cosi qui vengono fatte tutte le modifiche del
- //NUT: caso e la C_FunCall non se ne deve preoccupare, vedi se lo stesso vale per le altre funzioni
- //NUT: speciali presenti nell C_FunCall.
- // 1 more input argument containing the values to be inserted in the matrix.
- // #RNU_RES_E
- NInArg = NInArg + 1;
- InArg(NInArg).Name = SharedInfo.Equal.InArg(SharedInfo.Equal.Nins).Name;
- InArg(NInArg).Scope = SharedInfo.Equal.InArg(SharedInfo.Equal.Nins).Scope;
-elseif (ASTFunName == 'global')
- SharedInfo.SkipNextEqual = 1;
- SharedInfo.SkipNextFun = 1;
- if (NInArg ~= 1)
- PrintStringInfo(' ',ReportFileName,'both','y');
- PrintStringInfo('SCI2CERROR: Multiple declaration of global variables is not allowed.',ReportFileName,'both','y');
- PrintStringInfo('SCI2CERROR: See example below:',ReportFileName,'both','y');
- PrintStringInfo('SCI2CERROR: global var1 var2; //NOT ALLOWED',ReportFileName,'both','y');
- PrintStringInfo('SCI2CERROR: global var1; //ALLOWED',ReportFileName,'both','y');
- PrintStringInfo('SCI2CERROR: global var2; //ALLOWED',ReportFileName,'both','y');
- PrintStringInfo(' ',ReportFileName,'both','y');
- error(9999, 'SCI2CERROR: Multiple declaration of global variables is not allowed.');
- end
- if (NOutArg ~= 1)
- PrintStringInfo(' ',ReportFileName,'both','y');
- PrintStringInfo('SCI2CERROR: Unexpected number of output arguments for global function.',ReportFileName,'both','y');
- PrintStringInfo('SCI2CERROR: Please report this error to:',ReportFileName,'both','y');
- PrintStringInfo(' ',ReportFileName,'both','y');
- error(9999, 'SCI2CERROR: Unexpected number of output arguments for global function.');
- end
- //Get the peripheral from function name and input arguements, insert it in
- //list of used peripherals.
- // PeripheralUsed=GetPeripheral(ASTFunName,InArg);
- // InsertPeripheralInList(PeripheralUsed,PeripheralInitListFile);
-// #RNU_RES_B
-// --------------------------------------
-// --- Read the function annotations. ---
-// --------------------------------------
-// #RNU_RES_E
-if (ASTFunName == 'OpEqual')
- FunTypeAnnot = '';
- FunSizeAnnot = '';
- [FunTypeAnnot,FunSizeAnnot] = FA_GetFunAnn(NInArg,NOutArg,ASTFunName,FileInfo,SharedInfo);
+ if (ASTFunName == 'OpIns')
+ SharedInfo.SkipNextEqual = 1;
+ SharedInfo.Equal.Nins = SharedInfo.Equal.Nins + 1;
+ //NUT: Force ins to have 0 args. Double check it.
+ NOutArg = 0;
+ // #RNU_RES_B
+ //NUT: io aumenterei qui gli argomenti in ingresso della ins cosi qui vengono fatte tutte le modifiche del
+ //NUT: caso e la C_FunCall non se ne deve preoccupare, vedi se lo stesso vale per le altre funzioni
+ //NUT: speciali presenti nell C_FunCall.
-// #RNU_RES_B
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// --- Search for Equal Lhs and precision specifier to be applied to the current function. ---
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// #RNU_RES_E
-[LhsArg,NLhsArg,FunPrecSpecifier,SharedInfo] = AST_GetPrecAndLhsArg(OutArg,NOutArg,ASTFunName,FunTypeAnnot,FunSizeAnnot,ASTFunType,FileInfo,SharedInfo);
-//NUT: questa funzione contiene troppi parametri e mi sembra disordinata.
+ // 1 more input argument containing the values to be inserted in the matrix.
+ // #RNU_RES_E
+ NInArg = NInArg + 1;
+ InArg(NInArg).Name = SharedInfo.Equal.InArg(SharedInfo.Equal.Nins).Name;
+ InArg(NInArg).Scope = SharedInfo.Equal.InArg(SharedInfo.Equal.Nins).Scope;
+ elseif (ASTFunName == 'global')
+ SharedInfo.SkipNextEqual = 1;
+ SharedInfo.SkipNextFun = 1;
+ if (NInArg ~= 1)
+ PrintStringInfo(' ',ReportFileName,'both','y');
+ PrintStringInfo('SCI2CERROR: Multiple declaration of global variables is not allowed.',ReportFileName,'both','y');
+ PrintStringInfo('SCI2CERROR: See example below:',ReportFileName,'both','y');
+ PrintStringInfo('SCI2CERROR: global var1 var2; //NOT ALLOWED',ReportFileName,'both','y');
+ PrintStringInfo('SCI2CERROR: global var1; //ALLOWED',ReportFileName,'both','y');
+ PrintStringInfo('SCI2CERROR: global var2; //ALLOWED',ReportFileName,'both','y');
+ PrintStringInfo(' ',ReportFileName,'both','y');
+ error(9999, 'SCI2CERROR: Multiple declaration of global variables is not allowed.');
+ end
+ if (NOutArg ~= 1)
+ PrintStringInfo(' ',ReportFileName,'both','y');
+ PrintStringInfo('SCI2CERROR: Unexpected number of output arguments for global function.',ReportFileName,'both','y');
+ PrintStringInfo('SCI2CERROR: Please report this error to:',ReportFileName,'both','y');
+ PrintStringInfo(' ',ReportFileName,'both','y');
+ error(9999, 'SCI2CERROR: Unexpected number of output arguments for global function.');
+ end
+ //elseif(IsAVRSupportFunction(ASTFunName))
+ //Get the peripheral from function name and input arguements, insert it in
+ //list of used peripherals.
+ // PeripheralUsed=GetPeripheral(ASTFunName,InArg);
+ // InsertPeripheralInList(PeripheralUsed,PeripheralInitListFile);
+ end
-// #RNU_RES_B
-// --------------------------------
-// --- Input Arguments Section. ---
-// --------------------------------
-// --- Get Input Arguments info from their numerical value or from the symbol table. ---
-// #RNU_RES_E
-if (ASTFunName == 'global')
- [TBFlagfound,TBType,TBSize,TBValue,TBFindLike,TBDimension,TBScope] = ...
- ST_GetSymbolInfo(InArg(1).Name,FileInfo,SharedInfo);
- if (TBFlagfound == 1)
- InArg(1).Type = TBType;
- InArg(1).Size = TBSize;
- InArg(1).Value = TBValue;
- InArg(1).FindLike = TBFindLike;
- InArg(1).Dimension = TBDimension;
- InArg(1).Scope = TBScope;
- IndentLevelGlobal = 0; //NUT: forced always to 1
- FlagExt = 1;
- C_GenDeclarations(InArg(1),CGblDeclarFileName,IndentLevelGlobal,ReportFileName,FlagExt,SharedInfo.ResizeApproach);
- else
- // #RNU_RES_B
- // That means it is the first time we encounter
- // this global variable and in C this means that
- // we don't have to do nothing.
- // #RNU_RES_E
- // SharedInfo.SkipNextFun = SharedInfo.SkipNextFun + 1;
- SharedInfo.SkipNextFun = 1;
- InArg(1).Type = 'GBLToBeDefined';
- InArg(1).Size(1) = 'GBLToBeDefined';
- InArg(1).Size(2) = 'GBLToBeDefined';
- InArg(1).Value = %nan;
- InArg(1).FindLike = %nan;
- InArg(1).Dimension = %nan;
- InArg(1).Scope = 'Global';
- // #RNU_RES_B
- PrintStringInfo('***Putting global variable in the symbol table***',ReportFileName,'file','y');
- PrintStringInfo(' Symbol ""'+InArg(1).Name+'""',ReportFileName,'file','y');
- PrintStringInfo(' Type: '+InArg(1).Type,ReportFileName,'file','y');
- PrintStringInfo(' Size(1): '+string(InArg(1).Size(1)),ReportFileName,'file','y');
- PrintStringInfo(' Size(2): '+string(InArg(1).Size(2)),ReportFileName,'file','y');
- PrintStringInfo(' Value: '+string(InArg(1).Value),ReportFileName,'file','y');
- PrintStringInfo(' FindLike: '+string(InArg(1).FindLike),ReportFileName,'file','y');
- PrintStringInfo(' Dimension: '+string(InArg(1).Dimension),ReportFileName,'file','y');
- PrintStringInfo(' Scope: '+string(InArg(1).Scope),ReportFileName,'file','y');
- PrintStringInfo(' ',ReportFileName,'file','y');
- // #RNU_RES_E
- ST_Set(InArg(1).Name,...
- InArg(1).Type,...
- InArg(1).Size,...
- InArg(1).Value,...
- InArg(1).FindLike,...
- InArg(1).Dimension,...
- FileInfo.GlobalVarFileName);
- end
- [InArg,SharedInfo] = ST_GetInArgInfo(InArg,NInArg,FileInfo,SharedInfo);
+ // #RNU_RES_B
+ // --------------------------------------
+ // --- Read the function annotations. ---
+ // --------------------------------------
+ // #RNU_RES_E
+ if (ASTFunName == 'OpEqual')
+ FunTypeAnnot = '';
+ FunSizeAnnot = '';
+ else
+ [FunTypeAnnot,FunSizeAnnot] = FA_GetFunAnn(NInArg,NOutArg,ASTFunName,FileInfo,SharedInfo);
+ end
-// #RNU_RES_B
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// --- Change info of Input Argument according to resize approach. ---
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-//RNU toglimi nella versione da dare ad hartes.
-//RNU per ora gestisco solo la resize all con tutte realloc.
-//RNU global variables are still coded with fixed size.
-// #RNU_RES_E
-if (SharedInfo.ResizeApproach=='REALLOC_ALL_RESIZE_ALL')
- for cntin = 1:NInArg
- if ((InArg(cntin).Dimension > 0))
- // if ((InArg(cntin).Dimension > 0) & (InArg(cntin).Scope ~= 'Global'))
- InArg(cntin).Size(1) = '__'+InArg(cntin).Name+'Size[0]';
- InArg(cntin).Size(2) = '__'+InArg(cntin).Name+'Size[1]';
- end
- //#RNUREM_MERNU vedi se la seguente fa casino l'ho aggiunta in modo che agia=ones(1,3) sia generata come realloc ma non ho verificato.
- tmpscope = InArg(cntin).Scope;
- lengthNumber = length('Number_');
- if (part(tmpscope,1:lengthNumber) == 'Number_')
- //#RNUREM_ME RNU il problema e' che ones(3,1) allora l'output e' 3,1 e come faccio a trasformare 3 e 1 in simboli in modo tale che realloco anziche' allocare
- InArg(cntin).Value = %nan; //RNU non va bene dove per esempio hai problemi di 1:3:4 se al posto dei numeri metti nan ti impalli
- //#RNUREM_ME Credo che dove c'e' uan allocazione secca ones(3,1) non vada lasciata cosi' ma tutto vada ricondotto a realloc
- //#RNUREM_ME quindi devo vedere nella dichiarazione delle variabili come forzare la dichiarazione dei null pointer.
- //#RNUREM_ME successivamente devo vedere come fare a riscrivere la size dell'output.
- else
- end
- end
+ // #RNU_RES_B
+ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // --- Search for Equal Lhs and precision specifier to be applied to the current function. ---
+ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // #RNU_RES_E
+ [LhsArg,NLhsArg,FunPrecSpecifier,SharedInfo] = AST_GetPrecAndLhsArg(OutArg,NOutArg,ASTFunName,FunTypeAnnot,FunSizeAnnot,ASTFunType,FileInfo,SharedInfo);
+ //NUT: questa funzione contiene troppi parametri e mi sembra disordinata.
-// #RNU_RES_B
-// ---------------------------------
-// --- Output Arguments Section. ---
-// ---------------------------------
-// --- Update Out arg structure with info stored in the function annotations. ---
-// #RNU_RES_E
-if (ASTFunName == 'OpEqual')
- for cntin = 1:NInArg
- OutArg(cntin).Type = InArg(cntin).Type;
- OutArg(cntin).Size = InArg(cntin).Size;
- OutArg(cntin).Dimension = InArg(cntin).Dimension;
- OutArg(cntin).Value = InArg(cntin).Value;
- OutArg(cntin).FindLike = InArg(cntin).FindLike;
- //NUT: forse qui occorre aggiungere lo scope che dovrebbe essere local or global.
- //NUT: per ora lo scope viene settato da AST_ParseEqualStruct
- end
-elseif ((ASTFunName == 'OpMinus') & (NInArg == 1) & (InArg(1).Dimension == 0)&(InArg(1).Scope == 'Number'))
- // #RNU_RES_B
- // --- Manage OpMinus when applied to scalars. ---
- // -1 is not translated as tmp = OpMinus(1), but
- // it is considered as a single entity "-1"
- // #RNU_RES_E
- SharedInfo.SkipNextFun = 1; //RN: SISTEMAMI
- OutArg(1).Type = InArg(1).Type;
- OutArg(1).Size = InArg(1).Size;
- OutArg(1).Dimension = InArg(1).Dimension;
- OutArg(1).Value = -InArg(1).Value;
- OutArg(1).FindLike = InArg(1).FindLike;
- OutArg(1).Scope = 'Number_'+InArg(1).Type;
-elseif ((ASTFunName == 'float') & (NInArg == 1) & (InArg(1).Dimension == 0) & (InArg(1).Scope == 'Number'))
- // #RNU_RES_B
- // --- Manage OpMinus when applied to scalars. ---
- // -1 is not translated as tmp = OpMinus(1), but
- // it is considered as a single entity "-1"
- // #RNU_RES_E
- SharedInfo.SkipNextFun = 1; //RN: SISTEMAMI
- OutArg(1).Type = InArg(1).Type;
- OutArg(1).Size = InArg(1).Size;
- OutArg(1).Dimension = InArg(1).Dimension;
- OutArg(1).Value = InArg(1).Value;
- OutArg(1).FindLike = InArg(1).FindLike;
- OutArg(1).Scope = 'Number_s';
-elseif ((ASTFunName == 'double') & (NInArg == 1) & (InArg(1).Dimension == 0) & (InArg(1).Scope == 'Number'))
- // #RNU_RES_B
- // --- Manage OpMinus when applied to scalars. ---
- // -1 is not translated as tmp = OpMinus(1), but
- // it is considered as a single entity "-1"
- // #RNU_RES_E
- SharedInfo.SkipNextFun = 1;
- SharedInfo.SkipNextFun = 1; //RN: SISTEMAMI
- OutArg(1).Type = InArg(1).Type;
- OutArg(1).Size = InArg(1).Size;
- OutArg(1).Dimension = InArg(1).Dimension;
- OutArg(1).Value = InArg(1).Value;
- OutArg(1).FindLike = InArg(1).FindLike;
- OutArg(1).Scope = 'Number_d';
- OutArg = FA_GetOutArgInfo(InArg,NInArg,OutArg,NOutArg,SharedInfo,FunPrecSpecifier,FunTypeAnnot,FunSizeAnnot,ReportFileName);
+ // #RNU_RES_B
+ // --------------------------------
+ // --- Input Arguments Section. ---
+ // --------------------------------
+ // --- Get Input Arguments info from their numerical value or from the symbol table. ---
+ // #RNU_RES_E
+ if (ASTFunName == 'global')
+ [TBFlagfound,TBType,TBSize,TBValue,TBFindLike,TBDimension,TBScope] = ...
+ ST_GetSymbolInfo(InArg(1).Name,FileInfo,SharedInfo);
+ if (TBFlagfound == 1)
+ InArg(1).Type = TBType;
+ InArg(1).Size = TBSize;
+ InArg(1).Value = TBValue;
+ InArg(1).FindLike = TBFindLike;
+ InArg(1).Dimension = TBDimension;
+ InArg(1).Scope = TBScope;
+ IndentLevelGlobal = 0; //NUT: forced always to 1
+ FlagExt = 1;
+ C_GenDeclarations(InArg(1),CGblDeclarFileName,IndentLevelGlobal,ReportFileName,FlagExt,SharedInfo.ResizeApproach);
+ else
+ // #RNU_RES_B
+ // That means it is the first time we encounter
+ // this global variable and in C this means that
+ // we don't have to do nothing.
+ // #RNU_RES_E
+ // SharedInfo.SkipNextFun = SharedInfo.SkipNextFun + 1;
+ SharedInfo.SkipNextFun = 1;
-// #RNU_RES_B
-// --- Generate the names for the output arguments. ---
-// Update of OutArg.Name and OutArg.Scope fields.
-// #RNU_RES_E
-if ((ASTFunName == 'OpMinus') & (NInArg == 1) & (InArg(1).Dimension == 0) & (InArg(1).Scope == 'Number'))
- OutArg(1).Name = string(OutArg(1).Value);
-elseif ((ASTFunName == 'float') & (NInArg == 1) & (InArg(1).Dimension == 0) & (InArg(1).Scope == 'Number'))
- OutArg(1).Name = string(OutArg(1).Value);
-elseif ((ASTFunName == 'double') & (NInArg == 1) & (InArg(1).Dimension == 0) & (InArg(1).Scope == 'Number'))
- OutArg(1).Name = string(OutArg(1).Value);
- [OutArg,SharedInfo] = GenOutArgNames(ASTFunName,InArg,NInArg,OutArg,NOutArg,LhsArg,NLhsArg,FileInfo,SharedInfo);
+ InArg(1).Type = 'GBLToBeDefined';
+ InArg(1).Size(1) = 'GBLToBeDefined';
+ InArg(1).Size(2) = 'GBLToBeDefined';
+ InArg(1).Value = %nan;
+ InArg(1).FindLike = %nan;
+ InArg(1).Dimension = %nan;
+ InArg(1).Scope = 'Global';
-// #RNU_RES_B
-// --- Push in the AST stack the Output arguments. ---
-// #RNU_RES_E
-if (ASTFunName == 'OpEqual')
- // Do nothing
- for counteroutargs = 1:NOutArg
- tmppushstack = OutArg(counteroutargs).Scope+': '+OutArg(counteroutargs).Name;
- // #RNU_RES_B
- PrintStringInfo(' Pushing in the AST stack: ""'+tmppushstack+'"".',ReportFileName,'file','y');
- // #RNU_RES_E
- AST_PushASTStack(tmppushstack);
- end
+ // #RNU_RES_B
+ PrintStringInfo('***Putting global variable in the symbol table***',ReportFileName,'file','y');
+ PrintStringInfo(' Symbol ""'+InArg(1).Name+'""',ReportFileName,'file','y');
-// #RNU_RES_B
-//NUT: verificare se si puo' accorpare qualcosa qui sotto
-//RN: non capisco come mai analizzo lo scope dopo che faccio il push nello stack dove lo utilizzo!!!
-// --- Scope analysis of the output arguments. ---
-// #RNU_RES_E
-if (ASTFunName == 'OpMinus' & NInArg == 1 & (InArg(1).Dimension == 0) & (InArg(1).Scope == 'Number'))
- // Scope already set above.
-elseif (ASTFunName == 'float' & NInArg == 1 & (InArg(1).Dimension == 0) & (InArg(1).Scope == 'Number'))
- // Scope already set above.
-elseif (ASTFunName == 'double' & NInArg == 1 & (InArg(1).Dimension == 0) & (InArg(1).Scope == 'Number'))
- // Scope already set above.
- OutArg = ST_AnalyzeScope(OutArg,NOutArg,FileInfo,SharedInfo);
-//#RNUREM_ME --- Check if the current function is handling for counter variables. ---
-[OutArg,SharedInfo] = ST_InsForCntVars(InArg,NInArg,OutArg,NOutArg,ASTFunName,FileInfo,SharedInfo);
-//#RNUREM_ME --- Store the while condition variable (if any). ---
-SharedInfo = GetWhileCondVariable(OutArg,NOutArg,ASTFunName,FileInfo,SharedInfo);
-//#RNUREM_ME --- Update Symbol Table with output arguments. ---
-if ((ASTFunName == 'OpMinus') & (NInArg == 1) & (InArg(1).Dimension == 0) & (InArg(1).Scope == 'Number'))
- //#RNUREM_ME A number is not inserted in the symbol table.
-elseif ((ASTFunName == 'float') & (NInArg == 1) & (InArg(1).Dimension == 0) & (InArg(1).Scope == 'Number'))
- //#RNUREM_ME A number is not inserted in the symbol table.
-elseif ((ASTFunName == 'double') & (NInArg == 1) & (InArg(1).Dimension == 0) & (InArg(1).Scope == 'Number'))
- //#RNUREM_ME A number is not inserted in the symbol table.
- ST_InsOutArg(OutArg,NOutArg,FileInfo,SharedInfo,'all');
-//#RNUREM_ME NUT: per risparmiare tempo di esecuzione puoi mettere delle if sulle funzioni che devono
-//#RNUREM_ME NUT: essere skippate.
-// --------------------------------------------
-// --- Generate the C name of the function. ---
-// --------------------------------------------
-CFunName = C_GenerateFunName(ASTFunName,InArg,NInArg,OutArg,NOutArg);
-PrintStringInfo(' C Function Name: '+CFunName,ReportFileName,'file','y');
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// --- Determine which library the function belongs to: USER2C or SCI2C. ---
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-if SCI2Cfileexist(FileInfo.SCI2CLibCAnnFun,ASTFunName+'.ann')
- LibTypeInfo = 'SCI2C';
- LibTypeInfo = 'USER2C';
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// --- Check whether the function has been already called in the current .sci file. ---
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-if (sum(SharedInfo.CFunctsAlreadyCalled == CFunName) == 1)
- Flag_FunAlreadyCalled = 1;
- //#RNUREM_ME Add the C function name to the list of C functions called in the current .sci file.
- SharedInfo.CFunctsAlreadyCalled(size(SharedInfo.CFunctsAlreadyCalled,1)+1) = CFunName;
-// ----------------------------------
-// --- Generate FunInfo dat file. ---
-// ----------------------------------
-//NUT: questo .dat deve essere generato sempre perche' cambiano i nomi degli argomenti mentre il resto dovrebbe
-//NUT: essere tutto uguale
-//NUT: magari posso fare una funzione che inserisce solo i campi diversi e fa un check su quelli che
-//NUT: dovrebbero essere identici.
-// -----------------------------------
-// --- Update SCI2C Function List. ---
-// -----------------------------------
-// Functions that are not already available in C are stored
-// in the SCI2C Function List and converted in C at the end of
-// the translation of the current .sci file.
-//NUT: il problema della d0d0OpEqual dovrebbe essere legato al fatto che cerco di fare la opequal legata alla ins...
-//NUT: devo evitare di scriveral dentro la lsista delle funzioni da tradurre.
-SharedInfo = FL_UpdateToBeConv(ASTFunName,CFunName,FunPrecSpecifier,FunTypeAnnot,FunSizeAnnot,InArg,NInArg,OutArg,NOutArg,FileInfo,SharedInfo);
-// -----------------------------------------------
-// --- Check on common input/output arguments. ---
-// -----------------------------------------------
-if (((ASTFunName=='OpEqual') & (SharedInfo.SkipNextEqual == 1)) | ...
- SharedInfo.SkipNextFun > 0 | ...
- ((sum(mtlb_strcmp(ASTFunName,SharedInfo.Annotations.DataPrec)) > 0) & (SharedInfo.SkipNextPrec == 1)))
- // Do nothing
- AST_CheckCommonInOutArgs(InArg,NInArg,OutArg,NOutArg,ReportFileName);
-// -----------------------------
-// --- C Generation Section. ---
-// -----------------------------
-// --- Load FunInfo structure. ---
-FunInfoDatFileName = fullfile(FunInfoDatDir,CFunName+'.dat');
-// --- Generate include. ---
-if ((Flag_FunAlreadyCalled == 0) & (FunInfo.LibTypeInfo == 'USER2C') & (SharedInfo.NextCFunName ~= CFunName))
- // (SharedInfo.NextCFunName ~= CFunName) I don't want an include in the same file. Ex. in main.h I don't want include "main.h"
- // #RNU_RES_B
- PrintStringInfo('Adding include',ReportFileName,'file','y');
- PrintStringInfo('#include ""'+CFunName+'.h""',...
- ReportFileName,'file','y');
- // #RNU_RES_E
- PrintStringInfo('#include ""'+CFunName+'.h""',...
- Pass1HeaderFileName,'file','y');
-// --- Generate the C code for the current function. ---
-FlagCall = 1;
-SharedInfo = C_Funcall(FunInfo,FileInfo,SharedInfo,FlagCall);
-//NUT: anziche farla fare alla cfuncall l'aggiornamento delle skip metti qui una funzione dedicata a cio'
-//NUT: e' piu' ordinato.
+ PrintStringInfo(' Type: '+InArg(1).Type,ReportFileName,'file','y');
+ PrintStringInfo(' Size(1): '+string(InArg(1).Size(1)),ReportFileName,'file','y');
+ PrintStringInfo(' Size(2): '+string(InArg(1).Size(2)),ReportFileName,'file','y');
+ PrintStringInfo(' Value: '+string(InArg(1).Value),ReportFileName,'file','y');
+ PrintStringInfo(' FindLike: '+string(InArg(1).FindLike),ReportFileName,'file','y');
+ PrintStringInfo(' Dimension: '+string(InArg(1).Dimension),ReportFileName,'file','y');
+ PrintStringInfo(' Scope: '+string(InArg(1).Scope),ReportFileName,'file','y');
+ PrintStringInfo(' ',ReportFileName,'file','y');
+ // #RNU_RES_E
+ ST_Set(InArg(1).Name,...
+ InArg(1).Type,...
+ InArg(1).Size,...
+ InArg(1).Value,...
+ InArg(1).FindLike,...
+ InArg(1).Dimension,...
+ FileInfo.GlobalVarFileName);
+ end
+ else
+ [InArg,SharedInfo] = ST_GetInArgInfo(InArg,NInArg,FileInfo,SharedInfo);
+ end
+ // #RNU_RES_B
+ // -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // --- Change info of Input Argument according to resize approach. ---
+ // -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //RNU toglimi nella versione da dare ad hartes.
+ //RNU per ora gestisco solo la resize all con tutte realloc.
+ //RNU global variables are still coded with fixed size.
+ // #RNU_RES_E
+ if (SharedInfo.ResizeApproach=='REALLOC_ALL_RESIZE_ALL')
+ for cntin = 1:NInArg
+ if ((InArg(cntin).Dimension > 0))
+ // if ((InArg(cntin).Dimension > 0) & (InArg(cntin).Scope ~= 'Global'))
+ InArg(cntin).Size(1) = '__'+InArg(cntin).Name+'Size[0]';
+ InArg(cntin).Size(2) = '__'+InArg(cntin).Name+'Size[1]';
+ end
+ //#RNUREM_MERNU vedi se la seguente fa casino l'ho aggiunta in modo che agia=ones(1,3) sia generata come realloc ma non ho verificato.
+ tmpscope = InArg(cntin).Scope;
+ lengthNumber = length('Number_');
+ if (part(tmpscope,1:lengthNumber) == 'Number_')
+ //#RNUREM_ME RNU il problema e' che ones(3,1) allora l'output e' 3,1 e come faccio a trasformare 3 e 1 in simboli in modo tale che realloco anziche' allocare
+ InArg(cntin).Value = %nan; //RNU non va bene dove per esempio hai problemi di 1:3:4 se al posto dei numeri metti nan ti impalli
+ //#RNUREM_ME Credo che dove c'e' uan allocazione secca ones(3,1) non vada lasciata cosi' ma tutto vada ricondotto a realloc
+ //#RNUREM_ME quindi devo vedere nella dichiarazione delle variabili come forzare la dichiarazione dei null pointer.
+ //#RNUREM_ME successivamente devo vedere come fare a riscrivere la size dell'output.
+ else
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ // #RNU_RES_B
+ // ---------------------------------
+ // --- Output Arguments Section. ---
+ // ---------------------------------
+ // --- Update Out arg structure with info stored in the function annotations. ---
+ // #RNU_RES_E
+ if (ASTFunName == 'OpEqual')
+ for cntin = 1:NInArg
+ OutArg(cntin).Type = InArg(cntin).Type;
+ OutArg(cntin).Size = InArg(cntin).Size;
+ OutArg(cntin).Dimension = InArg(cntin).Dimension;
+ OutArg(cntin).Value = InArg(cntin).Value;
+ OutArg(cntin).FindLike = InArg(cntin).FindLike;
+ //NUT: forse qui occorre aggiungere lo scope che dovrebbe essere local or global.
+ //NUT: per ora lo scope viene settato da AST_ParseEqualStruct
+ end
+ elseif ((ASTFunName == 'OpMinus') & (NInArg == 1) & (InArg(1).Dimension == 0)&(InArg(1).Scope == 'Number'))
+ // #RNU_RES_B
+ // --- Manage OpMinus when applied to scalars. ---
+ // -1 is not translated as tmp = OpMinus(1), but
+ // it is considered as a single entity "-1"
+ // #RNU_RES_E
+ SharedInfo.SkipNextFun = 1; //RN: SISTEMAMI
+ OutArg(1).Type = InArg(1).Type;
+ OutArg(1).Size = InArg(1).Size;
+ OutArg(1).Dimension = InArg(1).Dimension;
+ OutArg(1).Value = -InArg(1).Value;
+ OutArg(1).FindLike = InArg(1).FindLike;
+ OutArg(1).Scope = 'Number_'+InArg(1).Type;
+ elseif ((ASTFunName == 'float') & (NInArg == 1) & (InArg(1).Dimension == 0) & (InArg(1).Scope == 'Number'))
+ // #RNU_RES_B
+ // --- Manage OpMinus when applied to scalars. ---
+ // -1 is not translated as tmp = OpMinus(1), but
+ // it is considered as a single entity "-1"
+ // #RNU_RES_E
+ SharedInfo.SkipNextFun = 1; //RN: SISTEMAMI
+ OutArg(1).Type = InArg(1).Type;
+ OutArg(1).Size = InArg(1).Size;
+ OutArg(1).Dimension = InArg(1).Dimension;
+ OutArg(1).Value = InArg(1).Value;
+ OutArg(1).FindLike = InArg(1).FindLike;
+ OutArg(1).Scope = 'Number_s';
+ elseif ((ASTFunName == 'double') & (NInArg == 1) & (InArg(1).Dimension == 0) & (InArg(1).Scope == 'Number'))
+ // #RNU_RES_B
+ // --- Manage OpMinus when applied to scalars. ---
+ // -1 is not translated as tmp = OpMinus(1), but
+ // it is considered as a single entity "-1"
+ // #RNU_RES_E
+ SharedInfo.SkipNextFun = 1;
+ SharedInfo.SkipNextFun = 1; //RN: SISTEMAMI
+ OutArg(1).Type = InArg(1).Type;
+ OutArg(1).Size = InArg(1).Size;
+ OutArg(1).Dimension = InArg(1).Dimension;
+ OutArg(1).Value = InArg(1).Value;
+ OutArg(1).FindLike = InArg(1).FindLike;
+ OutArg(1).Scope = 'Number_d';
+ else
+ OutArg = FA_GetOutArgInfo(InArg,NInArg,OutArg,NOutArg,SharedInfo,FunPrecSpecifier,FunTypeAnnot,FunSizeAnnot,ReportFileName);
+ end
+ // #RNU_RES_B
+ // --- Generate the names for the output arguments. ---
+ // Update of OutArg.Name and OutArg.Scope fields.
+ // #RNU_RES_E
+ if ((ASTFunName == 'OpMinus') & (NInArg == 1) & (InArg(1).Dimension == 0) & (InArg(1).Scope == 'Number'))
+ OutArg(1).Name = string(OutArg(1).Value);
+ elseif ((ASTFunName == 'float') & (NInArg == 1) & (InArg(1).Dimension == 0) & (InArg(1).Scope == 'Number'))
+ OutArg(1).Name = string(OutArg(1).Value);
+ elseif ((ASTFunName == 'double') & (NInArg == 1) & (InArg(1).Dimension == 0) & (InArg(1).Scope == 'Number'))
+ OutArg(1).Name = string(OutArg(1).Value);
+ else
+ [OutArg,SharedInfo] = GenOutArgNames(ASTFunName,InArg,NInArg,OutArg,NOutArg,LhsArg,NLhsArg,FileInfo,SharedInfo);
+ end
+ // #RNU_RES_B
+ // --- Push in the AST stack the Output arguments. ---
+ // #RNU_RES_E
+ if (ASTFunName == 'OpEqual')
+ // Do nothing
+ else
+ for counteroutargs = 1:NOutArg
+ tmppushstack = OutArg(counteroutargs).Scope+': '+OutArg(counteroutargs).Name;
+ // #RNU_RES_B
+ PrintStringInfo(' Pushing in the AST stack: ""'+tmppushstack+'"".',ReportFileName,'file','y');
+ // #RNU_RES_E
+ AST_PushASTStack(tmppushstack);
+ end
+ end
+ // #RNU_RES_B
+ //NUT: verificare se si puo' accorpare qualcosa qui sotto
+ //RN: non capisco come mai analizzo lo scope dopo che faccio il push nello stack dove lo utilizzo!!!
+ // --- Scope analysis of the output arguments. ---
+ // #RNU_RES_E
+ if (ASTFunName == 'OpMinus' & NInArg == 1 & (InArg(1).Dimension == 0) & (InArg(1).Scope == 'Number'))
+ // Scope already set above.
+ elseif (ASTFunName == 'float' & NInArg == 1 & (InArg(1).Dimension == 0) & (InArg(1).Scope == 'Number'))
+ // Scope already set above.
+ elseif (ASTFunName == 'double' & NInArg == 1 & (InArg(1).Dimension == 0) & (InArg(1).Scope == 'Number'))
+ // Scope already set above.
+ else
+ OutArg = ST_AnalyzeScope(OutArg,NOutArg,FileInfo,SharedInfo);
+ end
+ //#RNUREM_ME --- Check if the current function is handling for counter variables. ---
+ [OutArg,SharedInfo] = ST_InsForCntVars(InArg,NInArg,OutArg,NOutArg,ASTFunName,FileInfo,SharedInfo);
+ //#RNUREM_ME --- Store the while condition variable (if any). ---
+ SharedInfo = GetWhileCondVariable(OutArg,NOutArg,ASTFunName,FileInfo,SharedInfo);
+ //#RNUREM_ME --- Update Symbol Table with output arguments. ---
+ if ((ASTFunName == 'OpMinus') & (NInArg == 1) & (InArg(1).Dimension == 0) & (InArg(1).Scope == 'Number'))
+ //#RNUREM_ME A number is not inserted in the symbol table.
+ elseif ((ASTFunName == 'float') & (NInArg == 1) & (InArg(1).Dimension == 0) & (InArg(1).Scope == 'Number'))
+ //#RNUREM_ME A number is not inserted in the symbol table.
+ elseif ((ASTFunName == 'double') & (NInArg == 1) & (InArg(1).Dimension == 0) & (InArg(1).Scope == 'Number'))
+ //#RNUREM_ME A number is not inserted in the symbol table.
+ else
+ ST_InsOutArg(OutArg,NOutArg,FileInfo,SharedInfo,'all');
+ end
+ //#RNUREM_ME NUT: per risparmiare tempo di esecuzione puoi mettere delle if sulle funzioni che devono
+ //#RNUREM_ME NUT: essere skippate.
+ //#RNU_RES_B
+ // --------------------------------------------
+ // --- Generate the C name of the function. ---
+ // --------------------------------------------
+ //#RNU_RES_E
+ CFunName = C_GenerateFunName(ASTFunName,InArg,NInArg,OutArg,NOutArg);
+ //#RNU_RES_B
+ PrintStringInfo(' C Function Name: '+CFunName,ReportFileName,'file','y');
+ if(IsArduinoFunction(ASTFunName))
+ if(IsArduinoSetupFunction(ASTFunName))
+ //If current function is an arduino setup function (like 'dc_motor_setup'), it
+ //should not be converted and inserted here. It is inserted in a list now and
+ //added to 'setup_arduino.c' later
+ InsertSetupInList(CFunName,InArg,NInArg,SetupListFile,'Setup');
+ SharedInfo.SkipNextFun = SharedInfo.SkipNextFun + 1;
+ else //Currnet arduino function is not a setup function, so init function must be added
+ InsertSetupInList(ASTFunName,InArg,NInArg,SetupListFile,'Init');
+ end
+ end
+ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // --- Determine which library the function belongs to: USER2C or SCI2C. ---
+ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //#RNU_RES_E
+ if SCI2Cfileexist(FileInfo.SCI2CLibCAnnFun,ASTFunName+'.ann')
+ LibTypeInfo = 'SCI2C';
+ else
+ LibTypeInfo = 'USER2C';
+ end
+ //#RNU_RES_B
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // --- Check whether the function has been already called in the current .sci file. ---
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //#RNU_RES_E
+ if (sum(SharedInfo.CFunctsAlreadyCalled == CFunName) == 1)
+ Flag_FunAlreadyCalled = 1;
+ else
+ //#RNUREM_ME Add the C function name to the list of C functions called in the current .sci file.
+ SharedInfo.CFunctsAlreadyCalled(size(SharedInfo.CFunctsAlreadyCalled,1)+1) = CFunName;
+ end
+ //#RNU_RES_B
+ // ----------------------------------
+ // --- Generate FunInfo dat file. ---
+ // ----------------------------------
+ //NUT: questo .dat deve essere generato sempre perche' cambiano i nomi degli argomenti mentre il resto dovrebbe
+ //NUT: essere tutto uguale
+ //NUT: magari posso fare una funzione che inserisce solo i campi diversi e fa un check su quelli che
+ //NUT: dovrebbero essere identici.
+ //#RNU_RES_E
+ GenCFunDatFiles(ASTFunName,FunPrecSpecifier,FunTypeAnnot,FunSizeAnnot,InArg,NInArg,OutArg,NOutArg,CFunName,LibTypeInfo,FunInfoDatDir);
+ //#RNU_RES_B
+ // -----------------------------------
+ // --- Update SCI2C Function List. ---
+ // -----------------------------------
+ // Functions that are not already available in C are stored
+ // in the SCI2C Function List and converted in C at the end of
+ // the translation of the current .sci file.
+ //NUT: il problema della d0d0OpEqual dovrebbe essere legato al fatto che cerco di fare la opequal legata alla ins...
+ //NUT: devo evitare di scriveral dentro la lsista delle funzioni da tradurre.
+ //#RNU_RES_E
+ SharedInfo = FL_UpdateToBeConv(ASTFunName,CFunName,FunPrecSpecifier,FunTypeAnnot,FunSizeAnnot,InArg,NInArg,OutArg,NOutArg,FileInfo,SharedInfo);
+ //#RNU_RES_B
+ // -----------------------------------------------
+ // --- Check on common input/output arguments. ---
+ // -----------------------------------------------
+ //#RNU_RES_E
+ if (((ASTFunName=='OpEqual') & (SharedInfo.SkipNextEqual == 1)) | ...
+ SharedInfo.SkipNextFun > 0 | ...
+ ((sum(mtlb_strcmp(ASTFunName,SharedInfo.Annotations.DataPrec)) > 0) & (SharedInfo.SkipNextPrec == 1)))
+ // Do nothing
+ else
+ AST_CheckCommonInOutArgs(InArg,NInArg,OutArg,NOutArg,ReportFileName);
+ end
+ //#RNU_RES_B
+ // -----------------------------
+ // --- C Generation Section. ---
+ // -----------------------------
+ // --- Load FunInfo structure. ---
+ //#RNU_RES_E
+ FunInfoDatFileName = fullfile(FunInfoDatDir,CFunName+'.dat');
+ load(FunInfoDatFileName,'FunInfo');
+ //#RNU_RES_B
+ // --- Generate include. ---
+ //#RNU_RES_E
+ if ((Flag_FunAlreadyCalled == 0) & (FunInfo.LibTypeInfo == 'USER2C') & (SharedInfo.NextCFunName ~= CFunName))
+ // (SharedInfo.NextCFunName ~= CFunName) I don't want an include in the same file. Ex. in main.h I don't want include "main.h"
+ // #RNU_RES_B
+ PrintStringInfo('Adding include',ReportFileName,'file','y');
+ PrintStringInfo('#include ""'+CFunName+'.h""',...
+ ReportFileName,'file','y');
+ // #RNU_RES_E
+ PrintStringInfo('#include ""'+CFunName+'.h""',...
+ Pass1HeaderFileName,'file','y');
+ end
+ //#RNU_RES_B
+ // --- Generate the C code for the current function. ---
+ //#RNU_RES_E
+ FlagCall = 1;
+ SharedInfo = C_Funcall(FunInfo,FileInfo,SharedInfo,FlagCall);
+ //#RNU_RES_B
+ //NUT: anziche farla fare alla cfuncall l'aggiornamento delle skip metti qui una funzione dedicata a cio'
+ //NUT: e' piu' ordinato.
+ //#RNU_RES_E