path: root/Doc
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authorjofret2006-12-05 16:39:24 +0000
committerjofret2006-12-05 16:39:24 +0000
commitcba302bb449bd7907bf06a197cbf9b7e9be7017b (patch)
tree8484a737a20b154bab0f41695d75d8977350d521 /Doc
parenteb1fd03f7c1a6d4ddbdc1dc66bcd22242e2cb2b9 (diff)
better visualisation
Diffstat (limited to 'Doc')
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-rw-r--r--Doc/Elementary Functions/TrigonometricsDependeces.jpgbin0 -> 402987 bytes
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-rw-r--r--Doc/Elementary Functions/TrigonometricsFunctionsDependeces.jpgbin0 -> 482901 bytes
4 files changed, 464 insertions, 1 deletions
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index b02f552e..7acb1688 100644
--- a/Doc/Elementary Functions/
+++ b/Doc/Elementary Functions/
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
digraph TrigonometricsFunctions {
- size="6,6";
node [shape=circle];
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..33600707
--- /dev/null
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Binary files differ
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..43efa900
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Doc/Elementary Functions/
@@ -0,0 +1,464 @@
+digraph TrigonometricsFunctions {
+ node [shape=circle];
+// -*- Basic Call -*-
+F77_Call [label="Fortan Call", shape=doublecircle, color=green];
+C_Call [label="C Call", shape=doublecircle, color=blue];
+LAPACK_Call [label="LAPACK Call", shape=doublecircle, color=red];
+// -*- Specific LAPACK Call -*-
+Dlamch_E_Call [label="dlamch('E')", comment="Précision Machine - LAPACK", shape=doublecircle, color=red];
+Dlamch_U_Call [label="dlamch('U')", comment="Borne Inférieure - LAPACK", shape=doublecircle, color=red];
+Dlamch_O_Call [label="dlamch('O')", comment="Borne Supérieure - LAPACK", shape=doublecircle, color=red];
+// -*- Functions definition -*-
+// Cosinus
+Cos_Real [label="cos(R)"];
+Cos_Complex [label="cos(C)"];
+Cos_Hyperbolic_Real [label="ch(R)"];
+Cos_Hyperbolic_Complex [label="ch(C)"];
+// ArcCosinus
+ACos_Real [label="acos(R)"];
+ACos_Complex [label="acos(C)"];
+ACos_Hyperbolic_Real [label="ach(R)"];
+ACos_Hyperbolic_Complex [label="ach(C)"];
+// Sinus
+Sin_Real [label="sin(R)"];
+Sin_Complex [label="sin(C)"];
+Sin_Hyperbolic_Real [label="sh(R)"];
+Sin_Hyperbolic_Complex [label="sh(C)"];
+// ArcSinus
+ASin_Real [label="asin(R)"];
+ASin_Complex [label="asin(C)"];
+ASin_Hyperbolic_Real [label="ash(R)"];
+ASin_Hyperbolic_Complex [label="ash(C)"];
+// Tangeante
+Tan_Real [label="tan(R)"];
+Tan_Complex [label="tan(C)", comment="wtan"];
+Tan_Hyperbolic_Real [label="tanh(R)"];
+Tan_Hyperbolic_Complex [label="tanh(C)"];
+// ArcTangeante
+ATan_Real [label="atan(R)"];
+ATan_Complex [label="atan(C)", comment="watan"];
+ATan_Hyperbolic_Real [label="atanh(R)"];
+ATan_Hyperbolic_Complex [label="atanh(C)"];
+// ArcTaneante2
+ATan2_Real [label="atan2(R)"];
+// Exponentielle
+Exp_Real [label="exp(R)"];
+Exp_Complex [label="exp(C)"];
+// Log
+Log_Real [label="log(R)"];
+Log_Positive_Real [label="log(R+)"];
+Log_Negative_Real [label="log(R-)"];
+Log_Complex [label="log(C)"];
+// Log1p
+Log1p_Real [label="log1p(R)"];
+// Racine Carrée
+Sqrt_Real [label="sqrt(R)"];
+Sqrt_Positive_Real [label="sqrt(R+)"];
+Sqrt_Negative_Real [label="sqrt(R-)"];
+Sqrt_Complex [label="sqrt(C)", comment="wsqrt"];
+// Partie Imaginaire
+Imag_Complex [label="imag(C)"];
+// Valeur Absolue
+Abs_Real [label="abs(R)", comment="|R|"];
+// Signe
+Sign_Real [label="sign(R)"];
+// Pythagore
+Pythag_Real [label="pythag(R)"];
+// -*- Functions call links -*-
+subgraph clusterLAPACK {
+ style=filled;
+ color=lightsteelblue;
+ label="LAPACK";
+ // -*- DLAMCH -*-
+ Dlamch_E_Call -> LAPACK_Call;
+ Dlamch_U_Call -> LAPACK_Call;
+ Dlamch_O_Call -> LAPACK_Call;
+// -*- COS -*-
+// cos(a+ib) = cos(a).ch(b) - i.sin(a).sh(b)
+Cos_Complex -> {
+ Cos_Real
+ Sin_Real
+ Cos_Hyperbolic_Real
+ Sin_Hyperbolic_Real
+ };
+// Call a cosinus function in F77 math lib
+Cos_Real -> F77_Call;
+// -*- ACOS -*-
+// acos(a+ib) = see $SCIHOME/modules/elementaries_functions/src/fortran/wacos.f
+ACos_Complex -> {
+ Dlamch_O_Call
+ Dlamch_E_Call
+ Dlamch_U_Call
+ Sqrt_Real
+ Abs_Real
+ ACos_Real
+ ATan_Real
+ Log1p_Real
+ Log_Real
+ Sign_Real
+ };
+// Call an inverse cosine function in F77 math lib
+ACos_Real -> F77_Call;
+// -*- COSH -*-
+// ch(z) = cos(i.z)
+Cos_Hyperbolic_Complex -> {
+ Cos_Complex
+ };
+// ch(x) = 1/2 . exp(|x|) + exp(-|x|)
+Cos_Hyperbolic_Real -> {
+ Exp_Real
+ Abs_Real
+ };
+// -*- ACOSH -*-
+// acosh(z) = sign(-imag(acos(z)) i acos(z)
+ACos_Hyperbolic_Complex -> {
+ Imag_Complex
+ ACos_Complex
+ };
+ // acosh(z) = sign(-imag(acos(z)) i acos(
+ ACos_Hyperbolic_Real -> {
+ Imag_Complex
+ ACos_Complex
+ Min_Real
+ };
+// -*- SIN -*-
+// sin(a+ib) = sin(a).ch(b) + i.cos(a).sh(b)
+Sin_Complex -> {
+ Cos_Real
+ Sin_Real
+ Cos_Hyperbolic_Real
+ Sin_Hyperbolic_Real
+ };
+// Call a sinus function in F77 math lib
+Sin_Real -> F77_Call;
+// -*- ASIN -*-
+// asin(a+ib) = see $SCIHOME/modules/elementaries_functions/src/fortran/wasin.f
+ASin_Complex -> {
+ Dlamch_O_Call
+ Dlamch_U_Call
+ Dlamch_E_Call
+ Abs_Real
+ Sqrt_Real
+ ASin_Real
+ ATan_Real
+ Log1p_Real
+ Log_Real
+ Sign_Real
+ };
+// Call an inverse sine function in F77 math lib
+ASin_Real -> F77_Call;
+// -*- SINH -*-
+// sh(z) = -i.sin(i.z)
+Sin_Hyperbolic_Complex -> {
+ Sin_Complex
+ };
+// sh(x) = imag(sin(i.x))
+Sin_Hyperbolic_Real -> {
+ Sin_Complex
+ Imag_Complex
+ };
+// -*- ASINH -*-
+// asinh(z) = -i asin(i z)
+ASin_Hyperbolic_Complex -> {
+ ASin_Complex
+ };
+// asinh(z) = -i asin(i z)
+ASin_Hyperbolic_Real -> {
+ ASin_Complex
+ Imag_Complex
+ };
+// -*- TAN -*-
+// tan(a+ib) = x_r + i.x_i
+// x_r= 1/2 sin(2.a) / d
+// x_i = | sh(2.b) / 2.d si |b| <= L
+// | sign(a)
+// d = cos(a)^2 + sh(b)^2
+// L = 1 + log(2 / sqrt(dlamch('e')))
+Tan_Complex -> {
+ Cos_Real
+ Sin_Hyperbolic_Real
+ Log_Real
+ Sqrt_Real
+ Dlamch_E_Call
+ Abs_Real
+ Sign_Real
+ };
+// Call a tangeante function in F77 math lib
+Tan_Real -> F77_Call;
+// -*- ATAN -*-
+ATan_Complex -> {
+ Dlamch_O_Call
+ ATan_Real
+ Abs_Real
+ Sign_Real
+ Log_Real
+ ATan2_Real
+ };
+// Call an inverse tangeant function in F77 math lib
+ATan_Real -> F77_Call;
+// -*- TANH -*-
+// tanh(z) = -i.tan(i.z)
+Tan_Hyperbolic_Complex -> {
+ Tan_Complex
+ };
+// tanh(x) = imag(tan(i.x))
+Tan_Hyperbolic_Real -> {
+ Tan_Complex
+ Imag_Complex
+ };
+// -*- ATANH -*-
+// atanh(z) = i atan(-i z)
+ATan_Hyperbolic_Complex -> {
+ ATan_Complex
+ };
+// atanh(x) = -imag(atan(i.x)) | i.atan(-i.x)
+ATan_Hyperbolic_Real -> {
+ ATan_Complex
+ Imag_Complex
+ };
+// -*- LOG -*-
+// log(a+ib) = x_r + i.x_i
+// Constantes :
+// L_inf = sqrt(dlamch('U'))
+// L_sup = sqrt(R_max / 2)
+// R_max = dlamch('O')
+// t = pythag(|a|,|b|)
+// r = |b|/|a|
+// x_i = atan2(b, a)
+// x_r = | 1/2 logp1((|a|-1)(|a|+1) + |b|^2) si 1/2 <= |a| <= sqrt(2)
+// | 1/2 log(|a|^2 + |b|^2) si L_inf < |b| && |a| < L_sup
+// | |a| si |a| > R_max
+// | log(t) si t <= R_max
+// | log(|a|) + 1/2 logp1(r^2) sinon
+Log_Complex -> {
+ Sqrt_Real
+ Dlamch_U_Call
+ Dlamch_O_Call
+ Pythag_Real
+ Log1p_Real
+ Log_Real
+ Abs_Real
+ Pythag_Real
+ ATan2_Real
+ };
+// Separate positive and negative case
+Log_Real -> {
+ Log_Positive_Real
+ Log_Negative_Real
+ };
+// Call another log function, treat it as complex
+Log_Negative_Real -> Log_Complex;
+// Call a log function in F77 math lib
+Log_Positive_Real -> F77_Call;
+// Call a log1p function in F77 math lib
+Log1p_Real -> F77_Call;
+// -*- SQRT -*-
+// sqrt(a+ib) = x_r + i.x_i
+// Constantes :
+// Rmax = dlamch('O')
+// BRmin = 2.dlamch('U')
+// t = sqrt(2.|a| + pythag(a,b))
+// (1) a = 0
+// x_r = | sqrt(|b| / 2) si |b| <= BRmin
+// | sqrt(|b|).sqrt(1/2)
+// x_i = sign(b).x_r
+// (2) |a| >= BRmax && |b| >= BRmax
+// - Si t > Rmax
+// a = a / 16
+// b = b / 16
+// t = sqrt(2.|a| + pythag(a,b))
+// x_r = | 2.t si a >= 0
+// | 4.|b| / t
+// x_i = | 4.b / t si a >= 0
+// | 2.sign(b).t
+// - Sinon
+// x_r = | t / 2 si a >= 0
+// | |b| / t
+// x_i = | b / t si a >= 0
+// | sign(b) / 2.t
+// (3) Tous les cas pourris
+// x_r = | a + b si a is NaN && b is NaN
+// | |b| si |b| > Rmax
+// | 0 si a < -Rmax
+// | a
+// x_i = | a + b si a is NaN && b is NaN
+// | b si |b| > Rmax
+// | sign(b).|a| si a < -Rmax
+// | 0
+Sqrt_Complex -> {
+ Abs_Real
+ Sqrt_Real
+ Sign_Real
+ Pythag_Real
+ Dlamch_U_Call
+ Dlamch_O_Call
+ };
+// Separate positive and negative case
+Sqrt_Real -> {
+ Sqrt_Positive_Real
+ Sqrt_Negative_Real
+ };
+// Call another sqrt function, treat it as complex
+Sqrt_Negative_Real -> Sqrt_Complex;
+// Call a sqrt function in F77 math lib
+Sqrt_Positive_Real -> F77_Call;
+// -*- PYTHAG -*-
+// pythag(a,b) = sqrt(a^2 + b^2)
+Pythag_Real -> {
+ Sqrt_Real
+ Dlamch_O_Call
+ };
+// -*- SIGN -*-
+// Call a sign function in F77 math lib
+Sign_Real -> F77_Call;
+// -*- ABS -*-
+// Call a abs function in F77 math lib
+Abs_Real -> F77_Call;
+// -*- EXP -*-
+// exp(a+i.b) = exp(a).cos(b) + i.exp(a)sin(b)
+Exp_Complex -> {
+ Exp_Real
+ Cos_Real
+ Sin_Real
+ };
+// Call a exp function in F77 math lib
+Exp_Real -> F77_Call;
+// -*- ATAN2 -*-
+// Call atan2 function in C math lib
+ATan2_Real -> C_Call;
+// -*- IMAG -*-
+// Call a imag function in F77 math lib
+Imag_Complex -> F77_Call;
+} \ No newline at end of file
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index 00000000..8f4761f4
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