diff options
authorAbhinav Dronamraju2017-08-22 20:54:30 +0530
committerAbhinav Dronamraju2017-08-22 20:54:30 +0530
commitfe525aa0b13baa3113ec22fe4f2d373db6e093d8 (patch)
parent5b728d8239b1a1f4467e2485d54c7ed7db1d4f11 (diff)
Faurre, kalm, Mvcorrel added
-rw-r--r--jar/scilab_en_US_help.jarbin20466 -> 11210 bytes
21 files changed, 826 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/includes/sci2clib.h b/includes/sci2clib.h
index ac8f7e7d..68378ed3 100644
--- a/includes/sci2clib.h
+++ b/includes/sci2clib.h
@@ -606,6 +606,14 @@ extern "C" {
#include "buttmag.h"
#include "int_buttmag.h"
+/*interfacing kalm */
+#include "kalm.h"
+#include "int_kalm.h"
+/*interfacing faurre */
+#include "faurre.h"
+#include "int_faurre.h"
/*interfacing cheb1mag */
#include "cheb1mag.h"
#include "int_cheb1mag.h"
@@ -662,6 +670,9 @@ extern "C" {
/* interfacing median */
#include "median.h"
#include "int_median.h"
+/* interfacing mvcorrel */
+#include "mvcorrel.h"
+#include "int_mvcorrel.h"
/* interfacing gsort */
#include "gsort.h"
#include "int_gsort.h"
diff --git a/jar/scilab_en_US_help.jar b/jar/scilab_en_US_help.jar
index fec28974..e858ddc5 100644
--- a/jar/scilab_en_US_help.jar
+++ b/jar/scilab_en_US_help.jar
Binary files differ
diff --git a/macros/ASTManagement/AST2Ccode.sci b/macros/ASTManagement/AST2Ccode.sci
index 20aa999e..d44a3393 100644
--- a/macros/ASTManagement/AST2Ccode.sci
+++ b/macros/ASTManagement/AST2Ccode.sci
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ function AST2Ccode(FileInfoDatFile)
// Copyright 2007 Raffaele Nutricato.
// Contact:
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------
// --- Check input arguments. ---
// ------------------------------
@@ -75,7 +74,6 @@ FName = null
ASTFileName = FileInfo.Funct(nxtscifunnumber).ASTFileName;
// -----------------------
// --- Initialization. ---
// -----------------------
@@ -121,7 +119,6 @@ AST_PushASTStack('Dummy');
SharedInfo.UsedTempScalarVars = OrigUsedTempScalarVars;
//NUT: put here a manageeol so that you can have all the save and load you want.
SharedInfo.ASTReader.UsedTempVars = 0;
// ----------------------------------
// --- Main loop to read the AST. ---
// ----------------------------------
@@ -137,7 +134,6 @@ while ~meof(fidAST)
disp('Read AST Line: '+treeline);
// Analyze line.
select treeline
@@ -179,7 +175,6 @@ while ~meof(fidAST)
disp_isthere = 0;
FName = null
case 'Equal' then
SharedInfo.Equal.Enabled = 1; // 1 means enabled -> we are inside an equal AST block.
@@ -218,7 +213,6 @@ while ~meof(fidAST)
// ----------------
// --- If/Else. ---
// ----------------
@@ -237,7 +231,6 @@ while ~meof(fidAST)
SharedInfo = C_IfElseBlocks(FileInfo,SharedInfo,'out');
SharedInfo.CountNestedIf = 0;
// --------------
// --- Dummy. ---
// --------------
@@ -254,7 +247,6 @@ while ~meof(fidAST)
disp_isthere = 0;
//NUT: per essere precisi si puo' pensare di mettere un check
//NUT: alla fine dell'albero per accertarsi che c'e' end program li' dove ce lo aspettiamo
// ------------
// --- For. ---
// ------------
@@ -316,7 +308,6 @@ SharedInfo.Function_list = SharedInfo.Function_list(1:SharedInfo.Function_list_i
// --------------------------------------
// --- End main loop to read the AST. ---
// --------------------------------------
diff --git a/macros/ASTManagement/AST_HandleEndGenFun.sci b/macros/ASTManagement/AST_HandleEndGenFun.sci
index 79ec976c..455cd404 100644
--- a/macros/ASTManagement/AST_HandleEndGenFun.sci
+++ b/macros/ASTManagement/AST_HandleEndGenFun.sci
@@ -348,8 +348,8 @@ NOutArg_mod = NOutArg
OutArg(1).FindLike = InArg(1).FindLike;
OutArg(1).Scope = 'Number_d';
- OutArg = FA_GetOutArgInfo(InArg,NInArg,OutArg,NOutArg,SharedInfo,FunPrecSpecifier,FunTypeAnnot,FunSizeAnnot,ReportFileName,ASTFunName);
- end
+ OutArg = FA_GetOutArgInfo(InArg,NInArg,OutArg,NOutArg,SharedInfo,FunPrecSpecifier,FunTypeAnnot,FunSizeAnnot,ReportFileName,ASTFunName);
// --- Generate the names for the output arguments. ---
diff --git a/macros/FunctionAnnotation/FA_GetOutArgInfo.sci b/macros/FunctionAnnotation/FA_GetOutArgInfo.sci
index 4d1113ea..284f4a29 100644
--- a/macros/FunctionAnnotation/FA_GetOutArgInfo.sci
+++ b/macros/FunctionAnnotation/FA_GetOutArgInfo.sci
@@ -95,15 +95,15 @@ for counterout = 1:NOutArg
UpdatedOutArg(counterout).FindLike = -1;
- // #RNU_RES_B
- // When the size is given by e IN(x).VAL annotation we can have two cases:
- // IN(x).VAL is a number or IN(x).VAL is %nan. When it is %nan the
- // size is equal to the name of IN(x).
- // This is a dynamic memory extension of a local variable and for the moment
- // we issue an error according to SCI2C specifications
- // #RNU_RES_E
- //disp(FunSizeAnnot(2),FunSizeAnnot(1))
- //Ukasha
+// #RNU_RES_B
+// When the size is given by e IN(x).VAL annotation we can have two cases:
+// IN(x).VAL is a number or IN(x).VAL is %nan. When it is %nan the
+// size is equal to the name of IN(x).
+// This is a dynamic memory extension of a local variable and for the moment
+// we issue an error according to SCI2C specifications
+// #RNU_RES_E
+// disp(FunSizeAnnot(2),FunSizeAnnot(1))
+// Ukasha
// if ASTFunName == svd
// x=1;
// for i=1:InArg(1).Size(1)
diff --git a/macros/ToolInitialization/INIT_FillSCI2LibCDirs.sci b/macros/ToolInitialization/INIT_FillSCI2LibCDirs.sci
index f46d1672..d1cfeff2 100644
--- a/macros/ToolInitialization/INIT_FillSCI2LibCDirs.sci
+++ b/macros/ToolInitialization/INIT_FillSCI2LibCDirs.sci
@@ -11119,6 +11119,110 @@ INIT_GenAnnFLFunctions(FunctionName,SCI2CLibCFLFunDir,ClassName,GeneralReport,Ex
+//---- Class KALM --------------------
+ClassName = 'KALM';
+// --- Class Annotation. ---
+PrintStringInfo(' Adding Class: '+ClassName+'.',GeneralReport,'file','y');
+ClassFileName = fullfile(SCI2CLibCAnnClsDir,ClassName+ExtensionCAnnCls);
+PrintStringInfo('NIN= 8',ClassFileName,'file','y');
+PrintStringInfo('NOUT= 4',ClassFileName,'file','y');
+PrintStringInfo('OUT(1).TP= IN(1).TP',ClassFileName,'file','y');
+PrintStringInfo('OUT(1).SZ(1)= IN(4).SZ(1)',ClassFileName,'file','y');
+PrintStringInfo('OUT(1).SZ(2)= IN(2).SZ(2)',ClassFileName,'file','y');
+PrintStringInfo('OUT(2).TP= IN(1).TP',ClassFileName,'file','y');
+PrintStringInfo('OUT(2).SZ(1)= IN(4).SZ(1)',ClassFileName,'file','y');
+PrintStringInfo('OUT(2).SZ(2)= IN(4).SZ(1)',ClassFileName,'file','y');
+PrintStringInfo('OUT(3).TP= IN(1).TP',ClassFileName,'file','y');
+PrintStringInfo('OUT(3).SZ(1)= IN(2).SZ(1)',ClassFileName,'file','y');
+PrintStringInfo('OUT(3).SZ(2)= IN(2).SZ(2)',ClassFileName,'file','y');
+PrintStringInfo('OUT(4).TP= IN(1).TP',ClassFileName,'file','y');
+PrintStringInfo('OUT(4).SZ(1)= IN(3).SZ(1)',ClassFileName,'file','y');
+PrintStringInfo('OUT(4).SZ(2)= IN(3).SZ(2)',ClassFileName,'file','y');
+ClassFileName = fullfile(SCI2CLibCFLClsDir,ClassName+ExtensionCFuncListCls);
+// --- Annotation Function And Function List Function. ---
+FunctionName = 'kalm';
+PrintStringInfo(' Adding Function: '+FunctionName+'.',GeneralReport,'file','y');
+//---- Class MVCORREL --------------------
+ClassName = 'MVCORREL';
+// --- Class Annotation. ---
+PrintStringInfo(' Adding Class: '+ClassName+'.',GeneralReport,'file','y');
+ClassFileName = fullfile(SCI2CLibCAnnClsDir,ClassName+ExtensionCAnnCls);
+PrintStringInfo('NIN= 1',ClassFileName,'file','y');
+PrintStringInfo('NOUT= 1',ClassFileName,'file','y');
+PrintStringInfo('OUT(1).TP= IN(1).TP',ClassFileName,'file','y');
+PrintStringInfo('OUT(1).SZ(1)= IN(1).SZ(2)',ClassFileName,'file','y');
+PrintStringInfo('OUT(1).SZ(2)= IN(2).SZ(2)',ClassFileName,'file','y');
+ClassFileName = fullfile(SCI2CLibCFLClsDir,ClassName+ExtensionCFuncListCls);
+// --- Annotation Function And Function List Function. ---
+FunctionName = 'mvcorrel';
+PrintStringInfo(' Adding Function: '+FunctionName+'.',GeneralReport,'file','y');
+//---- Class FAURRE --------------------
+ClassName = 'FAURRE';
+// --- Class Annotation. ---
+PrintStringInfo(' Adding Class: '+ClassName+'.',GeneralReport,'file','y');
+ClassFileName = fullfile(SCI2CLibCAnnClsDir,ClassName+ExtensionCAnnCls);
+PrintStringInfo('NIN= 5',ClassFileName,'file','y');
+PrintStringInfo('NOUT= 3',ClassFileName,'file','y');
+PrintStringInfo('OUT(1).TP= IN(1).TP',ClassFileName,'file','y');
+PrintStringInfo('OUT(1).SZ(1)= IN(4).SZ(1)',ClassFileName,'file','y');
+PrintStringInfo('OUT(1).SZ(2)= IN(4).SZ(1)',ClassFileName,'file','y');
+PrintStringInfo('OUT(2).TP= IN(1).TP',ClassFileName,'file','y');
+PrintStringInfo('OUT(2).SZ(1)= IN(5).SZ(1)',ClassFileName,'file','y');
+PrintStringInfo('OUT(2).SZ(2)= IN(5).SZ(2)',ClassFileName,'file','y');
+PrintStringInfo('OUT(3).TP= IN(1).TP',ClassFileName,'file','y');
+PrintStringInfo('OUT(3).SZ(1)= IN(4).SZ(1)',ClassFileName,'file','y');
+PrintStringInfo('OUT(3).SZ(2)= IN(5).SZ(1)',ClassFileName,'file','y');
+ClassFileName = fullfile(SCI2CLibCFLClsDir,ClassName+ExtensionCFuncListCls);
+// --- Annotation Function And Function List Function. ---
+FunctionName = 'faurre';
+PrintStringInfo(' Adding Function: '+FunctionName+'.',GeneralReport,'file','y');
//---- Class CHEB1MAG --------------------
ClassName = 'CHEB1MAG';
diff --git a/macros/findDeps/getAllHeaders.sci b/macros/findDeps/getAllHeaders.sci
index e4d7133e..2135dced 100644
--- a/macros/findDeps/getAllHeaders.sci
+++ b/macros/findDeps/getAllHeaders.sci
@@ -155,6 +155,7 @@ function allHeaders = getAllHeaders(SharedInfo)
+ "src/c/statisticsFunctions/includes/mvcorrel.h"
@@ -201,6 +202,8 @@ function allHeaders = getAllHeaders(SharedInfo)
+ "src/c/signalProcessing/includes/kalm.h"
+ "src/c/signalProcessing/includes/faurre.h"
diff --git a/macros/findDeps/getAllInterfaces.sci b/macros/findDeps/getAllInterfaces.sci
index 48028745..601d5255 100644
--- a/macros/findDeps/getAllInterfaces.sci
+++ b/macros/findDeps/getAllInterfaces.sci
@@ -144,6 +144,7 @@ function allInterfaces = getAllInterfaces(SharedInfo)
+ "src/c/statisticsFunctions/interfaces/int_mvcorrel.h"
@@ -199,6 +200,8 @@ function allInterfaces = getAllInterfaces(SharedInfo)
+ "src/c/signalProcessing/interfaces/int_kalm.h"
+ "src/c/signalProcessing/interfaces/int_faurre.h"
diff --git a/macros/findDeps/getAllSources.sci b/macros/findDeps/getAllSources.sci
index 606139a7..6594a2e1 100644
--- a/macros/findDeps/getAllSources.sci
+++ b/macros/findDeps/getAllSources.sci
@@ -1017,6 +1017,7 @@ function allSources = getAllSources(SharedInfo,BuildTool)
+ "src/c/statisticsFunctions/mvcorrel/dmvcorrela.c"
@@ -1330,6 +1331,9 @@ function allSources = getAllSources(SharedInfo,BuildTool)
+ "src/c/signalProcessing/kalm/dkalma.c"
+ "src/c/signalProcessing/kalm/zkalma.c"
+ "src/c/signalProcessing/faurre/dfaurrea.c"
diff --git a/src/c/interpolation/interpln/dinterplna.c b/src/c/interpolation/interpln/dinterplna.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..76cd7f83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/c/interpolation/interpln/dinterplna.c
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 2016 - IIT Bombay - FOSSEE
+ This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+ This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+ you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+ are also available at
+ Author: Abhinav Dronamraju
+ Organization: FOSSEE, IIT Bombay
+ Email:
+#include "interpln.h"
+#include "stdio.h"
+#include "matrixInversion.h"
+#include "matrixTranspose.h"
+void dinterplna(double* xyd, int nd, double* x, int x_row, int x_col)
+ int md=2;
+ int n= x_col*x_row;
diff --git a/src/c/interpolation/interpln/sinterp13a.c b/src/c/interpolation/interpln/sinterp13a.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b8cb0851
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/c/interpolation/interpln/sinterp13a.c
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 2016 - IIT Bombay - FOSSEE
+ This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+ This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+ you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+ are also available at
+ Author: Ukasha Noor
+ Organization: FOSSEE, IIT Bombay
+ Email:
+#include "interp1.h"
+#include <string.h>
+void sinterp13a(float *x,int size1,float *fx,int size2,float *q,int size3,char *ch,int size4,float *out)
+ int i,j,k,f;
+ float a,b;
+ if(strcmp(ch,"linear")==0)
+ {
+ for(i=0;i<size3;i++)
+ {
+ f=0;
+ for(j=0;j<size1;j++)
+ {
+ if(q[i]==x[j])
+ {
+ out[i]=fx[j];
+ f=1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(f==0)
+ {
+ j=0;
+ while(q[i]>x[j])
+ {
+ j++;
+ }
+ a=x[j-1];
+ b=x[j];
+ out[i]=fx[j-1]+(q[i]-a)*((fx[j]-fx[j-1])/(b-a));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if(strcmp(ch,"nearest")==0)
+ {
+ for(i=0;i<size3;i++)
+ {
+ f=0;
+ for(j=0;j<size1;j++)
+ {
+ if(q[i]==x[j])
+ {
+ out[i]=fx[j];
+ f=1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(f==0)
+ {
+ j=0;
+ while(q[i]>x[j])
+ {
+ j++;
+ }
+ out[i]=fx[j];
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/c/signalProcessing/faurre/dfaurrea.c b/src/c/signalProcessing/faurre/dfaurrea.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..04d5a697
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/c/signalProcessing/faurre/dfaurrea.c
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 2017 - IIT Bombay - FOSSEE
+ This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+ This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+ you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+ are also available at
+ Author: Abhinav Dronamraju
+ Organization: FOSSEE, IIT Bombay
+ Email:
+ */
+/*Funtion to find faurre */
+#include "lapack.h"
+#include "stdlib.h"
+#include "string.h"
+#include "faurre.h"
+#include "matrixTranspose.h"
+#include "matrixMultiplication.h"
+#include "matrixInversion.h"
+#include "addition.h"
+#include "subtraction.h"
+#include "eye.h"
+#include "matrixDivision.h"
+void dfaurrea(int n, double* H, int H_row, int H_col, double* F, int F_row, int F_col, double* G, int G_row, int G_col, double * R0, int R0_row, int R0_col, double* P, double *R , double* T )
+/*Variable Declaration Start*/
+ double R0_inv[R0_row* R0_col];
+ double temp1[G_row* R0_col];
+ double Pn[G_row* G_row];
+ double Pn_temp[G_row*G_row];
+ double G_trans[G_col*G_row];
+ double H_trans[H_col*H_row];
+ double F_trans[F_col*F_row];
+ double A_trans[G_col*G_row];
+ double temp2[F_row*G_row];
+ double temp3[F_row*H_row];
+ double A[G_row*G_col];
+ double temp4[H_row*G_row];
+ double temp5[H_row*H_row];
+ double temp6[R0_row*R0_col];
+ double temp7[G_row*R0_row];
+ double temp8[G_row*G_row];
+ double temp9[F_row*F_col];
+ double temp10[H_row*G_row];
+ double temp11[H_row*H_row];
+ double temp12[F_row*G_row];
+ double temp13[F_row*H_row];
+ double temp14[G_row*G_col];
+/*Variable Declaration End*/
+ dinverma(R0, R0_inv, R0_row); //R0_inv= inv(R0)
+ dmulma(G, G_row, G_col, R0_inv, R0_row, R0_col, temp1); //temp1= G* inv(R0)
+ dtransposea(G, G_row, G_col, G_trans); //G_trans= G'
+ dmulma(temp1, G_row, R0_col, G_trans, G_col, G_row, Pn ); // Pn= G* inv(R0)* G'
+ dtransposea(H, H_row, H_col, H_trans); //H_trans= H'
+ dtransposea(F, F_row, F_col, F_trans); //F_trans= F'
+/*//Debug Only*/
+/* for(int i=0; i< G_row*G_row; i++)*/
+/* printf("Before loop Pn[%d]= %lf \t", i, Pn[i]);*/
+/* printf("\n");*/
+ for(int i=1;i <= n ; i++)
+ {
+ dmulma(F, F_row, F_col, Pn, G_row, G_row, temp2); //temp2= F*Pn;
+ dmulma(temp2, F_row, G_row, H_trans, H_col, H_row, temp3); //temp3= F*Pn*H'
+ ddiffa( G, G_row*G_col, temp3, F_row*H_row, A); //A = G- F*Pn*H'
+ dtransposea(A, G_row, G_col, A_trans); //A_trans= A'
+ dmulma(H, H_row, H_col, Pn, G_row, G_row, temp4); //temp4= H*Pn
+ dmulma(temp4, H_row, G_row, H_trans, H_col, H_row, temp5 ); //temp5= H*Pn*H'
+ ddiffa(R0, R0_row*R0_col, temp5, H_row*H_row,temp6 ); //temp6= R0-H*Pn*H'
+ drdivma(A,G_row, G_col, temp6, R0_row, R0_col, temp7); //temp7= A / (R0-H*Pn*H')
+ dmulma(temp7, G_row, R0_row, A_trans, G_col, G_row, temp8); //temp8 = A / (R0-H*Pn*H')*A'
+ dmulma(temp2, F_row, G_row, F_trans, F_col, F_row, temp9); //temp9= F*Pn*F'
+ dadda(temp9, F_row*F_col,temp8,G_row*G_row, Pn_temp); //Pn_temp = F*Pn*F'+ A / (R0-H*Pn*H')*A'
+ for(int j=0; j< G_row*G_row; j++)
+ Pn[j]= Pn_temp[j];
+ }
+/* //Debug Only*/
+/* for(int i=0; i< G_row*G_row; i++)*/
+/* printf("Afterloop Pn[%d]= %lf \t", i, Pn[i]);*/
+/* printf("\n");*/
+ for(int j=0; j< G_row*G_row; j++)
+ P[j]= Pn[j];
+ dmulma(H, H_row, H_col, P, G_row, G_row, temp10); //temp10= H*P
+ dmulma(temp10, H_row, G_row, H_trans, H_col, H_row, temp11 ); //temp11= H*P*H'
+ ddiffa(R0, R0_row*R0_col, temp11, H_row*H_row, R ); //R= R0-H*P*H'
+/* //Debug Only*/
+/* for(int i=0; i< H_row*H_row; i++)*/
+/* printf("R[%d]= %lf \t", i, R[i]);*/
+/* printf("\n");*/
+ dmulma(F, F_row, F_col, P, G_row, G_row, temp12); //temp12= F*P;
+ dmulma(temp12, F_row, G_row, H_trans, H_col, H_row, temp13); //temp13= F*P*H'
+ ddiffa( G, G_row*G_col, temp13, F_row*H_row, temp14); //temp14 = G- F*P*H'
+ drdivma(temp14,G_row, G_col, R, R0_row, R0_col, T); //T= (G-F*P*H')/ R
+/* //Debug Only*/
+/* for(int i=0; i< G_row*R0_row; i++)*/
+/* printf("T[%d]= %lf \t", i, T[i]);*/
+/* printf("\n");*/
diff --git a/src/c/signalProcessing/includes/faurre.h b/src/c/signalProcessing/includes/faurre.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e4a2de3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/c/signalProcessing/includes/faurre.h
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 2017 - IIT Bombay - FOSSEE
+ This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+ This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+ you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+ are also available at
+ Author: Abhinav Dronamraju
+ Organization: FOSSEE, IIT Bombay
+ Email:
+ */
+#ifndef __FAURRE_H__
+#define __FAURRE_H__
+#include "types.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+void dfaurrea(int n, double* H, int H_row, int H_col, double* F, int F_row, int F_col, double* G, int G_row, int G_col, double * R0, int R0_row, int R0_col, double * P, double* R, double* T);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+} /* extern "C" */
+#endif /* __FAURRE_H__ */
diff --git a/src/c/signalProcessing/includes/kalm.h b/src/c/signalProcessing/includes/kalm.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7cd5a551
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/c/signalProcessing/includes/kalm.h
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 2017 - IIT Bombay - FOSSEE
+ This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+ This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+ you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+ are also available at
+ Author: Abhinav Dronamraju
+ Organization: FOSSEE, IIT Bombay
+ Email:
+ */
+#ifndef __KALM_H__
+#define __KALM_H__
+#include "types.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+void dkalma(double* y, int y_row, int y_col, double* x0, int x0_row, int x0_col, double* p0, int p0_row, int p0_col, double* f, int f_row, int f_col, double* g, int g_row, int g_col, double* h, int h_row, int h_col, double* q, int q_row, int q_col, double* r, int r_row, int r_col, double* x1, double* p1, double* x, double* p);
+void zkalma(doubleComplex* y, int y_row, int y_col, doubleComplex* x0, int x0_row, int x0_col,doubleComplex* p0, int p0_row, int p0_col, doubleComplex* f, int f_row, int f_col, doubleComplex* g, int g_row, int g_col, doubleComplex* h, int h_row, int h_col, doubleComplex* q, int q_row, int q_col, doubleComplex* r, int r_row, int r_col, doubleComplex* x1, doubleComplex* p1, doubleComplex* x, doubleComplex* p);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+} /* extern "C" */
+#endif /* __KALM_H__ */
diff --git a/src/c/signalProcessing/interfaces/int_faurre.h b/src/c/signalProcessing/interfaces/int_faurre.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e527a639
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/c/signalProcessing/interfaces/int_faurre.h
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 2016 - IIT Bombay - FOSSEE
+ This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+ This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+ you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+ are also available at
+ Author: Abhinav Dronamraju
+ Organization: FOSSEE, IIT Bombay
+ Email:
+ */
+#ifndef __INT_FAURRE_H__
+#define __INT_FAURRE_H__
+#define d0d2d2d2d2faurred2d2d2(in1,in2, size2, in3, size3, in4, size4, in5, size5,out1, out2, out3) \
+ dfaurrea(in1,in2, size2[0], size2[1],in3, size3[0], size3[1],in4, size4[0], size4[1],in5, size5[0], size5[1], out1, out2, out3)
+#endif /* !INT_FAURRE_H__! */
diff --git a/src/c/signalProcessing/interfaces/int_kalm.h b/src/c/signalProcessing/interfaces/int_kalm.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b03977d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/c/signalProcessing/interfaces/int_kalm.h
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 2016 - IIT Bombay - FOSSEE
+ This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+ This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+ you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+ are also available at
+ Author: Abhinav Dronamraju
+ Organization: FOSSEE, IIT Bombay
+ Email:
+ */
+#ifndef __INT_KALM_H__
+#define __INT_KALM_H__
+#define d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2kalmd2d2d2d2(in1, size1, in2, size2, in3, size3, in4, size4, in5, size5, in6, size6, in7, size7, in8, size8, out1, out2, out3, out4) \
+ dkalma(in1, size1[0], size1[1],in2, size2[0], size2[1],in3, size3[0], size3[1],in4, size4[0], size4[1],in5, size5[0], size5[1] ,\
+ in6, size6[0], size6[1],in7, size7[0], size7[1],in8, size8[0], size8[1], out1, out2, out3, out4)
+#define z2z2z2z2z2z2z2z2kalmz2z2z2z2(in1, size1, in2, size2, in3, size3, in4, size4, in5, size5, in6, size6, in7, size7, in8, size8, out1, out2, out3, out4) \
+ zkalma(in1, size1[0], size1[1],in2, size2[0], size2[1],in3, size3[0], size3[1],in4, size4[0], size4[1],in5, size5[0], size5[1] ,\
+ in6, size6[0], size6[1],in7, size7[0], size7[1],in8, size8[0], size8[1], out1, out2, out3, out4)
+#endif /* !INT_KALM_H__! */
diff --git a/src/c/signalProcessing/kalm/dkalma.c b/src/c/signalProcessing/kalm/dkalma.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d71a86a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/c/signalProcessing/kalm/dkalma.c
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 2017 - IIT Bombay - FOSSEE
+ This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+ This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+ you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+ are also available at
+ Author: Abhinav Dronamraju
+ Organization: FOSSEE, IIT Bombay
+ Email:
+ */
+/*Function to find kalm */
+#include "lapack.h"
+#include "stdlib.h"
+#include "stdio.h"
+#include "string.h"
+#include "kalm.h"
+#include "matrixTranspose.h"
+#include "matrixMultiplication.h"
+#include "matrixInversion.h"
+#include "addition.h"
+#include "subtraction.h"
+#include "eye.h"
+void dkalma(double* y, int y_row, int y_col, double* x0, int x0_row, int x0_col, double* p0, int p0_row, int p0_col, double* f, int f_row, int f_col, double* g, int g_row, int g_col, double* h, int h_row, int h_col, double* q, int q_row, int q_col, double* r, int r_row, int r_col, double* x1, double* p1, double* x, double* p)
+ double k[p0_row*h_row];
+ double h_trans[h_col*h_row];
+ double temp1[p0_row*h_row];
+ double temp2[h_row*p0_col];
+ double temp3[h_row*h_row];
+ double temp4[h_row*h_row];
+ double temp5[h_row*h_row];
+ double temp6[p0_row*p0_col];
+ double temp7[p0_row*h_col];
+ double temp8[p0_row*p0_col];
+ double f_trans[f_col*f_row];
+ double g_trans[g_col*g_row];
+ double temp9 [f_row*p0_col];
+ double temp10[f_row*f_row];
+ double temp11 [g_row*q_col];
+ double temp12[g_row*g_row];
+ double temp13[h_row*x0_col];
+ double temp14[h_row*x0_col];
+ double temp15[p0_row*x0_col];
+ dtransposea(h, h_row, h_col, h_trans);
+ dmulma(p0, p0_row, p0_col, h_trans, h_col, h_row, temp1); //temp1= p0*h'
+ dmulma(h, h_row, h_col, p0, p0_row, p0_col, temp2); //temp2= h*p0
+ dmulma(temp2, h_row, p0_col, h_trans, h_col, h_row, temp3); //temp3= h*p0*h'
+ dadda(temp3, h_row*h_row, r, r_row*r_col, temp4); //temp4= h*p0*h'+r
+/*//Debug Only*/
+/* for(int i=0; i< h_row*h_row; i++)*/
+/* printf("temp4[%d] = %lf \t",i, temp4[i]);*/
+/* printf("\n");*/
+ dinverma(temp4, temp5, h_row); //temp5= (h*p0*h'+r)**(-1)
+ dmulma(temp1, p0_row, h_row, temp5, h_row, h_row, k); //k=p0*h'*(h*p0*h'+r)**(-1)
+/*//Debug Only*/
+/* for(int i=0; i< p0_row*h_row; i++)*/
+/* printf("k[%d] = %lf \t",i, k[i]);*/
+/* printf("\n");*/
+ deyea(temp6, p0_row, p0_col); //temp6 = eye(p0)
+ dmulma(k, p0_row, h_row, h, h_row, h_col, temp7); //temp7 = k*h
+ ddiffa(temp6, p0_row*p0_col, temp7, p0_row*h_col, temp8); //temp8= eye(p0)- k*h
+ dmulma(temp8, p0_row, p0_col, p0, p0_row, p0_col, p); //p=(eye(p0)-k*h)*p0
+/*//Debug Only*/
+/* for(int i=0; i< p0_row*p0_col; i++)*/
+/* printf("p[%d] = %lf \t",i, p[i]);*/
+/* printf("\n");*/
+ dtransposea(g, g_row, g_col, g_trans);
+ dtransposea(f, f_row, f_col, f_trans);
+ dmulma(f, f_row, f_col, p, p0_row, p0_col, temp9); //temp9= f*p
+ dmulma(temp9, f_row, p0_col, f_trans, f_col, f_row, temp10); //temp10= f*p*f'
+ dmulma(g, g_row, g_col, q, q_row, q_col, temp11); //temp11= g*q
+ dmulma(temp11, g_row, q_col, g_trans, g_col, g_row, temp12); //temp12= g*q*g'
+ dadda(temp10, f_row*f_row, temp12, g_row*g_row, p1); //p1=f*p*f'+g*q*g'
+/* //Debug Only*/
+/* for(int i=0; i< f_row*f_row; i++)*/
+/* printf("p1[%d] = %lf \t",i, p1[i]);*/
+/* printf("\n");*/
+ dmulma(h, h_row, h_col, x0, x0_row, x0_col, temp13); //temp13= h*x0
+ ddiffa(y, y_row*y_col, temp13, h_row*x0_col, temp14); //temp14= y-h*x0
+ dmulma(k, p0_row, h_row, temp14, h_row, x0_col, temp15); //temp15= k*(y-h*x0)
+ dadda(x0, x0_row*x0_col, temp15, p0_row*x0_col, x); //x=x0+k*(y-h*x0)
+/* //Debug Only*/
+/* for(int i=0; i< x0_row*x0_col; i++)*/
+/* printf("x[%d] = %lf \t",i, x[i]);*/
+/* printf("\n");*/
+ dmulma(f, f_row, f_col, x, x0_row, x0_col, x1) ; //x1= f*x
+/* //Debug Only*/
+/* for(int i=0; i< f_row*x0_col; i++)*/
+/* printf("x1[%d] = %lf \t",i, x1[i]);*/
+/* printf("\n");*/
diff --git a/src/c/signalProcessing/kalm/zkalma.c b/src/c/signalProcessing/kalm/zkalma.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f47e01ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/c/signalProcessing/kalm/zkalma.c
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 2017 - IIT Bombay - FOSSEE
+ This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+ This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+ you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+ are also available at
+ Author: Abhinav Dronamraju
+ Organization: FOSSEE, IIT Bombay
+ Email:
+ */
+/*Function to find kalm */
+#include "lapack.h"
+#include "stdlib.h"
+#include "doubleComplex.h"
+#include "stdio.h"
+#include "string.h"
+#include "kalm.h"
+#include "matrixTranspose.h"
+#include "matrixMultiplication.h"
+#include "matrixInversion.h"
+#include "addition.h"
+#include "subtraction.h"
+#include "eye.h"
+void zkalma(doubleComplex* y, int y_row, int y_col, doubleComplex* x0, int x0_row, int x0_col,doubleComplex* p0, int p0_row, int p0_col, doubleComplex* f, int f_row, int f_col, doubleComplex* g, int g_row, int g_col, doubleComplex* h, int h_row, int h_col, doubleComplex* q, int q_row, int q_col, doubleComplex* r, int r_row, int r_col, doubleComplex* x1, doubleComplex* p1, doubleComplex* x, doubleComplex* p)
+ doubleComplex k[p0_row*h_row];
+ doubleComplex h_trans[h_col*h_row];
+ doubleComplex temp1[p0_row*h_row];
+ doubleComplex temp2[h_row*p0_col];
+ doubleComplex temp3[h_row*h_row];
+ doubleComplex temp4[h_row*h_row];
+ doubleComplex temp5[h_row*h_row];
+ doubleComplex temp6[p0_row*p0_col];
+ doubleComplex temp7[p0_row*h_col];
+ doubleComplex temp8[p0_row*p0_col];
+ doubleComplex f_trans[f_col*f_row];
+ doubleComplex g_trans[g_col*g_row];
+ doubleComplex temp9 [f_row*p0_col];
+ doubleComplex temp10[f_row*f_row];
+ doubleComplex temp11 [g_row*q_col];
+ doubleComplex temp12[g_row*g_row];
+ doubleComplex temp13[h_row*x0_col];
+ doubleComplex temp14[h_row*x0_col];
+ doubleComplex temp15[p0_row*x0_col];
+ ztransposea(h, h_row, h_col, h_trans);
+ zmulma(p0, p0_row, p0_col, h_trans, h_col, h_row, temp1); //temp1= p0*h'
+ zmulma(h, h_row, h_col, p0, p0_row, p0_col, temp2); //temp2= h*p0
+ zmulma(temp2, h_row, p0_col, h_trans, h_col, h_row, temp3); //temp3= h*p0*h'
+ zadda(temp3, h_row*h_row, r, r_row*r_col, temp4); //temp4= h*p0*h'+r
+/*//Debug Only*/
+/* for(int i=0; i< h_row*h_row; i++)*/
+/* printf("temp4[%d] = %lf + i %lf\t",i, zreals(temp4[i]) , zimags(temp4[i]));*/
+/* printf("\n");*/
+ zinverma(temp4, temp5, h_row); //temp5= (h*p0*h'+r)**(-1)
+ zmulma(temp1, p0_row, h_row, temp5, h_row, h_row, k); //k=p0*h'*(h*p0*h'+r)**(-1)
+/*//Debug Only*/
+/* for(int i=0; i< p0_row*h_row; i++)*/
+/* printf("k[%d] = %lf \t",i, k[i]);*/
+/* printf("\n");*/
+ zeyea(temp6, p0_row, p0_col); //temp6 = eye(p0)
+ zmulma(k, p0_row, h_row, h, h_row, h_col, temp7); //temp7 = k*h
+ zdiffa(temp6, p0_row*p0_col, temp7, p0_row*h_col, temp8); //temp8= eye(p0)- k*h
+ zmulma(temp8, p0_row, p0_col, p0, p0_row, p0_col, p); //p=(eye(p0)-k*h)*p0
+/*//Debug Only*/
+/* for(int i=0; i< p0_row*p0_col; i++)*/
+/* printf("p[%d] = %lf \t",i, p[i]);*/
+/* printf("\n");*/
+ ztransposea(g, g_row, g_col, g_trans);
+ ztransposea(f, f_row, f_col, f_trans);
+ zmulma(f, f_row, f_col, p, p0_row, p0_col, temp9); //temp9= f*p
+ zmulma(temp9, f_row, p0_col, f_trans, f_col, f_row, temp10); //temp10= f*p*f'
+ zmulma(g, g_row, g_col, q, q_row, q_col, temp11); //temp11= g*q
+ zmulma(temp11, g_row, q_col, g_trans, g_col, g_row, temp12); //temp12= g*q*g'
+ zadda(temp10, f_row*f_row, temp12, g_row*g_row, p1); //p1=f*p*f'+g*q*g'
+/* //Debug Only*/
+/* for(int i=0; i< f_row*f_row; i++)*/
+/* printf("p1[%d] = %lf \t",i, p1[i]);*/
+/* printf("\n");*/
+ zmulma(h, h_row, h_col, x0, x0_row, x0_col, temp13); //temp13= h*x0
+ zdiffa(y, y_row*y_col, temp13, h_row*x0_col, temp14); //temp14= y-h*x0
+ zmulma(k, p0_row, h_row, temp14, h_row, x0_col, temp15); //temp15= k*(y-h*x0)
+ zadda(x0, x0_row*x0_col, temp15, p0_row*x0_col, x); //x=x0+k*(y-h*x0)
+/* //Debug Only*/
+/* for(int i=0; i< x0_row*x0_col; i++)*/
+/* printf("x[%d] = %lf \t",i, x[i]);*/
+/* printf("\n");*/
+ zmulma(f, f_row, f_col, x, x0_row, x0_col, x1) ; //x1= f*x
+/* //Debug Only*/
+/* for(int i=0; i< f_row*x0_col; i++)*/
+/* printf("x1[%d] = %lf \t",i, x1[i]);*/
+/* printf("\n");*/
diff --git a/src/c/statisticsFunctions/includes/mvcorrel.h b/src/c/statisticsFunctions/includes/mvcorrel.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..857bfd6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/c/statisticsFunctions/includes/mvcorrel.h
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 2016 - IIT Bombay - FOSSEE
+ This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+ This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+ you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+ are also available at
+ Author: Abhinav Dronamraju
+ Organization: FOSSEE, IIT Bombay
+ Email:
+#ifndef __MVCORREL_H__
+#define __MVCORREL_H__
+#include "types.h"
+#include "doubleComplex.h"
+#include "uint16.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+void dmvcorrela(double* , int, int, double* );
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+} /* extern "C" */
+#endif /*__MVCORREL_H__*/
diff --git a/src/c/statisticsFunctions/interfaces/int_mvcorrel.h b/src/c/statisticsFunctions/interfaces/int_mvcorrel.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..361687ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/c/statisticsFunctions/interfaces/int_mvcorrel.h
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 2016 - IIT Bombay - FOSSEE
+ This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+ This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+ you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+ are also available at
+ Author: Abhinav Dronamraju
+ Organization: FOSSEE, IIT Bombay
+ Email:
+#ifndef __INT_MVCORREL_H__
+#define __INT_MVCORREL_H__
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#define d2mvcorreld2(in1, size, out) dmvcorrela(in1, size[0] ,size[1], out)
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+} /* extern "C" */
+#endif /*__INT_MVCORREL_H__*/
diff --git a/src/c/statisticsFunctions/mvcorrel/dmvcorrela.c b/src/c/statisticsFunctions/mvcorrel/dmvcorrela.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..646e3db2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/c/statisticsFunctions/mvcorrel/dmvcorrela.c
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 2016 - IIT Bombay - FOSSEE
+ This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
+ This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+ you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+ are also available at
+ Author: Abhinav Dronamraju
+ Organization: FOSSEE, IIT Bombay
+ Email:
+#include "mvcorrel.h"
+#include "stdio.h"
+#include "types.h"
+#include "uint16.h"
+#include "zeros.h"
+#include "sum.h"
+#include "ones.h"
+#include "matrixMultiplication.h"
+#include "subtraction.h"
+void dmvcorrela(double *in, int lx, int cx, double* out)
+ double temp1[1* cx];
+ double xbar[1* cx];
+ double temp2[lx*1];
+ double temp3[lx*cx];
+ double temp4[lx*cx];
+ double temp5[1* cx];
+ double std[1*cx];
+ donesa ( temp2 , lx , 1 ); //temp2= ones(lx,1)
+ if(lx==1)
+ {
+ dzerosa ( out , lx ,cx ); //out= zeros(lx,cx)
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ drowsuma(in, lx, cx, temp1); //temp1= sum(x, "r")
+ for(int i=0; i< 1*cx; i++)
+ xbar[i]= temp1[i]/ lx; // xbar= sum(x, "r")/ lx
+ //Debug Only
+ for(int i= 0; i< 1*cx; i++)
+ printf("xbar[%d]= %lf", i, xbar[i]);
+ printf("\n");
+ dmulma(temp2, lx,1, xbar, 1, cx, temp3 ); //temp3= ones(lx,1)*xbar
+ ddiffa(in, lx*cx, temp3, lx*cx, temp4); //temp4= x-ones(lx,1)*xbar
+ for(int i=0; i< lx*cx; i++)
+ temp4[i]= pow(temp4[i], 2);
+ drowsuma(temp4, lx, cx, temp5); //temp5= sum(r.^2, "r")
+ for(int i=0; i< 1*cx; i++)
+ std[i]= pow(temp5[i], 0.5);
+ //Debug Only
+ for(int i= 0; i< 1*cx; i++)
+ printf("std[%d]= %lf", i, std[i]);
+ printf("\n");
+ }