diff options
4 files changed, 216 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/static/website/js/cloud.js b/static/website/js/cloud.js
index 0c01c62..523cea0 100644
--- a/static/website/js/cloud.js
+++ b/static/website/js/cloud.js
@@ -111,6 +111,8 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
data: {
csrfmiddlewaretoken: csrfmiddlewaretoken,
code: code,
+ book_id: $("#books").val(),
+ chapter_id: $("#chapters").val(),
example_id: $("#examples").val()
dataType: "text",
@@ -127,5 +129,4 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
diff --git a/website/ b/website/
index f137541..be8165b 100644
--- a/website/
+++ b/website/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import os, re, sys, time, subprocess
from soc.settings import PROJECT_DIR
from timeout import TimerTask
-def scilab_run(code, token, example_id):
+def scilab_run(code, token, book_id, dependency_exists):
#Check for system commands
system_commands = re.compile(
@@ -37,14 +37,16 @@ def scilab_run(code, token, example_id):
#traps even syntax errors eg: endfunton
f = open(file_path, "w")
+ if dependency_exists:
+ f.write('getd("/var/www/scilab_in/uploads/{0}/DEPENDENCIES/");'.format(book_id))
+ f.write('lines(0);\n')
#this makes it possible to execute scilab without the problem of \
#getting stuck in the prompt in case of error
- cmd = 'printf "lines(0)\nexec(\'{0}\',2);\nquit();"'.format(file_path)
+ cmd = 'printf "exec(\'{0}\',2);\nquit();"'.format(file_path)
cmd += ' | /home/cheese/scilab-5.4.1/bin/scilab-adv-cli -nw'
task = TimerTask(cmd, timeout=10)
diff --git a/website/ b/website/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c5f6cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/website/
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+## This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+## (at your option) any later version.
+## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+## GNU General Public License for more details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+## along with this program. If not, see <>.
+This is a shell script that runs a command for up to TIMEOUT seconds, sending
+the command a SIGKILL once the timeout expires. If the command exits sooner,
+then this script will exit as well.
+This functionality is also exposed as a Python module. The TimerTask class
+handles running a command in a child process. There are many modules in the
+Python standard library that do this, however. Here's what's different about
+You can set a timeout such that TimerTask.wait() returns when either 1) the
+child process exits naturally or 2) the timeout expires and the child process
+receives a specified signal causing it to terminate. TimerTask.wait() returns
+whenever the *sooner* of 1) or 2) happens.
+TimerTask uses the SIGALRM signal for its timeout, and so will interfere with
+programs that need SIGALRM for other purposes. If you do not specify the use of
+a timeout, however, no signal handling will be used.
+Finally, the child process is, by default, run in its own process group, to make
+it easier to clean up the child process along with any other processes it may
+have spawned.
+import errno,os,signal,subprocess,sys
+class TimerTask:
+ def __init__( self, command, timeout=None,
+ timeoutSignal=signal.SIGKILL, raisePrevSigalrmError=True,
+ childProcessGroup=0 ):
+ """Create a new TimerTask
+command : string : the command to run
+timeout : int : timeout (in seconds), or None for no timeout (default: None)
+signal : int : the signal to send to the child process at timeout (default: SIGKILL)
+raisePrevSigalrmError : bool : if True, throw an exception if there's
+ a previous non-nop SIGALRM handler installed (default: True)
+childProcessGroup : int : if 0 (default), put child process into its own process group
+ if non-zero, put child process into the specified process group
+ if None, inherit the parent's process group
+ assert isinstance( command, str ) or isinstance( command, list )
+ self.command = command
+ if timeout is not None:
+ assert isinstance( timeout, int )
+ assert timeout > 0
+ self.timeout = timeout
+ assert isinstance( timeoutSignal, int )
+ self.timeoutSignal = timeoutSignal
+ self.prevAlarmHandler = None
+ self.raisePrevSigalrmError = raisePrevSigalrmError
+ if None == childProcessGroup:
+ self.preExecFun = None
+ else:
+ assert isinstance( childProcessGroup, int )
+ self.preExecFun = (lambda : os.setpgid(0,childProcessGroup))
+ def run( self,
+ stdin=None, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
+ shell=True, cwd=None, env=None ):
+ """Takes the same arguments as Python's subprocess.Popen(), with the
+following exceptions:
+1. this version runs the command in a shell by default (shell=True)
+2. this function needs the preexec_fn hook, so that is not available
+This function returns the result from subprocess.Popen() (a subprocess
+object), so you can read from pipes, poll, etc.
+ self.subprocess = subprocess.Popen( self.command,
+ stdin=stdin,
+ stdout=stdout,
+ stderr=stderr,
+ # runs in the child
+ # process before
+ # the exec(), putting
+ # the child process into
+ # its own process group
+ preexec_fn=self.preExecFun,
+ shell=shell,
+ cwd=cwd,
+ env=env )
+ self.pgid = os.getpgid( )
+ # Setup the SIGALRM handler: we use a lambda as a "curried"
+ # function to bind some values
+ if self.timeout is not None:
+ if signal.getsignal( signal.SIGALRM ) not in (None, signal.SIG_IGN, signal.SIG_DFL):
+ # someone is using a SIGALRM handler!
+ if self.raisePrevSigalrmError:
+ ValueError( "SIGALRM handler already in use!" )
+ self.prevAlarmHandler = signal.getsignal( signal.SIGALRM )
+ signal.signal( signal.SIGALRM,
+ lambda sig,frame : os.killpg(self.pgid,self.timeoutSignal) )
+ # setup handler before scheduling signal, to eliminate a race
+ signal.alarm( self.timeout )
+ return self.subprocess
+ def cancelTimeout(self):
+ """If we're using a timeout, cancel the SIGALRM timeout when
+ the child is finished, and restore the previous SIGALRM handler"""
+ if self.timeout is not None:
+ signal.alarm( 0 )
+ signal.signal( signal.SIGALRM, self.prevAlarmHandler )
+ pass
+ return
+ def wait(self):
+ """Wait for the child process to exit, or the timeout to expire,
+whichever comes first.
+This function returns the same thing as Python's
+subprocess.wait(). That is, this function returns the exit status of
+the child process; if the return value is -N, it indicates that the
+child was killed by signal N. """
+ try:
+ self.subprocess.wait()
+ except OSError, e:
+ # If the child times out, the wait() syscall can get
+ # interrupted by the SIGALRM. We should then only need to
+ # wait() once more for the child to actually exit.
+ if e.errno == errno.EINTR:
+ self.subprocess.wait()
+ else:
+ raise e
+ pass
+ self.cancelTimeout()
+ assert self.subprocess.poll() is not None
+ return self.subprocess.poll()
+ def kill(self, deathsig=signal.SIGKILL):
+ """Kill the child process. Optionally specify the signal to be used
+(default: SIGKILL)"""
+ try:
+ os.killpg( self.pgid, deathsig )
+ except OSError, e:
+ if e.errno == errno.ESRCH:
+ # We end up here if the process group has already exited, so it's safe to
+ # ignore the error
+ pass
+ else:
+ raise e
+ pass
+ self.cancelTimeout()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ if len(sys.argv) <= 2:
+ print "Usage:", sys.argv[0], "TIMEOUT COMMAND..."
+ print
+ descrip = """Runs COMMAND for up to TIMEOUT seconds, sending COMMAND a SIGKILL if it
+attempts to run longer. Exits sooner if COMMAND does so, passing along COMMAND's
+exit code.
+All of COMMAND's children run in a new process group, and the entire group is
+SIGKILL'ed when the timeout expires. """
+ print descrip
+ sys.exit( 0 )
+ pass
+ t = TimerTask( " ".join(sys.argv[2:]),
+ timeout=int(sys.argv[1]) )
+ e = t.wait()
+ sys.exit( e )
diff --git a/website/ b/website/
index 050ec92..7d1a3a3 100644
--- a/website/
+++ b/website/
@@ -78,7 +78,11 @@ def ajax_code(request):
def ajax_execute(request):
if request.method == "POST":
code = request.POST['code']
+ book_id = request.POST.get('book_id', None)
+ chapter_id = request.POST.get('chapter_id ', None)
example_id = request.POST.get('example_id', None)
token = request.POST['csrfmiddlewaretoken']
- data = scilab_run(code, token, example_id)
+ dependency_exists = TextbookCompanionExampleDependency.objects.using('scilab')\
+ .filter(example_id=example_id).exists()
+ data = scilab_run(code, token, book_id, dependency_exists)
return render(request, 'website/templates/ajax-execute.html', data)