path: root/macros/IntegerOp/SRFLIPFLOP.sci
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/IntegerOp/SRFLIPFLOP.sci')
1 files changed, 451 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/IntegerOp/SRFLIPFLOP.sci b/macros/IntegerOp/SRFLIPFLOP.sci
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f0d5264f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/IntegerOp/SRFLIPFLOP.sci
@@ -0,0 +1,451 @@
+// Xcos
+// Copyright (C) INRIA - METALAU Project <>
+// Copyright 2011 - Bernard DUJARDIN <>
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+// See the file ../license.txt
+function [x,y,typ] = SRFLIPFLOP(job,arg1,arg2)
+ x=[];
+ y=[];
+ typ=[];
+ select job
+ case "set" then
+ // look for the 1/z block
+ for i=1:length(arg1.model.rpar.objs) do
+ o = arg1.model.rpar.objs(i);
+ if typeof(o) == "Block" & o.gui == "DOLLAR_m" then
+ path = i;
+ break;
+ end
+ end
+ newpar=list()
+ xx=arg1.model.rpar.objs(path)// get the 1/z block
+ model=xx.model;
+ init_old= model.odstate(1)
+ while %t do
+ [ok,init,exprs0]=scicos_getvalue([msprintf(gettext("Set %s block parameters"), "SRFLIPFLOP" );" "; gettext("SR flip-flop"); " "; ..
+ gettext("The ''Initial Value'' must be 0 or 1 of type int8"); gettext("&nbsp;- Negative values are considered as int8(0)"); ..
+ gettext("&nbsp;- Positive values are considered as int8(1)"); " "], ..
+ gettext("Initial Value"), ..
+ list("vec",1), exprs)
+ if ~ok then
+ break,
+ end
+ if init<=0 then
+ init=int8(0);
+ elseif init >0 then
+ init=int8(1);
+ end
+ if ok then
+ model.odstate(1)=init
+ xx.model=model
+ arg1.model.rpar.objs(path)=xx// Update
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ needcompile=0
+ if init_old<>init then
+ // parameter changed
+ newpar(size(newpar)+1)=path// Notify modification
+ needcompile=2
+ end
+ x=arg1
+ y=needcompile
+ typ=newpar
+ case "define" then
+ scs_m=scicos_diagram(..
+ version="scicos4.2",..
+ props=scicos_params(..
+ wpar=[600,450,0,0,600,450],..
+ Title=["SRFLIPFLOP"],..
+ tol=[0.0001;0.000001;1.000E-10;100001;0;0;0],..
+ tf=60,..
+ context=" ",..
+ void1=[],..
+ options=tlist(["scsopt","3D","Background","Link","ID","Cmap"],list(%t,33),[8,1],[1,5],..
+ list([5,1],[4,1]),[0.8,0.8,0.8]),..
+ void2=[],..
+ void3=[],..
+ doc=list()))
+ scs_m.objs(1)=scicos_block(..
+ gui="LOGIC",..
+ graphics=scicos_graphics(..
+ orig=[298.504,201.45067],..
+ sz=[40,40],..
+ flip=%t,..
+ theta=0,..
+ exprs=["[0 1;1 0;1 0;1 0;0 1;0 1;0 0;0 0]";"1"],..
+ pin=[4;10;12],..
+ pout=[3;8],..
+ pein=[],..
+ peout=[],..
+ gr_i=[],..
+ id="",..
+ in_implicit=["E";"E";"E"],..
+ out_implicit=["E";"E"]),..
+ model=scicos_model(..
+ sim=list("logic",4),..
+ in=[1;1;1],..
+ in2=[1;1;1],..
+ intyp=[5;5;5],..
+ out=[1;1],..
+ out2=[1;1],..
+ outtyp=[5;5],..
+ evtin=[],..
+ evtout=[],..
+ state=[],..
+ dstate=[],..
+ odstate=list(),..
+ rpar=[],..
+ ipar=[],..
+ opar=list(..
+ int8([0,1;
+ 1,0;
+ 1,0;
+ 1,0;
+ 0,1;
+ 0,1;
+ 0,0;
+ 0,0])),..
+ blocktype="c",..
+ firing=%f,..
+ dep_ut=[%t,%f],..
+ label="",..
+ nzcross=0,..
+ nmode=0,..
+ equations=list()),..
+ doc=list())
+ scs_m.objs(2)=scicos_block(..
+ gui="DOLLAR_m",..
+ graphics=scicos_graphics(..
+ orig=[299.23733,254.25067],..
+ sz=[40,40],..
+ flip=%f,..
+ theta=0,..
+ exprs=["int8(0)";"1"],..
+ pin=6,..
+ pout=4,..
+ pein=[],..
+ peout=[],..
+ gr_i=[],..
+ id="",..
+ in_implicit="E",..
+ out_implicit="E"),..
+ model=scicos_model(..
+ sim=list("dollar4_m",4),..
+ in=1,..
+ in2=1,..
+ intyp=5,..
+ out=1,..
+ out2=1,..
+ outtyp=5,..
+ evtin=[],..
+ evtout=[],..
+ state=[],..
+ dstate=[],..
+ odstate=list(int8(0)),..
+ rpar=[],..
+ ipar=[],..
+ opar=list(),..
+ blocktype="d",..
+ firing=[],..
+ dep_ut=[%f,%f],..
+ label="",..
+ nzcross=0,..
+ nmode=0,..
+ equations=list()),..
+ doc=list())
+ scs_m.objs(3)=scicos_link(..
+ xx=[347.07543;363.03733;363.03733],..
+ yy=[228.11733;228.11733;248.584],..
+ id="drawlink",..
+ thick=[0,0],..
+ ct=[1,1],..
+ from=[1,1,0],..
+ to=[5,1,1])
+ scs_m.objs(4)=scicos_link(..
+ xx=[290.6659;272.104;272.104;289.93257],..
+ yy=[274.25067;274.25067;231.45067;231.45067],..
+ id="drawlink",..
+ thick=[0,0],..
+ ct=[1,1],..
+ from=[2,1,0],..
+ to=[1,1,1])
+ scs_m.objs(5)=scicos_block(..
+ gui="SPLIT_f",..
+ graphics=scicos_graphics(..
+ orig=[363.03733,248.584],..
+ sz=[0.3333333,0.3333333],..
+ flip=%t,..
+ theta=0,..
+ exprs=[],..
+ pin=3,..
+ pout=[6;14],..
+ pein=[],..
+ peout=[],..
+ gr_i=[],..
+ id="",..
+ in_implicit="E",..
+ out_implicit=["E";"E";"E"]),..
+ model=scicos_model(..
+ sim="lsplit",..
+ in=-1,..
+ in2=[],..
+ intyp=1,..
+ out=[-1;-1;-1],..
+ out2=[],..
+ outtyp=1,..
+ evtin=[],..
+ evtout=[],..
+ state=[],..
+ dstate=[],..
+ odstate=list(),..
+ rpar=[],..
+ ipar=[],..
+ opar=list(),..
+ blocktype="c",..
+ firing=[],..
+ dep_ut=[%t,%f],..
+ label="",..
+ nzcross=0,..
+ nmode=0,..
+ equations=list()),..
+ doc=list())
+ scs_m.objs(6)=scicos_link(..
+ xx=[363.03733;363.03733;344.95162],..
+ yy=[248.584;274.25067;274.25067],..
+ id="drawlink",..
+ thick=[0,0],..
+ ct=[1,1],..
+ from=[5,1,0],..
+ to=[2,1,1])
+ scs_m.objs(7)=scicos_block(..
+ gui="OUT_f",..
+ graphics=scicos_graphics(..
+ orig=[367.07543,204.784],..
+ sz=[20,20],..
+ flip=%t,..
+ theta=0,..
+ exprs="2",..
+ pin=8,..
+ pout=[],..
+ pein=[],..
+ peout=[],..
+ gr_i=[],..
+ id="",..
+ in_implicit="E",..
+ out_implicit=[]),..
+ model=scicos_model(..
+ sim="output",..
+ in=-1,..
+ in2=[],..
+ intyp=-1,..
+ out=[],..
+ out2=[],..
+ outtyp=1,..
+ evtin=[],..
+ evtout=[],..
+ state=[],..
+ dstate=[],..
+ odstate=list(),..
+ rpar=[],..
+ ipar=2,..
+ opar=list(),..
+ blocktype="c",..
+ firing=[],..
+ dep_ut=[%f,%f],..
+ label="",..
+ nzcross=0,..
+ nmode=0,..
+ equations=list()),..
+ doc=list())
+ scs_m.objs(8)=scicos_link(..
+ xx=[347.07543;367.07543],..
+ yy=[214.784;214.784],..
+ id="drawlink",..
+ thick=[0,0],..
+ ct=[1,1],..
+ from=[1,2,0],..
+ to=[7,1,1])
+ scs_m.objs(9)=scicos_block(..
+ gui="IN_f",..
+ graphics=scicos_graphics(..
+ orig=[249.93257,211.45067],..
+ sz=[20,20],..
+ flip=%t,..
+ theta=0,..
+ exprs="1",..
+ pin=[],..
+ pout=10,..
+ pein=[],..
+ peout=[],..
+ gr_i=[],..
+ id="",..
+ in_implicit=[],..
+ out_implicit="E"),..
+ model=scicos_model(..
+ sim="input",..
+ in=[],..
+ in2=[],..
+ intyp=1,..
+ out=-1,..
+ out2=[],..
+ outtyp=-1,..
+ evtin=[],..
+ evtout=[],..
+ state=[],..
+ dstate=[],..
+ odstate=list(),..
+ rpar=[],..
+ ipar=1,..
+ opar=list(),..
+ blocktype="c",..
+ firing=[],..
+ dep_ut=[%f,%f],..
+ label="",..
+ nzcross=0,..
+ nmode=0,..
+ equations=list()),..
+ doc=list())
+ scs_m.objs(10)=scicos_link(..
+ xx=[269.93257;289.93257],..
+ yy=[221.45067;221.45067],..
+ id="drawlink",..
+ thick=[0,0],..
+ ct=[1,1],..
+ from=[9,1,0],..
+ to=[1,2,1])
+ scs_m.objs(11)=scicos_block(..
+ gui="IN_f",..
+ graphics=scicos_graphics(..
+ orig=[249.93257,201.45067],..
+ sz=[20,20],..
+ flip=%t,..
+ theta=0,..
+ exprs="2",..
+ pin=[],..
+ pout=12,..
+ pein=[],..
+ peout=[],..
+ gr_i=[],..
+ id="",..
+ in_implicit=[],..
+ out_implicit="E"),..
+ model=scicos_model(..
+ sim="input",..
+ in=[],..
+ in2=[],..
+ intyp=1,..
+ out=-1,..
+ out2=[],..
+ outtyp=-1,..
+ evtin=[],..
+ evtout=[],..
+ state=[],..
+ dstate=[],..
+ odstate=list(),..
+ rpar=[],..
+ ipar=2,..
+ opar=list(),..
+ blocktype="c",..
+ firing=[],..
+ dep_ut=[%f,%f],..
+ label="",..
+ nzcross=0,..
+ nmode=0,..
+ equations=list()),..
+ doc=list())
+ scs_m.objs(12)=scicos_link(..
+ xx=[269.93257;289.93257],..
+ yy=[211.45067;211.45067],..
+ id="drawlink",..
+ thick=[0,0],..
+ ct=[1,1],..
+ from=[11,1,0],..
+ to=[1,3,1])
+ scs_m.objs(13)=scicos_block(..
+ gui="OUT_f",..
+ graphics=scicos_graphics(..
+ orig=[383.03733,238.584],..
+ sz=[20,20],..
+ flip=%t,..
+ theta=0,..
+ exprs="1",..
+ pin=14,..
+ pout=[],..
+ pein=[],..
+ peout=[],..
+ gr_i=[],..
+ id="",..
+ in_implicit="E",..
+ out_implicit=[]),..
+ model=scicos_model(..
+ sim="output",..
+ in=-1,..
+ in2=[],..
+ intyp=-1,..
+ out=[],..
+ out2=[],..
+ outtyp=1,..
+ evtin=[],..
+ evtout=[],..
+ state=[],..
+ dstate=[],..
+ odstate=list(),..
+ rpar=[],..
+ ipar=1,..
+ opar=list(),..
+ blocktype="c",..
+ firing=[],..
+ dep_ut=[%f,%f],..
+ label="",..
+ nzcross=0,..
+ nmode=0,..
+ equations=list()),..
+ doc=list())
+ scs_m.objs(14)=scicos_link(..
+ xx=[363.03733;383.03733],..
+ yy=[248.584;248.584],..
+ id="drawlink",..
+ thick=[0,0],..
+ ct=[1,1],..
+ from=[5,2,0],..
+ to=[13,1,1])
+ model=scicos_model()
+ model.sim="csuper"
+ model.in2=[1;1]
+ model.out=[1;1]
+ model.out2=[1;1]
+ model.intyp=[5 5]
+ model.outtyp=[5 5]
+ model.blocktype="h"
+ model.firing=%f
+ model.dep_ut=[%t %f]
+ model.rpar=scs_m
+ gr_i=[]
+ x=standard_define([2 3],model,[],gr_i)
+ end