path: root/js/NonLinear/LOOKUP_c.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'js/NonLinear/LOOKUP_c.js')
1 files changed, 169 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/js/NonLinear/LOOKUP_c.js b/js/NonLinear/LOOKUP_c.js
index 833808db..c3913e43 100644
--- a/js/NonLinear/LOOKUP_c.js
+++ b/js/NonLinear/LOOKUP_c.js
@@ -1,14 +1,170 @@
-Syntax error in input LexToken(DOT,'.',1,12001)
-Syntax error in input LexToken(VAR,'a',1,25832)
-Syntax error in input LexToken(VAR,'a',1,27066)
-Syntax error in input LexToken(VAR,'a',1,27777)
-Syntax error in input LexToken(CLOSEBRACKET,')',1,28535)
-Syntax error in input LexToken(VAR,'xye',1,32671)
-Syntax error in input LexToken(VAR,'a',1,33307)
-Syntax error in input LexToken(VAR,'order',1,33666)
-Syntax error in input LexToken(CLOSEBRACKET,')',1,34234)
-Syntax error in input LexToken(VAR,'xye',1,35442)
-Syntax error in input LexToken(VAR,'N',1,36302)
-Syntax error in input LexToken(VAR,'x',1,40233)
/* autogenerated from "macros/NonLinear/LOOKUP_c.sci" */
+function LOOKUP_c() {
+ LOOKUP_c.prototype.define = function LOOKUP_c() {
+ this.model = scicos_model();
+ this.xx = [[-1],[0.5],[1],[1.5],[2.5]];
+ this.yy = [[-6],[-1],[-3],[3],[-4]];
+ N = length(this.xx);
+ this.Method = 1;
+ Graf = "n";
+ this.model.sim = list(new ScilabString(["lookup_c"]), new ScilabDouble([4]));
+ this.model.in1 = new ScilabDouble([-1]);
+ this.model.in2 = new ScilabDouble([-2]);
+ this.model.outtyp = new ScilabDouble([-1]);
+ this.model.out = new ScilabDouble([-1]);
+ this.model.out2 = new ScilabDouble([-2]);
+ this.model.outtyp = new ScilabDouble([-1]);
+ this.model.rpar = [[this.xx.slice()],[this.yy.slice()]];
+ this.model.ipar = [[N],[this.Method],[0],[0]];
+ this.model.blocktype = new ScilabString(["c"]);
+ this.model.dep_ut = [true,false];
+ this.model.evtin = [];
+ this.model.evtout = [];
+ this.model.firing = new ScilabDouble([0]);
+ exprs = [[sci2exp(this.Method)],[sci2exp(this.xx)],[sci2exp(this.yy)],[sci2exp(0)],[Graf]];
+ gr_i = [];
+ this.x = standard_define([2,2],this.model,exprs,gr_i);
+ return new BasicBlock(this.x);
+ }
+ LOOKUP_c.prototype.details = function LOOKUP_c() {
+ return this.x;
+ }
+ LOOKUP_c.prototype.get = function LOOKUP_c() {
+ var options = {
+ Method:["Spline Interpolation method (0..9)",this.Method],
+ xx:["x",this.xx.toString().replace(/,/g," ")],
+ yy:["y",this.yy.toString().replace(/,/g," ")],
+ extrapo:["Extrapolate method (0,1)",this.extrapo],
+ graf:["Launch graphic window(y/n)?",this.graf],
+ }
+ return options;
+ }
+ LOOKUP_c.prototype.set = function LOOKUP_c() {
+ this.Method = parseFloat(arguments[0]["Method"])
+ this.xx = inverse(arguments[0]["xx"])
+ this.yy = inverse(arguments[0]["yy"])
+ this.extrapo = parseFloat(arguments[0]["extrapo"])
+ this.graf = arguments[0]["graf"]
+ this.x = arg1;
+ this.model = arg1.model;
+ graphics =;
+ exprs = graphics.exprs;
+ ok = false;
+ SaveExit = false;
+ while (true) {
+ Ask_again = false;
+ [ok,this.Method,this.xx,this.yy,this.extrapo,this.graf,exprs] = scicos_getvalue("Lookup table parameters",["Spline Interpolation method (0..9)","x","y","Extrapolate method (0,1)","Launch graphic window(y/n)?"],list("vec",1,"vec",-1,"vec",-1,"vec",1,"str",1),exprs);
+ if (!ok) {
+ break;
+ }
+ PeriodicOption = "n";
+ if (PeriodicOption=="y"||PeriodicOption=="Y") {
+ PO = 1;
+ } else {
+ PO = 0;
+ }
+ mtd = int(this.Method);
+ if (mtd<0) {
+ mtd = 0;
+ }
+ if (mtd>9) {
+ mtd = 9;
+ }
+ METHOD = getmethod(mtd);
+ this.extrapo = int(this.extrapo);
+ if (this.extrapo<0) {
+ this.extrapo = 0;
+ }
+ if (this.extrapo>1) {
+ this.extrapo = 1;
+ }
+ if (!Ask_again) {
+ this.xx = this.xx.slice();
+ this.yy = this.yy.slice();
+ [nx,mx] = size(this.xx);
+ [ny,my] = size(this.yy);
+ if (!((nx==ny)&&(mx==my))) {
+ x_message("incompatible size of x and y");
+ Ask_again = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!Ask_again) {
+ this.xy = [this.xx,this.yy];
+ [this.xy] = cleandata(this.xy);
+ N = size(this.xy,"r");
+ exprs[5-1] = "n";
+ if (this.graf=="y"||this.graf=="Y") {
+ ipar = [[N],[mtd],[PO],[this.extrapo]];
+ rpar = [];
+ if (!exists("curwin")) {
+ gh = gcf();
+ this.curwin = gh.figure_id;
+ }
+ save_curwin = this.curwin;
+ this.curwin = max(winsid())+1;
+ [orpar,oipar,ok] = poke_point(this.xy,ipar,rpar);
+ this.curwin = save_curwin;
+ if (!ok) {
+ break;
+ }
+ N2 = oipar[1-1];
+ xy2 = [orpar.slice(1-1,N2),orpar.slice(N2+1-1,2*N2)];
+ New_methhod = oipar[2-1];
+ DChange = false;
+ METHOD = getmethod(New_methhod);
+ if (or(this.xy.slice()[1-1]!=xy2.slice()[1-1])) {
+ DChange = true;
+ }
+ if (or(this.xy.slice(1-1,N-1)[2-1]!=xy2.slice(1-1,N2-1)[2-1])) {
+ DChange = true;
+ }
+ if ((this.xy[N-1][2-1]!=xy2[N2-1][2-1]&&(METHOD!="periodic"))) {
+ DChange = true;
+ }
+ if (DChange) {
+ exprs[2-1] = strcat(sci2exp(xy2.slice()[1-1]));
+ exprs[3-1] = strcat(sci2exp(xy2.slice()[2-1]));
+ }
+ exprs[1-1] = sci2exp(New_methhod);
+ exprs[4-1] = sci2exp(oipar[4-1]);
+ if (oipar[3-1]==1) {
+ perop = "y";
+ } else {
+ perop = "n";
+ }
+ SaveExit = true;
+ } else {
+ [Xdummy,Ydummy,orpar] = Do_Spline(N,mtd,this.xy.slice()[1-1],this.xy.slice()[2-1],this.xy[$-1][1-1],this.xy[1-1][1-1],0);
+ if ((METHOD=="periodic")) {
+ this.xy[N-1][2-1] = this.xy[1-1][2-1];
+ }
+ if ((METHOD=="order 2"||METHOD=="not_a_knot"||METHOD=="periodic"||METHOD=="monotone"||METHOD=="fast"||METHOD=="clamped")) {
+ orpar = [[this.xy.slice()[1-1]],[this.xy.slice()[2-1]],[orpar]];
+ } else {
+ if ((METHOD=="zero order-below"||METHOD=="linear"||METHOD=="zero order-above"||METHOD=="zero order-nearest")) {
+ orpar = [[this.xy.slice()[1-1]],[this.xy.slice()[2-1]]];
+ }
+ }
+ exprs[1-1] = sci2exp(mtd);
+ oipar = [[N],[mtd],[PO],[this.extrapo]];
+ SaveExit = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if ((SaveExit)) {
+ xp = find(orpar.slice(1-1,oipar[1-1])>=0);
+ if ((xp!=[])) {
+ this.model.firing = new ScilabDouble([orpar[xp[1-1]-1]]);
+ } else {
+ this.model.firing = new ScilabDouble([-1]);
+ }
+ this.model.rpar = orpar;
+ this.model.ipar = oipar;
+ graphics.exprs = exprs;
+ this.x.model = this.model;
+ = graphics;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return new BasicBlock(this.x);
+ }