path: root/js/Sinks/CANIMXY3D.js
diff options
authorSunil Shetye2018-07-11 13:05:13 +0530
committerSunil Shetye2018-07-11 15:21:08 +0530
commit079d0b4a3ec15a4d7d2644484d116df9d1c694bb (patch)
tree785ed59b5b238203a9e91f3e323da59d1083d86e /js/Sinks/CANIMXY3D.js
parent0e9bc36f45fa1bb598c6ebb0febc1989439a8d98 (diff)
fix assignment to list
Diffstat (limited to 'js/Sinks/CANIMXY3D.js')
1 files changed, 36 insertions, 33 deletions
diff --git a/js/Sinks/CANIMXY3D.js b/js/Sinks/CANIMXY3D.js
index 7b134fdb..88ddb6db 100644
--- a/js/Sinks/CANIMXY3D.js
+++ b/js/Sinks/CANIMXY3D.js
@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ function CANIMXY3D() {
this.model.blocktype = new ScilabString(["d"]);
this.model.firing = [];
this.model.dep_ut = [false,false];
- exprs = [[string(this.nbr_curves)],[strcat(string(this.clrs)," ")],[strcat(string(this.siz)," ")],[string(],["[]"],["[]"],[strcat(string(this.vec_x)," ")],[strcat(string(this.vec_y)," ")],[strcat(string(this.vec_z)," ")],[strcat(string(this.param3ds)," ")],[string(this.N)]];
- gr_i = [];
+ var exprs = [[string(this.nbr_curves)],[strcat(string(this.clrs)," ")],[strcat(string(this.siz)," ")],[string(],["[]"],["[]"],[strcat(string(this.vec_x)," ")],[strcat(string(this.vec_y)," ")],[strcat(string(this.vec_z)," ")],[strcat(string(this.param3ds)," ")],[string(this.N)]];
+ var gr_i = [];
this.x = standard_define([2,2],this.model,exprs,gr_i);
return new BasicBlock(this.x);
@@ -60,78 +60,81 @@ function CANIMXY3D() {
this.param3ds = inverse(arguments[0]["param3ds"])
this.N = parseFloat(arguments[0]["N"])
this.x = arg1;
- graphics =;
- exprs = graphics.exprs;
+ var graphics =;
+ var exprs = graphics.exprs;
this.model = arg1.model;
while (true) {
[ok,this.nbr_curves,this.clrs,this.siz,,this.wpos,this.wdim,this.vec_x,this.vec_y,this.vec_z,this.param3ds,this.N,exprs] = scicos_getvalue("Set Scope parameters",["Number of curves","color (>0) or mark (<0)","line or mark size","Output window number (-1 for automatic)","Output window position","Output window sizes","Xmin and Xmax","Ymin and Ymax","Zmin and Zmax","Alpha and Theta","Buffer size"],list("vec",1,"vec",-1,"vec",-1,"vec",1,"vec",-1,"vec",-1,"vec",-1,"vec",-1,"vec",-1,"vec",-1,"vec",1),exprs);
if (!ok) {
- mess = [];
+ var mess = [];
if (size(this.wpos,"*")!=0&&size(this.wpos,"*")!=2) {
- mess = [[mess],["Window position must be [] or a 2 vector"],[" "]];
- ok = false;
+ var mess = [[mess],["Window position must be [] or a 2 vector"],[" "]];
+ var ok = false;
if (size(this.wdim,"*")!=0&&size(this.wdim,"*")!=2) {
- mess = [[mess],["Window dim must be [] or a 2 vector"],[" "]];
- ok = false;
+ var mess = [[mess],["Window dim must be [] or a 2 vector"],[" "]];
+ var ok = false;
if (<-1) {
- mess = [[mess],["Window number cannot be inferior than -1"],[" "]];
- ok = false;
+ var mess = [[mess],["Window number cannot be inferior than -1"],[" "]];
+ var ok = false;
if (size(this.clrs,"*")!=size(this.siz,"*")) {
- mess = [[mess],["Colors and Size must have same size"],[" "]];
- ok = false;
+ var mess = [[mess],["Colors and Size must have same size"],[" "]];
+ var ok = false;
if (this.nbr_curves<=0) {
- mess = [[mess],["Number of curves cannot be negative or null"],[" "]];
- ok = false;
+ var mess = [[mess],["Number of curves cannot be negative or null"],[" "]];
+ var ok = false;
if (size(this.clrs,"*")<this.nbr_curves) {
- mess = [[mess],["You must have at least same size for clrs and the number of curves"],[" "]];
- ok = false;
+ var mess = [[mess],["You must have at least same size for clrs and the number of curves"],[" "]];
+ var ok = false;
if (this.N<1) {
- mess = [[mess],["Buffer size must be at least 1"],[" "]];
- ok = false;
+ var mess = [[mess],["Buffer size must be at least 1"],[" "]];
+ var ok = false;
if (this.N<2) {
for (i=1;i<=this.nbr_curves;i+=1) {
if (this.clrs[i-1]>0) {
- mess = [[mess],["Buffer size must be at least 2 or Change a color (must be <0)"],[" "]];
- ok = false;
+ var mess = [[mess],["Buffer size must be at least 2 or Change a color (must be <0)"],[" "]];
+ var ok = false;
if (this.vec_y[1-1]>=this.vec_y[2-1]) {
- mess = [[mess],["Ymax must be higher than Ymin"],[" "]];
- ok = false;
+ var mess = [[mess],["Ymax must be higher than Ymin"],[" "]];
+ var ok = false;
if (this.vec_x[1-1]>=this.vec_x[2-1]) {
- mess = [[mess],["Xmax must be higher than Xmin"],[" "]];
- ok = false;
+ var mess = [[mess],["Xmax must be higher than Xmin"],[" "]];
+ var ok = false;
if (this.vec_z[1-1]>=this.vec_z[2-1]) {
- mess = [[mess],["Zmax must be higher than Zmin"],[" "]];
- ok = false;
+ var mess = [[mess],["Zmax must be higher than Zmin"],[" "]];
+ var ok = false;
if (!ok) {
} else {
- in1 = this.nbr_curves*ones(3,1);
- in2 = ones(3,1);
- [this.model,graphics,ok] = set_io(this.model,graphics,list([in1,in2],ones(3,1)),list(),ones(1,1),[]);
+ var in1 = this.nbr_curves*ones(3,1);
+ var in2 = ones(3,1);
+ var tmpvar0 = set_io(this.model,graphics,list([in1,in2],ones(3,1)),list(),ones(1,1),[])
+ this.model = tmpvar0[0]
+ var graphics = tmpvar0[1]
+ var ok = tmpvar0[2];
if (this.wpos==[]) {
this.wpos = [[-1],[-1]];
if (this.wdim==[]) {
this.wdim = [[-1],[-1]];
- rpar = [[this.vec_x.slice()],[this.vec_y.slice()],[this.vec_z.slice()],[this.param3ds.slice()]];
- size_siz = size(this.siz,"*");
- ipar = [[],[size_siz],[this.N],[this.clrs.slice()],[this.siz.slice()],[1],[this.wpos.slice()],[this.wdim.slice()],[this.nbr_curves]];
+ var rpar = [[this.vec_x.slice()],[this.vec_y.slice()],[this.vec_z.slice()],[this.param3ds.slice()]];
+ var size_siz = size(this.siz,"*");
+ var ipar = [[],[size_siz],[this.N],[this.clrs.slice()],[this.siz.slice()],[1],[this.wpos.slice()],[this.wdim.slice()],[this.nbr_curves]];
this.model.rpar = new ScilabDouble(rpar);
this.model.ipar = new ScilabDouble(ipar);
graphics.exprs = exprs;