path: root/js/Misc/AUTOMAT.js
diff options
authorSunil Shetye2018-06-25 18:20:39 +0530
committerSunil Shetye2018-06-26 11:06:22 +0530
commit7465daea85285ba7f291b6bf6ddc45caa9e7ad65 (patch)
treee8e3e4dd60d469c290d55de15644ddbc1e013bc6 /js/Misc/AUTOMAT.js
parent7c70459c10aed0d74ee03896abaf47fefdbf7c8f (diff)
add spacing to end of block also
Diffstat (limited to 'js/Misc/AUTOMAT.js')
1 files changed, 94 insertions, 93 deletions
diff --git a/js/Misc/AUTOMAT.js b/js/Misc/AUTOMAT.js
index b46f9ce9..42d505f6 100644
--- a/js/Misc/AUTOMAT.js
+++ b/js/Misc/AUTOMAT.js
@@ -24,14 +24,15 @@ function AUTOMAT() {
model.ipar = ipar;
model.rpar = rpar;
gr_i = [];
- x = standard_define([4,2],model,exprs,gr_i);
+ this.x = standard_define([4,2],model,exprs,gr_i);
AUTOMAT.prototype.details = function AUTOMAT() {
+ return this.x;
AUTOMAT.prototype.get = function AUTOMAT() {
AUTOMAT.prototype.set = function AUTOMAT() {
- x = arg1;
+ this.x = arg1;
graphics =;
exprs = graphics.exprs;
model = arg1.model;
@@ -39,96 +40,96 @@ function AUTOMAT() {
NMode = ipar[1-1];
NX = ipar[3-1];
while (true) {
- CX = "C1";
- MSG0 = "\'Jump from Mode ";
- MSG2 = ":[..;M_final(Guard=In(";
- MSG3 = ").i);..]\'";
- MSG = MSG0+"1"+MSG2+"1"+MSG3;
- VEC = "\'mat\',[-1,1]";
-for (i=2;i<=NMode;i+=1) {
- CX = CX+","+"C"+string(i);
- MSG = MSG+";"+MSG0+string(i)+MSG2+string(i)+MSG3;
- VEC = VEC+","+"\'mat\',[-1,1]";
- GTV = "[ok,NMode,Minitial,NX,X0,XP,"+CX+",exprs]=scicos_getvalue(\'Set Finite state machine model\', [\'Number (finite-state) Modes\';\'Initial Mode\';\'Number of continuous-time states\';\'Continuous-time states intial values\';\'Xproperties of continuous-time states in each Mode\';"+MSG+"], list(\'vec\',1,\'vec\',1,\'vec\',1,\'mat\',[-1,-1],\'mat\',[-1,-1],"+VEC+"),exprs)";
- if (!this.ok) {
- NMode_old = size(exprs,"*")-5;
- ModifEncore = false;
- if ((NMode_old>NMode)) {
- exprs.slice(NMode+6-1,NMode_old+5) = [];
- ModifEncore = true;
- if ((NMode_old<NMode)) {
- exprs.slice(NMode_old+6-1,NMode+5) = exprs[NMode_old+4-1];
- ModifEncore = true;
- if ((NX!=size(this.X0,"*"))) {
-messagebox("the size of intial continuous-time states should be NX="+string(NX),"modal","error");
- ModifEncore = true;
- [rXP,cXP] = size(this.XP);
- if (cXP!=NX) {
-messagebox("Xproperty matrix is not valid: it should have NX="+string(NX)+" columns","modal","error");
- ModifEncore = true;
- } else if (((rXP!=NMode)&&(rXP>1))) {
-messagebox("Xproperty matrix is not valid: it should have NMode="+string(NMode)+" or 1 row(s)","modal","error");
- ModifEncore = true;
- } else if ((rXP==1)) {
-for (i=1;i<=NMode-1;i+=1) {
- this.XP = [[this.XP],[this.XP[1-1].slice()]];
- if ((NMode_old==NMode)&&(!ModifEncore)) {
- this.XP = matrix(transpose(this.XP),NMode*NX,1);
- ipar = [[NMode],[this.Minitial],[NX],[this.XP]];
- rpar = matrix(this.X0,NX,1);
- INP = ones(NMode,1);
- if (NX>0) {
- OUT = [[2],[2*NX]];
- } else {
- OUT = [2];
- MaxModes = 1;
- nzcross = 0;
-for (i=1;i<=NMode;i+=1) {
- Ci = evstr(exprs[5+i-1]);
- ipar = [[ipar],[Ci]];
- INP[i-1][1-1] = 2*NX+length(Ci);
- if ((nzcross<length(Ci))) {
- nzcross = length(Ci);
- if ((MaxModes<max(Ci))) {
- MaxModes = max(Ci);
- imax = i;
- if (MaxModes>NMode) {
-messagebox([["Number of Modes should be "+string(MaxModes)],["A destination Mode in Mode#"+string(imax)+"\'s targets is invalid!"]],"modal","error");
- ModifEncore = true;
- if (MaxModes<NMode) {
-messagebox(["There is an unused Mode or the Number of Modes should be "+string(MaxModes)],"modal","error");
- ModifEncore = true;
- if (!ModifEncore) {
- [model,graphics,this.ok] = check_io(model,graphics,INP,OUT,[],[1]);
- if (!this.ok) {
- model.nzcross = nzcross;
- model.state = ones(2*NX,1);
- graphics.gr_i[1-1][1-1] = "txt=[\'Automaton\';\'nM="+string(NMode)+",nX="+string(NX)+"\'];";
- graphics.exprs = exprs;
- = graphics;
- model.ipar = ipar;
- model.rpar = rpar;
- x.model = model;
+ CX = "C1";
+ MSG0 = "\'Jump from Mode ";
+ MSG2 = ":[..;M_final(Guard=In(";
+ MSG3 = ").i);..]\'";
+ MSG = MSG0+"1"+MSG2+"1"+MSG3;
+ VEC = "\'mat\',[-1,1]";
+ for (i=2;i<=NMode;i+=1) {
+ CX = CX+","+"C"+string(i);
+ MSG = MSG+";"+MSG0+string(i)+MSG2+string(i)+MSG3;
+ VEC = VEC+","+"\'mat\',[-1,1]";
+ }
+ GTV = "[ok,NMode,Minitial,NX,X0,XP,"+CX+",exprs]=scicos_getvalue(\'Set Finite state machine model\', [\'Number (finite-state) Modes\';\'Initial Mode\';\'Number of continuous-time states\';\'Continuous-time states intial values\';\'Xproperties of continuous-time states in each Mode\';"+MSG+"], list(\'vec\',1,\'vec\',1,\'vec\',1,\'mat\',[-1,-1],\'mat\',[-1,-1],"+VEC+"),exprs)";
+ execstr(GTV);
+ if (!this.ok) {
+ break;
+ }
+ NMode_old = size(exprs,"*")-5;
+ ModifEncore = false;
+ if ((NMode_old>NMode)) {
+ exprs.slice(NMode+6-1,NMode_old+5) = [];
+ ModifEncore = true;
+ }
+ if ((NMode_old<NMode)) {
+ exprs.slice(NMode_old+6-1,NMode+5) = exprs[NMode_old+4-1];
+ ModifEncore = true;
+ }
+ if ((NX!=size(this.X0,"*"))) {
+ messagebox("the size of intial continuous-time states should be NX="+string(NX),"modal","error");
+ ModifEncore = true;
+ }
+ [rXP,cXP] = size(this.XP);
+ if (cXP!=NX) {
+ messagebox("Xproperty matrix is not valid: it should have NX="+string(NX)+" columns","modal","error");
+ ModifEncore = true;
+ } else if (((rXP!=NMode)&&(rXP>1))) {
+ messagebox("Xproperty matrix is not valid: it should have NMode="+string(NMode)+" or 1 row(s)","modal","error");
+ ModifEncore = true;
+ } else if ((rXP==1)) {
+ for (i=1;i<=NMode-1;i+=1) {
+ this.XP = [[this.XP],[this.XP[1-1].slice()]];
+ }
+ }
+ if ((NMode_old==NMode)&&(!ModifEncore)) {
+ this.XP = matrix(transpose(this.XP),NMode*NX,1);
+ ipar = [[NMode],[this.Minitial],[NX],[this.XP]];
+ rpar = matrix(this.X0,NX,1);
+ INP = ones(NMode,1);
+ if (NX>0) {
+ OUT = [[2],[2*NX]];
+ } else {
+ OUT = [2];
+ }
+ MaxModes = 1;
+ nzcross = 0;
+ for (i=1;i<=NMode;i+=1) {
+ Ci = evstr(exprs[5+i-1]);
+ ipar = [[ipar],[Ci]];
+ INP[i-1][1-1] = 2*NX+length(Ci);
+ if ((nzcross<length(Ci))) {
+ nzcross = length(Ci);
+ }
+ if ((MaxModes<max(Ci))) {
+ MaxModes = max(Ci);
+ imax = i;
+ }
+ }
+ if (MaxModes>NMode) {
+ messagebox([["Number of Modes should be "+string(MaxModes)],["A destination Mode in Mode#"+string(imax)+"\'s targets is invalid!"]],"modal","error");
+ ModifEncore = true;
+ }
+ if (MaxModes<NMode) {
+ messagebox(["There is an unused Mode or the Number of Modes should be "+string(MaxModes)],"modal","error");
+ ModifEncore = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!ModifEncore) {
+ [model,graphics,this.ok] = check_io(model,graphics,INP,OUT,[],[1]);
+ if (!this.ok) {
+ break;
+ }
+ model.nzcross = nzcross;
+ model.state = ones(2*NX,1);
+ graphics.gr_i[1-1][1-1] = "txt=[\'Automaton\';\'nM="+string(NMode)+",nX="+string(NX)+"\'];";
+ graphics.exprs = exprs;
+ = graphics;
+ model.ipar = ipar;
+ model.rpar = rpar;
+ this.x.model = model;
+ break;
+ }
+ }