path: root/sbhs/
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2018-11-01Update documentation in README and Add webcam features in SBHSCruiseDevice
2018-10-31Fix advance slot booking issueCruiseDevice
2018-10-29Add moderator featuresCruiseDevice
2018-10-26add __str__ method for Experiment modelCruiseDevice
2018-10-26add django-crispy-forms to requirements.txtCruiseDevice
2018-10-24Create FilterLogsForm and some changes in models.pyCruiseDevice
2018-10-08save details of the connected boardCruiseDevice
2018-09-28minor changes in models.pyCruiseDevice
2018-08-20create app models and register them in admin siteCruiseDevice
2018-07-25Create SBHS Django appCruiseDevice