path: root/sbhs_raspi/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sbhs_raspi/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 179 deletions
diff --git a/sbhs_raspi/ b/sbhs_raspi/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f0c200..0000000
--- a/sbhs_raspi/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
-import serial
-import os
-import logging
-from time import localtime, strftime, sleep
- format='%(asctime)s --- %(message)s'
- )
-class SbhsServer(object):
- """ This is the Single Board Heater System class """
- def get_usb_devices(self):
- usb_ids = []
- for tty in os.listdir('/dev'):
- if tty.startswith('ttyUSB'):
- try:
- usb_ids.append(int(tty[6:]))
- except ValueError:
- logger.error("Could not get {0}".format(tty))
- return usb_ids
- def map_sbhs_to_usb(self, usb_devices):
- sbhs_map = []
- if usb_devices:
- for usb_id in usb_devices:
- sbhs = Sbhs(dev_id=usb_id)
- status = sbhs.connect_device()
- if status:
- board = sbhs.get_machine_id()
-"USB {0} is connected to SBHS machine id {1}"
- .format(usb_id, board)
- )
- sbhs_map.append({"usb_id": usb_id, "sbhs_mac_id": board})
- return sbhs_map
-class Sbhs(object):
- def __init__(self, dev_id):
- self.outgoing_machine_id = 252
- self.incoming_fan = 253
- self.incoming_heat = 254
- self.outgoing_temp = 255
- self.max_heat = 100
- self.max_fan = 100
- self.dev_id = dev_id
- def connect_device(self):
- """
- Open a serial connection via USB to the SBHS using USB Device Number
- """
- # check for valid device number
- usb_device_file = '/dev/ttyUSB{}'.format(self.dev_id)
- try:
- self.boardcon = serial.Serial(port=usb_device_file,
- baudrate=9600, bytesize=8,
- parity='N', stopbits=1,
- timeout=2
- )
- # org stopbits = 1
- status = True
- except Exception as e:
- status = False
- logger.error("Serial connection with {0} failed"
- .format(usb_device_file)
- )
- return status
- def get_machine_id(self):
- """ Gets machine id from the device """
- try:
- self.boardcon.flushInput()
- self._write(chr(self.outgoing_machine_id))
- sleep(0.5)
- machine_id = ord(self._read(1))
- self.machine_id = machine_id
- except Exception as e:
- machine_id = -1
- return int(machine_id)
- def set_machine_heat(self, val):
- """ Sets the heat, checks if value is valid i.e. within range.
- Input: self object, val
- Output: Error message if heat cannot be set.
- """
- if val > self.max_heat or val < 0:
- logger.error("Machine ID {0} tried setting heat {1}%".format())
- return False
- try:
- self._write(chr(self.incoming_heat))
- sleep(0.5)
- self._write(chr(val))
- return True
- except:
- print("Error: cannot set heat for machine \
- id {}".format(self.machine_id))
- self.log('cannot set heat for machine id \
- %d' % self.machine_id, 'ERROR')
- return False
- def set_machine_fan(self, val):
- """ Sets the fan speed, checks if value is valid i.e. within range.
- Input: self object, val
- Output: Error message if fan cannot be set.
- """
- if val > self.max_fan or val < 0:
- return False
- try:
- self._write(chr(self.incoming_fan))
- sleep(0.5)
- self._write(chr(val))
- return True
- except:
- return True
- def get_machine_temp(self):
- """ Gets the temperature from the machine.
- """
- try:
- self.boardcon.flushInput()
- self._write(chr(self.outgoing_temp))
- temp = ord(self._read(1)) + (0.1 * ord(self._read(1)))
- return temp
- except:
- print("Error: cannot read temperature from machine id \
- {}".format(self.machine_id))
- self.log('cannot read temperature from machine id %d' \
- % self.machine_id, 'ERROR')
- return 0.0
- def disconnect(self):
- """ Reset the board fan and heat values and close the USB connection """
- try:
- self.boardcon.close()
- self.boardcon = False
- self.status = 0
- return True
- except:
- print('Error: cannot close connection to the machine')
- self.log('cannot close connection to the machine', 'ERROR')
- return False
- def reset_board(self):
- return self.set_machine_heat(0) and self.set_machine_fan(100)
- def _read(self, size):
- try:
- data =
- return data
- except Exception as e:
- raise
- def _write(self, data):
- try:
- self.boardcon.write(data)
- return True
- except Exception as e:
- raise
- def log(self, msg, level):
- try:
- errfile = open(LOG_FILE, 'a') # open error log file in append mode
- if not errfile:
- return
- log_msg = '%s %s %s\n' %(level, strftime('%d:%m:%Y %H:%M:%S', \
- localtime()), msg)
- errfile.write(log_msg)
- errfile.close()
- return
- except:
- return