path: root/include
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'include')
3 files changed, 116 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/include/gras/CMakeLists.txt b/include/gras/CMakeLists.txt
index d0e3cfa..176d5e5 100644
--- a/include/gras/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/include/gras/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ install(FILES
+ time_tag.hpp
+ time_tag.i
diff --git a/include/gras/time_tag.hpp b/include/gras/time_tag.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9459f9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/gras/time_tag.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+// Copyright (C) by Josh Blum. See LICENSE.txt for licensing information.
+#include <gras/gras.hpp>
+#include <gras/chrono.hpp>
+#include <PMC/PMC.hpp>
+#include <boost/operators.hpp>
+namespace gras
+ * TimeTag represents an absolute time or a time delta.
+ * A TimeTag can be converted to and from a tick count.
+ * Conversion support is provided for the pseudo-standard
+ * PMCTuple format often used inside a StreamTag value.
+ * And TimeTag supports overloaded arithmetic operations.
+ */
+struct GRAS_API TimeTag :
+ boost::less_than_comparable<TimeTag>,
+ boost::additive<TimeTag>
+ //! Default contructor - hold time 0
+ TimeTag(void);
+ //! Create a time tag from ticks w/ default ticks per second
+ static TimeTag from_ticks(const time_ticks_t ticks);
+ //! Create a time tag from ticks w/ specified ticks per second
+ static TimeTag from_ticks(const time_ticks_t ticks, const double rate);
+ //! Create a time tag from a PMC containing a PMCTuple<2>(uint64, double)
+ static TimeTag from_pmc(const PMCC &p);
+ //! Convert this time tag to ticks w/ default ticks per second
+ time_ticks_t to_ticks(void);
+ //! Convert this time tag to ticks w/ specified ticks per second
+ time_ticks_t to_ticks(const double rate);
+ //! Convert this time tag to a PMC containing a PMCTuple<2>(uint64, double)
+ PMCC to_pmc(void);
+ //! Addition for additive interface
+ TimeTag &operator+=(const TimeTag &);
+ //! Subtraction for additive interface
+ TimeTag &operator-=(const TimeTag &);
+ //! full seconds
+ time_ticks_t _fsecs;
+ //! fractional ticks
+ time_ticks_t _ticks;
+GRAS_API bool operator<(const TimeTag &lhs, const TimeTag &rhs);
+GRAS_API bool operator==(const TimeTag &lhs, const TimeTag &rhs);
+} //namespace gras
diff --git a/include/gras/time_tag.i b/include/gras/time_tag.i
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42deed7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/gras/time_tag.i
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+// Copyright (C) by Josh Blum. See LICENSE.txt for licensing information.
+#include <gras/time_tag.hpp>
+// remove base class warning -- boost::less_than_comparable<TimeTag>
+// remove base class warning -- boost::additive<TimeTag>
+#pragma SWIG nowarn=401
+%include <gras/gras.hpp>
+%include <gras/chrono.hpp>
+%include <gras/time_tag.hpp>
+%import <PMC/PMC.i>
+// Make it pythonic
+%extend gras::TimeTag
+ bool __nonzero__(void)
+ {
+ return ($self)->to_ticks() != 0;
+ }
+ int __cmp__(const TimeTag &other)
+ {
+ if ((*($self)) < other) return -1;
+ if ((*($self)) > other) return +1;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ TimeTag __add__(const TimeTag &other)
+ {
+ return (*($self)) + other;
+ }
+ TimeTag __sub__(const TimeTag &other)
+ {
+ return (*($self)) - other;
+ }