diff options
4 files changed, 1174 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3448347
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,390 @@
+/* function to display books in progress */
+function tbc_books_in_progress_all()
+ $output = "";
+ $query = db_select('list_of_category');
+ $query->fields('list_of_category');
+ $query->orderBy('id', 'ASC');
+ $category_list = $query->execute();
+ $query = "
+ SELECT po.creation_date, as book, as author, pe.publisher as publisher,pe.edition as edition, pe.isbn as isbn, pe.year as year, as pe_id, loc.category_name as category, loc.category_id as cat_id
+FROM textbook_companion_preference pe
+LEFT JOIN textbook_companion_proposal po ON pe.proposal_id =
+LEFT JOIN list_of_category loc on pe.category = loc.category_id
+WHERE po.proposal_status IN (1,4) AND pe.approval_status = 1
+ORDER BY po.creation_date DESC
+ ";
+ $result = db_query($query);
+ $proposal_rows = array();
+ $i = 1;
+ $category_data = _tbc_list_of_category($preference_data->category);
+ $output = "<hr>";
+ while ($row = $result->fetchObject())
+ {
+ $proposal_date = date("d-m-Y", $row->creation_date); // remove comment to display year
+ if ($row->category != NULL)
+ {
+ $category = $row->category;
+ } //$row->category != NULL
+ else
+ {
+ $category = "Not assigned";
+ }
+ $preference_rows[] = array(
+ $i,
+ $proposal_date,
+ $row->book . "<br><br>[ Author: " . $row->author . ", Publisher: " . $row->publisher . ", Year: " . $row->year . ", Edition: " . $row->edition . ", ISBN: " . $row->isbn . " ]",
+ $category
+ );
+ $i++;
+ } //$row = $result->fetchObject()
+ $preference_header = array(
+ 'No',
+ 'Proposal Date',
+ 'Book',
+ 'Category'
+ );
+ $output .= theme('table', array(
+ 'header' => $preference_header,
+ 'rows' => $preference_rows
+ ));
+ return $output;
+function _textbook_companion_list_of_new_category($category_id = NULL)
+ $category .= "";
+ if ($category_id != NULL)
+ {
+ $query = db_select('list_of_category');
+ $query->fields('list_of_category');
+ $query->condition('id', $category_id);
+ $category_list = $query->execute();
+ $category .= "<ul>";
+ } //$category_id != NULL
+ else
+ {
+ $category_list = db_query('SELECT * FROM {list_of_category} WHERE category_id != 0');
+ }
+ $i = 1;
+ while ($category_list_data = $category_list->fetchObject())
+ {
+ $category .= "<li><a href=#$i>$category_list_data->maincategory</a></li>";
+ $i++;
+ } //$category_list_data = $category_list->fetchObject()
+ $category .= "</ul>";
+ return $category;
+function _textbook_companion_list_of_new_category_display($category_id = NULL)
+ $category .= "";
+ if ($category_id != NULL)
+ {
+ $query = db_select('list_of_category');
+ $query->fields('list_of_category');
+ $query->condition('id', $category_id);
+ $category_list = $query->execute();
+ } //$category_id != NULL
+ else
+ {
+ $category_list = db_query('SELECT * FROM {list_of_category} WHERE category_id != 0');
+ }
+ while ($category_list_data = $category_list->fetchObject())
+ {
+ $category .= "<li>$category_list_data->maincategory</li>";
+ $query_sub_cat = db_select('list_of_subcategory');
+ $query_sub_cat->fields('list_of_subcategory');
+ $query_sub_cat->condition('maincategory_id', $category_id);
+ $subcategory_list = $query_sub_cat->execute();
+ $category .= "<ol style='list-style-type: lower-roman;'><h5>";
+ while ($sub_category_list_data = $subcategory_list->fetchObject())
+ {
+ $preference_q = db_query("
+ SELECT DISTINCT (tcbm.sub_category), los.subcategory, loc.category_id,loc.maincategory,
+ as book, as author, pe.publisher as publisher, pe.year as year, as pe_id,
+ po.approval_date as approval_date
+ FROM textbook_companion_preference pe
+ LEFT JOIN textbook_companion_proposal po ON pe.proposal_id =
+ LEFT JOIN textbook_companion_book_main_subcategories tcbm ON = tcbm.pref_id
+ LEFT JOIN list_of_category loc ON tcbm.main_category = loc.category_id
+ LEFT JOIN list_of_subcategory los ON tcbm.sub_category = los.subcategory_id
+ WHERE po.proposal_status = 3 AND pe.approval_status = 1
+ AND = tcbm.pref_id AND tcbm.sub_category= :subcategory", array(
+ ":subcategory" => $sub_category_list_data->subcategory_id
+ ));
+ $category .= "<li>$sub_category_list_data->subcategory</li>";
+ $category .= "<ol style='list-style-type: decimal;'>";
+ while ($preference_data = $preference_q->fetchObject())
+ {
+ if ($sub_category_list_data->subcategory == $preference_data->subcategory && $sub_category_list_data->maincategory_id == $preference_data->category_id)
+ {
+ $category .= "<li>";
+ $category .= l($preference_data->book . " by " . $preference_data->author . ", " . $preference_data->publisher . ", " . $preference_data->year, 'textbook_run/' . $preference_data->pe_id . '/' . $preference_data->sub_category . '/' . $preference_data->category_id);
+ $category .= "</li>";
+ } //$sub_category_list_data->subcategory == $preference_data->subcategory && $sub_category_list_data->maincategory_id == $preference_data->category_id
+ } //$preference_data = $preference_q->fetchObject()
+ $category .= "</ol>";
+ } //$sub_category_list_data = $subcategory_list->fetchObject()
+ $category .= "</h5></ol>";
+ } //$category_list_data = $category_list->fetchObject()
+ return $category;
+/* Display Completed books */
+function tbc_completed_books_all()
+ $category_id = NULL;
+ $output = "";
+ $output = "<h4>Category</h4>";
+ $output .= "<hr style='background-color: #abb2b8;' /><div style='width:100%; float:left;'><h4>";
+ $output .= _textbook_companion_list_of_new_category($category_id);
+ $output .= "</h4></div>";
+ $result_count = db_query("SELECT FROM {textbook_companion_preference} pe LEFT JOIN textbook_companion_proposal po ON pe.proposal_id = WHERE po.proposal_status =3 AND pe.approval_status =1");
+ $row_count = $result_count->rowCount();
+ $output .= "<p style='clear: both;'>Total number of completed books : &nbsp;" . $row_count . " </p>";
+ $output .= "<hr style='background-color: #abb2b8;' />";
+ $result_category = db_query("SELECT * FROM {list_of_category} WHERE category_id !=0");
+ $row_category_count = $result_category->rowCount();
+ $output .= "<ol style='list-style-type: upper-roman;'><h4>";
+ for ($i = 1; $i <= $row_category_count; $i++)
+ {
+ $output .= "<div id=$i>" . _textbook_companion_list_of_new_category_display($i) . "</div><br>";
+ } //$i = 1; $i <= $row_category_count; $i++
+ $output .= "</h4></ol>";
+ return $output;
+function tbc_completed_books_display_new_category_all()
+ $category_id = NULL;
+ $output = "";
+ $tbc_books_display_new_category_form = drupal_get_form("tbc_books_display_new_category_form");
+ $output .= drupal_render($tbc_books_display_new_category_form);
+ return $output;
+function tbc_books_display_new_category_form($form, &$form_state)
+ $category_default_value = 0;
+ $countresult = db_query("SELECT count(DISTINCT c
+ FROM textbook_companion_preference pe
+ LEFT JOIN textbook_companion_proposal po ON pe.proposal_id =
+ LEFT JOIN textbook_companion_book_main_subcategories tcbm ON = tcbm.pref_id
+ LEFT JOIN list_of_category loc ON tcbm.main_category = loc.category_id
+ WHERE po.proposal_status = 3 AND pe.approval_status = 1
+ AND = tcbm.pref_id ORDER BY");
+ $count_row = $countresult->fetchObject();
+ $book_count = $count_row->c;
+ $form['completed_book_count'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'item',
+ '#markup' => "Total number of completed books: " . $book_count,
+ );
+ $form['category'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'select',
+ '#title' => t('Category'),
+ '#options' => _list_of_display_category(),
+ '#default_value' => $category_default_value,
+ '#ajax' => array(
+ 'callback' => 'ajax_display_all_book_list_callback'
+ ),
+ '#attributes' => array(
+ 'style'=>' word-break: break-all;
+ white-space: normal;'
+ ),
+ '#validated' => TRUE
+ );
+ $form['subcategory'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'select',
+ '#title' => t('Sub Category'),
+ '#options' => _list_of_subcategory($category_default_value),
+ '#default_value' => $category_default_value,
+ '#ajax' => array(
+ 'callback' => 'ajax_display_subcategory_book_list_callback'
+ ),
+ '#prefix' => '<div id="ajax-subcategory-list-replace">',
+ '#suffix' => '</div>',
+ '#validated' => TRUE,
+ '#states' => array(
+ 'invisible' => array(
+ ':input[name="category"]' => array(
+ 'value' => 0
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ );
+ $form['book'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'item',
+ '#prefix' => '<div id="ajax-book-list-replace">',
+ '#suffix' => '</div>',
+ '#markup' => _list_of_all_completed_books()
+ );
+ return $form;
+function _list_of_display_category($category_id = NULL)
+ $category[0] = "All";
+ if ($category_id == NULL)
+ {
+ $query = db_select('list_of_category');
+ $query->fields('list_of_category');
+ $query->orderBy('category_id', 'ASC');
+ $category_list = $query->execute();
+ } //$category_id == NULL
+ else
+ {
+ $query = db_select('list_of_category');
+ $query->fields('list_of_category');
+ $query->condition('category_id', $category_id);
+ $query->orderBy('id', 'ASC');
+ $category_list = $query->execute();
+ }
+ while ($category_list_data = $category_list->fetchObject())
+ {
+ $category[$category_list_data->category_id] = $category[$category_list_data->category_id].$category_list_data->maincategory;
+ } //$category_list_data = $category_list->fetchObject()
+ return $category;
+/********************* Ajax callback ***************************/
+function ajax_display_all_book_list_callback($form, $form_state)
+ $category_default_value = $form_state['values']['category'];
+ if ($category_default_value > 0)
+ {
+ $form['subcategory']['#options'] = _list_of_subcategory($category_default_value);
+ $form['book']['#markup'] = _list_of_all_completed_books($category_default_value);
+ $commands[] = ajax_command_replace("#ajax-subcategory-list-replace", drupal_render($form['subcategory']));
+ $commands[] = ajax_command_replace("#ajax-book-list-replace", drupal_render($form['book']));
+ } //$category_default_value > 0
+ else
+ {
+ $form['book']['#markup'] = _list_of_all_completed_books();
+ $commands[] = ajax_command_replace("#ajax-book-list-replace", drupal_render($form['book']));
+ $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#ajax-subcategory-list-replace", '');
+ }
+ return array(
+ '#type' => 'ajax',
+ '#commands' => $commands
+ );
+function ajax_display_subcategory_book_list_callback($form, $form_state)
+ $category_default_value = $form_state['values']['category'];
+ $subcategory_default_value = $form_state['values']['subcategory'];
+ if ($category_default_value > 0 && $subcategory_default_value > 0)
+ {
+ $form['subcategory']['#options'] = _list_of_subcategory($category_default_value);
+ $form['book']['#markup'] = _list_of_all_completed_books($category_default_value, $subcategory_default_value);
+ $commands[] = ajax_command_replace("#ajax-subcategory-list-replace", drupal_render($form['subcategory']));
+ $commands[] = ajax_command_replace("#ajax-book-list-replace", drupal_render($form['book']));
+ } //$category_default_value > 0
+ else
+ {
+ $form['book']['#markup'] = _list_of_all_completed_books();
+ $commands[] = ajax_command_replace("#ajax-book-list-replace", drupal_render($form['book']));
+ $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#ajax-subcategory-list-replace", '');
+ }
+ return array(
+ '#type' => 'ajax',
+ '#commands' => $commands
+ );
+function _list_of_all_completed_books($category_default_value = NULL, $subcategory_default_value = NULL)
+ $output = "";
+ //get the book count
+ $result = db_query("SELECT COUNT( ) AS book_count FROM {textbook_companion_preference} pe LEFT JOIN textbook_companion_proposal po ON pe.proposal_id = WHERE po.proposal_status =3 AND pe.approval_status =1");
+ $row = $result->fetchObject();
+ $book_count = $row->book_count;
+ $i = 1;
+ /* get preference */
+ if ($category_default_value <= 0 && $subcategory_default_value == NULL)
+ {
+ $preference_q = db_query("SELECT DISTINCT, count( c,tcbm.sub_category,tcbm.main_category as category_id,
+ as author, pe.publisher as publisher, pe.year as year, as pe_id, pe.edition,
+ po.approval_date as approval_date
+ FROM {textbook_companion_preference} pe
+ LEFT JOIN textbook_companion_proposal po ON pe.proposal_id =
+ LEFT JOIN textbook_companion_book_main_subcategories tcbm ON = tcbm.pref_id
+ LEFT JOIN list_of_category loc ON tcbm.main_category = loc.category_id
+ WHERE po.proposal_status = 3 AND pe.approval_status = 1
+ AND = tcbm.pref_id GROUP BY having c >= 1 ORDER BY");
+ } //$category_default_value <= 0 && $subcategory_default_value == NULL
+ elseif ($category_default_value > 0 && $subcategory_default_value == NULL)
+ {
+ $preference_q = db_query("SELECT DISTINCT (loc.category_id),count( c, tcbm.sub_category,loc.maincategory,
+ as book, as author, pe.publisher as publisher, pe.year as year, as pe_id, pe.edition,
+ po.approval_date as approval_date
+ FROM {textbook_companion_preference} pe
+ LEFT JOIN textbook_companion_proposal po ON pe.proposal_id =
+ LEFT JOIN textbook_companion_book_main_subcategories tcbm ON = tcbm.pref_id
+ LEFT JOIN list_of_category loc ON tcbm.main_category = loc.category_id
+ WHERE po.proposal_status = 3 AND pe.approval_status = 1
+ AND = tcbm.pref_id AND loc.category_id= :category_id GROUP BY having c >= 1 ORDER BY", array(
+ "category_id" => $category_default_value
+ ));
+ } //$category_default_value > 0 && $subcategory_default_value == NULL
+ else
+ {
+ $preference_q = db_query("SELECT DISTINCT (loc.category_id),tcbm.sub_category,loc.maincategory,
+ as book, as author, pe.publisher as publisher, pe.year as year, as pe_id, pe.edition,
+ po.approval_date as approval_date
+ FROM textbook_companion_preference pe
+ LEFT JOIN textbook_companion_proposal po ON pe.proposal_id =
+ LEFT JOIN textbook_companion_book_main_subcategories tcbm ON = tcbm.pref_id
+ LEFT JOIN list_of_category loc ON tcbm.main_category = loc.category_id
+ WHERE po.proposal_status = 3 AND pe.approval_status = 1
+ AND = tcbm.pref_id AND loc.category_id= :category_id AND tcbm.sub_category = :sub_category", array(
+ "category_id" => $category_default_value,
+ ":sub_category" => $subcategory_default_value
+ ));
+ }
+ while ($preference_data = $preference_q->fetchObject())
+ {
+ $proposal_rows[] = array(
+ $i,
+ l($preference_data->book . " by " . $preference_data->author . ", " . $preference_data->publisher . ", " . $preference_data->year, 'textbook_run/' . $preference_data->pe_id . '/' . $preference_data->sub_category . '/' . $preference_data->category_id)
+ );
+ $i++;
+ } //$proposal_data = $proposal_q->fetchObject()
+ /* check if there are any pending proposals */
+ if (!$proposal_rows)
+ {
+ $output .= t('There are no books availabe in this sub category.');
+ } //!$proposal_rows
+ else
+ {
+ $proposal_header = array(
+ 'No.',
+ 'Title of the Book'
+ );
+ $output .= theme('table', array(
+ 'header' => $proposal_header,
+ 'rows' => $proposal_rows
+ ));
+ } //!$proposal_rows
+ // $output .= "Book count with category: " . $book_count;
+ return $output;
+function _list_of_subcategory($category_id = NULL)
+ $subcategory[0] = "Please select";
+ if ($category_id == NULL)
+ {
+ $query = db_select('list_of_subcategory');
+ $query->fields('list_of_subcategory');
+ $query->condition('maincategory_id', $category_id);
+ $query->orderBy('subcategory_id', 'ASC');
+ $subcategory_list = $query->execute();
+ } //$category_id == NULL
+ else
+ {
+ $query = db_select('list_of_subcategory');
+ $query->fields('list_of_subcategory');
+ $query->condition('maincategory_id', $category_id);
+ $query->orderBy('id', 'ASC');
+ $subcategory_list = $query->execute();
+ }
+ while ($subcategory_list_data = $subcategory_list->fetchObject())
+ {
+ $subcategory[$subcategory_list_data->subcategory_id] = $subcategory[$subcategory_list_data->subcategory_id].$subcategory_list_data->subcategory;
+ } //$category_list_data = $category_list->fetchObject()
+ return $subcategory;
diff --git a/pdf/1 b/pdf/1
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c795012
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pdf/1
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+ function _list_all_certificates()
+ {
+ global $user;
+ $uid1 = $user->uid;
+ $query2 = db_query("SELECT * FROM {textbook_companion_proposal} WHERE proposal_status=3 AND uid=".$user->uid);
+ $data2 = db_fetch_object($query2);
+ if($data2->id)
+ {
+ $search_rows = array();
+ global $output;
+ $output = '';
+ $query3 = db_query("SELECT * FROM textbook_companion_preference WHERE approval_status=1 AND proposal_id=".$data2->id);
+ while ($search_data3 = db_fetch_object($query3))
+ {
+ $search_rows[] = array($search_data3->isbn,$search_data3->book,$search_data3->author,l('Download Certificate', 'certificate/generate_pdf/'.$search_data3->id));
+ }
+ if ($search_rows)
+ {
+ $search_header = array('ISBN', 'Book Name', 'Author', 'Download Certificates');
+ $output = theme_table($search_header, $search_rows);
+ return $output;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ echo("Error");
+ return '';
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $query3 = db_query("SELECT * FROM {textbook_companion_proposal} WHERE uid=".$user->uid);
+ $data3 = db_fetch_object($query2);
+ var_dump($query3);
+ die;
+ if($data3)
+ {
+ drupal_set_message('<strong>Your book is still under Review!</strong>', 'status');
+ return '';
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ drupal_set_message('<strong>You need to propose a book <a href="/proposal">Book Proposal</a></strong>', 'status');
+ return '';
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/pdf/ b/pdf/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4e46946
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pdf/
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+$pending_rows = array();
+ $pending_q = db_query("SELECT * FROM {textbook_companion_proposal} WHERE proposal_status = 0 ORDER BY id DESC");
+ while ($pending_data = db_fetch_object($pending_q))
+ {
+ $pending_rows[$pending_data->id] = array(date('d-m-Y', $pending_data->creation_date), l($pending_data->full_name, 'user/' . $pending_data->uid), date('d-m-Y', $pending_data->completion_date), l('Approve', 'manage_proposal/approve/' . $pending_data->id) . ' | ' . l('Edit', 'manage_proposal/edit/' . $pending_data->id));
+ }
+ /* check if there are any pending proposals */
+ if (!$pending_rows)
+ {
+ drupal_set_message(t('There are no pending proposals.'), 'status');
+ return '';
+ }
+ $pending_header = array('Date of Submission', 'Contributor Name', 'Date of Completion', 'Action');
+ $output = theme_table($pending_header, $pending_rows);
+ return $output;
+global $user;
+ $uid1 = $user->uid;
+ $query2 = db_query("SELECT * FROM {textbook_companion_proposal} WHERE proposal_status=3 AND uid=".$user->uid);
+ $data2 = db_fetch_object($query2);
+ if($data2->id)
+ {
+ $search_rows = array();
+ $output = '';
+ $query3 = db_query("SELECT * FROM textbook_companion_preference WHERE approval_status=1 AND proposal_id=".$data2->id);
+ while ($search_data3 = db_fetch_object($query3))
+ {
+ $search_rows[] = array($search_data3->id,$search_data3->proposal_id,$search_data3->book, l('Download Certificate', 'certificate/generate_pdf'.$search_data3->proposal_id));
+ }
+ if ($search_rows)
+ {
+ $search_header = array('Id', 'Proposal Id', 'Book Name', 'Download Certificates');
+ $output .= theme_table($search_header, $search_rows);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ echo("Error");
+ }
+ return $output;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ echo("Book Still Under Review");
+ };
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..dc05cca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,675 @@
+function textbook_companion_book_run_form($form, &$form_state)
+ $url_category_id = (int) arg(3);
+ $url_subcategory_id = (int) arg(2);
+ $url_book_pref_id = (int) arg(1);
+ if ($url_book_pref_id != NULL && $url_subcategory_id != NULL && $url_category_id != NULL)
+ {
+ $category_default_value = $url_category_id;
+ $subcategory_default_value = $url_subcategory_id;
+ } //$url_book_pref_id
+ else
+ {
+ $category_default_value = 0;
+ $subcategory_default_value = 0;
+ }
+ if ($url_book_pref_id && $url_subcategory_id && $url_category_id)
+ {
+ $form['category'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'select',
+ '#title' => t('Category'),
+ '#options' => _list_of_category(),
+ '#default_value' => $category_default_value,
+ '#ajax' => array(
+ 'callback' => 'ajax_subcategory_list_callback'
+ ),
+ '#validated' => TRUE
+ );
+ $form['subcategory'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'select',
+ '#title' => t('Sub Category'),
+ '#options' => _list_of_subcategory($category_default_value),
+ '#default_value' => $subcategory_default_value,
+ '#ajax' => array(
+ 'callback' => 'ajax_book_list_callback'
+ ),
+ '#prefix' => '<div id="ajax-subcategory-list-replace">',
+ '#suffix' => '</div>',
+ '#validated' => TRUE,
+ '#states' => array(
+ 'invisible' => array(
+ ':input[name="category"]' => array(
+ 'value' => 0
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ );
+ $book_default_value = $url_book_pref_id;
+ $form['book'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'select',
+ '#title' => t('Title of the book'),
+ '#options' => _list_of_books($category_default_value, $subcategory_default_value),
+ '#default_value' => $book_default_value,
+ '#prefix' => '<div id="ajax-book-list-replace">',
+ '#suffix' => '</div>',
+ '#ajax' => array(
+ 'callback' => 'ajax_chapter_list_callback'
+ ),
+ '#validated' => TRUE,
+ '#states' => array(
+ 'invisible' => array(
+ ':input[name="subcategory"]' => array(
+ 'value' => 0
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ );
+ /*$form['book_details'] = array(
+ '#prefix' => '<div id="ajax-book-details-replace"></div>',
+ '#suffix' => '</div>',
+ '#markup' => '',
+ );*/
+ $form['book_details'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'item',
+ '#markup' => '<div id="ajax-book-details-replace">' . _html_book_info($book_default_value) . '</div>'
+ );
+ $form['download_book'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'item',
+ '#markup' => '<div id="ajax-download-book-replace">' . l('Download', 'textbook-companion/download/book/' . $book_default_value) . ' ' . t('(Download the R codes for all the solved examples)') . '</div>'
+ );
+ $form['download_pdf'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'item',
+ '#markup' => '<div id="ajax-download-book-pdf-replace">' . l('Download PDF', 'textbook_companion/generate_book/' . $book_default_value) . ' ' . t('(Download the PDF file containing R codes for all the solved examples)') . '</div>'
+ );
+ $form['chapter'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'select',
+ '#title' => t('Title of the chapter'),
+ '#options' => _list_of_chapters($book_default_value),
+ //'#default_value' => isset($form_state['values']['chapter']) ? $form_state['values']['chapter'] : '',
+ '#prefix' => '<div id="ajax-chapter-list-replace">',
+ '#suffix' => '</div>',
+ '#ajax' => array(
+ 'callback' => 'ajax_example_list_callback'
+ ),
+ '#validated' => TRUE,
+ '#states' => array(
+ 'invisible' => array(
+ ':input[name="category"]' => array(
+ 'value' => 0
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ );
+ $form['download_chapter'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'item',
+ '#markup' => '<div id="ajax-download-chapter-replace"></div>'
+ );
+ $example_default_value = isset($form_state['values']['chapter']) ? $form_state['values']['chapter'] : '';
+ $form['examples'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'select',
+ '#title' => t('Example No. (Caption): '),
+ '#options' => _list_of_examples($example_default_value),
+ '#default_value' => isset($form_state['values']['examples']) ? $form_state['values']['examples'] : '',
+ '#prefix' => '<div id="ajax-example-list-replace">',
+ '#suffix' => '</div>',
+ '#ajax' => array(
+ 'callback' => 'ajax_example_files_callback'
+ ),
+ '#states' => array(
+ 'invisible' => array(
+ ':input[name="chapter"]' => array(
+ 'value' => 0
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ );
+ $form['download_example_code'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'item',
+ '#markup' => '<div id="ajax-download-example-code-replace"></div>'
+ );
+ $form['example_files'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'item',
+ '#markup' => '<div id="ajax-download-example-files-replace"></div>'
+ );
+ } //$url_book_pref_id
+ else
+ {
+ $form['category'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'select',
+ '#title' => t('Category'),
+ '#options' => _list_of_category(),
+ '#default_value' => $category_default_value,
+ '#ajax' => array(
+ 'callback' => 'ajax_subcategory_list_callback'
+ ),
+ '#validated' => TRUE
+ );
+ //var_dump(_list_of_subcategory($category_default_value));
+ $form['subcategory'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'select',
+ '#title' => t('Sub Category'),
+ '#options' => _list_of_subcategory($category_default_value),
+ '#default_value' => $subcategory_default_value,
+ '#ajax' => array(
+ 'callback' => 'ajax_book_list_callback'
+ ),
+ '#prefix' => '<div id="ajax-subcategory-list-replace">',
+ '#suffix' => '</div>',
+ '#validated' => TRUE,
+ '#states' => array(
+ 'invisible' => array(
+ ':input[name="category"]' => array(
+ 'value' => 0
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ );
+ $form['book'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'select',
+ '#title' => t('Title of the book'),
+ '#options' => _list_of_books($category_default_value, $subcategory_default_value),
+ //'#default_value' => isset($form_state['values']['book']) ? $form_state['values']['book'] : 0,
+ '#ajax' => array(
+ 'callback' => 'ajax_chapter_list_callback'
+ ),
+ '#validated' => TRUE,
+ '#prefix' => '<div id="ajax-book-list-replace">',
+ '#suffix' => '</div>',
+ '#states' => array(
+ 'invisible' => array(
+ ':input[name="category"]' => array(
+ 'value' => 0
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ );
+ $form['book_details'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'item',
+ '#markup' => '<div id="ajax-book-details-replace"></div>'
+ );
+ $form['download_book'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'item',
+ '#markup' => '<div id="ajax-download-book-replace"></div>'
+ );
+ $form['download_pdf'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'item',
+ '#markup' => '<div id="ajax-download-book-pdf-replace"></div>'
+ );
+ $book_default_value = isset($form_state['values']['book']) ? $form_state['values']['book'] : '';
+ $form['chapter'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'select',
+ '#title' => t('Title of the chapter'),
+ '#options' => _list_of_chapters($book_default_value),
+ //'#default_value' => isset($form_state['values']['chapter']) ? $form_state['values']['chapter'] : '',
+ '#prefix' => '<div id="ajax-chapter-list-replace">',
+ '#suffix' => '</div>',
+ '#ajax' => array(
+ 'callback' => 'ajax_example_list_callback'
+ ),
+ '#validated' => TRUE,
+ '#states' => array(
+ 'invisible' => array(
+ ':input[name="category"]' => array(
+ 'value' => 0
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ );
+ $form['download_chapter'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'item',
+ '#markup' => '<div id="ajax-download-chapter-replace"></div>'
+ );
+ $example_default_value = isset($form_state['values']['chapter']) ? $form_state['values']['chapter'] : '';
+ $form['examples'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'select',
+ '#title' => t('Example No. (Caption): '),
+ '#options' => _list_of_examples($example_default_value),
+ '#default_value' => isset($form_state['values']['examples']) ? $form_state['values']['examples'] : '',
+ '#prefix' => '<div id="ajax-example-list-replace">',
+ '#suffix' => '</div>',
+ '#ajax' => array(
+ 'callback' => 'ajax_example_files_callback'
+ ),
+ '#states' => array(
+ 'invisible' => array(
+ ':input[name="category"]' => array(
+ 'value' => 0
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ );
+ $form['download_example_code'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'item',
+ '#markup' => '<div id="ajax-download-example-code-replace"></div>'
+ );
+ $form['example_files'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'item',
+ '#markup' => '<div id="ajax-download-example-files-replace"></div>'
+ );
+ }
+ return $form;
+/********************* Ajax callback ***************************/
+function ajax_book_list_callback($form, $form_state)
+ $category_default_value = $form_state['values']['category'];
+ $subcategory_default_value = $form_state['values']['subcategory'];
+ if ($category_default_value != 0 && $subcategory_default_value == 0)
+ {
+ $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#ajax-book-list-replace", '');
+ $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#ajax-chapter-list-replace", '');
+ $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#ajax-example-list-replace", '');
+ $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#ajax-book-details-replace", '');
+ $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#ajax-download-book-replace", '');
+ $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#ajax-download-book-pdf-replace", '');
+ $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#ajax-download-chapter-replace", '');
+ $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#ajax-download-example-code-replace", '');
+ $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#ajax-download-example-files-replace", '');
+ } //$category_default_value > 0
+ elseif ($category_default_value != 0 && $subcategory_default_value != 0)
+ {
+ $form['book']['#options'] = _list_of_books($category_default_value, $subcategory_default_value);
+ $commands[] = ajax_command_replace("#ajax-book-list-replace", drupal_render($form['book']));
+ $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#ajax-chapter-list-replace", '');
+ $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#ajax-example-list-replace", '');
+ } //$category_default_value != 0 && $subcategory_default_value != 0
+ else
+ {
+ $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#ajax-book-list-replace", '');
+ $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#ajax-subcategory-list-replace", '');
+ $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#ajax-chapter-list-replace", '');
+ $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#ajax-example-list-replace", '');
+ $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#ajax-book-details-replace", '');
+ $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#ajax-download-book-replace", '');
+ $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#ajax-download-book-pdf-replace", '');
+ $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#ajax-download-chapter-replace", '');
+ $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#ajax-download-example-code-replace", '');
+ $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#ajax-download-example-files-replace", '');
+ }
+ return array(
+ '#type' => 'ajax',
+ '#commands' => $commands
+ );
+/********************* Ajax callback ***************************/
+function ajax_subcategory_list_callback($form, $form_state)
+ $category_default_value = $form_state['values']['category'];
+ if ($category_default_value > 0)
+ {
+ $form['subcategory']['#options'] = _list_of_subcategory($category_default_value);
+ $commands[] = ajax_command_replace("#ajax-subcategory-list-replace", drupal_render($form['subcategory']));
+ $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#ajax-book-list-replace", '');
+ $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#ajax-chapter-list-replace", '');
+ $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#ajax-example-list-replace", '');
+ } //$category_default_value > 0
+ else
+ {
+ //$form['subcategory']['#options'] = _list_of_subcategory();
+ //$commands[] = ajax_command_replace("#ajax-subcategory-list-replace", drupal_render($form['subcategory']));
+ $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#ajax-subcategory-list-replace", '');
+ $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#ajax-book-list-replace", '');
+ $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#ajax-chapter-list-replace", '');
+ $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#ajax-example-list-replace", '');
+ $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#ajax-book-details-replace", '');
+ $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#ajax-download-book-replace", '');
+ $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#ajax-download-book-pdf-replace", '');
+ $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#ajax-download-chapter-replace", '');
+ $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#ajax-download-example-code-replace", '');
+ $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#ajax-download-example-files-replace", '');
+ }
+ return array(
+ '#type' => 'ajax',
+ '#commands' => $commands
+ );
+function ajax_chapter_list_callback($form, $form_state)
+ $book_list_default_value = $form_state['values']['book'];
+ if ($book_list_default_value > 0)
+ {
+ $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#ajax-book-details-replace", _html_book_info($book_list_default_value));
+ $form['chapter']['#options'] = _list_of_chapters($book_list_default_value);
+ $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#ajax-download-book-replace", l('Download', 'textbook-companion/download/book/' . $book_list_default_value) . ' ' . t('(Download the R codes for all the solved examples)'));
+ $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#ajax-download-book-pdf-replace", l('Download PDF', 'textbook_companion/generate_book/' . $book_list_default_value) . ' ' . t('(Download the PDF file containing R codes for all the solved examples)'));
+ $commands[] = ajax_command_replace("#ajax-chapter-list-replace", drupal_render($form['chapter']));
+ $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#ajax-example-list-replace", '');
+ $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#ajax-download-example-code-replace", '');
+ $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#ajax-download-example-files-replace", '');
+ $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#ajax-download-chapter-replace", '');
+ } //$book_list_default_value > 0
+ else
+ {
+ $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#ajax-book-details-replace", '');
+ $form['chapter']['#options'] = _list_of_chapters();
+ $commands[] = ajax_command_replace("#ajax-chapter-list-replace", drupal_render($form['chapter']));
+ $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#ajax-chapter-list-replace", '');
+ $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#ajax-download-book-replace", '');
+ $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#ajax-download-chapter-replace", '');
+ $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#ajax-download-book-pdf-replace", '');
+ $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#ajax-example-list-replace", '');
+ $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#ajax-download-example-code-replace", '');
+ $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#ajax-download-example-files-replace", '');
+ }
+ return array(
+ '#type' => 'ajax',
+ '#commands' => $commands
+ );
+function ajax_example_list_callback($form, $form_state)
+ $chapter_list_default_value = $form_state['values']['chapter'];
+ if ($chapter_list_default_value > 0)
+ {
+ $form['examples']['#options'] = _list_of_examples($chapter_list_default_value);
+ $commands[] = ajax_command_replace("#ajax-example-list-replace", drupal_render($form['examples']));
+ $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#ajax-download-chapter-replace", l('Download', 'textbook-companion/download/chapter/' . $chapter_list_default_value) . ' ' . t('(Download the R codes for all the solved examples from the Chapter)'));
+ $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#ajax-download-example-code-replace", '');
+ $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#ajax-download-example-files-replace", '');
+ } //$chapter_list_default_value > 0
+ else
+ {
+ $form['examples']['#options'] = _list_of_examples();
+ $commands[] = ajax_command_replace("#ajax-example-list-replace", drupal_render($form['examples']));
+ $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#ajax-example-list-replace", '');
+ $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#ajax-download-chapter-replace", '');
+ $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#ajax-download-example-code-replace", '');
+ $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#ajax-download-example-files-replace", '');
+ }
+ return array(
+ '#type' => 'ajax',
+ '#commands' => $commands
+ );
+function ajax_example_files_callback($form, $form_state)
+ $example_list_default_value = $form_state['values']['examples'];
+ if ($example_list_default_value != 0)
+ {
+ // $example_list_q = db_query("SELECT * FROM {textbook_companion_example_files} WHERE example_id = %d", $form_state['values']['run']['example']);
+ $query = db_select('textbook_companion_example_files');
+ $query->fields('textbook_companion_example_files');
+ $query->condition('example_id', $example_list_default_value);
+ $example_list_q = $query->execute();
+ if ($example_list_q)
+ {
+ $example_files_rows = array();
+ while ($example_list_data = $example_list_q->fetchObject())
+ {
+ $example_file_type = '';
+ switch ($example_list_data->filetype)
+ {
+ case 'S':
+ $example_file_type = 'Source or Main file';
+ break;
+ case 'R':
+ $example_file_type = 'Result file';
+ break;
+ case 'X':
+ $example_file_type = 'xcos file';
+ break;
+ default:
+ $example_file_type = 'Unknown';
+ break;
+ } //$example_list_data->filetype
+ $example_files_rows[] = array(
+ l($example_list_data->filename, 'textbook-companion/download/file/' . $example_list_data->id),
+ $example_file_type
+ );
+ } //$example_list_data = $example_list_q->fetchObject()
+ /* creating list of files table */
+ $example_files_header = array(
+ 'Filename',
+ 'Type'
+ );
+ $example_files = theme('table', array(
+ 'header' => $example_files_header,
+ 'rows' => $example_files_rows
+ ));
+ } //$example_list_q
+ $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#ajax-download-example-code-replace", l('Download R code for the example', 'textbook-companion/download/example/' . $example_list_default_value) .' '. '(<font color="red">You have to download all the files one at a time, for successful execution on your computer. Alternately you can also download the chapter.</font>)');
+ $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#ajax-download-example-files-replace", $example_files);
+ } //$example_list_default_value != 0
+ else
+ {
+ $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#ajax-download-example-code-replace", '');
+ $commands[] = ajax_command_html("#ajax-download-example-files-replace", '');
+ }
+ return array(
+ '#type' => 'ajax',
+ '#commands' => $commands
+ );
+function bootstrap_table_format($headers, $rows)
+ $thead = "";
+ $tbody = "";
+ foreach ($headers as $header)
+ {
+ $thead .= "<th>{$header}</th>";
+ } //$headers as $header
+ foreach ($rows as $row)
+ {
+ $tbody .= "<tr>";
+ foreach ($row as $data)
+ {
+ $tbody .= "<td>{$data}</td>";
+ } //$row as $data
+ $tbody .= "</tr>";
+ } //$rows as $row
+ $table = "
+ <table class='table table-bordered table-hover' style='margin-left:-140px'>
+ <thead>{$thead}</thead>
+ <tbody>{$tbody}</tbody>
+ </table>
+ ";
+ return $table;
+function _list_of_category($category_id = NULL)
+ $category[0] = "Please select";
+ if ($category_id == NULL)
+ {
+ $query = db_select('list_of_category');
+ $query->fields('list_of_category');
+ $query->orderBy('category_id', 'ASC');
+ $category_list = $query->execute();
+ } //$category_id == NULL
+ else
+ {
+ $query = db_select('list_of_category');
+ $query->fields('list_of_category');
+ $query->condition('category_id', $category_id);
+ $query->orderBy('id', 'ASC');
+ $category_list = $query->execute();
+ }
+ while ($category_list_data = $category_list->fetchObject())
+ {
+ $category[$category_list_data->category_id] = $category[$category_list_data->category_id].$category_list_data->maincategory;
+ } //$category_list_data = $category_list->fetchObject()
+ return $category;
+function _list_of_subcategory($category_id = NULL)
+ $subcategory[0] = "Please select";
+ if ($category_id == NULL)
+ {
+ $query = db_select('list_of_subcategory');
+ $query->fields('list_of_subcategory');
+ $query->condition('maincategory_id', $category_id);
+ $query->orderBy('subcategory_id', 'ASC');
+ $subcategory_list = $query->execute();
+ } //$category_id == NULL
+ else
+ {
+ $query = db_select('list_of_subcategory');
+ $query->fields('list_of_subcategory');
+ $query->condition('maincategory_id', $category_id);
+ $query->orderBy('id', 'ASC');
+ $subcategory_list = $query->execute();
+ }
+ while ($subcategory_list_data = $subcategory_list->fetchObject())
+ {
+ $subcategory[$subcategory_list_data->subcategory_id] = $subcategory_list_data->subcategory;
+ } //$category_list_data = $category_list->fetchObject()
+ return $subcategory;
+function _list_of_books($category_default_value, $subcategory_default_value)
+ $book_titles = array(
+ 0 => 'Please select ...'
+ );
+ //var_dump($category_default_value,$subcategory_default_value);
+ $book_titles_q = db_query("SELECT DISTINCT (tcbm.sub_category), los.subcategory, loc.category_id,loc.maincategory,
+ as book, as author, pe.publisher as publisher, pe.year as year, as pe_id,
+ po.approval_date as approval_date
+ FROM textbook_companion_preference pe
+ LEFT JOIN textbook_companion_proposal po ON pe.proposal_id =
+ LEFT JOIN textbook_companion_book_main_subcategories tcbm ON = tcbm.pref_id
+ LEFT JOIN list_of_category loc ON tcbm.main_category = loc.category_id
+ LEFT JOIN list_of_subcategory los ON tcbm.sub_category = los.subcategory_id
+ WHERE po.proposal_status = 3 AND pe.approval_status = 1
+ AND = tcbm.pref_id AND tcbm.sub_category= :sub_category AND tcbm.main_category = :main_category", array(
+ ":sub_category" => $subcategory_default_value,
+ "main_category" => $category_default_value
+ ));
+ if ($book_titles_q->rowCount() != 0)
+ {
+ while ($book_titles_data = $book_titles_q->fetchObject())
+ {
+ $book_titles[$book_titles_data->pe_id] = $book_titles_data->book . ' (Written by ' . $book_titles_data->author . ')';
+ } //$book_titles_data = $book_titles_q->fetchObject()
+ } //$book_titles_q->rowCount() != 0
+ else
+ {
+ $book_titles[0] = "There are no books availabe in this sub category";
+ }
+ return $book_titles;
+function _list_of_chapters($preference_id = 0)
+ $book_chapters = array(
+ 0 => 'Please select...'
+ );
+ //$book_chapters_q = db_query("SELECT * FROM {textbook_companion_chapter} WHERE preference_id = %d ORDER BY number ASC", $preference_id);
+ $query = db_select('textbook_companion_chapter');
+ $query->fields('textbook_companion_chapter');
+ $query->condition('preference_id', $preference_id);
+ $query->orderBy('number', 'ASC');
+ $book_chapters_q = $query->execute();
+ while ($book_chapters_data = $book_chapters_q->fetchObject())
+ {
+ $book_chapters[$book_chapters_data->id] = $book_chapters_data->number . '. ' . $book_chapters_data->name;
+ } //$book_chapters_data = $book_chapters_q->fetchObject()
+ return $book_chapters;
+function _list_of_examples($chapter_id = 0)
+ $book_examples = array(
+ 0 => 'Please select...'
+ );
+ //$book_examples_q = db_query("SELECT * FROM {textbook_companion_example} WHERE chapter_id = %d AND approval_status = 1 ORDER BY
+ // CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(number , '.', -1), '.', 1) AS UNSIGNED) ASC", $chapter_id);
+ $query = db_select('textbook_companion_example');
+ $query->fields('textbook_companion_example');
+ $query->condition('chapter_id', $chapter_id);
+ $query->condition('approval_status', 1);
+ //$query->orderBy('', '');
+ $book_examples_q = $query->execute();
+ while ($book_examples_data = $book_examples_q->fetchObject())
+ {
+ $book_examples[$book_examples_data->id] = $book_examples_data->number . ' (' . $book_examples_data->caption . ')';
+ } //$book_examples_data = $book_examples_q->fetchObject()
+ return $book_examples;
+function _book_information($preference_id)
+ /*$book_data = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT
+ as preference_book, as preference_author, preference.isbn as preference_isbn, preference.publisher as preference_publisher, preference.edition as preference_edition, preference.year as preference_year,
+ proposal.full_name as proposal_full_name, proposal.faculty as proposal_faculty, proposal.reviewer as proposal_reviewer, proposal.course as proposal_course, proposal.branch as proposal_branch, as proposal_university
+ FROM {textbook_companion_proposal} proposal LEFT JOIN {textbook_companion_preference} preference ON = preference.proposal_id WHERE = %d", $preference_id));*/
+ $query = db_select('textbook_companion_proposal', 'proposal');
+ $query->fields('preference', array(
+ 'book',
+ 'author',
+ 'isbn',
+ 'publisher',
+ 'edition',
+ 'year'
+ ));
+ $query->fields('proposal', array(
+ 'full_name',
+ 'faculty',
+ 'reviewer',
+ 'course',
+ 'branch',
+ 'university'
+ ));
+ $query->leftJoin('textbook_companion_preference', 'preference', ' = preference.proposal_id');
+ $query->condition('', $preference_id);
+ $book_data = $query->execute()->fetchObject();
+ return $book_data;
+function _html_book_info($preference_id)
+ /*$book_details = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT
+ as preference_book, as preference_author, preference.isbn as preference_isbn, preference.publisher as preference_publisher, preference.edition as preference_edition, preference.year as preference_year,
+ proposal.full_name as proposal_full_name, proposal.faculty as proposal_faculty, proposal.reviewer as proposal_reviewer, proposal.course as proposal_course, proposal.branch as proposal_branch, as proposal_university
+ FROM {textbook_companion_proposal} proposal LEFT JOIN {textbook_companion_preference} preference ON = preference.proposal_id WHERE".$preference_id));*/
+ $query = db_select('textbook_companion_proposal', 'proposal');
+ $query->addField('preference', 'book', 'preference_book');
+ $query->addField('preference', 'author', 'preference_author');
+ $query->addField('preference', 'isbn', 'preference_isbn');
+ $query->addField('preference', 'publisher', 'preference_publisher');
+ $query->addField('preference', 'edition', 'preference_edition');
+ $query->addField('preference', 'year', 'preference_year');
+ $query->addField('proposal', 'full_name', 'proposal_full_name');
+ $query->addField('proposal', 'faculty', 'proposal_faculty');
+ $query->addField('proposal', 'reviewer', 'proposal_reviewer');
+ $query->addField('proposal', 'course', 'proposal_course');
+ $query->addField('proposal', 'branch', 'proposal_branch');
+ $query->addField('proposal', 'university', 'proposal_university');
+ $query->fields('proposal', array(
+ 'full_name',
+ 'faculty',
+ 'reviewer',
+ 'course',
+ 'branch',
+ 'university'
+ ));
+ $query->leftJoin('textbook_companion_preference', 'preference', ' = preference.proposal_id');
+ $query->fields('preference', array(
+ 'book',
+ 'author',
+ 'isbn',
+ 'publisher',
+ 'edition',
+ 'year'
+ ));
+ $query->condition('', $preference_id);
+ $book_details = $query->execute()->fetchObject();
+ $html_data = '';
+ if ($book_details)
+ {
+ if ($book_details->proposal_faculty == "None")
+ {
+ $html_data = '<table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="0" style="width: 100%;" valign="top">' . '<tr><td style="width: 35%;"><span style="color: rgb(128, 0, 0);"><strong>About the Book</strong></span></td>
+ <td style="width: 35%;"><span style="color: rgb(128, 0, 0);"><strong>About the Contributor</strong></span></td>' . '<tr><td valign="top"><ul>' . '<li><strong>Author:</strong> ' . $book_details->preference_author . '</li>' . '<li><strong>Title of the Book:</strong> ' . $book_details->preference_book . '</li>' . '<li><strong>Publisher:</strong> ' . $book_details->preference_publisher . '</li>' . '<li><strong>Year:</strong> ' . $book_details->preference_year . '</li>' . '<li><strong>Edition:</strong> ' . $book_details->preference_edition . '</li>' . '<li><strong>ISBN:</strong> ' . $book_details->preference_isbn . '</li>' . '</ul></td><td valign="top"><ul>' . '<li><strong>Contributor Name: </strong>' . $book_details->proposal_full_name . ', ' . $book_details->proposal_course . ', ' . $book_details->proposal_branch . ', ' . $book_details->proposal_university . '</li>' . '<li><strong>Reviewer: </strong>' . $book_details->proposal_reviewer . '</li>' . '</ul></td></tr>' . '</table>';
+ } //$book_details->proposal_faculty == "None"
+ else
+ {
+ $html_data = '<table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="0" style="width: 100%;" valign="top">' . '<tr><td style="width: 35%;"><span style="color: rgb(128, 0, 0);"><strong>About the Book</strong></span></td>
+ <td style="width: 35%;"><span style="color: rgb(128, 0, 0);"><strong>About the Contributor</strong></span></td>' . '<tr><td valign="top"><ul>' . '<li><strong>Author:</strong> ' . $book_details->preference_author . '</li>' . '<li><strong>Title of the Book:</strong> ' . $book_details->preference_book . '</li>' . '<li><strong>Publisher:</strong> ' . $book_details->preference_publisher . '</li>' . '<li><strong>Year:</strong> ' . $book_details->preference_year . '</li>' . '<li><strong>Edition:</strong> ' . $book_details->preference_edition . '</li>' . '<li><strong>ISBN:</strong> ' . $book_details->preference_isbn . '</li>' . '</ul></td><td valign="top"><ul>' . '<li><strong>Contributor Name: </strong>' . $book_details->proposal_full_name . ', ' . $book_details->proposal_course . ', ' . $book_details->proposal_branch . ', ' . $book_details->proposal_university . '</li>' . '<li><strong>College Teacher: </strong>' . $book_details->proposal_faculty . '</li>' . '<li><strong>Reviewer: </strong>' . $book_details->proposal_reviewer . '</li>' . '</ul></td></tr>' . '</table>';
+ }
+ } //$book_details
+ return $html_data;