path: root/scipy
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authorPrabhu Ramachandran2016-12-22 00:43:00 +0530
committerPrabhu Ramachandran2016-12-22 00:43:00 +0530
commitd51061d7cbf97369fbb980409f64ad91aa1fcb73 (patch)
treeff04ffeb063046a203084bcdceeff57b3ad02d63 /scipy
parent62ced6cae957a19e66bdcca3699f9196257505d9 (diff)
Improvements from last delivery.
Diffstat (limited to 'scipy')
1 files changed, 108 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/scipy/basic/session1.tex b/scipy/basic/session1.tex
index ac21d2a..729f50c 100644
--- a/scipy/basic/session1.tex
+++ b/scipy/basic/session1.tex
@@ -75,8 +75,7 @@ Python}
\author[FOSSEE] {FOSSEE}
\institute[IIT Bombay] {Department of Aerospace Engineering\\IIT Bombay}
-\date[] {SciPy India 2016,\\
+\date[] {Mumbai, India
@@ -192,14 +191,13 @@ Mumbai
\section{Starting up IPython}
\frametitle{Starting up \ldots}
-\begin{block}{Enthought Canopy menu}
+\begin{block}{Start a terminal}
+ \begin{itemize}
\item Canopy command prompt (Tools menu)
- \item PyLab
+\begin{block}{On Terminal}
$ ipython --pylab
\end{lstlisting} %$
@@ -234,14 +232,21 @@ Exiting on the \textbf{terminal}
- \frametitle{Pressed Ctrl-D on Canopy? }
+ \frametitle{IPython? }
- \item Pressed \verb+Ctrl-D+ inside Canopy?
- \item You suddenly lost the Python prompt?
- \item Go to \verb+View->Python+
+ \item An enhanced Python interpreter
+% \begin{frame}[fragile]
+% \frametitle{Pressed Ctrl-D on Canopy? }
+% \begin{itemize}
+% \item Pressed \verb+Ctrl-D+ inside Canopy?
+% \item You suddenly lost the Python prompt?
+% \item Go to \verb+View->Python+
+% \end{itemize}
+% \end{frame}
\section{Breaking out of loops}
@@ -256,10 +261,35 @@ Breaking out of loops
+ \frametitle{Exercise}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Exit the IPython interpreter
+ \item Close the terminal
+ \item Restart the terminal (Canopy tools menu)
+ \item Restart IPython using:
+ \end{itemize}
+ $ ipython --pylab
+\end{lstlisting} %$
+ \frametitle{Important instructions}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item For the first session, please do not experiment
+ \item Follow along and type everything!
+ \item Case matters
+ \item Every character you type matters!
+ \end{itemize}
\subsection{Drawing plots}
\frametitle{First Plot}
@@ -597,7 +627,7 @@ In []: plot?
to get more information on \typ{plot}
\item Use arrow keys to scroll docs
- \item Note: exit help pager with ``q'' or ``ESC''
+ \item Note: exit help pager with ``q''
@@ -675,16 +705,52 @@ This displays the ``Command History''
+ \frametitle{Saving commands into script}
+Use the \typ{\%save} \alert{magic} command of IPython
+\typ{\%save script_name line_numbers}
+Line numbers specified individually separated by spaces or as a range separated by a dash.\\
+\typ{\%save} \alert{\typ{ 16 18-27}} \\
+Saves from history the commands entered on line numbers \alert{16, 18, 19, 20, \ldots 27}
\frametitle{Saving commands into a script}
+ \item Save lines relevant for the review problem
+ \item Hint: example\\ \typ{\%save 16 18-27}
+ \item Choose the lines carefully
+ \item Edit \typ{} on Canopy
+ \item Make sure all the lines are correct
+ \item Save the script
+ \end{itemize}
+ \frametitle{Creating scripts: alternative}
+ \begin{itemize}
\item Create a new file on Canopy
\item Copy commands for assignment with your mouse
\item Save the script to \typ{}
+ \frametitle{Where is the script saved?}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item \typ{\%save} saves into the current directory
+ \vspace*{0.5in}
+ \item Use \typ{\%pwd} to print the current directory
+ \item Use \typ{\%cd} to change the directory
+ \end{itemize}
\frametitle{Python Scripts\ldots}
Now, \typ{} is called a Python Script.
@@ -706,6 +772,7 @@ In []: show()
\item Add the \typ{show()} command to \typ{}
+ \item Save the file
\item Test that it works
@@ -721,6 +788,7 @@ In []: show()
\frametitle{Running with Python}
\item Start a new Canopy terminal
+ \item Change directory to where you saved \typ{}
\item Run the script as:
@@ -755,7 +823,7 @@ In []: from pylab import linspace
-from pylab import linspace # <---
+from pylab import linspace # <-- added
x = linspace(-5*pi, 5*pi, 500)
plot(x, x, 'b')
@@ -789,7 +857,7 @@ NameError: name 'plot' is not defined
-from pylab import * # <---
+from pylab import * # <-- added
x = linspace(-5*pi, 5*pi, 500)
plot(x, x, 'b')
@@ -797,18 +865,37 @@ plot(x, x, 'b')
+ \frametitle{Solution}
+ \small
+from pylab import *
+x = linspace(-5*pi, 5*pi, 500)
+plot(x, x, 'b')
+plot(x, -x, 'b')
+plot(x, sin(x), 'g', linewidth=2)
+plot(x, x*sin(x), 'r', linewidth=3)
+legend(['x', '-x', 'sin(x)',
+ 'xsin(x)'])
+annotate('origin', xy = (0, 0))
+xlim(-5*pi, 5*pi)
+ylim(-5*pi, 5*pi)
\frametitle{What did we learn?}
\item Starting up IPython
\item Creating simple plots
- \item Adding labels and legends
- \item Annotating plots
- \item Changing the looks: size, linewidth
+ \item Annotating: labels, legends, annotation
+ \item Changing the looks: color, linewidth
\item Accessing history, documentation
\item \kwrd{\%hist} - History of commands
- \item Creating a Python script on Canopy
+ \item Creating a Python script with \typ{\%save}
\item Running a script using \kwrd{\%run -i}
\item Importing functionality
\item Running a script with\ \typ{python}
@@ -816,13 +903,15 @@ plot(x, x, 'b')
- \frametitle{Next: using Canopy}
+ \frametitle{Using Canopy}
\item Much easier
\item Write code in the editor
+ \item Embedded IPython
\item Save (Ctrl-S or Cmd-S)
\item Run selection: Ctrl-Shift-R (Cmd-Shift-R on OS X)
\item Run code: Ctrl-R (Cmd-R on OS X)
+ \item Change directory with menu (\typ{\%cd})