path: root/scipy
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authorPrabhu Ramachandran2017-02-22 14:22:10 +0530
committerPrabhu Ramachandran2017-02-22 14:22:10 +0530
commitb483f23e6d65001301017e060cf9d4e23377461c (patch)
treec1e9a255172c4a7824493d3c846417b605b57203 /scipy
parent309565f772c6a69480e28ce7246e611564964696 (diff)
Update readme with a lot of details.
Diffstat (limited to 'scipy')
1 files changed, 152 insertions, 49 deletions
diff --git a/scipy/basic/README.txt b/scipy/basic/README.txt
index 9495118..59c8dc9 100644
--- a/scipy/basic/README.txt
+++ b/scipy/basic/README.txt
@@ -1,52 +1,166 @@
-Basic Tutorial:
+# Introductory Scientific Computing with Python
-* Tutorial title: Introductory Scientific Computing with Python
+This is an entirely hands-on workshop. At the end of this workshop, attendees
+should be able to use the basic tools and libraries for Python-based
+scientific computing. We imagine that an undergraduate/graduate
+engineering/science student would be able to *start* doing their basic
+computing tasks using Python.
-* Intended audience (difficulty level, experience required):
+The course features multiple simple quizzes that students take online. Based
+on the performance in these quizzes students are given grades and a
- Beginning programmers who have experience with some programming
- language. A knowledge of elementary programming concepts is essential.
- Audience should know how to edit text files comfortably. We strongly
- recommend that attendees go through at least 7 chapters of the online
- tutorial on Python: and ideally
- complete it. It should take no more than one afternoon.
- Prior experience with Scilab/Matlab/octave or similar tools would be
- useful but not necessary.
+## Intended audience and pre-requisites
-* Prerequisites: What experience must attendees have in order to fully
- benefit from this tutorial?
+This course is designed to be taken by folks who do not have any programming
+experience. The students should be comfortable using a computer and editing
+text files.
- Basic usage of a computer and elementary computer programming along
- with experience with some form of numerical computing via
- scilab/octave/matlab/mathematica. You should go through the official
- Python tutorial (or be comfortable with the Python programming
- language). You should definitely have the recommended packages
- installed and your computer setup for this tutorial.
+Prior experience with Scilab/Matlab/octave or similar tools would be useful
+but not necessary.
-* Promotional summary (max. 100 words).
+For those of you who do not have much experience using a keyboard to type or do
+not know touch typing, it would be a good idea to practice typing using online
+typing tutors. Here is a good one:
- At the end of this tutorial, attendees should be able to use the basic
- tools and libraries for Python-based scientific computing. We imagine
- that an undergraduate/graduate engineering/science student would be
- able to *start* doing most of their basic computing tasks using
- Python.
-* Detailed tutorial outline
+Just practice and go through the default lessons and learn the basic keys. The
+more you practice the better you become. If you are not good at typing quickly,
+you might benefit from a few hours of practice. Try to log two to four hours on
+this and you will find that your typing speed improves significantly.
- The session is entirely hands-on. We focus on common tasks and
- introduce the Python language in the context of these common tasks.
- Here is a rough outline of what we propose to cover:
- - Introduction and Preliminaries.
- - Introduction to IPython.
- - Creating basic plots with matplotlib.
- - NumPy array basics: 1D arrays.
- - Reading data files.
- - More on NumPy: multi-dimensional arrays, slicing, elementary image
- processing, random numbers.
- - Using SciPy for Linear Algebra, FFT's, root finding and integrating
- ODEs.
+## Software and hardware requirements:
+A laptop or reasonably configured desktop is recommended since this will be a
+hands-on session.
+The following packages need to be installed:
+- Python (2.x or 3.x)
+- IPython/Jupyter
+- NumPy
+- SciPy
+- Matplotlib
+- Optionally install Mayavi.
+On Linux, Windows and Mac OS X it is easiest to install these by installing
+the Enthought Canopy. Download the Canopy Python distribution for your OS and
+architecture from here:
+You could also use Anaconda or Conda along with the Spyder editor to obtain
+the requirements.
+On many Linux distributions, these packages are easy to install.
+## Detailed outline
+The session is entirely hands-on. We focus on common tasks and introduce the
+Python language in the context of these common tasks. Here is an outline
+of what is covered:
+- Introduction to Python and some preliminaries.
+- Getting started with IPython and creating basic plots with `pylab`.
+ - Using IPython effectively, reading documentation interactively.
+ - Basic plots.
+ - Decorating plots with labels, legends, annotation, and titles.
+ - Multiple plots and separate figures.
+ - Saving plots.
+- Saving Python scripts and running them using IPython and Python.
+ - Using `%hist` and `%save`
+ - Creating new Python scripts on an editor.
+ - Running scripts in IPython using `%run`.
+ - Running scripts from the terminal with `python`.
+- Creating and using lists, list slicing, list operations.
+ - Creating data and storing them in lists.
+ - Plotting data in lists.
+ - Initializing and accessing list elements with indexing
+ - List slicing, striding, and list operations
+ - Looping over a list with `for`.
+- Defining functions in Python.
+ - Functions accepting arguments and returning values.
+- Timing operations using IPython's `%timeit` and `%time` magic.
+- NumPy array basics:
+ - Importing numpy.
+ - Basic array attributes and operations.
+ - 1-D and multi-dimensional arrays.
+ - Array slicing and striding.
+ - Other array creation functions.
+ - Basic array math.
+ - Reading data files with `loadtxt`.
+ - Exercise on plotting data from a file.
+- More on NumPy.
+ - Creating matrices using numpy arrays.
+ - Special kinds of matrices, `ones`, `identity` etc.
+ - Accessing elements, accessing rows and columns.
+ - Setting elements, setting rows and columns.
+ - Multi-dimensional slicing and striding.
+- Elementary image processing using numpy arrays.
+ - Reading an image and matrix as a numpy array.
+ - Viewing an image/matrix.
+ - Basic cropping, sub-sampling images.
+- More matrix operations.
+ - Transposition.
+ - Elementwise addition/multiplication.
+ - Matrix multiplication with ``.
+ - Inverse, determinant, sum of elements.
+ - Computing norms, eigenvalues, and eigenvectors.
+ - Computing the singular value decomposition.
+- Performing a least squares fit for some experimental data.
+ - Read data from a file.
+ - Perform a least square fit from first principles.
+- Introduction to random number generation with `numpy.random`.
+- Introduction to Jupyter/IPython notebooks.
+ - Starting up the notebook.
+ - Using `%pylab` and `%matplotlib`.
+ - A sample notebook with a demonstration of images, equations, code, and
+ simple widgets.
+The above are covered first, additional material is also made available to
+users that they can see at their leisure. These are optional but students are
+suggested to go over the material on their own.
+- Introduction to the SciPy package. (52 minutes)
+ - Solving a system of linear equations.
+ - Finding the roots of a polynomial using `numpy.roots`.
+ - Finding the roots of non-polynomial equations using scipy's `fsolve`.
+ - Numerical integration of Ordinary Differential Equations (ODES).
+ - Example of a 1D ODE.
+ - Example of a coupled 2D ODE or a second order DE.
+ - Using scipy's `fft` module for basic signal processing
+ - Finding the FFT and inverse FFT.
+ - Simple noise filtering using `scipy.signal`.
+- Exercises: (65 minutes)
+ - We solve 5 different problems using the tools we have learned.
+ - Users are given time to solve the problem.
+ - The solution is shown and explained before the next problem.
+- Simple 3D plots with Mayavi's `mayavi.mlab`. (50 minutes)
+ - Introduction to Mayavi.
+ - Getting started with `mlab`
+ - Using `mlab` in a console and in an IPython notebook.
+ - Basic plotting with Mayavi
+ - 0D data, 1D data, 2D data, and 3D data.
+ - Simple scalar and vector plots.
+ - Utility functions to annotate the plot and save images.
Session wise slide breakup:
@@ -61,14 +175,3 @@ Session wise slide breakup:
9. exercises.pdf
10. notebook.pdf
11. mlab.pdf
-* Attendee Requirements:
- A laptop is definitely recommended since this will be a hands-on
- session. You will need to have Python (2.7/3.x would work fine),
- IPython (0.10.x), Numpy (1.x), SciPy (>0.5.x), matplotlib (any recent
- version).
- On Linux, Windows and Mac OS X it is easiest to install these by installing
- the Enthought Canopy.