AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2011-07-20fixed a minor typing error which made the form not display when file_support ...Parth Buch
2011-07-19Fix style and remove unused imports.Madhusudan.C.S
2011-07-19Make sure we pass RequestContext to templates all the time!Madhusudan.C.S
2011-06-10For the textbook modules use the right URL patterns while displaying the list...Madhusudan.C.S
2011-06-10For the textbook forms, use the textbook model fields to render the form.Madhusudan.C.S
2011-06-10Replace the django app repositories to the new repositories.Madhusudan.C.S
2011-06-10Update Django to version 1.3.Madhusudan.C.S
2011-06-10Add a newline at the end of the file.Madhusudan.C.S
2011-02-11Use a form cleaner to ensure only allowed characters are entered for tags field.Madhusudan.C.S
2011-02-11Pull back extends templatetag to the top of every template file.Madhusudan.C.S
2011-02-11Add AUTHORS file listing all the contributors to PyTask.Madhusudan.C.S
2011-02-11Add copyright notice to all the files.Madhusudan.C.S
2011-02-10The textbook view page displays the Pynts next to each task.Madhusudan.C.S
2011-02-10Show the description of the textbook on textbook view page.Madhusudan.C.S
2011-02-10Display the number of Pynts assigned for a task on task view page.Madhusudan.C.S
2011-02-09Renaming README to have rst extension so that github renders properly.Madhusudan.C.S
2011-02-09Allow reviewers for the task, coordinators and admit to approve task claims.Madhusudan.C.S
2011-02-09Raise UnauthorizedAccess exception in such a violation instead of Http404.Madhusudan.C.S
2011-02-09UI Fix: Horizontal Ruler should separate About section in all cases.Madhusudan.C.S
2011-02-09Username displayed on the profile page should be of the accessed profile.Madhusudan.C.S
2011-02-09Merged the view_profile and view_user_profile views.Madhusudan.C.S
2011-02-09Use profile_user for context variable since it conflicts with one provided by...Madhusudan.C.S
2011-02-09Style fixes.Madhusudan.C.S
2011-02-09Get the tasks information per user from the user model.Madhusudan.C.S
2011-02-09Use profile instead of viewing_profile as the context variable.Madhusudan.C.S
2011-02-08Order the child tasks according to the date of creation.Madhusudan.C.S
2011-02-08Allow single quote in tags.Madhusudan.C.S
2011-02-08Define the files that git should not track.Madhusudan.C.S
2011-02-08List Civil Engineering Textbooks too on the list.Madhusudan.C.S
2011-02-07Remove sensitive profile information displayed to public.Madhusudan.C.S
2011-02-07Convert user_id to int before querying the database.Madhusudan.C.S
2011-02-07Style fixes.Madhusudan.C.S
2011-02-07Disable all the uber bar messages asking not to claim tasks.Madhusudan.C.S
2011-02-07Add the email content to announce opening of task claims.Madhusudan.C.S
2011-02-07Email helper takes a filter dict that can be used in Django queries.Madhusudan.C.S
2011-02-07Allow forward slash (/) in the tags.Madhusudan.C.S
2011-02-06Add source code repository URL and also switch to master branch.Madhusudan.C.S
2011-02-06PyTask is Licensed under the terms of GNU Affero General Public LicenseMadhusudan.C.S
2011-02-05Display Pynts on task/textbook description page.Madhusudan.C.S
2011-02-04Use the form helpers templatetag module in the addreviewer template.Madhusudan.C.S
2011-02-04Use Unauthorized exception for access checks.Madhusudan.C.S
2011-02-04Style fixes.Madhusudan.C.S
2011-02-04EditTextBook form should use Task model itself.Madhusudan.C.S
2011-02-04Update jQuery UI from 1.8.8 to 1.8.9.Madhusudan.C.S
2011-02-04Update jQuery to jQuery 1.5.Madhusudan.C.S
2011-02-02Add wsgi option and log file option.Madhusudan.C.S
2011-02-01Allow ampersands in tags.Madhusudan.C.S
2011-02-01Base views should take keyword arguments and should use them for URLs.Madhusudan.C.S
2011-02-01Allow tags to have hyphen (-) in the tag view URL.Madhusudan.C.S
2011-02-01comma in the display list should not appear after last tag element.Madhusudan.C.S