path: root/parts/django/tests/modeltests/validation/
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-from django import forms
-from django.test import TestCase
-from django.core.exceptions import NON_FIELD_ERRORS
-from modeltests.validation import ValidationTestCase
-from modeltests.validation.models import Author, Article, ModelToValidate
-# Import other tests for this package.
-from modeltests.validation.validators import TestModelsWithValidators
-from modeltests.validation.test_unique import GetUniqueCheckTests, PerformUniqueChecksTest
-from modeltests.validation.test_custom_messages import CustomMessagesTest
-class BaseModelValidationTests(ValidationTestCase):
- def test_missing_required_field_raises_error(self):
- mtv = ModelToValidate(f_with_custom_validator=42)
- self.assertFailsValidation(mtv.full_clean, ['name', 'number'])
- def test_with_correct_value_model_validates(self):
- mtv = ModelToValidate(number=10, name='Some Name')
- self.assertEqual(None, mtv.full_clean())
- def test_custom_validate_method(self):
- mtv = ModelToValidate(number=11)
- self.assertFailsValidation(mtv.full_clean, [NON_FIELD_ERRORS, 'name'])
- def test_wrong_FK_value_raises_error(self):
- mtv=ModelToValidate(number=10, name='Some Name', parent_id=3)
- self.assertFailsValidation(mtv.full_clean, ['parent'])
- def test_correct_FK_value_validates(self):
- parent = ModelToValidate.objects.create(number=10, name='Some Name')
- mtv = ModelToValidate(number=10, name='Some Name',
- self.assertEqual(None, mtv.full_clean())
- def test_limitted_FK_raises_error(self):
- # The limit_choices_to on the parent field says that a parent object's
- # number attribute must be 10, so this should fail validation.
- parent = ModelToValidate.objects.create(number=11, name='Other Name')
- mtv = ModelToValidate(number=10, name='Some Name',
- self.assertFailsValidation(mtv.full_clean, ['parent'])
- def test_wrong_email_value_raises_error(self):
- mtv = ModelToValidate(number=10, name='Some Name', email='not-an-email')
- self.assertFailsValidation(mtv.full_clean, ['email'])
- def test_correct_email_value_passes(self):
- mtv = ModelToValidate(number=10, name='Some Name', email='')
- self.assertEqual(None, mtv.full_clean())
- def test_wrong_url_value_raises_error(self):
- mtv = ModelToValidate(number=10, name='Some Name', url='not a url')
- self.assertFieldFailsValidationWithMessage(mtv.full_clean, 'url', [u'Enter a valid value.'])
- def test_correct_url_but_nonexisting_gives_404(self):
- mtv = ModelToValidate(number=10, name='Some Name', url='')
- self.assertFieldFailsValidationWithMessage(mtv.full_clean, 'url', [u'This URL appears to be a broken link.'])
- def test_correct_url_value_passes(self):
- mtv = ModelToValidate(number=10, name='Some Name', url='')
- self.assertEqual(None, mtv.full_clean()) # This will fail if there's no Internet connection
- def test_text_greater_that_charfields_max_length_eaises_erros(self):
- mtv = ModelToValidate(number=10, name='Some Name'*100)
- self.assertFailsValidation(mtv.full_clean, ['name',])
-class ArticleForm(forms.ModelForm):
- class Meta:
- model = Article
- exclude = ['author']
-class ModelFormsTests(TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- = Author.objects.create(name='Joseph Kocherhans')
- def test_partial_validation(self):
- # Make sure the "commit=False and set field values later" idiom still
- # works with model validation.
- data = {
- 'title': 'The state of model validation',
- 'pub_date': '2010-1-10 14:49:00'
- }
- form = ArticleForm(data)
- self.assertEqual(form.errors.keys(), [])
- article =
- =
- def test_validation_with_empty_blank_field(self):
- # Since a value for pub_date wasn't provided and the field is
- # blank=True, model-validation should pass.
- # Also, Article.clean() should be run, so pub_date will be filled after
- # validation, so the form should save cleanly even though pub_date is
- # not allowed to be null.
- data = {
- 'title': 'The state of model validation',
- }
- article = Article(
- form = ArticleForm(data, instance=article)
- self.assertEqual(form.errors.keys(), [])
- self.assertNotEqual(form.instance.pub_date, None)
- article =
- def test_validation_with_invalid_blank_field(self):
- # Even though pub_date is set to blank=True, an invalid value was
- # provided, so it should fail validation.
- data = {
- 'title': 'The state of model validation',
- 'pub_date': 'never'
- }
- article = Article(
- form = ArticleForm(data, instance=article)
- self.assertEqual(form.errors.keys(), ['pub_date'])