path: root/parts/django/docs/topics/files.txt
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+Managing files
+.. versionadded:: 1.0
+This document describes Django's file access APIs.
+By default, Django stores files locally, using the :setting:`MEDIA_ROOT` and
+:setting:`MEDIA_URL` settings. The examples below assume that you're using these
+However, Django provides ways to write custom `file storage systems`_ that
+allow you to completely customize where and how Django stores files. The
+second half of this document describes how these storage systems work.
+.. _file storage systems: `File storage`_
+Using files in models
+When you use a :class:`~django.db.models.FileField` or
+:class:`~django.db.models.ImageField`, Django provides a set of APIs you can use
+to deal with that file.
+Consider the following model, using an :class:`~django.db.models.ImageField` to
+store a photo::
+ class Car(models.Model):
+ name = models.CharField(max_length=255)
+ price = models.DecimalField(max_digits=5, decimal_places=2)
+ photo = models.ImageField(upload_to='cars')
+Any ``Car`` instance will have a ``photo`` attribute that you can use to get at
+the details of the attached photo::
+ >>> car = Car.objects.get(name="57 Chevy")
+ >>>
+ <ImageFieldFile: chevy.jpg>
+ >>>
+ u'cars/chevy.jpg'
+ >>>
+ u'/media/cars/chevy.jpg'
+ >>>
+ u''
+This object -- ```` in the example -- is a ``File`` object, which means
+it has all the methods and attributes described below.
+The ``File`` object
+Internally, Django uses a :class:`django.core.files.File` instance any time it
+needs to represent a file. This object is a thin wrapper around Python's
+`built-in file object`_ with some Django-specific additions.
+.. _built-in file object:
+Most of the time you'll simply use a ``File`` that Django's given you (i.e. a
+file attached to a model as above, or perhaps an uploaded file).
+If you need to construct a ``File`` yourself, the easiest way is to create one
+using a Python built-in ``file`` object::
+ >>> from django.core.files import File
+ # Create a Python file object using open()
+ >>> f = open('/tmp/', 'w')
+ >>> myfile = File(f)
+Now you can use any of the documented attributes and methods
+of the :class:`~django.core.files.File` class.
+File storage
+Behind the scenes, Django delegates decisions about how and where to store files
+to a file storage system. This is the object that actually understands things
+like file systems, opening and reading files, etc.
+Django's default file storage is given by the :setting:`DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE`
+setting; if you don't explicitly provide a storage system, this is the one that
+will be used.
+See below for details of the built-in default file storage system, and see
+:doc:`/howto/custom-file-storage` for information on writing your own file
+storage system.
+Storage objects
+Though most of the time you'll want to use a ``File`` object (which delegates to
+the proper storage for that file), you can use file storage systems directly.
+You can create an instance of some custom file storage class, or -- often more
+useful -- you can use the global default storage system::
+ >>> from import default_storage
+ >>> from django.core.files.base import ContentFile
+ >>> path ='/path/to/file', ContentFile('new content'))
+ >>> path
+ u'/path/to/file'
+ >>> default_storage.size(path)
+ 11
+ >>>
+ 'new content'
+ >>> default_storage.delete(path)
+ >>> default_storage.exists(path)
+ False
+See :doc:`/ref/files/storage` for the file storage API.
+The built-in filesystem storage class
+Django ships with a built-in ``FileSystemStorage`` class (defined in
+````) which implements basic local filesystem file
+storage. Its initializer takes two arguments:
+====================== ===================================================
+Argument Description
+====================== ===================================================
+``location`` Optional. Absolute path to the directory that will
+ hold the files. If omitted, it will be set to the
+ value of your :setting:`MEDIA_ROOT` setting.
+``base_url`` Optional. URL that serves the files stored at this
+ location. If omitted, it will default to the value
+ of your :setting:`MEDIA_URL` setting.
+====================== ===================================================
+For example, the following code will store uploaded files under
+``/media/photos`` regardless of what your :setting:`MEDIA_ROOT` setting is::
+ from django.db import models
+ from import FileSystemStorage
+ fs = FileSystemStorage(location='/media/photos')
+ class Car(models.Model):
+ ...
+ photo = models.ImageField(storage=fs)
+:doc:`Custom storage systems </howto/custom-file-storage>` work the same way:
+you can pass them in as the ``storage`` argument to a