path: root/parts/django/docs/faq
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+FAQ: The admin
+I can't log in. When I enter a valid username and password, it just brings up the login page again, with no error messages.
+The login cookie isn't being set correctly, because the domain of the cookie
+sent out by Django doesn't match the domain in your browser. Try these two
+ * Set the ``SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN`` setting in your admin config file
+ to match your domain. For example, if you're going to
+ "" in your browser, in
+ "myproject.settings" you should set ``SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN = ''``.
+ * Some browsers (Firefox?) don't like to accept cookies from domains that
+ don't have dots in them. If you're running the admin site on "localhost"
+ or another domain that doesn't have a dot in it, try going to
+ "localhost.localdomain" or "". And set
+ ``SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN`` accordingly.
+I can't log in. When I enter a valid username and password, it brings up the login page again, with a "Please enter a correct username and password" error.
+If you're sure your username and password are correct, make sure your user
+account has ``is_active`` and ``is_staff`` set to True. The admin site only
+allows access to users with those two fields both set to True.
+How can I prevent the cache middleware from caching the admin site?
+Set the :setting:`CACHE_MIDDLEWARE_ANONYMOUS_ONLY` setting to ``True``. See the
+:doc:`cache documentation </topics/cache>` for more information.
+How do I automatically set a field's value to the user who last edited the object in the admin?
+The :class:`~django.contrib.admin.ModelAdmin` class provides customization hooks
+that allow you to transform an object as it saved, using details from the
+request. By extracting the current user from the request, and customizing the
+:meth:`~django.contrib.admin.ModelAdmin.save_model` hook, you can update an
+object to reflect the user that edited it. See :ref:`the documentation on
+ModelAdmin methods <model-admin-methods>` for an example.
+How do I limit admin access so that objects can only be edited by the users who created them?
+The :class:`~django.contrib.admin.ModelAdmin` class also provides customization
+hooks that allow you to control the visibility and editability of objects in the
+admin. Using the same trick of extracting the user from the request, the
+:meth:`~django.contrib.admin.ModelAdmin.queryset` and
+:meth:`~django.contrib.admin.ModelAdmin.has_change_permission` can be used to
+control the visibility and editability of objects in the admin.
+My admin-site CSS and images showed up fine using the development server, but they're not displaying when using mod_python.
+See :ref:`serving the admin files <serving-the-admin-files>`
+in the "How to use Django with mod_python" documentation.
+My "list_filter" contains a ManyToManyField, but the filter doesn't display.
+Django won't bother displaying the filter for a ``ManyToManyField`` if there
+are fewer than two related objects.
+For example, if your ``list_filter`` includes ``sites``, and there's only one
+site in your database, it won't display a "Site" filter. In that case,
+filtering by site would be meaningless.
+How can I customize the functionality of the admin interface?
+You've got several options. If you want to piggyback on top of an add/change
+form that Django automatically generates, you can attach arbitrary JavaScript
+modules to the page via the model's ``class Admin`` ``js`` parameter. That
+parameter is a list of URLs, as strings, pointing to JavaScript modules that
+will be included within the admin form via a ``<script>`` tag.
+If you want more flexibility than simply tweaking the auto-generated forms,
+feel free to write custom views for the admin. The admin is powered by Django
+itself, and you can write custom views that hook into the authentication
+system, check permissions and do whatever else they need to do.
+If you want to customize the look-and-feel of the admin interface, read the
+next question.
+The dynamically-generated admin site is ugly! How can I change it?
+We like it, but if you don't agree, you can modify the admin site's
+presentation by editing the CSS stylesheet and/or associated image files. The
+site is built using semantic HTML and plenty of CSS hooks, so any changes you'd
+like to make should be possible by editing the stylesheet. We've got a
+:doc:`guide to the CSS used in the admin </obsolete/admin-css>` to get you started.
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+FAQ: Contributing code
+How can I get started contributing code to Django?
+Thanks for asking! We've written an entire document devoted to this question.
+It's titled :doc:`Contributing to Django </internals/contributing>`.
+I submitted a bug fix in the ticket system several weeks ago. Why are you ignoring my patch?
+Don't worry: We're not ignoring you!
+It's important to understand there is a difference between "a ticket is being
+ignored" and "a ticket has not been attended to yet." Django's ticket system
+contains hundreds of open tickets, of various degrees of impact on end-user
+functionality, and Django's developers have to review and prioritize.
+On top of that: the people who work on Django are all volunteers. As a result,
+the amount of time that we have to work on the framework is limited and will
+vary from week to week depending on our spare time. If we're busy, we may not
+be able to spend as much time on Django as we might want.
+The best way to make sure tickets do not get hung up on the way to checkin is
+to make it dead easy, even for someone who may not be intimately familiar with
+that area of the code, to understand the problem and verify the fix:
+ * Are there clear instructions on how to reproduce the bug? If this
+ touches a dependency (such as PIL), a contrib module, or a specific
+ database, are those instructions clear enough even for someone not
+ familiar with it?
+ * If there are several patches attached to the ticket, is it clear what
+ each one does, which ones can be ignored and which matter?
+ * Does the patch include a unit test? If not, is there a very clear
+ explanation why not? A test expresses succinctly what the problem is,
+ and shows that the patch actually fixes it.
+If your patch stands no chance of inclusion in Django, we won't ignore it --
+we'll just close the ticket. So if your ticket is still open, it doesn't mean
+we're ignoring you; it just means we haven't had time to look at it yet.
+When and how might I remind the core team of a patch I care about?
+A polite, well-timed message to the mailing list is one way to get attention.
+To determine the right time, you need to keep an eye on the schedule. If you
+post your message when the core developers are trying to hit a feature
+deadline or manage a planning phase, you're not going to get the sort of
+attention you require. However, if you draw attention to a ticket when the
+core developers are paying particular attention to bugs -- just before a bug
+fixing sprint, or in the lead up to a beta release for example -- you're much
+more likely to get a productive response.
+Gentle IRC reminders can also work -- again, strategically timed if possible.
+During a bug sprint would be a very good time, for example.
+Another way to get traction is to pull several related tickets together. When
+the core developers sit down to fix a bug in an area they haven't touched for
+a while, it can take a few minutes to remember all the fine details of how
+that area of code works. If you collect several minor bug fixes together into
+a similarly themed group, you make an attractive target, as the cost of coming
+up to speed on an area of code can be spread over multiple tickets.
+Please refrain from emailing core developers personally, or repeatedly raising
+the same issue over and over. This sort of behavior will not gain you any
+additional attention -- certainly not the attention that you need in order to
+get your pet bug addressed.
+But I've reminded you several times and you keep ignoring my patch!
+Seriously - we're not ignoring you. If your patch stands no chance of
+inclusion in Django, we'll close the ticket. For all the other tickets, we
+need to prioritize our efforts, which means that some tickets will be
+addressed before others.
+One of the criteria that is used to prioritize bug fixes is the number of
+people that will likely be affected by a given bug. Bugs that have the
+potential to affect many people will generally get priority over those that
+are edge cases.
+Another reason that bugs might be ignored for while is if the bug is a symptom
+of a larger problem. While we can spend time writing, testing and applying
+lots of little patches, sometimes the right solution is to rebuild. If a
+rebuild or refactor of a particular component has been proposed or is
+underway, you may find that bugs affecting that component will not get as much
+attention. Again, this is just a matter of prioritizing scarce resources. By
+concentrating on the rebuild, we can close all the little bugs at once, and
+hopefully prevent other little bugs from appearing in the future.
+Whatever the reason, please keep in mind that while you may hit a particular
+bug regularly, it doesn't necessarily follow that every single Django user
+will hit the same bug. Different users use Django in different ways, stressing
+different parts of the code under different conditions. When we evaluate the
+relative priorities, we are generally trying to consider the needs of the
+entire community, not just the severity for one particular user. This doesn't
+mean that we think your problem is unimportant -- just that in the limited
+time we have available, we will always err on the side of making 10 people
+happy rather than making 1 person happy.
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+FAQ: General
+Why does this project exist?
+Django grew from a very practical need: World Online, a newspaper Web
+operation, is responsible for building intensive Web applications on journalism
+deadlines. In the fast-paced newsroom, World Online often has only a matter of
+hours to take a complicated Web application from concept to public launch.
+At the same time, the World Online Web developers have consistently been
+perfectionists when it comes to following best practices of Web development.
+In fall 2003, the World Online developers (Adrian Holovaty and Simon Willison)
+ditched PHP and began using Python to develop its Web sites. As they built
+intensive, richly interactive sites such as, they began to extract
+a generic Web development framework that let them build Web applications more
+and more quickly. They tweaked this framework constantly, adding improvements
+over two years.
+In summer 2005, World Online decided to open-source the resulting software,
+Django. Django would not be possible without a whole host of open-source
+projects -- `Apache`_, `Python`_, and `PostgreSQL`_ to name a few -- and we're
+thrilled to be able to give something back to the open-source community.
+.. _Apache:
+.. _Python:
+.. _PostgreSQL:
+What does "Django" mean, and how do you pronounce it?
+Django is named after `Django Reinhardt`_, a gypsy jazz guitarist from the 1930s
+to early 1950s. To this day, he's considered one of the best guitarists of all time.
+Listen to his music. You'll like it.
+Django is pronounced **JANG**-oh. Rhymes with FANG-oh. The "D" is silent.
+We've also recorded an `audio clip of the pronunciation`_.
+.. _Django Reinhardt:
+.. _audio clip of the pronunciation:
+Is Django stable?
+Yes. World Online has been using Django for more than three years. Sites built
+on Django have weathered traffic spikes of over one million hits an hour and a
+number of Slashdottings. Yes, it's quite stable.
+Does Django scale?
+Yes. Compared to development time, hardware is cheap, and so Django is
+designed to take advantage of as much hardware as you can throw at it.
+Django uses a "shared-nothing" architecture, which means you can add hardware
+at any level -- database servers, caching servers or Web/application servers.
+The framework cleanly separates components such as its database layer and
+application layer. And it ships with a simple-yet-powerful
+:doc:`cache framework </topics/cache>`.
+Who's behind this?
+Django was originally developed at World Online, the Web department of a
+newspaper in Lawrence, Kansas, USA. Django's now run by an international team of
+volunteers; you can read all about them over at the :doc:`list of committers
+Which sites use Django?
+The Django wiki features a consistently growing `list of Django-powered sites`_.
+Feel free to add your Django-powered site to the list.
+.. _list of Django-powered sites:
+.. _mtv:
+Django appears to be a MVC framework, but you call the Controller the "view", and the View the "template". How come you don't use the standard names?
+Well, the standard names are debatable.
+In our interpretation of MVC, the "view" describes the data that gets presented
+to the user. It's not necessarily *how* the data *looks*, but *which* data is
+presented. The view describes *which data you see*, not *how you see it.* It's
+a subtle distinction.
+So, in our case, a "view" is the Python callback function for a particular URL,
+because that callback function describes which data is presented.
+Furthermore, it's sensible to separate content from presentation -- which is
+where templates come in. In Django, a "view" describes which data is presented,
+but a view normally delegates to a template, which describes *how* the data is
+Where does the "controller" fit in, then? In Django's case, it's probably the
+framework itself: the machinery that sends a request to the appropriate view,
+according to the Django URL configuration.
+If you're hungry for acronyms, you might say that Django is a "MTV" framework
+-- that is, "model", "template", and "view." That breakdown makes much more
+At the end of the day, of course, it comes down to getting stuff done. And,
+regardless of how things are named, Django gets stuff done in a way that's most
+logical to us.
+<Framework X> does <feature Y> -- why doesn't Django?
+We're well aware that there are other awesome Web frameworks out there, and
+we're not averse to borrowing ideas where appropriate. However, Django was
+developed precisely because we were unhappy with the status quo, so please be
+aware that "because <Framework X> does it" is not going to be sufficient reason
+to add a given feature to Django.
+Why did you write all of Django from scratch, instead of using other Python libraries?
+When Django was originally written a couple of years ago, Adrian and Simon
+spent quite a bit of time exploring the various Python Web frameworks
+In our opinion, none of them were completely up to snuff.
+We're picky. You might even call us perfectionists. (With deadlines.)
+Over time, we stumbled across open-source libraries that did things we'd
+already implemented. It was reassuring to see other people solving similar
+problems in similar ways, but it was too late to integrate outside code: We'd
+already written, tested and implemented our own framework bits in several
+production settings -- and our own code met our needs delightfully.
+In most cases, however, we found that existing frameworks/tools inevitably had
+some sort of fundamental, fatal flaw that made us squeamish. No tool fit our
+philosophies 100%.
+Like we said: We're picky.
+We've documented our philosophies on the
+:doc:`design philosophies page </misc/design-philosophies>`.
+Is Django a content-management-system (CMS)?
+No, Django is not a CMS, or any sort of "turnkey product" in and of itself.
+It's a Web framework; it's a programming tool that lets you build Web sites.
+For example, it doesn't make much sense to compare Django to something like
+Drupal_, because Django is something you use to *create* things like Drupal.
+Of course, Django's automatic admin site is fantastic and timesaving -- but
+the admin site is one module of Django the framework. Furthermore, although
+Django has special conveniences for building "CMS-y" apps, that doesn't mean
+it's not just as appropriate for building "non-CMS-y" apps (whatever that
+.. _Drupal:
+How can I download the Django documentation to read it offline?
+The Django docs are available in the ``docs`` directory of each Django tarball
+release. These docs are in reST (reStructuredText) format, and each text file
+corresponds to a Web page on the official Django site.
+Because the documentation is `stored in revision control`_, you can browse
+documentation changes just like you can browse code changes.
+Technically, the docs on Django's site are generated from the latest development
+versions of those reST documents, so the docs on the Django site may offer more
+information than the docs that come with the latest Django release.
+.. _stored in revision control:
+Where can I find Django developers for hire?
+Consult our `developers for hire page`_ for a list of Django developers who
+would be happy to help you.
+You might also be interested in posting a job to .
+If you want to find Django-capable people in your local area, try
+ .
+.. _developers for hire page:
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+FAQ: Getting Help
+How do I do X? Why doesn't Y work? Where can I go to get help?
+If this FAQ doesn't contain an answer to your question, you might want to
+try the `django-users mailing list`_. Feel free to ask any question related
+to installing, using, or debugging Django.
+If you prefer IRC, the `#django IRC channel`_ on the Freenode IRC network is an
+active community of helpful individuals who may be able to solve your problem.
+.. _`django-users mailing list`:
+.. _`#django IRC channel`: irc://
+Why hasn't my message appeared on django-users?
+django-users_ has a lot of subscribers. This is good for the community, as
+it means many people are available to contribute answers to questions.
+Unfortunately, it also means that django-users_ is an attractive target for
+In order to combat the spam problem, when you join the django-users_ mailing
+list, we manually moderate the first message you send to the list. This means
+that spammers get caught, but it also means that your first question to the
+list might take a little longer to get answered. We apologize for any
+inconvenience that this policy may cause.
+.. _django-users:
+Nobody on django-users answered my question! What should I do?
+Try making your question more specific, or provide a better example of your
+As with most open-source mailing lists, the folks on django-users_ are
+volunteers. If nobody has answered your question, it may be because nobody
+knows the answer, it may be because nobody can understand the question, or it
+may be that everybody that can help is busy. One thing you might try is to ask
+the question on IRC -- visit the `#django IRC channel`_ on the Freenode IRC
+You might notice we have a second mailing list, called django-developers_ --
+but please don't e-mail support questions to this mailing list. This list is
+for discussion of the development of Django itself. Asking a tech support
+question there is considered quite impolite.
+.. _django-developers:
+I think I've found a bug! What should I do?
+Detailed instructions on how to handle a potential bug can be found in our
+:ref:`Guide to contributing to Django <reporting-bugs>`.
+I think I've found a security problem! What should I do?
+If you think you've found a security problem with Django, please send a message
+to This is a private list only open to long-time,
+highly trusted Django developers, and its archives are not publicly readable.
+Due to the sensitive nature of security issues, we ask that if you think you
+have found a security problem, *please* don't send a message to one of the
+public mailing lists. Django has a
+:ref:`policy for handling security issues <reporting-security-issues>`;
+while a defect is outstanding, we would like to minimize any damage that
+could be inflicted through public knowledge of that defect.
+.. _`policy for handling security issues`: ../contributing/#reporting-security-issues
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+Django FAQ
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 2
+ general
+ install
+ usage
+ help
+ models
+ admin
+ contributing \ No newline at end of file
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+FAQ: Installation
+How do I get started?
+ #. `Download the code`_.
+ #. Install Django (read the :doc:`installation guide </intro/install>`).
+ #. Walk through the :doc:`tutorial </intro/tutorial01>`.
+ #. Check out the rest of the :doc:`documentation </index>`, and `ask questions`_ if you
+ run into trouble.
+.. _`Download the code`:
+.. _ask questions:
+What are Django's prerequisites?
+Django requires Python_, specifically any version of Python from 2.4
+through 2.7. No other Python libraries are required for basic Django
+For a development environment -- if you just want to experiment with Django --
+you don't need to have a separate Web server installed; Django comes with its
+own lightweight development server. For a production environment, Django
+follows the WSGI_ spec, which means it can run on a variety of server
+platforms. See :doc:`Deploying Django </howto/deployment/index>` for some
+popular alternatives. Also, the `server arrangements wiki page`_ contains
+details for several deployment strategies.
+If you want to use Django with a database, which is probably the case, you'll
+also need a database engine. PostgreSQL_ is recommended, because we're
+PostgreSQL fans, and MySQL_, `SQLite 3`_, and Oracle_ are also supported.
+.. _Python:
+.. _WSGI:
+.. _server arrangements wiki page:
+.. _PostgreSQL:
+.. _MySQL:
+.. _`SQLite 3`:
+.. _Oracle:
+Do I lose anything by using Python 2.4 versus newer Python versions, such as Python 2.5 or 2.6?
+Not in the core framework. Currently, Django itself officially supports any
+version of Python from 2.4 through 2.7, inclusive. However, newer versions of
+Python are often faster, have more features, and are better supported.
+Third-party applications for use with Django are, of course, free to set their
+own version requirements.
+Over the next year or two Django will begin dropping support for older Python
+versions as part of a migration which will end with Django running on Python 3
+(see below for details).
+All else being equal, we recommend that you use the latest 2.x release
+(currently Python 2.7). This will let you take advantage of the numerous
+improvements and optimizations to the Python language since version 2.4, and
+will help ease the process of dropping support for older Python versions on
+the road to Python 3.
+Can I use Django with Python 2.3?
+Django 1.1 (and earlier) supported Python 2.3. Django 1.2 and newer does not.
+We highly recommend you upgrade Python if at all possible, but Django 1.1 will
+continue to work on Python 2.3.
+Can I use Django with Python 3?
+Not at the moment. Python 3.0 introduced a number of
+backwards-incompatible changes to the Python language, and although
+these changes are generally a good thing for Python's future, it will
+be a while before most Python software catches up and is able to run
+on Python 3.0. For larger Python-based software like Django, the
+transition is expected to take at least a year or two (since it
+involves dropping support for older Python releases and so must be
+done gradually).
+In the meantime, Python 2.x releases will be supported and provided
+with bug fixes and security updates by the Python development team, so
+continuing to use a Python 2.x release during the transition should
+not present any risk.
+Will Django run under shared hosting (like TextDrive or Dreamhost)?
+See our `Django-friendly Web hosts`_ page.
+.. _`Django-friendly Web hosts`:
+Should I use the stable version or development version?
+Generally, if you're using code in production, you should be using a
+stable release. The Django project publishes a full stable release
+every nine months or so, with bugfix updates in between. These stable
+releases contain the API that is covered by our backwards
+compatibility guarantees; if you write code against stable releases,
+you shouldn't have any problems upgrading when the next official
+version is released.
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+FAQ: Databases and models
+.. _faq-see-raw-sql-queries:
+How can I see the raw SQL queries Django is running?
+Make sure your Django ``DEBUG`` setting is set to ``True``. Then, just do
+ >>> from django.db import connection
+ >>> connection.queries
+ [{'sql': 'SELECT,polls_polls.question,polls_polls.pub_date FROM polls_polls',
+ 'time': '0.002'}]
+``connection.queries`` is only available if ``DEBUG`` is ``True``. It's a list
+of dictionaries in order of query execution. Each dictionary has the following::
+ ``sql`` -- The raw SQL statement
+ ``time`` -- How long the statement took to execute, in seconds.
+``connection.queries`` includes all SQL statements -- INSERTs, UPDATES,
+SELECTs, etc. Each time your app hits the database, the query will be recorded.
+Note that the raw SQL logged in ``connection.queries`` may not include
+parameter quoting. Parameter quoting is performed by the database-specific
+backend, and not all backends provide a way to retrieve the SQL after quoting.
+.. versionadded:: 1.2
+If you are using :doc:`multiple databases</topics/db/multi-db>`, you can use the
+same interface on each member of the ``connections`` dictionary::
+ >>> from django.db import connections
+ >>> connections['my_db_alias'].queries
+Can I use Django with a pre-existing database?
+Yes. See :doc:`Integrating with a legacy database </howto/legacy-databases>`.
+If I make changes to a model, how do I update the database?
+If you don't mind clearing data, your project's ```` utility has an
+option to reset the SQL for a particular application::
+ reset appname
+This drops any tables associated with ``appname`` and recreates them.
+If you do care about deleting data, you'll have to execute the ``ALTER TABLE``
+statements manually in your database. That's the way we've always done it,
+because dealing with data is a very sensitive operation that we've wanted to
+avoid automating. That said, there's some work being done to add partially
+automated database-upgrade functionality.
+Do Django models support multiple-column primary keys?
+No. Only single-column primary keys are supported.
+But this isn't an issue in practice, because there's nothing stopping you from
+adding other constraints (using the ``unique_together`` model option or
+creating the constraint directly in your database), and enforcing the
+uniqueness at that level. Single-column primary keys are needed for things such
+as the admin interface to work; e.g., you need a simple way of being able to
+specify an object to edit or delete.
+How do I add database-specific options to my CREATE TABLE statements, such as specifying MyISAM as the table type?
+We try to avoid adding special cases in the Django code to accommodate all the
+database-specific options such as table type, etc. If you'd like to use any of
+these options, create an :ref:`SQL initial data file <initial-sql>` that
+contains ``ALTER TABLE`` statements that do what you want to do. The initial
+data files are executed in your database after the ``CREATE TABLE`` statements.
+For example, if you're using MySQL and want your tables to use the MyISAM table
+type, create an initial data file and put something like this in it::
+ ALTER TABLE myapp_mytable ENGINE=MyISAM;
+As explained in the :ref:`SQL initial data file <initial-sql>` documentation,
+this SQL file can contain arbitrary SQL, so you can make any sorts of changes
+you need to make.
+Why is Django leaking memory?
+Django isn't known to leak memory. If you find your Django processes are
+allocating more and more memory, with no sign of releasing it, check to make
+sure your ``DEBUG`` setting is set to ``False``. If ``DEBUG`` is ``True``, then
+Django saves a copy of every SQL statement it has executed.
+(The queries are saved in ``django.db.connection.queries``. See
+`How can I see the raw SQL queries Django is running?`_.)
+To fix the problem, set ``DEBUG`` to ``False``.
+If you need to clear the query list manually at any point in your functions,
+just call ``reset_queries()``, like this::
+ from django import db
+ db.reset_queries()
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+FAQ: Using Django
+Why do I get an error about importing DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE?
+Make sure that:
+ * The environment variable DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE is set to a
+ fully-qualified Python module (i.e. "mysite.settings").
+ * Said module is on ``sys.path`` (``import mysite.settings`` should work).
+ * The module doesn't contain syntax errors (of course).
+ * If you're using mod_python but *not* using Django's request handler,
+ you'll need to work around a mod_python bug related to the use of
+ ``SetEnv``; before you import anything from Django you'll need to do
+ the following::
+ os.environ.update(req.subprocess_env)
+ (where ``req`` is the mod_python request object).
+I can't stand your template language. Do I have to use it?
+We happen to think our template engine is the best thing since chunky bacon,
+but we recognize that choosing a template language runs close to religion.
+There's nothing about Django that requires using the template language, so
+if you're attached to ZPT, Cheetah, or whatever, feel free to use those.
+Do I have to use your model/database layer?
+Nope. Just like the template system, the model/database layer is decoupled from
+the rest of the framework.
+The one exception is: If you use a different database library, you won't get to
+use Django's automatically-generated admin site. That app is coupled to the
+Django database layer.
+How do I use image and file fields?
+Using a :class:`~django.db.models.FileField` or an
+:class:`~django.db.models.ImageField` in a model takes a few steps:
+ #. In your settings file, you'll need to define :setting:`MEDIA_ROOT` as
+ the full path to a directory where you'd like Django to store uploaded
+ files. (For performance, these files are not stored in the database.)
+ Define :setting:`MEDIA_URL` as the base public URL of that directory.
+ Make sure that this directory is writable by the Web server's user
+ account.
+ #. Add the :class:`~django.db.models.FileField` or
+ :class:`~django.db.models.ImageField` to your model, making sure to
+ define the :attr:`~django.db.models.FileField.upload_to` option to tell
+ Django to which subdirectory of :setting:`MEDIA_ROOT` it should upload
+ files.
+ #. All that will be stored in your database is a path to the file
+ (relative to :setting:`MEDIA_ROOT`). You'll most likely want to use the
+ convenience :attr:`~django.core.files.File.url` attribute provided by
+ Django. For example, if your :class:`~django.db.models.ImageField` is
+ called ``mug_shot``, you can get the absolute path to your image in a
+ template with ``{{ object.mug_shot.url }}``.
+How do I make a variable available to all my templates?
+Sometimes your templates just all need the same thing. A common example would
+be dynamically-generated menus. At first glance, it seems logical to simply
+add a common dictionary to the template context.
+The correct solution is to use a ``RequestContext``. Details on how to do this
+are here: :ref:`subclassing-context-requestcontext`.