path: root/eggs/mercurial-1.7.3-py2.6-linux-x86_64.egg/hgext/convert/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'eggs/mercurial-1.7.3-py2.6-linux-x86_64.egg/hgext/convert/')
1 files changed, 434 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/eggs/mercurial-1.7.3-py2.6-linux-x86_64.egg/hgext/convert/ b/eggs/mercurial-1.7.3-py2.6-linux-x86_64.egg/hgext/convert/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac91b41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eggs/mercurial-1.7.3-py2.6-linux-x86_64.egg/hgext/convert/
@@ -0,0 +1,434 @@
+# convcmd - convert extension commands definition
+# Copyright 2005-2007 Matt Mackall <>
+# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
+# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.
+from common import NoRepo, MissingTool, SKIPREV, mapfile
+from cvs import convert_cvs
+from darcs import darcs_source
+from git import convert_git
+from hg import mercurial_source, mercurial_sink
+from subversion import svn_source, svn_sink
+from monotone import monotone_source
+from gnuarch import gnuarch_source
+from bzr import bzr_source
+from p4 import p4_source
+import filemap
+import os, shutil
+from mercurial import hg, util, encoding
+from mercurial.i18n import _
+orig_encoding = 'ascii'
+def recode(s):
+ if isinstance(s, unicode):
+ return s.encode(orig_encoding, 'replace')
+ else:
+ return s.decode('utf-8').encode(orig_encoding, 'replace')
+source_converters = [
+ ('cvs', convert_cvs, 'branchsort'),
+ ('git', convert_git, 'branchsort'),
+ ('svn', svn_source, 'branchsort'),
+ ('hg', mercurial_source, 'sourcesort'),
+ ('darcs', darcs_source, 'branchsort'),
+ ('mtn', monotone_source, 'branchsort'),
+ ('gnuarch', gnuarch_source, 'branchsort'),
+ ('bzr', bzr_source, 'branchsort'),
+ ('p4', p4_source, 'branchsort'),
+ ]
+sink_converters = [
+ ('hg', mercurial_sink),
+ ('svn', svn_sink),
+ ]
+def convertsource(ui, path, type, rev):
+ exceptions = []
+ if type and type not in [s[0] for s in source_converters]:
+ raise util.Abort(_('%s: invalid source repository type') % type)
+ for name, source, sortmode in source_converters:
+ try:
+ if not type or name == type:
+ return source(ui, path, rev), sortmode
+ except (NoRepo, MissingTool), inst:
+ exceptions.append(inst)
+ if not ui.quiet:
+ for inst in exceptions:
+ ui.write("%s\n" % inst)
+ raise util.Abort(_('%s: missing or unsupported repository') % path)
+def convertsink(ui, path, type):
+ if type and type not in [s[0] for s in sink_converters]:
+ raise util.Abort(_('%s: invalid destination repository type') % type)
+ for name, sink in sink_converters:
+ try:
+ if not type or name == type:
+ return sink(ui, path)
+ except NoRepo, inst:
+ ui.note(_("convert: %s\n") % inst)
+ raise util.Abort(_('%s: unknown repository type') % path)
+class progresssource(object):
+ def __init__(self, ui, source, filecount):
+ self.ui = ui
+ self.source = source
+ self.filecount = filecount
+ self.retrieved = 0
+ def getfile(self, file, rev):
+ self.retrieved += 1
+ self.ui.progress(_('getting files'), self.retrieved,
+ item=file, total=self.filecount)
+ return self.source.getfile(file, rev)
+ def lookuprev(self, rev):
+ return self.source.lookuprev(rev)
+ def close(self):
+ self.ui.progress(_('getting files'), None)
+class converter(object):
+ def __init__(self, ui, source, dest, revmapfile, opts):
+ self.source = source
+ self.dest = dest
+ self.ui = ui
+ self.opts = opts
+ self.commitcache = {}
+ self.authors = {}
+ self.authorfile = None
+ # Record converted revisions persistently: maps source revision
+ # ID to target revision ID (both strings). (This is how
+ # incremental conversions work.)
+ = mapfile(ui, revmapfile)
+ # Read first the dst author map if any
+ authorfile = self.dest.authorfile()
+ if authorfile and os.path.exists(authorfile):
+ self.readauthormap(authorfile)
+ # Extend/Override with new author map if necessary
+ if opts.get('authormap'):
+ self.readauthormap(opts.get('authormap'))
+ self.authorfile = self.dest.authorfile()
+ self.splicemap = mapfile(ui, opts.get('splicemap'))
+ self.branchmap = mapfile(ui, opts.get('branchmap'))
+ def walktree(self, heads):
+ '''Return a mapping that identifies the uncommitted parents of every
+ uncommitted changeset.'''
+ visit = heads
+ known = set()
+ parents = {}
+ while visit:
+ n = visit.pop(0)
+ if n in known or n in
+ continue
+ known.add(n)
+ self.ui.progress(_('scanning'), len(known), unit=_('revisions'))
+ commit = self.cachecommit(n)
+ parents[n] = []
+ for p in commit.parents:
+ parents[n].append(p)
+ visit.append(p)
+ self.ui.progress(_('scanning'), None)
+ return parents
+ def toposort(self, parents, sortmode):
+ '''Return an ordering such that every uncommitted changeset is
+ preceeded by all its uncommitted ancestors.'''
+ def mapchildren(parents):
+ """Return a (children, roots) tuple where 'children' maps parent
+ revision identifiers to children ones, and 'roots' is the list of
+ revisions without parents. 'parents' must be a mapping of revision
+ identifier to its parents ones.
+ """
+ visit = parents.keys()
+ seen = set()
+ children = {}
+ roots = []
+ while visit:
+ n = visit.pop(0)
+ if n in seen:
+ continue
+ seen.add(n)
+ # Ensure that nodes without parents are present in the
+ # 'children' mapping.
+ children.setdefault(n, [])
+ hasparent = False
+ for p in parents[n]:
+ if not p in
+ visit.append(p)
+ hasparent = True
+ children.setdefault(p, []).append(n)
+ if not hasparent:
+ roots.append(n)
+ return children, roots
+ # Sort functions are supposed to take a list of revisions which
+ # can be converted immediately and pick one
+ def makebranchsorter():
+ """If the previously converted revision has a child in the
+ eligible revisions list, pick it. Return the list head
+ otherwise. Branch sort attempts to minimize branch
+ switching, which is harmful for Mercurial backend
+ compression.
+ """
+ prev = [None]
+ def picknext(nodes):
+ next = nodes[0]
+ for n in nodes:
+ if prev[0] in parents[n]:
+ next = n
+ break
+ prev[0] = next
+ return next
+ return picknext
+ def makesourcesorter():
+ """Source specific sort."""
+ keyfn = lambda n: self.commitcache[n].sortkey
+ def picknext(nodes):
+ return sorted(nodes, key=keyfn)[0]
+ return picknext
+ def makedatesorter():
+ """Sort revisions by date."""
+ dates = {}
+ def getdate(n):
+ if n not in dates:
+ dates[n] = util.parsedate(self.commitcache[n].date)
+ return dates[n]
+ def picknext(nodes):
+ return min([(getdate(n), n) for n in nodes])[1]
+ return picknext
+ if sortmode == 'branchsort':
+ picknext = makebranchsorter()
+ elif sortmode == 'datesort':
+ picknext = makedatesorter()
+ elif sortmode == 'sourcesort':
+ picknext = makesourcesorter()
+ else:
+ raise util.Abort(_('unknown sort mode: %s') % sortmode)
+ children, actives = mapchildren(parents)
+ s = []
+ pendings = {}
+ while actives:
+ n = picknext(actives)
+ actives.remove(n)
+ s.append(n)
+ # Update dependents list
+ for c in children.get(n, []):
+ if c not in pendings:
+ pendings[c] = [p for p in parents[c] if p not in]
+ try:
+ pendings[c].remove(n)
+ except ValueError:
+ raise util.Abort(_('cycle detected between %s and %s')
+ % (recode(c), recode(n)))
+ if not pendings[c]:
+ # Parents are converted, node is eligible
+ actives.insert(0, c)
+ pendings[c] = None
+ if len(s) != len(parents):
+ raise util.Abort(_("not all revisions were sorted"))
+ return s
+ def writeauthormap(self):
+ authorfile = self.authorfile
+ if authorfile:
+ self.ui.status(_('Writing author map file %s\n') % authorfile)
+ ofile = open(authorfile, 'w+')
+ for author in self.authors:
+ ofile.write("%s=%s\n" % (author, self.authors[author]))
+ ofile.close()
+ def readauthormap(self, authorfile):
+ afile = open(authorfile, 'r')
+ for line in afile:
+ line = line.strip()
+ if not line or line.startswith('#'):
+ continue
+ try:
+ srcauthor, dstauthor = line.split('=', 1)
+ except ValueError:
+ msg = _('Ignoring bad line in author map file %s: %s\n')
+ self.ui.warn(msg % (authorfile, line.rstrip()))
+ continue
+ srcauthor = srcauthor.strip()
+ dstauthor = dstauthor.strip()
+ if self.authors.get(srcauthor) in (None, dstauthor):
+ msg = _('mapping author %s to %s\n')
+ self.ui.debug(msg % (srcauthor, dstauthor))
+ self.authors[srcauthor] = dstauthor
+ continue
+ m = _('overriding mapping for author %s, was %s, will be %s\n')
+ self.ui.status(m % (srcauthor, self.authors[srcauthor], dstauthor))
+ afile.close()
+ def cachecommit(self, rev):
+ commit = self.source.getcommit(rev)
+ = self.authors.get(,
+ commit.branch = self.branchmap.get(commit.branch, commit.branch)
+ self.commitcache[rev] = commit
+ return commit
+ def copy(self, rev):
+ commit = self.commitcache[rev]
+ changes = self.source.getchanges(rev)
+ if isinstance(changes, basestring):
+ if changes == SKIPREV:
+ dest = SKIPREV
+ else:
+ dest =[changes]
+[rev] = dest
+ return
+ files, copies = changes
+ pbranches = []
+ if commit.parents:
+ for prev in commit.parents:
+ if prev not in self.commitcache:
+ self.cachecommit(prev)
+ pbranches.append(([prev],
+ self.commitcache[prev].branch))
+ self.dest.setbranch(commit.branch, pbranches)
+ try:
+ parents = self.splicemap[rev].replace(',', ' ').split()
+ self.ui.status(_('spliced in %s as parents of %s\n') %
+ (parents, rev))
+ parents = [, p) for p in parents]
+ except KeyError:
+ parents = [b[0] for b in pbranches]
+ source = progresssource(self.ui, self.source, len(files))
+ newnode = self.dest.putcommit(files, copies, parents, commit,
+ source,
+ source.close()
+ self.source.converted(rev, newnode)
+[rev] = newnode
+ def convert(self, sortmode):
+ try:
+ self.source.before()
+ self.dest.before()
+ self.source.setrevmap(
+ self.ui.status(_("scanning source...\n"))
+ heads = self.source.getheads()
+ parents = self.walktree(heads)
+ self.ui.status(_("sorting...\n"))
+ t = self.toposort(parents, sortmode)
+ num = len(t)
+ c = None
+ self.ui.status(_("converting...\n"))
+ for i, c in enumerate(t):
+ num -= 1
+ desc = self.commitcache[c].desc
+ if "\n" in desc:
+ desc = desc.splitlines()[0]
+ # convert log message to local encoding without using
+ # tolocal() because the encoding.encoding convert()
+ # uses is 'utf-8'
+ self.ui.status("%d %s\n" % (num, recode(desc)))
+ self.ui.note(_("source: %s\n") % recode(c))
+ self.ui.progress(_('converting'), i, unit=_('revisions'),
+ total=len(t))
+ self.copy(c)
+ self.ui.progress(_('converting'), None)
+ tags = self.source.gettags()
+ ctags = {}
+ for k in tags:
+ v = tags[k]
+ ctags[k] =[v]
+ if c and ctags:
+ nrev, tagsparent = self.dest.puttags(ctags)
+ if nrev and tagsparent:
+ # write another hash correspondence to override the previous
+ # one so we don't end up with extra tag heads
+ tagsparents = [e for e in
+ if e[1] == tagsparent]
+ if tagsparents:
+[tagsparents[0][0]] = nrev
+ self.writeauthormap()
+ finally:
+ self.cleanup()
+ def cleanup(self):
+ try:
+ self.dest.after()
+ finally:
+ self.source.after()
+def convert(ui, src, dest=None, revmapfile=None, **opts):
+ global orig_encoding
+ orig_encoding = encoding.encoding
+ encoding.encoding = 'UTF-8'
+ # support --authors as an alias for --authormap
+ if not opts.get('authormap'):
+ opts['authormap'] = opts.get('authors')
+ if not dest:
+ dest = hg.defaultdest(src) + "-hg"
+ ui.status(_("assuming destination %s\n") % dest)
+ destc = convertsink(ui, dest, opts.get('dest_type'))
+ try:
+ srcc, defaultsort = convertsource(ui, src, opts.get('source_type'),
+ opts.get('rev'))
+ except Exception:
+ for path in destc.created:
+ shutil.rmtree(path, True)
+ raise
+ sortmodes = ('branchsort', 'datesort', 'sourcesort')
+ sortmode = [m for m in sortmodes if opts.get(m)]
+ if len(sortmode) > 1:
+ raise util.Abort(_('more than one sort mode specified'))
+ sortmode = sortmode and sortmode[0] or defaultsort
+ if sortmode == 'sourcesort' and not srcc.hasnativeorder():
+ raise util.Abort(_('--sourcesort is not supported by this data source'))
+ fmap = opts.get('filemap')
+ if fmap:
+ srcc = filemap.filemap_source(ui, srcc, fmap)
+ destc.setfilemapmode(True)
+ if not revmapfile:
+ try:
+ revmapfile = destc.revmapfile()
+ except:
+ revmapfile = os.path.join(destc, "map")
+ c = converter(ui, srcc, destc, revmapfile, opts)
+ c.convert(sortmode)