path: root/eggs/py-1.4.0-py2.6.egg/py/_code/
diff options
authorNishanth Amuluru2011-01-11 22:41:51 +0530
committerNishanth Amuluru2011-01-11 22:41:51 +0530
commitb03203c8cb991c16ac8a3d74c8c4078182d0bb48 (patch)
tree7cf13b2deacbfaaec99edb431b83ddd5ea734a52 /eggs/py-1.4.0-py2.6.egg/py/_code/
parent0c50203cd9eb94b819883c3110922e873f003138 (diff)
removed all the buildout files
Diffstat (limited to 'eggs/py-1.4.0-py2.6.egg/py/_code/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 722 deletions
diff --git a/eggs/py-1.4.0-py2.6.egg/py/_code/ b/eggs/py-1.4.0-py2.6.egg/py/_code/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9fbf207..0000000
--- a/eggs/py-1.4.0-py2.6.egg/py/_code/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,722 +0,0 @@
-import py
-import sys, os.path
-builtin_repr = repr
-reprlib = py.builtin._tryimport('repr', 'reprlib')
-class Code(object):
- """ wrapper around Python code objects """
- def __init__(self, rawcode):
- rawcode = py.code.getrawcode(rawcode)
- self.raw = rawcode
- try:
- self.filename = rawcode.co_filename
- self.firstlineno = rawcode.co_firstlineno - 1
- = rawcode.co_name
- except AttributeError:
- raise TypeError("not a code object: %r" %(rawcode,))
- def __eq__(self, other):
- return self.raw == other.raw
- def __ne__(self, other):
- return not self == other
- def path(self):
- """ return a path object pointing to source code"""
- p = py.path.local(self.raw.co_filename)
- if not p.check():
- # XXX maybe try harder like the weird logic
- # in the standard lib [linecache.updatecache] does?
- p = self.raw.co_filename
- return p
- path = property(path, None, None, "path of this code object")
- def fullsource(self):
- """ return a py.code.Source object for the full source file of the code
- """
- from py._code import source
- full, _ = source.findsource(self.raw)
- return full
- fullsource = property(fullsource, None, None,
- "full source containing this code object")
- def source(self):
- """ return a py.code.Source object for the code object's source only
- """
- # return source only for that part of code
- return py.code.Source(self.raw)
- def getargs(self):
- """ return a tuple with the argument names for the code object
- """
- # handfull shortcut for getting args
- raw = self.raw
- return raw.co_varnames[:raw.co_argcount]
-class Frame(object):
- """Wrapper around a Python frame holding f_locals and f_globals
- in which expressions can be evaluated."""
- def __init__(self, frame):
- self.code = py.code.Code(frame.f_code)
- self.lineno = frame.f_lineno - 1
- self.f_globals = frame.f_globals
- self.f_locals = frame.f_locals
- self.raw = frame
- def statement(self):
- if self.code.fullsource is None:
- return py.code.Source("")
- return self.code.fullsource.getstatement(self.lineno)
- statement = property(statement, None, None,
- "statement this frame is at")
- def eval(self, code, **vars):
- """ evaluate 'code' in the frame
- 'vars' are optional additional local variables
- returns the result of the evaluation
- """
- f_locals = self.f_locals.copy()
- f_locals.update(vars)
- return eval(code, self.f_globals, f_locals)
- def exec_(self, code, **vars):
- """ exec 'code' in the frame
- 'vars' are optiona; additional local variables
- """
- f_locals = self.f_locals.copy()
- f_locals.update(vars)
- py.builtin.exec_(code, self.f_globals, f_locals )
- def repr(self, object):
- """ return a 'safe' (non-recursive, one-line) string repr for 'object'
- """
- return
- def is_true(self, object):
- return object
- def getargs(self):
- """ return a list of tuples (name, value) for all arguments
- """
- retval = []
- for arg in self.code.getargs():
- try:
- retval.append((arg, self.f_locals[arg]))
- except KeyError:
- pass # this can occur when using Psyco
- return retval
-class TracebackEntry(object):
- """ a single entry in a traceback """
- exprinfo = None
- def __init__(self, rawentry):
- self._rawentry = rawentry
- self.frame = py.code.Frame(rawentry.tb_frame)
- # Ugh. 2.4 and 2.5 differs here when encountering
- # multi-line statements. Not sure about the solution, but
- # should be portable
- self.lineno = rawentry.tb_lineno - 1
- self.relline = self.lineno - self.frame.code.firstlineno
- def __repr__(self):
- return "<TracebackEntry %s:%d>" %(self.frame.code.path, self.lineno+1)
- def statement(self):
- """ return a py.code.Source object for the current statement """
- source = self.frame.code.fullsource
- return source.getstatement(self.lineno)
- statement = property(statement, None, None,
- "statement of this traceback entry.")
- def path(self):
- return self.frame.code.path
- path = property(path, None, None, "path to the full source code")
- def getlocals(self):
- return self.frame.f_locals
- locals = property(getlocals, None, None, "locals of underlaying frame")
- def reinterpret(self):
- """Reinterpret the failing statement and returns a detailed information
- about what operations are performed."""
- if self.exprinfo is None:
- source = str(self.statement).strip()
- x = py.code._reinterpret(source, self.frame, should_fail=True)
- if not isinstance(x, str):
- raise TypeError("interpret returned non-string %r" % (x,))
- self.exprinfo = x
- return self.exprinfo
- def getfirstlinesource(self):
- # on Jython this firstlineno can be -1 apparently
- return max(self.frame.code.firstlineno, 0)
- def getsource(self):
- """ return failing source code. """
- source = self.frame.code.fullsource
- if source is None:
- return None
- start = self.getfirstlinesource()
- end = self.lineno
- try:
- _, end = source.getstatementrange(end)
- except IndexError:
- end = self.lineno + 1
- # heuristic to stop displaying source on e.g.
- # if something: # assume this causes a NameError
- # # _this_ lines and the one
- # below we don't want from entry.getsource()
- for i in range(self.lineno, end):
- if source[i].rstrip().endswith(':'):
- end = i + 1
- break
- return source[start:end]
- source = property(getsource)
- def ishidden(self):
- """ return True if the current frame has a var __tracebackhide__
- resolving to True
- mostly for internal use
- """
- try:
- return self.frame.eval("__tracebackhide__")
- except py.builtin._sysex:
- raise
- except:
- return False
- def __str__(self):
- try:
- fn = str(self.path)
- except py.error.Error:
- fn = '???'
- name =
- try:
- line = str(self.statement).lstrip()
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- raise
- except:
- line = "???"
- return " File %r:%d in %s\n %s\n" %(fn, self.lineno+1, name, line)
- def name(self):
- return self.frame.code.raw.co_name
- name = property(name, None, None, "co_name of underlaying code")
-class Traceback(list):
- """ Traceback objects encapsulate and offer higher level
- access to Traceback entries.
- """
- Entry = TracebackEntry
- def __init__(self, tb):
- """ initialize from given python traceback object. """
- if hasattr(tb, 'tb_next'):
- def f(cur):
- while cur is not None:
- yield self.Entry(cur)
- cur = cur.tb_next
- list.__init__(self, f(tb))
- else:
- list.__init__(self, tb)
- def cut(self, path=None, lineno=None, firstlineno=None, excludepath=None):
- """ return a Traceback instance wrapping part of this Traceback
- by provding any combination of path, lineno and firstlineno, the
- first frame to start the to-be-returned traceback is determined
- this allows cutting the first part of a Traceback instance e.g.
- for formatting reasons (removing some uninteresting bits that deal
- with handling of the exception/traceback)
- """
- for x in self:
- code = x.frame.code
- codepath = code.path
- if ((path is None or codepath == path) and
- (excludepath is None or not hasattr(codepath, 'relto') or
- not codepath.relto(excludepath)) and
- (lineno is None or x.lineno == lineno) and
- (firstlineno is None or x.frame.code.firstlineno == firstlineno)):
- return Traceback(x._rawentry)
- return self
- def __getitem__(self, key):
- val = super(Traceback, self).__getitem__(key)
- if isinstance(key, type(slice(0))):
- val = self.__class__(val)
- return val
- def filter(self, fn=lambda x: not x.ishidden()):
- """ return a Traceback instance with certain items removed
- fn is a function that gets a single argument, a TracebackItem
- instance, and should return True when the item should be added
- to the Traceback, False when not
- by default this removes all the TracebackItems which are hidden
- (see ishidden() above)
- """
- return Traceback(filter(fn, self))
- def getcrashentry(self):
- """ return last non-hidden traceback entry that lead
- to the exception of a traceback.
- """
- tb = self.filter()
- if not tb:
- tb = self
- return tb[-1]
- def recursionindex(self):
- """ return the index of the frame/TracebackItem where recursion
- originates if appropriate, None if no recursion occurred
- """
- cache = {}
- for i, entry in enumerate(self):
- key = entry.frame.code.path, entry.lineno
- #print "checking for recursion at", key
- l = cache.setdefault(key, [])
- if l:
- f = entry.frame
- loc = f.f_locals
- for otherloc in l:
- if f.is_true(f.eval(co_equal,
- __recursioncache_locals_1=loc,
- __recursioncache_locals_2=otherloc)):
- return i
- l.append(entry.frame.f_locals)
- return None
-co_equal = compile('__recursioncache_locals_1 == __recursioncache_locals_2',
- '?', 'eval')
-class ExceptionInfo(object):
- """ wraps sys.exc_info() objects and offers
- help for navigating the traceback.
- """
- _striptext = ''
- def __init__(self, tup=None, exprinfo=None):
- # NB. all attributes are private! Subclasses or other
- # ExceptionInfo-like classes may have different attributes.
- if tup is None:
- tup = sys.exc_info()
- if exprinfo is None and isinstance(tup[1], py.code._AssertionError):
- exprinfo = getattr(tup[1], 'msg', None)
- if exprinfo is None:
- exprinfo = str(tup[1])
- if exprinfo and exprinfo.startswith('assert '):
- self._striptext = 'AssertionError: '
- self._excinfo = tup
- self.type, self.value, tb = self._excinfo
- self.typename = self.type.__name__
- self.traceback = py.code.Traceback(tb)
- def __repr__(self):
- return "<ExceptionInfo %s tblen=%d>" % (self.typename, len(self.traceback))
- def exconly(self, tryshort=False):
- """ return the exception as a string
- when 'tryshort' resolves to True, and the exception is a
- py.code._AssertionError, only the actual exception part of
- the exception representation is returned (so 'AssertionError: ' is
- removed from the beginning)
- """
- lines = py.std.traceback.format_exception_only(self.type, self.value)
- text = ''.join(lines)
- text = text.rstrip()
- if tryshort:
- if text.startswith(self._striptext):
- text = text[len(self._striptext):]
- return text
- def errisinstance(self, exc):
- """ return True if the exception is an instance of exc """
- return isinstance(self.value, exc)
- def _getreprcrash(self):
- exconly = self.exconly(tryshort=True)
- entry = self.traceback.getcrashentry()
- path, lineno = entry.path, entry.lineno
- reprcrash = ReprFileLocation(path, lineno+1, exconly)
- return reprcrash
- def getrepr(self, showlocals=False, style="long",
- abspath=False, tbfilter=True, funcargs=False):
- """ return str()able representation of this exception info.
- showlocals: show locals per traceback entry
- style: long|short|no|native traceback style
- tbfilter: hide entries (where __tracebackhide__ is true)
- """
- if style == 'native':
- import traceback
- return ''.join(traceback.format_exception(
- self.type,
- self.value,
- self.traceback[0]._rawentry,
- ))
- fmt = FormattedExcinfo(showlocals=showlocals, style=style,
- abspath=abspath, tbfilter=tbfilter, funcargs=funcargs)
- return fmt.repr_excinfo(self)
- def __str__(self):
- entry = self.traceback[-1]
- loc = ReprFileLocation(entry.path, entry.lineno + 1, self.exconly())
- return str(loc)
- def __unicode__(self):
- entry = self.traceback[-1]
- loc = ReprFileLocation(entry.path, entry.lineno + 1, self.exconly())
- return unicode(loc)
-class FormattedExcinfo(object):
- """ presenting information about failing Functions and Generators. """
- # for traceback entries
- flow_marker = ">"
- fail_marker = "E"
- def __init__(self, showlocals=False, style="long", abspath=True, tbfilter=True, funcargs=False):
- self.showlocals = showlocals
- = style
- self.tbfilter = tbfilter
- self.funcargs = funcargs
- self.abspath = abspath
- def _getindent(self, source):
- # figure out indent for given source
- try:
- s = str(source.getstatement(len(source)-1))
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- raise
- except:
- try:
- s = str(source[-1])
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- raise
- except:
- return 0
- return 4 + (len(s) - len(s.lstrip()))
- def _getentrysource(self, entry):
- source = entry.getsource()
- if source is not None:
- source = source.deindent()
- return source
- def _saferepr(self, obj):
- return
- def repr_args(self, entry):
- if self.funcargs:
- args = []
- for argname, argvalue in entry.frame.getargs():
- args.append((argname, self._saferepr(argvalue)))
- return ReprFuncArgs(args)
- def get_source(self, source, line_index=-1, excinfo=None, short=False):
- """ return formatted and marked up source lines. """
- lines = []
- if source is None:
- source = py.code.Source("???")
- line_index = 0
- if line_index < 0:
- line_index += len(source)
- for i in range(len(source)):
- if i == line_index:
- prefix = self.flow_marker + " "
- else:
- if short:
- continue
- prefix = " "
- line = prefix + source[i]
- lines.append(line)
- if excinfo is not None:
- indent = self._getindent(source)
- lines.extend(self.get_exconly(excinfo, indent=indent, markall=True))
- return lines
- def get_exconly(self, excinfo, indent=4, markall=False):
- lines = []
- indent = " " * indent
- # get the real exception information out
- exlines = excinfo.exconly(tryshort=True).split('\n')
- failindent = self.fail_marker + indent[1:]
- for line in exlines:
- lines.append(failindent + line)
- if not markall:
- failindent = indent
- return lines
- def repr_locals(self, locals):
- if self.showlocals:
- lines = []
- keys = list(locals)
- keys.sort()
- for name in keys:
- value = locals[name]
- if name == '__builtins__':
- lines.append("__builtins__ = <builtins>")
- else:
- # This formatting could all be handled by the
- # _repr() function, which is only reprlib.Repr in
- # disguise, so is very configurable.
- str_repr = self._saferepr(value)
- #if len(str_repr) < 70 or not isinstance(value,
- # (list, tuple, dict)):
- lines.append("%-10s = %s" %(name, str_repr))
- #else:
- # self._line("%-10s =\\" % (name,))
- # # XXX
- # py.std.pprint.pprint(value, stream=self.excinfowriter)
- return ReprLocals(lines)
- def repr_traceback_entry(self, entry, excinfo=None):
- # excinfo is not None if this is the last tb entry
- source = self._getentrysource(entry)
- if source is None:
- source = py.code.Source("???")
- line_index = 0
- else:
- # entry.getfirstlinesource() can be -1, should be 0 on jython
- line_index = entry.lineno - max(entry.getfirstlinesource(), 0)
- lines = []
- if in ("short", "long"):
- short = == "short"
- reprargs = None
- if not short:
- reprargs = self.repr_args(entry)
- s = self.get_source(source, line_index, excinfo, short=short)
- lines.extend(s)
- if short:
- message = "in %s" %(
- else:
- message = excinfo and excinfo.typename or ""
- path = self._makepath(entry.path)
- filelocrepr = ReprFileLocation(path, entry.lineno+1, message)
- localsrepr = None
- if not short:
- localsrepr = self.repr_locals(entry.locals)
- return ReprEntry(lines, reprargs, localsrepr, filelocrepr, short)
- if excinfo:
- lines.extend(self.get_exconly(excinfo, indent=4))
- return ReprEntry(lines, None, None, None, False)
- def _makepath(self, path):
- if not self.abspath:
- np = py.path.local().bestrelpath(path)
- if len(np) < len(str(path)):
- path = np
- return path
- def repr_traceback(self, excinfo):
- traceback = excinfo.traceback
- if self.tbfilter:
- traceback = traceback.filter()
- recursionindex = None
- if excinfo.errisinstance(RuntimeError):
- recursionindex = traceback.recursionindex()
- last = traceback[-1]
- entries = []
- extraline = None
- for index, entry in enumerate(traceback):
- einfo = (last == entry) and excinfo or None
- reprentry = self.repr_traceback_entry(entry, einfo)
- entries.append(reprentry)
- if index == recursionindex:
- extraline = "!!! Recursion detected (same locals & position)"
- break
- return ReprTraceback(entries, extraline,
- def repr_excinfo(self, excinfo):
- reprtraceback = self.repr_traceback(excinfo)
- reprcrash = excinfo._getreprcrash()
- return ReprExceptionInfo(reprtraceback, reprcrash)
-class TerminalRepr:
- def __str__(self):
- s = self.__unicode__()
- if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
- s = s.encode('utf-8')
- return s
- def __unicode__(self):
- l = []
- tw =
- self.toterminal(tw)
- l = map(unicode_or_repr, l)
- return "".join(l).strip()
- def __repr__(self):
- return "<%s instance at %0x>" %(self.__class__, id(self))
-def unicode_or_repr(obj):
- try:
- return py.builtin._totext(obj)
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- raise
- except Exception:
- return "<print-error: %r>" %
-class ReprExceptionInfo(TerminalRepr):
- def __init__(self, reprtraceback, reprcrash):
- self.reprtraceback = reprtraceback
- self.reprcrash = reprcrash
- self.sections = []
- def addsection(self, name, content, sep="-"):
- self.sections.append((name, content, sep))
- def toterminal(self, tw):
- self.reprtraceback.toterminal(tw)
- for name, content, sep in self.sections:
- tw.sep(sep, name)
- tw.line(content)
-class ReprTraceback(TerminalRepr):
- entrysep = "_ "
- def __init__(self, reprentries, extraline, style):
- self.reprentries = reprentries
- self.extraline = extraline
- = style
- def toterminal(self, tw):
- sepok = False
- for entry in self.reprentries:
- if == "long":
- if sepok:
- tw.sep(self.entrysep)
- tw.line("")
- sepok = True
- entry.toterminal(tw)
- if self.extraline:
- tw.line(self.extraline)
-class ReprEntry(TerminalRepr):
- localssep = "_ "
- def __init__(self, lines, reprfuncargs, reprlocals, filelocrepr, short):
- self.lines = lines
- self.reprfuncargs = reprfuncargs
- self.reprlocals = reprlocals
- self.reprfileloc = filelocrepr
- self.short = short
- def toterminal(self, tw):
- if self.short:
- self.reprfileloc.toterminal(tw)
- for line in self.lines:
- red = line.startswith("E ")
- tw.line(line, bold=True, red=red)
- #tw.line("")
- return
- if self.reprfuncargs:
- self.reprfuncargs.toterminal(tw)
- for line in self.lines:
- red = line.startswith("E ")
- tw.line(line, bold=True, red=red)
- if self.reprlocals:
- #tw.sep(self.localssep, "Locals")
- tw.line("")
- self.reprlocals.toterminal(tw)
- if self.reprfileloc:
- tw.line("")
- self.reprfileloc.toterminal(tw)
- def __str__(self):
- return "%s\n%s\n%s" % ("\n".join(self.lines),
- self.reprlocals,
- self.reprfileloc)
-class ReprFileLocation(TerminalRepr):
- def __init__(self, path, lineno, message):
- self.path = str(path)
- self.lineno = lineno
- self.message = message
- def toterminal(self, tw):
- # filename and lineno output for each entry,
- # using an output format that most editors unterstand
- msg = self.message
- i = msg.find("\n")
- if i != -1:
- msg = msg[:i]
- tw.line("%s:%s: %s" %(self.path, self.lineno, msg))
-class ReprLocals(TerminalRepr):
- def __init__(self, lines):
- self.lines = lines
- def toterminal(self, tw):
- for line in self.lines:
- tw.line(line)
-class ReprFuncArgs(TerminalRepr):
- def __init__(self, args):
- self.args = args
- def toterminal(self, tw):
- if self.args:
- linesofar = ""
- for name, value in self.args:
- ns = "%s = %s" %(name, value)
- if len(ns) + len(linesofar) + 2 > tw.fullwidth:
- if linesofar:
- tw.line(linesofar)
- linesofar = ns
- else:
- if linesofar:
- linesofar += ", " + ns
- else:
- linesofar = ns
- if linesofar:
- tw.line(linesofar)
- tw.line("")
-oldbuiltins = {}
-def patch_builtins(assertion=True, compile=True):
- """ put compile and AssertionError builtins to Python's builtins. """
- if assertion:
- from py._code import assertion
- l = oldbuiltins.setdefault('AssertionError', [])
- l.append(py.builtin.builtins.AssertionError)
- py.builtin.builtins.AssertionError = assertion.AssertionError
- if compile:
- l = oldbuiltins.setdefault('compile', [])
- l.append(py.builtin.builtins.compile)
- py.builtin.builtins.compile = py.code.compile
-def unpatch_builtins(assertion=True, compile=True):
- """ remove compile and AssertionError builtins from Python builtins. """
- if assertion:
- py.builtin.builtins.AssertionError = oldbuiltins['AssertionError'].pop()
- if compile:
- py.builtin.builtins.compile = oldbuiltins['compile'].pop()
-def getrawcode(obj):
- """ return code object for given function. """
- try:
- return obj.__code__
- except AttributeError:
- obj = getattr(obj, 'im_func', obj)
- obj = getattr(obj, 'func_code', obj)
- obj = getattr(obj, 'f_code', obj)
- obj = getattr(obj, '__code__', obj)
- return obj