path: root/eggs/mercurial-1.7.3-py2.6-linux-x86_64.egg/mercurial/
diff options
authorNishanth Amuluru2011-01-11 22:41:51 +0530
committerNishanth Amuluru2011-01-11 22:41:51 +0530
commitb03203c8cb991c16ac8a3d74c8c4078182d0bb48 (patch)
tree7cf13b2deacbfaaec99edb431b83ddd5ea734a52 /eggs/mercurial-1.7.3-py2.6-linux-x86_64.egg/mercurial/
parent0c50203cd9eb94b819883c3110922e873f003138 (diff)
removed all the buildout files
Diffstat (limited to 'eggs/mercurial-1.7.3-py2.6-linux-x86_64.egg/mercurial/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 339 deletions
diff --git a/eggs/mercurial-1.7.3-py2.6-linux-x86_64.egg/mercurial/ b/eggs/mercurial-1.7.3-py2.6-linux-x86_64.egg/mercurial/
deleted file mode 100644
index c155fe9..0000000
--- a/eggs/mercurial-1.7.3-py2.6-linux-x86_64.egg/mercurial/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,339 +0,0 @@
-# - repository store handling for Mercurial
-# Copyright 2008 Matt Mackall <>
-# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
-# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.
-from i18n import _
-import osutil, util
-import os, stat
-_sha = util.sha1
-# This avoids a collision between a file named foo and a dir named
-# foo.i or foo.d
-def encodedir(path):
- if not path.startswith('data/'):
- return path
- return (path
- .replace(".hg/", ".hg.hg/")
- .replace(".i/", ".i.hg/")
- .replace(".d/", ".d.hg/"))
-def decodedir(path):
- if not path.startswith('data/') or ".hg/" not in path:
- return path
- return (path
- .replace(".d.hg/", ".d/")
- .replace(".i.hg/", ".i/")
- .replace(".hg.hg/", ".hg/"))
-def _buildencodefun():
- e = '_'
- win_reserved = [ord(x) for x in '\\:*?"<>|']
- cmap = dict([(chr(x), chr(x)) for x in xrange(127)])
- for x in (range(32) + range(126, 256) + win_reserved):
- cmap[chr(x)] = "~%02x" % x
- for x in range(ord("A"), ord("Z")+1) + [ord(e)]:
- cmap[chr(x)] = e + chr(x).lower()
- dmap = {}
- for k, v in cmap.iteritems():
- dmap[v] = k
- def decode(s):
- i = 0
- while i < len(s):
- for l in xrange(1, 4):
- try:
- yield dmap[s[i:i + l]]
- i += l
- break
- except KeyError:
- pass
- else:
- raise KeyError
- return (lambda s: "".join([cmap[c] for c in encodedir(s)]),
- lambda s: decodedir("".join(list(decode(s)))))
-encodefilename, decodefilename = _buildencodefun()
-def _build_lower_encodefun():
- win_reserved = [ord(x) for x in '\\:*?"<>|']
- cmap = dict([(chr(x), chr(x)) for x in xrange(127)])
- for x in (range(32) + range(126, 256) + win_reserved):
- cmap[chr(x)] = "~%02x" % x
- for x in range(ord("A"), ord("Z")+1):
- cmap[chr(x)] = chr(x).lower()
- return lambda s: "".join([cmap[c] for c in s])
-lowerencode = _build_lower_encodefun()
-_windows_reserved_filenames = '''con prn aux nul
- com1 com2 com3 com4 com5 com6 com7 com8 com9
- lpt1 lpt2 lpt3 lpt4 lpt5 lpt6 lpt7 lpt8 lpt9'''.split()
-def _auxencode(path, dotencode):
- res = []
- for n in path.split('/'):
- if n:
- base = n.split('.')[0]
- if base and (base in _windows_reserved_filenames):
- # encode third letter ('aux' -> 'au~78')
- ec = "~%02x" % ord(n[2])
- n = n[0:2] + ec + n[3:]
- if n[-1] in '. ':
- # encode last period or space ('foo...' -> 'foo..~2e')
- n = n[:-1] + "~%02x" % ord(n[-1])
- if dotencode and n[0] in '. ':
- n = "~%02x" % ord(n[0]) + n[1:]
- res.append(n)
- return '/'.join(res)
-def _hybridencode(path, auxencode):
- '''encodes path with a length limit
- Encodes all paths that begin with 'data/', according to the following.
- Default encoding (reversible):
- Encodes all uppercase letters 'X' as '_x'. All reserved or illegal
- characters are encoded as '~xx', where xx is the two digit hex code
- of the character (see encodefilename).
- Relevant path components consisting of Windows reserved filenames are
- masked by encoding the third character ('aux' -> 'au~78', see auxencode).
- Hashed encoding (not reversible):
- If the default-encoded path is longer than MAX_PATH_LEN_IN_HGSTORE, a
- non-reversible hybrid hashing of the path is done instead.
- This encoding uses up to DIR_PREFIX_LEN characters of all directory
- levels of the lowerencoded path, but not more levels than can fit into
- Then follows the filler followed by the sha digest of the full path.
- The filler is the beginning of the basename of the lowerencoded path
- (the basename is everything after the last path separator). The filler
- is as long as possible, filling in characters from the basename until
- the encoded path has MAX_PATH_LEN_IN_HGSTORE characters (or all chars
- of the basename have been taken).
- The extension (e.g. '.i' or '.d') is preserved.
- The string 'data/' at the beginning is replaced with 'dh/', if the hashed
- encoding was used.
- '''
- if not path.startswith('data/'):
- return path
- # escape directories ending with .i and .d
- path = encodedir(path)
- ndpath = path[len('data/'):]
- res = 'data/' + auxencode(encodefilename(ndpath))
- if len(res) > MAX_PATH_LEN_IN_HGSTORE:
- digest = _sha(path).hexdigest()
- aep = auxencode(lowerencode(ndpath))
- _root, ext = os.path.splitext(aep)
- parts = aep.split('/')
- basename = parts[-1]
- sdirs = []
- for p in parts[:-1]:
- d = p[:DIR_PREFIX_LEN]
- if d[-1] in '. ':
- # Windows can't access dirs ending in period or space
- d = d[:-1] + '_'
- t = '/'.join(sdirs) + '/' + d
- if len(t) > _MAX_SHORTENED_DIRS_LEN:
- break
- sdirs.append(d)
- dirs = '/'.join(sdirs)
- if len(dirs) > 0:
- dirs += '/'
- res = 'dh/' + dirs + digest + ext
- space_left = MAX_PATH_LEN_IN_HGSTORE - len(res)
- if space_left > 0:
- filler = basename[:space_left]
- res = 'dh/' + dirs + filler + digest + ext
- return res
-def _calcmode(path):
- try:
- # files in .hg/ will be created using this mode
- mode = os.stat(path).st_mode
- # avoid some useless chmods
- if (0777 & ~util.umask) == (0777 & mode):
- mode = None
- except OSError:
- mode = None
- return mode
-_data = 'data 00manifest.d 00manifest.i 00changelog.d 00changelog.i'
-class basicstore(object):
- '''base class for local repository stores'''
- def __init__(self, path, opener, pathjoiner):
- self.pathjoiner = pathjoiner
- self.path = path
- self.createmode = _calcmode(path)
- op = opener(self.path)
- op.createmode = self.createmode
- self.opener = lambda f, *args, **kw: op(encodedir(f), *args, **kw)
- def join(self, f):
- return self.pathjoiner(self.path, encodedir(f))
- def _walk(self, relpath, recurse):
- '''yields (unencoded, encoded, size)'''
- path = self.pathjoiner(self.path, relpath)
- striplen = len(self.path) + len(os.sep)
- l = []
- if os.path.isdir(path):
- visit = [path]
- while visit:
- p = visit.pop()
- for f, kind, st in osutil.listdir(p, stat=True):
- fp = self.pathjoiner(p, f)
- if kind == stat.S_IFREG and f[-2:] in ('.d', '.i'):
- n = util.pconvert(fp[striplen:])
- l.append((decodedir(n), n, st.st_size))
- elif kind == stat.S_IFDIR and recurse:
- visit.append(fp)
- return sorted(l)
- def datafiles(self):
- return self._walk('data', True)
- def walk(self):
- '''yields (unencoded, encoded, size)'''
- # yield data files first
- for x in self.datafiles():
- yield x
- # yield manifest before changelog
- for x in reversed(self._walk('', False)):
- yield x
- def copylist(self):
- return ['requires'] + _data.split()
-class encodedstore(basicstore):
- def __init__(self, path, opener, pathjoiner):
- self.pathjoiner = pathjoiner
- self.path = self.pathjoiner(path, 'store')
- self.createmode = _calcmode(self.path)
- op = opener(self.path)
- op.createmode = self.createmode
- self.opener = lambda f, *args, **kw: op(encodefilename(f), *args, **kw)
- def datafiles(self):
- for a, b, size in self._walk('data', True):
- try:
- a = decodefilename(a)
- except KeyError:
- a = None
- yield a, b, size
- def join(self, f):
- return self.pathjoiner(self.path, encodefilename(f))
- def copylist(self):
- return (['requires', '00changelog.i'] +
- [self.pathjoiner('store', f) for f in _data.split()])
-class fncache(object):
- # the filename used to be partially encoded
- # hence the encodedir/decodedir dance
- def __init__(self, opener):
- self.opener = opener
- self.entries = None
- def _load(self):
- '''fill the entries from the fncache file'''
- self.entries = set()
- try:
- fp = self.opener('fncache', mode='rb')
- except IOError:
- # skip nonexistent file
- return
- for n, line in enumerate(fp):
- if (len(line) < 2) or (line[-1] != '\n'):
- t = _('invalid entry in fncache, line %s') % (n + 1)
- raise util.Abort(t)
- self.entries.add(decodedir(line[:-1]))
- fp.close()
- def rewrite(self, files):
- fp = self.opener('fncache', mode='wb')
- for p in files:
- fp.write(encodedir(p) + '\n')
- fp.close()
- self.entries = set(files)
- def add(self, fn):
- if self.entries is None:
- self._load()
- if fn not in self.entries:
- self.opener('fncache', 'ab').write(encodedir(fn) + '\n')
- self.entries.add(fn)
- def __contains__(self, fn):
- if self.entries is None:
- self._load()
- return fn in self.entries
- def __iter__(self):
- if self.entries is None:
- self._load()
- return iter(self.entries)
-class fncachestore(basicstore):
- def __init__(self, path, opener, pathjoiner, encode):
- self.encode = encode
- self.pathjoiner = pathjoiner
- self.path = self.pathjoiner(path, 'store')
- self.createmode = _calcmode(self.path)
- op = opener(self.path)
- op.createmode = self.createmode
- fnc = fncache(op)
- self.fncache = fnc
- def fncacheopener(path, mode='r', *args, **kw):
- if mode not in ('r', 'rb') and path.startswith('data/'):
- fnc.add(path)
- return op(self.encode(path), mode, *args, **kw)
- self.opener = fncacheopener
- def join(self, f):
- return self.pathjoiner(self.path, self.encode(f))
- def datafiles(self):
- rewrite = False
- existing = []
- pjoin = self.pathjoiner
- spath = self.path
- for f in self.fncache:
- ef = self.encode(f)
- try:
- st = os.stat(pjoin(spath, ef))
- yield f, ef, st.st_size
- existing.append(f)
- except OSError:
- # nonexistent entry
- rewrite = True
- if rewrite:
- # rewrite fncache to remove nonexistent entries
- # (may be caused by rollback / strip)
- self.fncache.rewrite(existing)
- def copylist(self):
- d = ('data dh fncache'
- ' 00manifest.d 00manifest.i 00changelog.d 00changelog.i')
- return (['requires', '00changelog.i'] +
- [self.pathjoiner('store', f) for f in d.split()])
-def store(requirements, path, opener, pathjoiner=None):
- pathjoiner = pathjoiner or os.path.join
- if 'store' in requirements:
- if 'fncache' in requirements:
- auxencode = lambda f: _auxencode(f, 'dotencode' in requirements)
- encode = lambda f: _hybridencode(f, auxencode)
- return fncachestore(path, opener, pathjoiner, encode)
- return encodedstore(path, opener, pathjoiner)
- return basicstore(path, opener, pathjoiner)