path: root/fossee.tex
diff options
authorPrimal Pappachan2012-06-03 16:10:51 +0530
committerPrimal Pappachan2012-06-03 16:10:51 +0530
commitb5f71053d5d98f71864bc44efec9cf4e72c8d13d (patch)
tree9ec77107ac173ac9c1f9e70f95867177056672f2 /fossee.tex
parenta0c7b492893e501902b54d60aa8ace7cdb9bf5d2 (diff)
First commit
Diffstat (limited to 'fossee.tex')
1 files changed, 182 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fossee.tex b/fossee.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9cc683e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fossee.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+% Beamer Presentation Template
+% Author: Primal Pappachan
+% Last Updated: 4 - 10 - 2011
+\documentclass[compress,red]{beamer} %
+% other themes: AnnArbor, Antibes, Bergen, Berkeley, Berlin, Boadilla, boxes, CambridgeUS, Copenhagen, Darmstadt, default, Dresden, Frankfurt, Goettingen,
+% Hannover, Ilmenau, JuanLesPins, Luebeck, Madrid, Maloe, Marburg, Montpellier, PaloAlto, Pittsburg, Rochester, Singapore, Szeged, classic
+% color themes: albatross, beaver, beetle, crane, default, dolphin, dov, fly, lily, orchid, rose, seagull, seahorse, sidebartab, structure, whale, wolverine
+% font themes: default, professionalfonts, serif, structurebold, structureitalicserif, structuresmallcapsserif
+\logo{} %\logo{\includegraphics[height=0.5cm]{logo.pdf}}
+%% Use \insertlogo to insert the logo at place
+\subtitle{Pythonizing the Indian Engineering Education}
+\author[]{Primal Pappachan, Parth Buch} %\author[Euclid]{Euclid of Alexandria
+\institute{IIT Bombay}
+\date[]{} %\date[ISPN ’80]{27th International Symposium of Prime Numbers}
+ \titlepage
+\section{Spoken Tutorials}
+\frametitle{Offline Workshops}
+\frametitle{Limitation of Offline Workshops}
+\item Limited number of resource persons
+\item Cannot be at more than one place than once
+\item Expensive and time consuming
+\item Knowledge fatigue and no sustained interest
+\begin{block}{Spoken Tutorials}
+Screencasts with a running commentary which explains some aspect of a software.
+\item Emphasizes Self Learning
+\item Short and sweet
+\item Simultaneous
+\item Cost effective
+\item Resusable effort
+\subsection{The Creation Process}
+\frametitle{Inception to Conclusion}
+\item Topic selected based on the reachable audience
+\item Content collected and modularized with the help of domain experts.
+\item Creation of script with examples and evaluation questions
+\item Coordination through github
+\item Have to get yes for a percentage of questions on the checklist
+\item Iterative process of reviewing and editing
+\frametitle{Recording process and Final check}
+\item Recording done after passing the first half of checklist
+\item Video reviewed against the checklist
+\item Novice check
+\item Iterative process until it meets the requirements
+\subsection{Present and Future}
+\item Python(Basic/Advanced)
+\item Version Control
+\item Linux tools
+\item Test Driven Development
+\item Latex
+\begin{block}{Future topics}
+\item Machine Learning using scikits.learn
+\item Image processing using scikits.image
+\item Django
+\item Mayavi
+\frametitle{Spoken Tutorial(ST) application}
+\item User Profiling
+\item Video viewing
+\item Metrics for evaluating effectiveness
+\item Better platform for Spoken Tutorials
+\frametitle{Yes, you can help}
+\item Give Novice/Expert Feedback on the videos
+\item Suggest topics to be covered
+\item Mention resources for content generation
+\item 37 videos completed
+\item 20 under progress
+\item Over 200 workshops in last one year
+\item Better reach and promotion of Python and FOSS
+\item Accessible anywhere, anytime and free of cost
+ \begin{center}
+ \huge
+ Thank you\\ \pause
+ \end{center}