path: root/touch/js/
diff options
authorPrashant S2019-04-22 12:40:40 +0530
committerGitHub2019-04-22 12:40:40 +0530
commitde7bbe5993a48055778c8a2d018c56041f28a3c1 (patch)
treebf9c8002606464bfa3270834d612b4d297bb12c0 /touch/js/
parent4dc90c39ae1a07db5f6f567fae84513c69ca1ac1 (diff)
parent0822e86d67678b72274c01ef3c6f0f7cea9082c9 (diff)
Merge pull request #1 from prashantsinalkar/master
added index files
Diffstat (limited to 'touch/js/')
1 files changed, 235 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/touch/js/ b/touch/js/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..091fc1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/touch/js/
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+# miniSlider, a slider plugin for jQuery
+# Instructions:
+# By: Matthieu Aussaguel,, @mattaussaguel
+# Version: 1.0 Stable
+# More info:
+class Slide
+ constructor: (@element, @index, @options) ->
+ @element.css { position: 'absolute', top: 0, left: @index * @element.width() }
+class Slider
+ constructor: (@container, @options) ->
+ @state = 'waiting'
+ @size =
+ height: @container.height()
+ width: @container.width()
+ @container.css({ overflow: 'hidden', position: 'absolute', top: 0, left: 0 })
+ .wrap("<div class='#{@options.containerClass}' style='position: relative; overflow: hidden;'/>")
+ @wrapper = @container.parent()
+ @initSlides()
+ appendNavigation: ->
+ @wrapper.after(@nextLink())
+ .after(@previousLink())
+ @nextLink().on 'click', =>
+ @stopAutoplay()
+ @next()
+ return false
+ @previousLink().on 'click', =>
+ @stopAutoplay()
+ @previous()
+ return false
+ appendPagination: ->
+ @wrapper.after(@pagination())
+ @pagination().on 'click', 'a', (e) =>
+ @to (($ e.currentTarget).data().index - 1 )
+ @stopAutoplay()
+ return false
+ previousLink: -> @$previousLink ||= $('<a />', { html: @options.previousBtnContent, class: @options.previousBtnClass, href: '#' })
+ nextLink: -> @$nextLink ||= $('<a />', { html: @options.nextBtnContent, class: @options.nextBtnClass, href: '#' })
+ pagination: ->
+ unless @$pagination
+ @$pagination = $('<ul />', class: @options.paginationClass)
+ @$pagination.append("<li><a href='#' data-index='#{index + 1}'>#{index + 1}</a></li>") for slide, index in @slides
+ @$pagination
+ currentPaginationElement: -> @pagination().find("li:eq(#{@currentIndex})")
+ count: -> @slides.length
+ initSlides: ->
+ # Create array of slide objects
+ @slides = []
+ @container.children().each (index, element) =>
+ @slides.push(new Slide($(element), index, @options))
+ @container.css('width', @size.width * @slides.length)
+ @initTracker()
+ currentSlideElement: -> @slideElementForIndex @currentIndex
+ previousSlideElement: -> @slideElementForIndex @previousIndex
+ nextSlideElement: -> @slideElementForIndex @nextIndex
+ slideElementForIndex: (index) -> @slides[index].element
+ initTracker: ->
+ @currentIndex = 0
+ @previousIndex = @count() - 1
+ @nextIndex = 1
+ @addCssClasses()
+ updateTracker: (newIndex) ->
+ @removeCssClasses()
+ @currentIndex = newIndex
+ @previousIndex = if newIndex is 0 then @count() - 1 else newIndex - 1
+ @nextIndex = if newIndex is @count() - 1 then 0 else newIndex + 1
+ @addCssClasses()
+ addCssClasses: ->
+ @currentSlideElement().addClass @options.currentClass
+ @previousSlideElement().addClass @options.previousClass
+ @nextSlideElement().addClass @options.nextClass
+ @currentPaginationElement().addClass(@options.currentPaginationClass)
+ removeCssClasses: ->
+ @currentSlideElement().removeClass @options.currentClass
+ @previousSlideElement().removeClass @options.previousClass
+ @nextSlideElement().removeClass @options.nextClass
+ @currentPaginationElement().removeClass(@options.currentPaginationClass)
+ playing: -> @autoplayId?
+ startAutoPlay: ->
+ @autoplayId = window.setInterval =>
+ @next()
+ , @options.delay
+ stopAutoplay: ->
+ if @playing()
+ clearInterval @autoplayId
+ @autoplayId = null
+ play: ->
+ @startAutoPlay()
+ if @options.pauseOnHover
+ @container.children()
+ .on('mouseover', =>
+ @pause()
+ ).on('mouseleave', =>
+ @resume()
+ )
+ next: -> @to @nextIndex
+ previous: -> @to @previousIndex
+ callAnimationCallbackFunction: (functionName, index) ->
+ @options[functionName](@slideElementForIndex(index),index + 1)
+ to: (index) ->
+ unless @state is 'animating'
+ @state = 'animating'
+ @callAnimationCallbackFunction 'onTransition', index
+ @container.animate({ left: 0 - (@size.width * index) }, @options.transitionSpeed, @options.transitionEasing, =>
+ @updateTracker index
+ @state = 'waiting'
+ @callAnimationCallbackFunction 'onComplete', index
+ )
+ pause: -> @stopAutoplay()
+ resume: -> @startAutoPlay()
+$ ->
+ $.miniSlider = (element, options) ->
+ # default plugin settings
+ @defaults =
+ # general
+ autoPlay: true # autoplay slides
+ delay: 3000 # delay between slides
+ containerClass: 'slider-container' # slider container class name
+ # slides
+ currentClass: 'current' # current slide class name
+ previousClass: 'previous' # previous slide class name
+ nextClass: 'next' # next slide class name
+ # transition
+ transitionSpeed: 500 # transition speed between slides
+ transitionEasing: '' # easing animation for the slides transition
+ # navigation
+ pauseOnHover: false # pause on mouse over
+ showNavigation: true # show next/previous buttons
+ previousBtnClass: 'previous-btn' # previous button class
+ nextBtnClass: 'next-btn' # next button class
+ previousBtnContent: '&lsaquo;' # previous button html content
+ nextBtnContent: '&rsaquo;' # next button html content
+ showPagination: true # show slider pagination
+ paginationClass: 'pagination' # pagination wrapper class
+ currentPaginationClass: 'current-pagination' # current pagination list item class
+ # callbacks
+ onLoad: -> # Function(), called when miniSlider is loading
+ onReady: -> # Function(), called when miniSlider is ready
+ onTransition: -> # Function(slide, number), called when the slide is in sliding
+ onComplete: -> # Function(slide, number), called when the slide transition is complete
+ ## public variables
+ # plugin settings
+ @settings = {}
+ # jQuery version of DOM element attached to the plugin
+ @$element = $ element
+ # slider object
+ @slider = {}
+ ## public methods
+ # get particular plugin setting
+ @getSetting = (settingKey) ->
+ @settings[settingKey]
+ # call one of the plugin setting functions
+ @callSettingFunction = (functionName) ->
+ @settings[functionName]()
+ # init function
+ @init = ->
+ @settings = $.extend {}, @defaults, options
+ @callSettingFunction 'onLoad'
+ @slider = new Slider(@$element, @settings)
+ @slider.appendPagination() if @getSetting 'showPagination'
+ @slider.appendNavigation() if @getSetting 'showNavigation'
+ @callSettingFunction 'onReady'
+ if @getSetting 'autoPlay'
+ # initialise the plugin
+ @init()
+ this
+ $.fn.miniSlider = (options) ->
+ return this.each ->
+ if undefined == $(this).data 'miniSlider'
+ plugin = new $.miniSlider this, options
+ $(this).data 'miniSlider', plugin \ No newline at end of file