BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
master[vishnu] Added comments in the schematic for easy understanding.Vishnu Easwaran E4 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2020-09-15[vishnu] Added comments in the schematic for easy understanding.HEADmasterVishnu Easwaran E
2020-05-15[vishnu] .gitignore files added. "imgaes" changed to "assets" andVishnu Easwaran E
2019-03-20label correction&additions in traffic&switches modules. Updated gerbers - bot...easwaran
2019-03-04altered switches-board design; shifted resistoreaswaran
2019-02-26swapped power and switch connector postionseaswaran
2019-01-28updated imageseaswaran
2019-01-24majorly - added port numbers; rotated 7805easwaran
2019-01-22transistor driving in traffic light; updated the BOM and gerbers accordinglyeaswaran
2019-01-22gerbers generateeaswaran
2019-01-22Consolidated BOM addedeaswaran