diff options
2 files changed, 1 insertions, 256 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 206d467..a59bd63 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -60,258 +60,3 @@ function om_pssp_project_files() {
-function om_pssp_download_solution_file()
- $solution_file_id = arg(3);
- $root_path = om_pssp_path();
- // $solution_files_q = db_query("SELECT * FROM {om_pssp_solution_files} WHERE id = %d LIMIT 1", $solution_file_id);
- $solution_files_q = db_query("SELECT lmsf.*, lmp.directory_name FROM om_pssp_solution_files lmsf JOIN om_pssp_solution lms JOIN om_pssp_experiment lme JOIN om_pssp_proposal lmp WHERE = lmsf.solution_id AND = lms.experiment_id AND = lme.proposal_id AND = :solution_id LIMIT 1", array(
- ':solution_id' => $solution_file_id
- ));
- $solution_file_data = $solution_files_q->fetchObject();
- header('Content-Type: ' . $solution_file_data->filemime);
- //header('Content-Type: application/octet-stram');
- header('Content-disposition: attachment; filename="' . str_replace(' ', '_', ($solution_file_data->filename)) . '"');
- header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($root_path . $solution_file_data->directory_name . '/' . $solution_file_data->filepath));
- readfile($root_path . $solution_file_data->directory_name . '/' . $solution_file_data->filepath);
-function om_pssp_download_dependency_file()
- $dependency_file_id = arg(3);
- $root_path = om_pssp_path();
- //$dependency_file_q = db_query("SELECT * FROM {om_pssp_dependency_files} WHERE id = %d LIMIT 1", $dependency_file_id);
- $query = db_select('om_pssp_dependency_files');
- $query->fields('om_pssp_dependency_files');
- $query->condition('id', $dependency_file_id);
- $query->range(0, 1);
- $dependency_files_q = $query->execute();
- $dependency_file_data = $dependency_files_q->fetchObject();
- header('Content-Type: ' . $dependency_file_data->filemime);
- header('Content-disposition: attachment; filename="' . str_replace(' ', '_', ($dependency_file_data->filename)) . '"');
- header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($root_path . $dependency_file_data->filepath));
- readfile($root_path . $dependency_file_data->filepath);
-function om_pssp_download_solution()
- $solution_id = arg(3);
- $root_path = om_pssp_path();
- $query = db_select('om_pssp_solution');
- $query->fields('om_pssp_solution');
- $query->condition('id', $solution_id);
- $solution_q = $query->execute();
- $solution_data = $solution_q->fetchObject();
- $query = db_select('om_pssp_experiment');
- $query->fields('om_pssp_experiment');
- $query->condition('id', $solution_data->experiment_id);
- $experiment_q = $query->execute();
- $experiment_data = $experiment_q->fetchObject();
- $solution_files_q = db_query("SELECT lmsf.*, lmp.directory_name FROM om_pssp_solution_files lmsf JOIN om_pssp_solution lms JOIN om_pssp_experiment lme JOIN om_pssp_proposal lmp WHERE = lmsf.solution_id AND = lms.experiment_id AND = lme.proposal_id AND = :solution_id", array(
- ':solution_id' => $solution_id
- ));
- $query = db_select('om_pssp_solution_dependency');
- $query->fields('om_pssp_solution_dependency');
- $query->condition('solution_id', $solution_id);
- $solution_dependency_files_q = $query->execute();
- $CODE_PATH = 'CODE' . $solution_data->code_number . '/';
- /* zip filename */
- //$zip_filename = $root_path . 'zip-' . time() . '-' . rand(0, 999999) . '.zip';
- /* creating zip archive on the server */
- /*$zip = new ZipArchive;
- $zip->open($zip_filename, ZipArchive::CREATE);
- while ($solution_files_row = $solution_files_q->fetchObject())
- {
- $zip->addFile($root_path . $solution_files_row->directory_name . '/' . $solution_files_row->filepath, $CODE_PATH . str_replace(' ', '_', ($solution_files_row->filename)));
- } //$solution_files_row = $solution_files_q->fetchObject()
- /* dependency files */
- /*while ($solution_dependency_files_row = $solution_dependency_files_q->fetchObject())
- {
- $query = db_select('om_pssp_dependency_files');
- $query->fields('om_pssp_dependency_files');
- $query->condition('id', $solution_dependency_files_row->dependency_id);
- $query->range(0, 1);
- $dependency_file_data = $query->execute()->fetchObject();
- if ($dependency_file_data)
- $zip->addFile($root_path . $dependency_file_data->filepath, $CODE_PATH . 'DEPENDENCIES/' . str_replace(' ', '_', ($dependency_file_data->filename)));
- } //$solution_dependency_files_row = $solution_dependency_files_q->fetchObject()
- $zip_file_count = $zip->numFiles;
- $zip->close();
- if ($zip_file_count > 0)
- {
- /* download zip file */
- /*header('Content-Type: application/zip');
- header('Content-disposition: attachment; filename="CODE' . $solution_data->code_number . '.zip"');
- header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($zip_filename));
- ob_clean();
- //flush();
- readfile($zip_filename);
- unlink($zip_filename);
- } //$zip_file_count > 0
- else
- {
- drupal_set_message("There are no files in this solutions to download", 'error');
- drupal_goto('lab-migration/lab-migration-run');
- }
-function om_pssp_download_experiment()
- $experiment_id = (int) arg(3);
- $root_path = om_pssp_path();
- /* get solution data */
-/* $query = db_select('om_pssp_experiment');
- $query->fields('om_pssp_experiment');
- $query->condition('id', $experiment_id);
- $experiment_q = $query->execute();
- $experiment_data = $experiment_q->fetchObject();
- $EXP_PATH = 'EXP' . $experiment_data->number . '/';
- /* zip filename */
- //$zip_filename = $root_path . 'zip-' . time() . '-' . rand(0, 999999) . '.zip';
- /* creating zip archive on the server */
- /*$zip = new ZipArchive;
- $zip->open($zip_filename, ZipArchive::CREATE);
- $query = db_select('om_pssp_solution');
- $query->fields('om_pssp_solution');
- $query->condition('experiment_id', $experiment_id);
- $query->condition('approval_status', 1);
- $solution_q = $query->execute();
- while ($solution_row = $solution_q->fetchObject())
- {
- $CODE_PATH = 'CODE' . $solution_row->code_number . '/';
- $solution_files_q = db_query("SELECT lmsf.*, lmp.directory_name FROM om_pssp_solution_files lmsf JOIN om_pssp_solution lms JOIN om_pssp_experiment lme JOIN om_pssp_proposal lmp WHERE = lmsf.solution_id AND = lms.experiment_id AND = lme.proposal_id AND lmsf.solution_id = :solution_id", array(
- ':solution_id' => $solution_row->id
- ));
- while ($solution_files_row = $solution_files_q->fetchObject())
- {
- $zip->addFile($root_path . $solution_files_row->directory_name . '/' . $solution_files_row->filepath, $EXP_PATH . $CODE_PATH . str_replace(' ', '_', ($solution_files_row->filename)));
- } //$solution_files_row = $solution_files_q->fetchObject()
- /* dependency files */
- /* $query = db_select('om_pssp_solution_dependency');
- $query->fields('om_pssp_solution_dependency');
- $query->condition('solution_id', $solution_row->id);
- $solution_dependency_files_q = $query->execute();
- while ($solution_dependency_files_row = $solution_dependency_files_q->fetchObject())
- {
- $query = db_select('om_pssp_dependency_files');
- $query->fields('om_pssp_dependency_files');
- $query->condition('id', $solution_dependency_files_row->dependency_id);
- $query->range(0, 1);
- $dependency_file_data = $query->execute()->fetchObject();
- if ($dependency_file_data)
- $zip->addFile($root_path . $dependency_file_data->filepath, $EXP_PATH . $CODE_PATH . 'DEPENDENCIES/' . str_replace(' ', '_', ($dependency_file_data->filename)));
- } //$solution_dependency_files_row = $solution_dependency_files_q->fetchObject()
- } //$solution_row = $solution_q->fetchObject()
- $zip_file_count = $zip->numFiles;
- $zip->close();
- if ($zip_file_count > 0)
- {
- /* download zip file */
- /* header('Content-Type: application/zip');
- header('Content-disposition: attachment; filename="EXP' . $experiment_data->number . '.zip"');
- header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($zip_filename));
- ob_clean();
- //flush();
- readfile($zip_filename);
- unlink($zip_filename);
- } //$zip_file_count > 0
- else
- {
- drupal_set_message("There are no solutions in this experiment to download", 'error');
- drupal_goto('lab-migration/lab-migration-run');
- }
-function om_pssp_download_lab()
- global $user;
- $lab_id = arg(3);
- $root_path = om_pssp_path();
- $query = db_select('om_pssp_proposal');
- $query->fields('om_pssp_proposal');
- $query->condition('id', $lab_id);
- $lab_q = $query->execute();
- $lab_data = $lab_q->fetchObject();
- $LAB_PATH = $lab_data->lab_title . '/';
- /* zip filename */
-// $zip_filename = $root_path . 'zip-' . time() . '-' . rand(0, 999999) . '.zip';
- /* creating zip archive on the server */
-/* $zip = new ZipArchive();
- $zip->open($zip_filename, ZipArchive::CREATE);
- $query = db_select('om_pssp_experiment');
- $query->fields('om_pssp_experiment');
- $query->condition('proposal_id', $lab_id);
- $experiment_q = $query->execute();
- while ($experiment_row = $experiment_q->fetchObject())
- {
- $EXP_PATH = 'EXP' . $experiment_row->number . '/';
- //$solution_q = db_query("SELECT * FROM {om_pssp_solution} WHERE experiment_id = %d AND approval_status = 1", $experiment_row->id);
- $query = db_select('om_pssp_solution');
- $query->fields('om_pssp_solution');
- $query->condition('experiment_id', $experiment_row->id);
- $query->condition('approval_status', 1);
- $solution_q = $query->execute();
- while ($solution_row = $solution_q->fetchObject())
- {
- $CODE_PATH = 'CODE' . $solution_row->code_number . '/';
- //$solution_files_q = db_query("SELECT * FROM {om_pssp_solution_files} WHERE solution_id = %d", $solution_row->id);
- $solution_files_q = db_query("SELECT lmsf.*, lmp.directory_name FROM om_pssp_solution_files lmsf JOIN om_pssp_solution lms JOIN om_pssp_experiment lme JOIN om_pssp_proposal lmp WHERE = lmsf.solution_id AND = lms.experiment_id AND = lme.proposal_id AND = :solution_id", array(
- ':solution_id' => $solution_row->id
- ));
- $query = db_select('om_pssp_solution_dependency');
- $query->fields('om_pssp_solution_dependency');
- $query->condition('solution_id', $solution_row->id);
- $solution_dependency_files_q = $query->execute();
- while ($solution_files_row = $solution_files_q->fetchObject())
- {
- $zip->addFile($root_path . $solution_files_row->directory_name . '/' . $solution_files_row->filepath, $EXP_PATH . $CODE_PATH . str_replace(' ', '_', ($solution_files_row->filename)));
- //var_dump($zip->numFiles);
- } //$solution_files_row = $solution_files_q->fetchObject()
- // die;
- /* dependency files */
- /* while ($solution_dependency_files_row = $solution_dependency_files_q->fetchObject())
- {
- //$dependency_file_data = (db_query("SELECT * FROM {om_pssp_dependency_files} WHERE id = %d LIMIT 1", $solution_dependency_files_row->dependency_id))->fetchObject();
- $query = db_select('om_pssp_dependency_files');
- $query->fields('om_pssp_dependency_files');
- $query->condition('id', $solution_dependency_files_row->dependency_id);
- $query->range(0, 1);
- $dependency_file_data = $query->execute()->fetchObject();
- if ($dependency_file_data)
- $zip->addFile($root_path . $dependency_file_data->filepath, $EXP_PATH . $CODE_PATH . 'DEPENDENCIES/' . str_replace(' ', '_', ($dependency_file_data->filename)));
- } //$solution_dependency_files_row = $solution_dependency_files_q->fetchObject()
- } //$solution_row = $solution_q->fetchObject()
- } //$experiment_row = $experiment_q->fetchObject()
- $zip_file_count = $zip->numFiles;
- $zip->close();
- if ($zip_file_count > 0)
- {
- if ($user->uid)
- {
- /* download zip file */
-/* header('Content-Type: application/zip');
- header('Content-disposition: attachment; filename="' . str_replace(' ', '_', $lab_data->lab_title) . '.zip"');
- header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($zip_filename));
- ob_clean();
- //flush();
- readfile($zip_filename);
- unlink($zip_filename);
- } //$user->uid
- else
- {
- header('Content-Type: application/zip');
- header('Content-disposition: attachment; filename="' . str_replace(' ', '_', $lab_data->lab_title) . '.zip"');
- header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($zip_filename));
- header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");
- header('Expires: 0');
- header('Pragma: no-cache');
- ob_end_flush();
- ob_clean();
- flush();
- readfile($zip_filename);
- unlink($zip_filename);
- }
- } //$zip_file_count > 0
- else
- {
- drupal_set_message("There are no solutions in this Lab to download", 'error');
- drupal_goto('lab-migration/lab-migration-run');
- }
-}*/ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/om_pssp.module b/om_pssp.module
index f5a0bed..c9ab287 100755
--- a/om_pssp.module
+++ b/om_pssp.module
@@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ function om_pssp_get_proposal()
if (!$proposal_data)
drupal_set_message("You do not have any approved om pssp proposal. Please propose the Power System Simulation proposal", 'error');
- drupal_goto('');
+ drupal_goto('powersystems');
} //!$proposal_data
switch ($proposal_data->approval_status)