AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-09-24Updated Ngspice website urlv2.3rahulp13
2022-02-28Merge pull request #83 from rahulp13/masterv2.2Rahul P
2022-02-23Fix gcc file truncation issuerahulp13
2022-02-21Merge pull request #77 from rahulp13/masterSumanto Kar
2022-02-21Merge pull request #78 from rahulp13/update-ngspice-sourceSumanto Kar
2022-02-21Merge pull request #79 from rahulp13/win_home-path_build-cmdSumanto Kar
2022-02-20Prevent displaying (optional) gtkwave error messagesrahulp13
2022-02-20Restructured config paths and updated build commands on Windows OSrahulp13
2022-02-20Removed test parameter tablerahulp13
2022-02-20Resolves HOME path issue on Windows OSrahulp13
2022-02-20Replaced SafeConfigParser alias with ConfigParserrahulp13
2022-02-20added description for verilog supportrahulp13
2022-02-20Restructured as part of Ngspice sourcerahulp13
2022-02-20Updated workflow for the updated Ngspice sourcerahulp13
2022-02-20Updated ngspice source for ghdl and verilator supportrahulp13
2022-02-14Revert "Adding other changes for Upgradation to NgSpice-35"rahulp13
2022-02-10Merge pull request #75 from rahulp13/masterv2.2_pre-releaseRahul P
2022-02-10updated readme releases and pre-requisitesrahulp13
2022-02-10fixed typorahulp13
2022-01-11Adding other changes for Upgradation to NgSpice-35Eyantra698Sumanto
2022-01-11Added the option for gtkwaveEyantra698Sumanto
2022-01-11Editing outitf.c for upgrading to NgSpice-35Eyantra698Sumanto
2022-01-11Upgrading to Ngspice-35Eyantra698Sumanto
2021-01-08Merge pull request #61 from rahulp13/masterv2.1Rahul Paknikar
2021-01-08update readmerahulp13
2020-12-16flake8 compliantrahulp13
2020-12-14changed temp location and updated server start command for win osrahulp13
2020-12-14removed 'make install' process for win osrahulp13
2020-08-08Merge pull request #58 from rahulp13/masterRahul P
2020-08-06Merge pull request #6 from bladen-martin/masterRahul P
2020-08-06Delete start_server.shBladen Martin
2020-08-06Update outitf.cBladen Martin
2020-08-06added NGHDL main window as parent to the message windowsrahulp13
2020-08-06resolved issue with byte array objectrahulp13
2020-08-06replaced deprecated SafeConfigParser with ConfigParserrahulp13
2020-08-06ported GUI to PyQt5rahulp13
2020-08-06updated readmerahulp13
2020-08-05resolved bug for undefined behavior of fcloserahulp13
2020-07-17flake8 compliant and visual indentrahulp13
2020-07-16Merge pull request #2 from bladen-martin/masterRahul P
2020-07-14Merge branch 'master' into masterBladen Martin
2020-07-14v.31 - for Windows and LinuxBladen Martin
2020-07-14cleaned up codeBladen Martin
2020-07-14OS - independent with Windows compatabilityBladen Martin
2020-07-14bug fixes and restructured codeBladen Martin
2020-06-24changes in makefiles for WindowsBladen Martin
2020-06-08patch for closing server, in Windows and LinuxBladen Martin
2020-06-08Code has been made OS independentBladen Martin
2020-06-08Code made OS-idependentBladen Martin
2020-06-06Added patch for Windows, Code made multi-platform(linux & Windows)Bladen Martin