diff options
authorRahul Paknikar2021-01-08 11:58:08 +0530
committerGitHub2021-01-08 11:58:08 +0530
commit774d1a1100634b3d64b20f3b87f8ac453f3d58dc (patch)
parent685bc96bcef1109164d879492449e54b2f6baf08 (diff)
parent91efdb04217204a5af41d1cb6e4ca71f70ab6a89 (diff)
Merge pull request #60 from rahulp13/installersi2.1
updated installer for windows os
-rw-r--r--Windows/nghdl-setup-script.nsi (renamed from Windows/installnghdl.nsi)380
-rw-r--r--Windows/sources/ngspice-nghdl.7zbin0 -> 6709844 bytes
5 files changed, 344 insertions, 300 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 8f3fda1..afab85a 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,68 +1,94 @@
# Changes for Ngspice version upgrade
-1. Manually add the GHDL server close patch (header files and `close_server` function at the appropriate location) in the `outitf.c` which comes with the new Ngspice version.
+1. Download the source code for the new Ngspice version and rename its top-level directory as `ngspice-nghdl`.
-> Note: Compare with previous version of NGHDL `outitf.c` file for applying the patch.
+2. Manually add the GHDL server close patch (Necessary C headers and `close_server` function at the appropriate location) in the `outitf.c` which comes with the new Ngspice version.
-2. Call this function `close_server()` in `outitf.c` before the line:
+ > Note: Intelligently compare with previous version of NGHDL `outitf.c` file for applying the patch.
+3. Call this function `close_server()` in `outitf.c` before the line:
- fprintf(stdout, "\nNo. of Data Rows : %d\n", run->pointCount);
-occurring in following two functions of `outitf.c` (may not be same in the future):
- static void fileEnd(runDesc *run)
- static void plotEnd(runDesc *run)
-> Note:
-> 1. Do not replace old `outitf.c` with the `outitf.c` in the new Ngspice version.
-> 2. Make sure to maintain OS independence of the code, that is same code file for Windows and Linux.
-3. Similarly, manually add patch for identification of Mingw and linking of `libws2_32.a` to `` at *`/ngspice/src/xspice/icm`* **after the line `LIBS = -lm`** (important)
- ISMINGW = $(shell uname | grep -c "MINGW64")
- ifeq ($(ISMINGW), 1)
- LIBS = -lm -lws2_32
- endif
- ISMINGW = $(shell uname | grep -c "MINGW32")
- ifeq ($(ISMINGW), 1)
- LIBS = -lm -lws2_32
- endif
- ISMINGW = $(shell uname | grep -c "MSYS")
- ifeq ($(ISMINGW), 1)
- LIBS = -lm -lws2_32
- endif
-4. Add patch for linking `libws2_32.a` in Windows OS at `` at *`/ngspice/src/`* by modifying the line:
- @WINGUI_TRUE@am__append_19 = -lpsapi -lShlwapi
- @WINGUI_TRUE@am__append_19 = -lpsapi -lShlwapi -lws2_32
-5. Add GHDL codemodel to the file at *`/ngspice/src/`* as an addition to the section:
- * The other codemodels
-with the line:
- @XSPICEINIT@ codemodel @pkglibdir@/
-and in `` at *`/ngspice/src/xspice/icm`* by replacing the line:
- CMDIRS = spice2poly digital analog xtradev xtraevt table
- CMDIRS = spice2poly digital analog xtradev xtraevt table ghdl
-6. Create a **`ghdl` folder** with two empty files named `modpath.lst` and `udnpath.lst` at the location *`/ngspice/src/xspice/icm/`*
+ ```c
+ fprintf(stdout, "\nNo. of Data Rows : %d\n", run->pointCount);
+ ```
+ occurring in following two functions of `outitf.c` (may not be same in the future):
+ ```c
+ static void fileEnd(runDesc *run)
+ ```
+ and
+ ```c
+ static void plotEnd(runDesc *run)
+ ```
+4. Replace the old `outitf.c` at `src` directory of `master` branch of `nghdl` repository with this newly patched version of `outitf.c` file.
+5. Similarly, manually add following patch for identification of Mingw and linking of `libws2_32.a` to `` at *`ngspice-nghdl/src/xspice/icm`* **after the line `LIBS = -lm`** (important)
+ ```make
+ ISMINGW = $(shell uname | grep -c "MINGW64")
+ ifeq ($(ISMINGW), 1)
+ LIBS = -lm -lws2_32
+ endif
+ ISMINGW = $(shell uname | grep -c "MINGW32")
+ ifeq ($(ISMINGW), 1)
+ LIBS = -lm -lws2_32
+ endif
+ ISMINGW = $(shell uname | grep -c "MSYS")
+ ifeq ($(ISMINGW), 1)
+ LIBS = -lm -lws2_32
+ endif
+ ```
+6. Add patch for linking `libws2_32.a` in Windows OS at `` at *`ngspice-nghdl/src/`* by modifying the line:
+ ```make
+ @WINGUI_TRUE@am__append_19 = -lpsapi -lShlwapi
+ ```
+ To
+ ```make
+ @WINGUI_TRUE@am__append_19 = -lpsapi -lShlwapi -lws2_32
+ ```
+7. Add GHDL codemodel to the file at *`ngspice-nghdl/src/`* as an addition to the section:
+ ```make
+ * The other codemodels
+ ```
+ with the line:
+ ```make
+ @XSPICEINIT@ codemodel @pkglibdir@/
+ ```
+ and in `` at *`ngspice-nghdl/src/xspice/icm`* by replacing the line:
+ ```make
+ CMDIRS = spice2poly digital analog xtradev xtraevt table
+ ```
+ with
+ ```make
+ CMDIRS = spice2poly digital analog xtradev xtraevt table ghdl
+ ```
+8. Create a **`ghdl` directory** with two empty files named `modpath.lst` and `udnpath.lst` at the location *`ngspice-nghdl/src/xspice/icm/`*
+ > Note: For Ubuntu OS, now compress this new version of Ngspice to `ngspice-nghdl.tar.xz` file and replace the existing older tar file at the `master` branch of this repository.
+## Following procedures are specific only to Windows OS:
+9. Now build and generate Ngspice executable on Windows OS with the following command in a bash shell:
+ ```console
+ $ mkdir release
+ $ mkdir install_dir
+ $ cd release
+ $ ../configure --with-wingui --enable-xspice --disable-debug --prefix=<absolute_path>/ngspice-nghdl/install_dir --exec-prefix=<absolute_path>/ngspice-nghdl/install_dir
+ $ make
+ $ make install
+ ```
+ > Note: MSYS + MinGW environment must be setup before building Ngspice. Refer this [documentation](Windows/ for the same.
+10. Move the generated ghdl code model from `ngspice-nghdl/release/src/xspice/icm/` to the `ngspice-nghdl/lib/ngspice/` directory.
+11. Download Ngspice which is readily available to be used directly on Windows OS. Now, intelligently merge this downloaded version with the built version (from step 10) except the `ngspice-nghdl/bin` directory.
+12. Extract the `ngspice-nghdl.7z` from `Windows/sources/` directory of `installers` branch of this repository. Make the directory structure of the merged version (from step 11) similar to that of this extacted older version.
+13. Now, compress this new structured version of Ngspice to a `.7z` format and replace the existing older `ngspice-nghdl.7z` at `Windows/sources/` directory of `installers` branch of this repository.
diff --git a/Windows/ b/Windows/
index f63e717..c01c147 100644
--- a/Windows/
+++ b/Windows/
@@ -1,13 +1,15 @@
NGHDL Installer (Windows OS)
+It contains all the documentation for making NGHDL executable (using PyInstaller) and packging NGHDL for Windows 7 and above.
-It contains all the documenation for making NGHDL executable (using PyInstaller) and packging for eSim Installation Script on Windows 7 and above.
+> Note: Do not develop NGHDL on Windows OS. Work only with `installers` branch on Windows OS and do development on Linux OS.
+> Reference :
## NGHDL Executable:
-1. Download and install "Python-3.5.2", "Git For Windows". Use "Git Bash" for all following shell commands.
+1. Download and install "Python-3.6.8", "Git For Windows". Use "Git Bash" for all following shell commands. Ensure that `tcl/tk` (`tkinter`) is also installed with Python as it is required by `matplotlib` dependency
Reference -
@@ -27,38 +29,20 @@ It contains all the documenation for making NGHDL executable (using PyInstaller)
$ source nghdl/Scripts/activate
-6. Install all Python dependencies for NGHDL within the virtual environment as:
- - Install PyInstaller, SetupTools through pip :
+6. Install the Python dependencies `PyInstaller`, `SetupTools`, `PyQt5` through pip for NGHDL within the virtual environment:
$ pip install pyinstaller
- $ pip install --upgrade 'setuptools<45.0.0'
- - Install PyQt4 through pip (Reference - :
- $ pip install --upgrade 'sip<5.0.0'
- $ pip install <wheel_package_of_PyQt4>
- Download PyQt4 Wheel from - []
- Where cp37 represents the Python version i.e. 3.7.x and so on
- > Note :
- - If there are any issues regarding loading of DLL files, refer :
- - If above step works, then goto step 7.
+ $ pip install setuptools
+ $ pip install PyQt5
7. Test whether only NGHDL dependencies are available or not:
$ pip freeze
-> Note : Following dependencies should be available -
-> - PyQt4
-> - sip
-> - altgraph
-> - future
-> - pefile
+> Note: Following Python packages for NGHDL along with their dependencies should be available -
+> - PyQt5
+> - PyQt5-sip
> - pyinstaller
-> - pywin32-ctypes
8. Create spec file as:
@@ -69,39 +53,40 @@ It contains all the documenation for making NGHDL executable (using PyInstaller)
$ pyinstaller -F --clean nghdl.spec
10. Verify whether all NGHDL `src` files (`*.py`) have been included in `Analysis-00.toc` file under the build folder generated by PyInstaller.
-11. nghdl.exe is generated at the dist folder.
## How to package NGHDL with eSim ?
-1. Place the nghdl.exe generated from the above process at the location /nghdl/src/
-2. Delete all python files (files ending in .py) at /nghdl/src/
+1. Take the `master` branch of NGHDL. Rename the folder to `nghdl`.
-3. Remove the following files at /nghdl/
- - .gitignore
+2. Place the NGHDL executable (`nghdl.exe`) at the location `nghdl/src/`. Also, remove following files from the `nghdl` folder:
+ - `.git` folder
+ - python files from `nghdl/src` folder
+ - .gitignore
+ - ngspice-nghdl.tar.xz (Move it outside the folder as it is required later on)
-4. Place **nghdl** folder containing `src folder`, `Example folder` & `LICENSE` under folder named eSim/
+3. Place this **nghdl** folder containing `src` folder, `Example` folder, `LICENSE` file and `` under folder named `eSim`.
-5. Final directory structure should be:
-- eSim/nghdl/Example
-- eSim/nghdl/src
-- eSim/nghdl/LICENSE
+4. Final directory structure should be:
+ - eSim/nghdl/Example
+ - eSim/nghdl/src
+ - eSim/nghdl/LICENSE
+ - eSim/nghdl/
-6. Compress the `eSim` folder from step 4 in 7z format (Make sure that there is folder named `eSim` inside this compressed file) and name it as `nghdl-src.7z`.\
-(7z compression tool can be downloaded from - )
+5. Compress the `eSim` folder from step 4 in 7z format (Make sure that there is folder named `eSim` inside this compressed file) and name it as `nghdl-src.7z`.
+(7z compression tool can be downloaded from -
-7. ALong with `nghdl-src.7z` from step 5, place the following 7z files at the installer folder for eSim.
-(these can be obtained under *sources/* folder in the repository )
-- ghdl.7z
-- MSYS.7z
-- mingw64.7z
+6. Along with `nghdl-src.7z` from step 5, place the following 7z files at the installer folder for eSim:
+ - ghdl.7z
+ - MSYS.7z
+ - mingw64.7z
+ - ngspice-nghdl.7z
-- ngspice-nghdl.7z ( this file can be obtained by decompressing `ngspice-nghdl.tar.xz` file present at `master branch` of this repository and recompressing using 7z tool)
+> Note: These compressed files can be obtained under *Windows/sources/* folder of NGHDL's `installers` branch
-8. Place the script `installnghdl.nsi` at the eSim installer location.
+7. Place the script `nghdl-setup-script.nsi` at the eSim's installer folder.
-9. Follow the rest of the instructions for packging eSim [] and compile the NSI script (`esim-setup-script.nsi` file). Now only use the generated installer for distribution.
+8. Follow rest of the [instructions]( for packaging eSim.
diff --git a/Windows/installnghdl.nsi b/Windows/nghdl-setup-script.nsi
index 2d5de99..a9807af 100644
--- a/Windows/installnghdl.nsi
+++ b/Windows/nghdl-setup-script.nsi
@@ -1,190 +1,190 @@
-!include "CPUFeatures.nsh"
-!include "zipdll.nsh"
-; String replacement function
-!define StrRep "!insertmacro StrRep"
-!macro StrRep output string old new
- Push `${string}`
- Push `${old}`
- Push `${new}`
- !ifdef __UNINSTALL__
- Call un.StrRep
- !else
- Call StrRep
- !endif
- Pop ${output}
-!macro Func_StrRep un
- Function ${un}StrRep
- Exch $R2 ;new
- Exch 1
- Exch $R1 ;old
- Exch 2
- Exch $R0 ;string
- Push $R3
- Push $R4
- Push $R5
- Push $R6
- Push $R7
- Push $R8
- Push $R9
- StrCpy $R3 0
- StrLen $R4 $R1
- StrLen $R6 $R0
- StrLen $R9 $R2
- loop:
- StrCpy $R5 $R0 $R4 $R3
- StrCmp $R5 $R1 found
- StrCmp $R3 $R6 done
- IntOp $R3 $R3 + 1 ;move offset by 1 to check the next character
- Goto loop
- found:
- StrCpy $R5 $R0 $R3
- IntOp $R8 $R3 + $R4
- StrCpy $R7 $R0 "" $R8
- StrCpy $R0 $R5$R2$R7
- StrLen $R6 $R0
- IntOp $R3 $R3 + $R9 ;move offset by length of the replacement string
- Goto loop
- done:
- Pop $R9
- Pop $R8
- Pop $R7
- Pop $R6
- Pop $R5
- Pop $R4
- Pop $R3
- Push $R0
- Push $R1
- Pop $R0
- Pop $R1
- Pop $R0
- Pop $R2
- Exch $R1
- FunctionEnd
-!insertmacro Func_StrRep ""
-!insertmacro Func_StrRep "un."
-; NGHDL installation macro
-Section "nghdl-loadsource"
- SetOutPath $EXEDIR
- File "ghdl.7z"
- File "mingw64.7z"
- File "MSYS.7z"
- File "nghdl-src.7z"
- File "ngspice-nghdl.7z"
-Section "nghdl-src"
- SetOutPath $INSTDIR
- Nsis7z::ExtractWithDetails "$EXEDIR\nghdl-src.7z" "Extracting NGHDL %s..."
- EnVar::SetHKLM
- DetailPrint "EnVar::SetHKLM"
- EnVar::AddValue "Path" "$INSTDIR\eSim\nghdl\src"
- Pop $0
- DetailPrint "EnVar::AddValue returned=|$0|"
- Delete "$EXEDIR\nghdl-src.7z"
-Section "nghdl-mingw"
- SetOutPath $INSTDIR
- Nsis7z::ExtractWithDetails "$EXEDIR\mingw64.7z" "Extracting MinGW %s..."
- EnVar::SetHKLM
- EnVar::AddValue "Path" "$INSTDIR\mingw64\bin"
- Pop $0
- DetailPrint "EnVar::AddValue returned=|$0|"
- Delete "$EXEDIR\mingw64.7z"
-Section "nghdl-msys"
- SetOutPath $INSTDIR\mingw64
- Nsis7z::ExtractWithDetails "$EXEDIR\MSYS.7z" "Extracting MSYS %s..."
- EnVar::SetHKLM
- EnVar::AddValue "Path" "$INSTDIR\mingw64\msys\bin"
- Pop $0
- DetailPrint "EnVar::AddValue returned=|$0|"
- Delete "$EXEDIR\MSYS.7z"
-Section "nghdl-GHDL"
- SetOutPath $INSTDIR\mingw64
- Nsis7z::ExtractWithDetails "$EXEDIR\ghdl.7z" "Extracting GHDL %s..."
- EnVar::SetHKLM
- EnVar::AddValue "Path" "$INSTDIR\mingw64\GHDL\bin"
- Pop $0
- DetailPrint "EnVar::AddValue returned=|$0|"
- Delete "$EXEDIR\ghdl.7z"
-Section "envar-refresh"
- ReadEnvStr $R0 "PATH"
- StrCpy $R0 "$R0;$INSTDIR\eSim\nghdl\src;$INSTDIR\mingw64\bin;$INSTDIR\mingw64\msys\bin;$INSTDIR\mingw64\GHDL\bin;"
- System::Call 'Kernel32::SetEnvironmentVariable(t, t) i("PATH", R0).r0'
-Section "nghdl-installNgspice"
- SetOutPath $INSTDIR
- Nsis7z::ExtractWithDetails "$EXEDIR\ngspice-nghdl.7z" "Extracting GHDL %s..."
- CopyFiles $INSTDIR\eSim\nghdl\src\outitf.c $INSTDIR\ngspice-nghdl\src\frontend
- CopyFiles $INSTDIR\mingw64\x86_64-w64-mingw32\lib\libws2_32.a $INSTDIR\eSim\nghdl\src\ghdlserver
- SetOutPath $INSTDIR\ngspice-nghdl
- CreateDirectory $INSTDIR\ngspice-nghdl\release
- SetOutPath $INSTDIR\ngspice-nghdl\release
- Var /GLOBAL shellpath
- Var /GLOBAL shellpath1
- Var /GLOBAL cpucores
- ${CPUFeatures.GetCount} $cpucores
- StrCpy $shellpath $INSTDIR
- ${StrRep} '$shellpath1' '$shellpath' '\' '/'
- FileOpen $0 "$INSTDIR\ngspice-nghdl\release\" w
- FileWrite $0 `../configure --with-wingui --enable-xspice --disable-debug --prefix=$shellpath1/ngspice-nghdl/install_dir --exec-prefix=$shellpath1/ngspice-nghdl/install_dir &&$\n`
- FileWrite $0 `make -j$cpucores &&$\n`
- FileWrite $0 `make install$\n`
- FileClose $0
- nsExec::ExecToLog "$INSTDIR\mingw64\msys\bin\bash.exe"
- Delete "$EXEDIR\ngspice-nghdl.7z"
- Delete $INSTDIR\ngspice-nghdl\release\
- SetOutPath $INSTDIR
- EnVar::SetHKLM
- EnVar::AddValue "Path" "$INSTDIR\ngspice-nghdl\install_dir\bin"
- Pop $0
- DetailPrint "EnVar::AddValue returned=|$0|"
-Section "nghdl-config.ini"
- CreateDirectory $PROFILE\.nghdl
- FileOpen $0 "$PROFILE\.nghdl\config.ini" w
- FileWrite $0 `[NGSPICE]$\n`
- FileWrite $0 `NGSPICE_HOME = $INSTDIR\ngspice-nghdl$\n`
- FileWrite $0 `DIGITAL_MODEL = %(NGSPICE_HOME)s\src\xspice\icm\ghdl$\n`
- FileWrite $0 `RELEASE = %(NGSPICE_HOME)s\release$\n`
- FileWrite $0 `[SRC]$\n`
- FileWrite $0 `SRC_HOME = $INSTDIR\eSim\nghdl$\n`
- FileWrite $0 `LICENSE = %(SRC_HOME)s\LICENSE$\n`
- FileWrite $0 `[COMPILER]$\n`
- FileWrite $0 `MSYS_HOME = $INSTDIR\mingw64\msys\bin$\n`
- FileClose $0
+!include "CPUFeatures.nsh"
+!include "zipdll.nsh"
+; String replacement function
+!define StrRep "!insertmacro StrRep"
+!macro StrRep output string old new
+ Push `${string}`
+ Push `${old}`
+ Push `${new}`
+ !ifdef __UNINSTALL__
+ Call un.StrRep
+ !else
+ Call StrRep
+ !endif
+ Pop ${output}
+!macro Func_StrRep un
+ Function ${un}StrRep
+ Exch $R2 ;new
+ Exch 1
+ Exch $R1 ;old
+ Exch 2
+ Exch $R0 ;string
+ Push $R3
+ Push $R4
+ Push $R5
+ Push $R6
+ Push $R7
+ Push $R8
+ Push $R9
+ StrCpy $R3 0
+ StrLen $R4 $R1
+ StrLen $R6 $R0
+ StrLen $R9 $R2
+ loop:
+ StrCpy $R5 $R0 $R4 $R3
+ StrCmp $R5 $R1 found
+ StrCmp $R3 $R6 done
+ IntOp $R3 $R3 + 1 ;move offset by 1 to check the next character
+ Goto loop
+ found:
+ StrCpy $R5 $R0 $R3
+ IntOp $R8 $R3 + $R4
+ StrCpy $R7 $R0 "" $R8
+ StrCpy $R0 $R5$R2$R7
+ StrLen $R6 $R0
+ IntOp $R3 $R3 + $R9 ;move offset by length of the replacement string
+ Goto loop
+ done:
+ Pop $R9
+ Pop $R8
+ Pop $R7
+ Pop $R6
+ Pop $R5
+ Pop $R4
+ Pop $R3
+ Push $R0
+ Push $R1
+ Pop $R0
+ Pop $R1
+ Pop $R0
+ Pop $R2
+ Exch $R1
+ FunctionEnd
+!insertmacro Func_StrRep ""
+!insertmacro Func_StrRep "un."
+; NGHDL installation macro
+Section "nghdl-loadsource"
+ SetOutPath $EXEDIR
+ File "ghdl.7z"
+ File "mingw64.7z"
+ File "MSYS.7z"
+ File "nghdl-src.7z"
+ File "ngspice-nghdl.7z"
+Section "nghdl-src"
+ SetOutPath $INSTDIR
+ Nsis7z::ExtractWithDetails "$EXEDIR\nghdl-src.7z" "Extracting NGHDL %s..."
+ EnVar::SetHKLM
+ DetailPrint "EnVar::SetHKLM"
+ EnVar::AddValue "Path" "$INSTDIR\eSim\nghdl\src"
+ Pop $0
+ DetailPrint "EnVar::AddValue returned=|$0|"
+ Delete "$EXEDIR\nghdl-src.7z"
+Section "nghdl-mingw"
+ SetOutPath $INSTDIR
+ Nsis7z::ExtractWithDetails "$EXEDIR\mingw64.7z" "Extracting MinGW %s..."
+ EnVar::SetHKLM
+ EnVar::AddValue "Path" "$INSTDIR\mingw64\bin"
+ Pop $0
+ DetailPrint "EnVar::AddValue returned=|$0|"
+ Delete "$EXEDIR\mingw64.7z"
+Section "nghdl-msys"
+ SetOutPath $INSTDIR\mingw64
+ Nsis7z::ExtractWithDetails "$EXEDIR\MSYS.7z" "Extracting MSYS %s..."
+ EnVar::SetHKLM
+ EnVar::AddValue "Path" "$INSTDIR\mingw64\msys\bin"
+ Pop $0
+ DetailPrint "EnVar::AddValue returned=|$0|"
+ Delete "$EXEDIR\MSYS.7z"
+Section "nghdl-GHDL"
+ SetOutPath $INSTDIR\mingw64
+ Nsis7z::ExtractWithDetails "$EXEDIR\ghdl.7z" "Extracting GHDL %s..."
+ EnVar::SetHKLM
+ EnVar::AddValue "Path" "$INSTDIR\mingw64\GHDL\bin"
+ Pop $0
+ DetailPrint "EnVar::AddValue returned=|$0|"
+ Delete "$EXEDIR\ghdl.7z"
+Section "envar-refresh"
+ ReadEnvStr $R0 "PATH"
+ StrCpy $R0 "$R0;$INSTDIR\eSim\nghdl\src;$INSTDIR\mingw64\bin;$INSTDIR\mingw64\msys\bin;$INSTDIR\mingw64\GHDL\bin;"
+ System::Call 'Kernel32::SetEnvironmentVariable(t, t) i("PATH", R0).r0'
+Section "nghdl-installNgspice"
+ SetOutPath $INSTDIR
+ Nsis7z::ExtractWithDetails "$EXEDIR\ngspice-nghdl.7z" "Extracting Ngspice %s..."
+ ;CopyFiles $INSTDIR\eSim\nghdl\src\outitf.c $INSTDIR\ngspice-nghdl\src\frontend
+ CopyFiles $INSTDIR\mingw64\x86_64-w64-mingw32\lib\libws2_32.a $INSTDIR\eSim\nghdl\src\ghdlserver
+ SetOutPath $INSTDIR\ngspice-nghdl
+ CreateDirectory $INSTDIR\ngspice-nghdl\release
+ SetOutPath $INSTDIR\ngspice-nghdl\release
+ Var /GLOBAL shellpath
+ Var /GLOBAL shellpath1
+ Var /GLOBAL cpucores
+ ${CPUFeatures.GetCount} $cpucores
+ StrCpy $shellpath $INSTDIR
+ ${StrRep} '$shellpath1' '$shellpath' '\' '/'
+ ;FileOpen $0 "$INSTDIR\ngspice-nghdl\release\" w
+ ;FileWrite $0 `../configure --with-wingui --enable-xspice --disable-debug --prefix=$shellpath1/ngspice-nghdl/install_dir --exec-prefix=$shellpath1/ngspice-nghdl/install_dir &&$\n`
+ ;FileWrite $0 `make -j$cpucores &&$\n`
+ ;FileWrite $0 `make install$\n`
+ ;FileClose $0
+ ;nsExec::ExecToLog "$INSTDIR\mingw64\msys\bin\bash.exe"
+ ;Delete $INSTDIR\ngspice-nghdl\release\
+ Delete "$EXEDIR\ngspice-nghdl.7z"
+ SetOutPath $INSTDIR
+ EnVar::SetHKLM
+ EnVar::AddValue "Path" "$INSTDIR\ngspice-nghdl\bin"
+ Pop $0
+ DetailPrint "EnVar::AddValue returned=|$0|"
+Section "nghdl-config.ini"
+ CreateDirectory $PROFILE\.nghdl
+ FileOpen $0 "$PROFILE\.nghdl\config.ini" w
+ FileWrite $0 `[NGSPICE]$\n`
+ FileWrite $0 `NGSPICE_HOME = $INSTDIR\ngspice-nghdl$\n`
+ FileWrite $0 `DIGITAL_MODEL = %(NGSPICE_HOME)s\src\xspice\icm\ghdl$\n`
+ FileWrite $0 `RELEASE = %(NGSPICE_HOME)s\release$\n`
+ FileWrite $0 `[SRC]$\n`
+ FileWrite $0 `SRC_HOME = $INSTDIR\eSim\nghdl$\n`
+ FileWrite $0 `LICENSE = %(SRC_HOME)s\LICENSE$\n`
+ FileWrite $0 `[COMPILER]$\n`
+ FileWrite $0 `MSYS_HOME = $INSTDIR\mingw64\msys\bin$\n`
+ FileClose $0
diff --git a/Windows/nghdl.spec b/Windows/nghdl.spec
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23ebcbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/nghdl.spec
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# -*- mode: python ; coding: utf-8 -*-
+block_cipher = None
+a = Analysis(['src\\'],
+ pathex=['C:\\Users\\admin\\Desktop\\FOSSEE-eSim\\nghdl-build'],
+ binaries=[],
+ datas=[],
+ hiddenimports=[],
+ hookspath=[],
+ runtime_hooks=[],
+ excludes=[],
+ win_no_prefer_redirects=False,
+ win_private_assemblies=False,
+ cipher=block_cipher,
+ noarchive=False)
+pyz = PYZ(a.pure, a.zipped_data,
+ cipher=block_cipher)
+exe = EXE(pyz,
+ a.scripts,
+ a.binaries,
+ a.zipfiles,
+ a.datas,
+ [],
+ name='nghdl',
+ debug=False,
+ bootloader_ignore_signals=False,
+ strip=False,
+ upx=True,
+ upx_exclude=[],
+ runtime_tmpdir=None,
+ console=True )
diff --git a/Windows/sources/ngspice-nghdl.7z b/Windows/sources/ngspice-nghdl.7z
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b396af1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/sources/ngspice-nghdl.7z
Binary files differ