path: root/static/website/templates
diff options
authorSashi202018-09-14 15:17:21 +0530
committerSashi202018-09-14 15:20:21 +0530
commit64ab50bb06eb01b4364bfcdaf45ae926b6670612 (patch)
treef3b428966a1045a3583d4db0779fcdfa02ed2761 /static/website/templates
parent2c0feb051313c34842dea52d564c4671f49ae668 (diff)
Enabled registration and login interface, activation emails, paper submission interface
Diffstat (limited to 'static/website/templates')
10 files changed, 396 insertions, 157 deletions
diff --git a/static/website/templates/activation.html b/static/website/templates/activation.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5d8052
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/website/templates/activation.html
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+{% extends "base.html" %}
+{% load static %}
+{% load widget_tweaks %}
+{% csrf_token %}
+{% block content %}
+ {% if status == '2' %}
+ <div class="container">
+ <div class="jumbotron">
+ <p> Your email is already verified, Please view your profile <a href="{{ URL_ROOT }}/view_profile/">here</a> </p>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ {% elif status == '1' %}
+ <script type="text/javascript">
+ window.setTimeout(function()
+ {
+ location.href="{{ URL_ROOT }}/register/"
+ }, 3000);
+ </script>
+ <div class="container">
+ <div class="jumbotron">
+ <p> Your activation has expired please register again</p>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ {% elif status == '0' %}
+ <div class="container">
+ <div class="jumbotron">
+ <p> Your account has been activated. Please view your profile <a href="{{ URL_ROOT }}/view_profile/">here</a> </p>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ {% else %}
+ <script type="text/javascript">
+ window.setTimeout(function()
+ {
+ location.href="{% url 'auth:logout' %}?next=/"
+ }, 5000);
+ </script>
+ <div class="container">
+ <div class="jumbotron">
+ <h1>Activation Awaiting</h1>
+ <p>The Activation Link has been sent to your email. The link expires in <strong>24hours</strong> from the date of registration. You will be logged out automatically.</p>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ {% endif %}
+{% endblock %}
diff --git a/static/website/templates/cfp.html b/static/website/templates/cfp.html
index 52bf3a5..33535be 100755
--- a/static/website/templates/cfp.html
+++ b/static/website/templates/cfp.html
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+{% extends "base.html" %}
{% load static %}
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
@@ -164,8 +165,66 @@
{% endif %}
+{% block content %}
+ <section id="cfp" class="section cfp">
+ <div class="container">
+ <div class="row">
+ <h3>Call for Papers</h3>
+ <div class="col-md-12">
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="col-md-12" style="font-weight: 500;">
+ <p class="text-justify">We invite papers on Chemical Process Modelling, Simulation and Optimization. Time duration for oral presentation will be 15 minutes. Accepted papers will be published in conference proceedings. Award will be given to best paper and best poster.</p>
+ <p class="text-justify">Paper submission starts on September 15 2018.</p>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="col-md-6">
+ <h4 class="panel-title">
+ General guidelines for paper submission:
+ </h4>
+ <ul style="margin-top: 2%;">
+ <li>Papers are invited on chemical process, modelling, simulation, and optimization. </li>
+ <li>Use of open source software such as DWSIM and OpenModelica will be preferred.</li>
+ <li>Authors must submit the manuscript up to 6 pages of length including tables, figures and references in the required 2-column format as described in the template below.</li>
+ <li>Multiple submissions from one author is allowed.</li>
+ <li>Maximum 3 authors for one paper are allowed, in that case only one author should submit a paper on behalf of everyone. All authors should register and book a ticket for the conference.
+ </li>
+ <li>Submissions will be judged on originality, significance, interest, clarity, relevance, and presentation.</li>
+ <li>Authors should ensure that their work doesn’t contain plagiarized content and not under copyright elsewhere.</li>
+ <li>Please download the appropriate file for structure of the paper. We encourage use of LaTeX for creating paper.</li>
+ <li>Click the following links for templates
+ <ul type="none" style="margin-left:-10%;">
+ <li>
+ <a href= "" class="btn btn-link" style="text-transform: none;">LaTeX Template
+ </a>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a href="" class="btn btn-link" style="text-transform: none;">Word Template
+ </a>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ <div class="col-md-6">
+ <h4 class="panel-title">
+ Suggested Contents of a paper
+ </h4>
+ <ul style="margin-top: 2%;">
+ <li> Selection of a topic</li>
+ <li> Importance of a topic</li>
+ <li>Any difficulties while solving with open source software.</li>
+ <li>The methodology followed to overcome these difficulties(any assumptions, data regression, custom modelling, etc.)</li>
+ <li>Validation of the results with published papers/experimentation/commercial simulators like CHEMCAD, Aspen Plus, UniSim etc.</li>
+ <li>Sensitivity studies, adjust, some tricks used for faster calculation etc done to optimize results and reduce simulation time.</li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </section>
{% endblock %}
- {% include 'footer.html' %}
- </body>
diff --git a/static/website/templates/comment-abstract.html b/static/website/templates/comment-abstract.html
index b6dd3a2..f77eb3f 100755
--- a/static/website/templates/comment-abstract.html
+++ b/static/website/templates/comment-abstract.html
@@ -15,10 +15,11 @@
<h3>{{ proposal.user.first_name }} {{ proposal.user.last_name }}</h3>
- <p><b>Title: </b>&nbsp;{{ proposal.title }}</p>
- <p align="justify"><b>About Me: </b>&nbsp;{{ proposal.about_me |linebreaks }}</p>
- {% if proposal.proposal_type == "ABSTRACT"%}
- <p align="justify"><b>Abstract:</b>&nbsp;
+ <p><b>Title of the paper: </b>&nbsp;{{ proposal.title }}</p>
+ <p><b>Name of the author(s):</b> &nbsp;{{proposal.name_of_authors}}</p>
+ <p align="justify"><b>About the Author(s): </b>&nbsp;{{ proposal.about_the_authors |linebreaks }}</p>
+ <!--{% if proposal.proposal_type == "ABSTRACT"%}
+ <p align="justify"><b>Abstract:</b>&nbsp;
{% else %}
<p align="justify"><b>Description:</b>&nbsp;
{% endif %}
@@ -26,7 +27,7 @@
{% if proposal.prerequisite %}
<p align="justify"><b>Prerequisite: </b>&nbsp;{{ proposal.prerequisite| linebreaks }}</p>
- {% endif%}
+ {% endif%} -->
<p><b>Duration: </b>&nbsp;{{ proposal.duration }} {% if proposal.proposal_type == "ABSTRACT"%} Mins {% else %}Hours {%endif%}</p>
{% if proposal.proposal_type == "ABSTRACT"%}
<p><b>Tags: </b>&nbsp;{{ proposal.tags }}</p>
diff --git a/static/website/templates/login.html b/static/website/templates/login.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..65da512
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/website/templates/login.html
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+{% extends "base.html" %}
+{% load static %}
+{% block content %}
+ <section id="cfp" class="section cfp">
+ <div class="container">
+ <div class="row">
+ <center>
+ <div class="col-md-12">
+ <h3>Login</h3>
+ <p>Login/Register to Submit a paper</p>
+ {% if invalid %}
+ <p style="color:red; font-size:15px;">* Invalid Username/Password</p>
+ {% endif %}
+ <form action="" method="POST">
+ {% csrf_token %}
+ {{ form.as_p }}
+ <button class="btn btn-primary" name ="login" type="submit">Login</button>
+ <br/>
+ <br/>
+ <a style="padding-right : 20px;" href="{% url 'website:user_register' %}" class="btn btn btn-primary">Create an Account
+ </a>
+ <br>
+ <a href="/2018/forgotpassword/">Forgot Password?</a>
+ </form>
+ </p>
+ </div>
+ </center>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </section>
+{% endblock %}
diff --git a/static/website/templates/navbar.html b/static/website/templates/navbar.html
index ce70dcc..001fce8 100644
--- a/static/website/templates/navbar.html
+++ b/static/website/templates/navbar.html
@@ -39,12 +39,23 @@
<li><a data-scroll href="{{SITE_URL}}/#location">Venue</a></li>
<li><a data-scroll href="{{SITE_URL}}/#organiser">Organiser</a></li>
<li><a data-scroll href="{{SITE_URL}}/#contact-us">Contact Us</a></li>
+ <li><a href="{% url 'website:cfp' %}">cfp</a></li>
{% if user.is_authenticated %}
- <li><a href="{% url 'login' %}"><i class="fa fa-user" aria-hidden="true"></i>
- {{ user.username }}!</a></li>
- <li><a href="{% url 'logout' %}">logout</a></li>
+ <li class="dropdown">
+ <a class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" href="{% url 'auth:login' %}" >
+ <i class="fa fa-user" aria-hidden="true"></i>
+ {{ user.username }}!<span class="caret"></span>
+ </a>
+ <ul class="dropdown-menu">
+ <li><a href="{% url 'website:proposal' %}">Submit your Paper</a></li>
+ <li><a href="{{SITE_URL}}/#registration">Book your Ticket</a></li>
+ <li><a href="{% url 'auth:logout' %}?next=/"><i class="fa fa-sign-out"></i>&nbsp;Logout</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
{% else %}
- <li><a href="{% url 'website:cfp' %}">cfp</a></li>
+ <li><a href="{% url 'auth:login' %}">Login</a></li>
{% endif %}
diff --git a/static/website/templates/proposal.html b/static/website/templates/proposal.html
index c6b51c3..1f7d4a0 100644
--- a/static/website/templates/proposal.html
+++ b/static/website/templates/proposal.html
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
{% if user and not user.is_anonymous %}
- <h2>Submit Proposal</h2>
+ <h2>Submit paper</h2>
{% else %}
{% endif %}
@@ -32,113 +32,33 @@
{% endif %} {% if user and not user.is_anonymous and not login_required %}
- <p>We invite you to submit proposals for talks or workshops to be presented at SciPy 2018 The time duration for talks is 15 or 30 minutes and for workshops is 2 to 4 hours. There will be two parallel tracks for the workshops this year. One track
- is meant for beginners and the other is for advanced users.
- </p>
+ <p class="text-justify">We invite papers on Chemical Process Modelling, Simulation and Optimization. Time duration for oral presentation will be 15 minutes. Accepted papers will be published in conference proceedings. Award will be given to best paper and best poster.</p>
<u>Important Dates</u>
- <li>Call for proposals opens:
- <b>15<sup>th</sup> Sept. 2018</b>
- </li>
- <li>Last date for submission of proposals:
- <b>10<sup>th</sup> Nov. 2018</b>
- </li>
- <li>Announcement of selected proposals:
- <b>15<sup>th</sup> Nov. 2018</b>
- </li>
+ <li>Last date for paper submission: <b> 28/09/2018</b></li>
+ <li>Notification of acceptance: <b>22/10/2018</b></li>
+ <li>Last date for final paper submission: <b>02/11/2018</b></li>
- <br/> {% if user.is_superuser %}
- <center>
- <a href="{{ SITE_URL }}/proposal/view" class="btn btn-info">View Proposals</a>
- <a href="{{ SITE_URL }}/proposal/submitcfp" class="btn btn-info">Submit Proposal</a>
- <a href="" class="btn btn-info">Submit Workshop</a>
- </center>
- {% else %}
- <center>
- <a href="{{ SITE_URL }}/proposal/view" class="btn btn-info">View Proposals</a>
- </center>
- {% endif %} {% else %}
- <hr>
- <div class="row">
- <div class="col-sm-4">
- <span>
- <h2>
- <u>Login</u>
- </h2>
- </span>
- <p>Login/Register to Submit a Proposal</p>
- {% if invalid %}
- <p style="color:red; font-size:15px;">* Invalid Username/Password</p>
- {% endif %}
- <!-- <div id = "my_form"> -->
- <form action="" method="POST">
- {{ form.as_p }}
- <button class="button special" name="login" type="submit">Login</button>
- <br/><br/>
- <a style="padding-right : 20px;" href="{% url 'userregister' %}" class="btn btn btn-primary">Create an Account
- </a><br>
- <a href="/2017/forgotpassword/">Forgot Password?</a> {% csrf_token %}
- </form>
- <!-- </div> -->
- <p>Or Sign in with:&nbsp;<br>
- <a href="{% url 'social:begin' 'google-oauth2' %}?next={{ request.path }}" class="btn btn-social-icon " style="color:#d34836;">
- <i class="fa fa-google-plus-square" style="font-size:40px;"></i>
- </a>&nbsp;
- <a href="{% url 'social:begin' 'facebook' %}?next={{ request.path }}" class=" btn btn-social-icon" style="color:#3b5998">
- <i class="fa fa-facebook-square" style="font-size:40px;"></i>
- </a>
- </p>
- <br>
- <p>
- <h4>
- <u>Important Dates</u>
- </h4>
- <ul style="margin-left: -7%;">
- <li>Call for proposals opens: <br>
- <b>15<sup>th</sup> Sept. 2017</b>
- </li>
- <li>Last date for submission of proposals: <br>
- <b>10<sup>th</sup> Nov. 2018</b>
- </li>
- <li>Announcement of selected proposals: <br>
- <b>15<sup>th</sup> Nov. 2018</b>
- </li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- <div class="col-sm-4" align="justify" style="background-color: #cef3f8;">
- <br>
- <h4 class="panel-title">
- Guidelines for a Proposal
- </h4>
- <ul style="margin-left: -6%;">
- <li>The project should be an actual implementation rather than just an idea.</li>
- <li>Besides implementation, the submission can also be about experiences and usage of Python, Python-based tools and libraries for research or teaching.</li>
- <li>Abstract should be of 300 to 700 words describing the topic, including its relevance to scientific computing or the use of Python in education.</li>
- <li>All selected proposals must be presented at the conference by atleast one author.</li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- <div class="col-sm-4" align="justify" style="background-color: #8cc9f0;">
- <br>
- <h4 class="panel-title">
- Guidelines for a Workshop
- </h4>
- <ul style="margin-left: -6%;">
- <li>There are two parallel tracks, one for beginners and one for advanced users.</li>
- <li>The workshops should be hands-on with plenty of exercises for the users.</li>
- <li>It is advisable to pick particular problem(s) and orient your workshop around how to solve those using the package you plan to talk about.</li>
- <li>Provide us with links to any resources you have already prepared for the workshop.</li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- </div>
+ <br/>
+ {% if user.is_superuser %}
+ <center>
+ <a href="{% url 'website:view_abstracts' %}" class="btn btn-info">View Proposals</a>
+ <a href="{% url 'website:submitcfp' %}" class ="btn btn-info" role="button"> Submit paper </a>
+ <!-- <a href="{{SITE_URL}}/#registration" class ="btn btn-info" role="button">Book your ticket </a> -->
+ </center>
+ {% else %}
+ <center>
+ <a href="{% url 'website:view_abstracts' %}" class="btn btn-info">View Proposals</a>
+ <a href="{% url 'website:submitcfp' %}" class ="btn btn-info" role="button"> Submit paper </a>
+ <!-- <a href="{{SITE_URL}}/#registration" class ="btn btn-info" role="button">Book your ticket</a> -->
+ </center>
+ {% endif %}
+ {% else %}
diff --git a/static/website/templates/submit-cfp.html b/static/website/templates/submit-cfp.html
index b3aa2ee..b31658d 100755
--- a/static/website/templates/submit-cfp.html
+++ b/static/website/templates/submit-cfp.html
@@ -6,23 +6,24 @@
<div class="container">
{% if proposals_a >= 1 %} You have exceeded the abstract submission limit. You may view your submitted proposals by clicking <a href="{{ SITE_URL}}/proposal/view" class="btn btn-info" role="button"> here</a>
<!-- <h2>{{ user.get_full_name|default:user.username }} </h2> -->
- {% else %} <br>
+ {% else %}
- <h1>Submit Proposal</h1>
+ <h1>Submit paper</h1>
- <h2><u>Proposal Guidelines</u></h2>
- <ul>
- <li>The project you are willing to present should be an actual implementation rather than just an idea.</li>
- <li>Submissions need not necessarily be about an implementation, they could also be about experiences and usage of Python and Python-based tools and libraries for research or teaching.</li>
- <li>Abstract should be of 300 to 700 words describing the topic, including its relevance to scientific computing or the use of Python in education.</li>
- <li>Proposals with an aim to promote a commercial product or service will be rejected.</li>
- <li>In your abstract mention the various tools/libraries used for development.</li>
- <li>Notification for selection/rejection of your proposal will be given through email.</li>
- <li>All selected proposals must be presented at the conference by at least one author.</li>
- </ul>
+ <h4 class="panel-title">
+ General guidelines for paper submission:
+ </h4>
+ <ul style="margin-top: 2%;">
+ <li>Papers are invited on chemical process, modelling, simulation, and optimization. </li>
+ <li>Use of open source software such as DWSIM and OpenModelica will be preferred.</li>
+ <li>Authors must submit the manuscript up to 6 pages of length including tables, figures and references in the required 2-column format as described in the template below.</li>
+ <li>Submissions will be judged on originality, significance, interest, clarity, relevance, and presentation.</li>
+ <li>Authors should ensure that their work doesn’t contain plagiarized content and not under copyright elsewhere.</li>
+ <li>Please download the appropriate file for structure of the paper. We encourage use of LaTeX for creating paper.</li>
+ <li>Click for <a href= "" target="_blank" style="color: #806600">LaTeX</a>/ <a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #806600">Word template</a></li>
+ </ul>
<form action="" method=POST enctype="multipart/form-data">
- <!-- <a style="color:red; ">{{ proposal_form.errors }} -->
<div class="row1">
{% for field in proposal_form %}
<p>{{ field.label}} {% if field.field.required %} <span style="color:red;">*</span> {% endif %} {{ field }}
@@ -32,7 +33,7 @@
{% csrf_token %}
<button class="btn btn-info" type="submit">Submit</button>
- <a href="{{ SITE_URL}}/proposal" class="btn btn-info" role="button">Back</a>
+ <a href="{% url 'website:proposal' %}" class="btn btn-info" role="button">Back</a>
{% endif %}
diff --git a/static/website/templates/user-register.html b/static/website/templates/user-register.html
index c5ea301..3d8d38f 100755
--- a/static/website/templates/user-register.html
+++ b/static/website/templates/user-register.html
@@ -1,43 +1,150 @@
{% extends "base.html" %}
{% load static %}
+{% load widget_tweaks %}
<div class="se-pre-con"></div>
{% block content %}
<section id="register" class="section register">
<div class="container">
- <h2>Register</h2>
+ <h2>Sign Up</h2>
- {% if email_registered %}
- <center>
- <div class="alert" style="width:300px;height:50px;">
- <a class="close" data-dismiss="alert" href="#">&times;</a>
- <p>Email ID is already registered !</p>
- </div>
- <p style="line-height:5px;">Have you already logged in using social logins ?</p>
- <p style="line-height:5px;">or</p>
- <p style="line-height:5px;"><a href="{% url 'website:forgotpassword' %}">Click Here</a> if you forgot your username or password</p>
- </center>
- {% endif %}
- {% if registration_complete %}
- <p> Your Account is Created Successfully !</p>
- {% endif %}
- <!-- <div class = "col-md-7">
- <div id = "my_form"> -->
- <form action="" method="POST">
+{% if form.errors %}
+ {% for field in form %}
+ {% for error in field.errors %}
+ <div class="alert alert-danger">
+ <strong>{{ error|escape }}</strong>
+ </div>
+ {% endfor %}
+ {% endfor %}
+{% endif %}
+ <form action="" method=POST>
{% csrf_token %}
- {% for field in form %}
- <p>{{ field.label}}
- {% if field.field.required %} <span style="color:red;">*</span> {% endif %}
- {{ field }}
- </p>
- <a style="color:red; ">{{ field.errors }}</a>
- {% endfor %}
- <br>
- <button class="btn btn-primary" type="submit" >SignUp</button>
- <a class="btn btn-primary" href="{% url 'website:cfp' %}" style="text-decoration: none;">I have an account</a>
+ <!-- <a style="color:red; ">{{ render_field.errors }}</a>-->
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="col-12">
+ <table class="table table-bordered table-responsive">
+ <tr>
+ <td style="vertical-align:bottom;border-top:none;!important">
+ <div class="align-baseline">
+ <label for="username">Username:</label>
+ <span style="color:red;">*</span>
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ <td style="vertical-align:bottom;border-top:none;!important">
+ <div class="align-baseline">
+ {% render_field form.username %}
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td style="vertical-align:bottom;border-top:none;!important">
+ <div class="align-baseline">
+ <label for="username">Email:</label>
+ <span style="color:red;">*</span>
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ <td style="vertical-align:bottom;border-top:none;!important">
+ <div class="align-baseline">
+ {% render_field %}
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td style="vertical-align:bottom;border-top:none;!important">
+ <div class="align-baseline">
+ <label for="pwd">Password:</label><span style="color:red;">*</span>
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ <td style="vertical-align:bottom;border-top:none;!important">
+ <div class="align-baseline">
+ {% render_field form.password %}
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td style="vertical-align:bottom;border-top:none;!important">
+ <div class="align-baseline">
+ <label for="cnfpwd">Confirm Password:</label><span style="color:red;">*</span>
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ <td style="vertical-align:bottom;border-top:none;!important">
+ <div class="align-baseline">
+ {% render_field form.confirm_password %}
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td style="vertical-align:bottom;border-top:none;!important">
+ <div class="align-baseline">
+ <label for="name">Full Name:</label><span style="color:red;">*</span>
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ <td style="vertical-align:bottom;border-top:none;!important">
+ <div class="align-baseline">
+ {% render_field form.title %}{% render_field form.first_name %} {% render_field form.last_name %}
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td style="vertical-align:bottom;border-top:none;!important">
+ <div class="align-baseline">
+ <label for="contact">Contact:</label><span style="color:red;">*</span>
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ <td style="vertical-align:bottom;border-top:none;!important">
+ <div class="align-baseline">
+ {% render_field form.phone_number %}
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td style="vertical-align:bottom;border-top:none;!important">
+ <div class="align-baseline" style="word-wrap: break-word;">
+ <label for="institute">Institue/ Organization/ Company:</label><span style="color:red;">*</span>
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ <td style="vertical-align:bottom;border-top:none;!important">
+ <div class="align-baseline" style="word-wrap: break-word;">
+ {% render_field %}<br><span style="font-size: 12px;">Enter your institute/ organisation/ company</span>
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td style="vertical-align:bottom;border-top:none;!important">
+ <div class="align-baseline">
+ <label for="how_did_you_hear_about_us" style="word-wrap: break-word;">How did you hear about us:</label><span style="color:red;">*</span>
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ <td style="vertical-align:bottom;border-top:none;!important">
+ <div class="align-baseline">
+ {% render_field form.how_did_you_hear_about_us %}
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <!-- <td style="vertical-align:bottom;border-top:none;!important">
+ <div class="align-baseline">
+ </div>
+ </td> -->
+ <td colspan="2" style="vertical-align:bottom;border-top:none;!important">
+ <div class="align-baseline">
+ <span style="color:red;">*</span> marked fields are mandatory. Please enter the correct information. It will help us to solve your issues in short timespan.
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="row">
+ <center>
+ <div class="col-sm-4"> <a class="btn btn-link btn-block" href="{% url 'auth:login' %}">I have an account</a></div>
+ <div class="col-sm-2"><button class="btn btn-primary btn-block" type="submit">Sign Up</button></div>
+ </center>
+ </div>
<!-- </div> -->
+ <br>
+ </div>
-{% endblock %}
+{% endblock %} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/static/website/templates/view-profile.html b/static/website/templates/view-profile.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..844a2ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/website/templates/view-profile.html
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+{% extends "base.html" %}
+{% load static %}
+ {% block content %}
+<section id="profile" class="section proposal">
+ <div class="container">
+ {% if user and not user.is_anonymous %}
+ <h2>Welcome <span style="text-transform: uppercase;">{{ user.username }}</span></h2>
+ {% endif %}
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="col-md-6" style="margin-top: 4%;">
+ {% if user.is_superuser %}
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="col-md-12">
+ <a href="{% url 'website:view_abstracts' %}" class="btn btn-info">View Proposals</a>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="row"></div>
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="col-md-12">
+ <a href="{% url 'website:submitcfp' %}" class ="btn" role="button"> Submit paper </a>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <!-- <a href="{{SITE_URL}}/#registration" class ="btn btn-info" role="button">Book your ticket </a> -->
+ {% else %}
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="col-md-8">
+ <a href="{% url 'website:proposal' %}" class="btn btn-primary">Submit your Paper</a>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="col-md-12"><p></p></div>
+ </div>
+ <!--<div class="row">
+ <div class="col-md-12">
+ <a href="{{SITE_URL}}/#registration" class ="btn btn-primary" role="button"> Book your Ticket</a>
+ </div>
+ </div> -->
+ <!-- <a href="{{SITE_URL}}/#registration" class ="btn btn-info" role="button">Book your ticket</a> -->
+ {% endif %}
+ </div>
+ <div class="col-md-6">
+ <span>
+ <h2>
+ <u>Important Dates</u>
+ </h2>
+ </span>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Last date for paper submission: <b> 28/09/2018</b></li>
+ <li>Notification of acceptance: <b>22/10/2018</b></li>
+ <li>Last date for final paper submission: <b>02/11/2018</b></li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+{% endblock %}
diff --git a/static/website/templates/view-proposals.html b/static/website/templates/view-proposals.html
index bdb39f7..89be03d 100755
--- a/static/website/templates/view-proposals.html
+++ b/static/website/templates/view-proposals.html
@@ -122,6 +122,7 @@
{% endfor %}
+ <a href="{% url 'website:proposal' %}" class="btn btn-primary">Back</a>