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-Tutorial 2: Installation
-Slide 1
-**System Requirements:**
- - Python 3
- - python3.4-venv (Install using *apt-get install python3.4-venv*)
- - Ubuntu 16.10
-Slide 2
-**What is virtual environment**
- - Install Python packages from PyPI
- - Does not require root access
- - Create 'isolated' environment
-Slide 3
-**Working with virtual environments**
- - Create a virtual environment
- - python -m venv /path-to-env/directory_name
- - Activate the environment
- - source /path-to-env/bin/activate
- - Deactivate the environment
- - deactivate
- - Delete the environment and related packages
- - Delete the environment directory
-Slide 4
-**Create a virtual environment**
- - Creating a virtual environment in Python 3
- - *python3 -m venv /path-to-env/myapp_env*
-Slide 5
-**Activate the virtual environment**
- - *source /path-to-env/myapp_env*
- - Shell prompt will be *(myapp_env)user1:~$*
-Slide 5
-**Install Django**
- - pip install django
- - Check if django is installed using;
- - Command: *python -m django --version*