path: root/volk/include
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'volk/include')
9 files changed, 102 insertions, 281 deletions
diff --git a/volk/include/volk/ b/volk/include/volk/
index 89bf9ea1a..5f6669e40 100644
--- a/volk/include/volk/
+++ b/volk/include/volk/
@@ -1,55 +1,84 @@
-from xml.dom import minidom
-import string
+# Copyright 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
from volk_regexp import *
+import string
+from emit_omnilog import *
+#ok todo list:
+#put n_archs into the info struct so it doesn't have to be arch_defs[0].
-def make_c(funclist, taglist, arched_arglist, retlist, my_arglist, fcountlist) :
- tempstring = "";
- tempstring = tempstring + '/*this file is auto generated by*/';
- tempstring = tempstring + '\n\n#include<volk/volk.h>\n';
- tempstring = tempstring + '#include<volk/volk_tables.h>\n';
- tempstring = tempstring + '#include<volk/volk_typedefs.h>\n';
- tempstring = tempstring + '#include<volk/volk_registry.h>\n';
- tempstring = tempstring + '#include<string.h>\n';
- for func in funclist:
- tempstring = tempstring + "#include<volk/" + func + ".h>\n" ;
- tempstring = tempstring + '\n';
- tempstring = tempstring + "static inline unsigned int volk_get_index(const char** indices, const char* arch, const int* arch_defs) {\n";
- tempstring = tempstring + " int i = 1;\n"
- tempstring = tempstring + " for(;i<arch_defs[0];++i){\n"
- tempstring = tempstring + " if (strcmp(arch, indices[i]) == 0) {\n"
- tempstring = tempstring + " return i;\n"
- tempstring = tempstring + " }\n"
- tempstring = tempstring + " }\n"
- tempstring = tempstring + " return 0;\n"
- tempstring = tempstring + "}\n"
- for i in range(len(funclist)):
- tempstring = tempstring + "static const " + replace_volk.sub("p", funclist[i]) + " " + funclist[i] + "_archs[] = {\n";
- tags_counter = 0;
- for arch_list in fcountlist[i]:
- tempstring = tempstring + "#if defined(LV_HAVE_"
- for ind in range(len(arch_list)):
- tempstring = tempstring + arch_list[ind] + ")";
- if ind < len(arch_list) - 1:
- tempstring = tempstring + " && defined(LV_HAVE_";
- tempstring = tempstring + "\n " + funclist[i] + "_" + str(taglist[i][tags_counter]) + ",\n#endif\n";
- tags_counter = tags_counter + 1;
- lindex = tempstring.rfind(",");
- tempstring = tempstring[0:lindex] + string.replace(tempstring[lindex:len(tempstring)], ",", "");
- tempstring = tempstring + "};\n\n";
- tempstring = tempstring + retlist[i] + "inline " + funclist[i] + "_manual" + arched_arglist[i] + '\n';
- tempstring = tempstring + "return " + funclist[i] + "_archs[volk_get_index(" + funclist[i] + "_indices, arch, " + funclist[i] + "_arch_defs)](" + my_arglist[i] + ");" + "\n}\n";
+def make_c(machines, archs, functions, arched_arglist, my_arglist):
+ tempstring = r"""
+// This file is automatically generated by
+// Do not edit this file.
+ tempstring += """
+#include <volk_common.h>
+#include <volk_machines.h>
+#include <volk_registry.h>
+#include <volk_typedefs.h>
+#include <volk_cpu.h>
+#include <volk_rank_archs.h>
+#include <volk.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+ tempstring += emit_prolog();
- tempstring = tempstring + retlist[i] + "inline " + funclist[i] + replace_arch.sub("", arched_arglist[i]) + '\n';
+#OK here's the deal. the .h prototypes the functions. the .c impls them as fptrs, can use p_whatever.
+#also .c impls the get_machine call
+#also .c impls the default call for each fn
+#here do static fn get arch
+ tempstring += r"""
+struct volk_machine *get_machine(void) {
+ extern struct volk_machine volk_machines[];
+ extern unsigned int n_volk_machines;
+ static struct volk_machine *machine = NULL;
- tempstring = tempstring + funclist[i] + "_archs[" + funclist[i] + "_func_table](" + my_arglist[i] + ");" + '\n';
- tempstring = tempstring + "}\n\n";
+ if(machine != NULL) return machine;
+ else {
+ unsigned int max_score = 0;
+ int i;
+ for(i=0; i<n_volk_machines; i++) {
+ if(!(volk_machines[i].caps & (~volk_get_lvarch()))) {
+ if(volk_machines[i].caps > max_score) {
+ max_score = volk_machines[i].caps;
+ machine = &(volk_machines[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ printf("Using Volk machine: %s\n", machine->name);
+ return machine;
+ }
- return tempstring;
+ for i in range(len(functions)):
+ tempstring += "void get_" + functions[i] + replace_arch.sub("", arched_arglist[i]) + "\n"
+ tempstring += " %s = get_machine()->%s_archs[volk_rank_archs(get_machine()->%s_desc.arch_defs, volk_get_lvarch())];\n" % (functions[i], functions[i], functions[i])
+ tempstring += " %s(%s);\n}\n\n" % (functions[i], my_arglist[i])
+ tempstring += replace_volk.sub("p", functions[i]) + " " + functions[i] + " = &get_" + functions[i] + ";\n\n"
+ tempstring += emit_epilog();
+ return tempstring
diff --git a/volk/include/volk/ b/volk/include/volk/
index 6aea441b7..b235cd657 100644
--- a/volk/include/volk/
+++ b/volk/include/volk/
@@ -4,24 +4,24 @@ from volk_regexp import *
-def make_h(funclist, arched_arglist, retlist) :
+def make_h(funclist) :
tempstring = "";
- tempstring = tempstring + '/*this file is auto generated by*/';
- tempstring = tempstring + '\n#ifndef INCLUDED_VOLK_H';
- tempstring = tempstring + '\n#define INCLUDED_VOLK_H';
- tempstring = tempstring + '\n\n#include<inttypes.h>\n';
- tempstring = tempstring + '#include<volk/volk_complex.h>\n';
+ tempstring = tempstring + '/*this file is auto generated by*/\n';
+ tempstring = tempstring + '\n#ifndef INCLUDED_VOLK_RUNTIME';
+ tempstring = tempstring + '\n#define INCLUDED_VOLK_RUNTIME';
+ tempstring = tempstring + '\n\n#include<volk/volk_typedefs.h>\n';
tempstring = tempstring + '#include<volk/volk_config_fixed.h>\n';
- tempstring = tempstring + '#include<volk/volk_environment_init.h>\n'
- tempstring = tempstring + emit_prolog()
- tempstring = tempstring + '\n';
+ tempstring = tempstring + '#include<volk/volk_complex.h>\n';
+ tempstring = tempstring + emit_prolog();
- for i in range(len(retlist)):
- tempstring = tempstring + retlist[i] + funclist[i] + replace_bracket.sub(";", replace_arch.sub("", arched_arglist[i])) + '\n';
- tempstring = tempstring + retlist[i] + funclist[i] + "_manual" + replace_bracket.sub(";", arched_arglist[i]) + '\n';
+ tempstring = tempstring + '\n';
+ for i in range(len(funclist)):
+ tempstring = tempstring + "extern " + replace_volk.sub("p", funclist[i]) + " " + funclist[i] + ";\n"
tempstring = tempstring + emit_epilog();
+ tempstring = tempstring + "#endif /*INCLUDED_VOLK_RUNTIME*/\n";
- tempstring = tempstring + "#endif /*INCLUDED_VOLK_H*/\n";
return tempstring;
diff --git a/volk/include/volk/ b/volk/include/volk/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a7010cd6..000000000
--- a/volk/include/volk/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-from xml.dom import minidom
-def make_init_c(funclist, dom) :
- tempstring = "";
- tempstring = tempstring + '/*this file is auto generated by*/';
- tempstring = tempstring + '\n\n#include<volk/volk_runtime.h>\n';
- tempstring = tempstring + '#include<volk/volk_cpu.h>\n';
- tempstring = tempstring + '#include<volk_init.h>\n';
- for domarch in dom:
- arch = str(domarch.attributes["name"].value);
- incs = domarch.getElementsByTagName("include");
- for inc in incs:
- my_inc = str(;
- tempstring = tempstring + "#ifdef LV_HAVE_" + arch.swapcase() + "\n";
- tempstring = tempstring + "#include<" + my_inc + ">\n";
- tempstring = tempstring + "#endif\n"
- tempstring = tempstring + '\n\n';
- tempstring = tempstring + "extern struct VOLK_RUNTIME volk_runtime;\n\n";
- tempstring = tempstring + "struct VOLK_RUNTIME* get_volk_runtime(){\n";
- tempstring = tempstring + " return &volk_runtime;\n";
- tempstring = tempstring + "}\n\n"
- tempstring = tempstring + " void volk_runtime_init() {\nvolk_cpu_init();\n";
- for func in funclist:
- tempstring = tempstring + " volk_runtime." + func + " = default_acquire_" + func + ";\n";
- for domarch in dom:
- arch = str(domarch.attributes["name"].value);
- envs = domarch.getElementsByTagName("environment");
- for env in envs:
- cmd = str(;
- tempstring = tempstring + " if(volk_cpu.has_" + arch + "()){\n";
- tempstring = tempstring + "#ifdef LV_HAVE_" + arch.swapcase() + "\n";
- tempstring = tempstring + " " + cmd + "\n";
- tempstring = tempstring + "#endif\n"
- tempstring = tempstring + " }\n";
- tempstring = tempstring + "}\n";
- return tempstring
diff --git a/volk/include/volk/ b/volk/include/volk/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6dbe1c585..000000000
--- a/volk/include/volk/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-from xml.dom import minidom
-from emit_omnilog import *
-from volk_regexp import *
-def make_init_h(funclist, arched_arglist, retlist) :
- tempstring = "";
- tempstring = tempstring + '/*this file is auto generated by*/';
- tempstring = tempstring + '\n#ifndef INCLUDED_VOLK_INIT_H';
- tempstring = tempstring + '\n#define INCLUDED_VOLK_INIT_H';
- tempstring = tempstring + '\n\n#include<inttypes.h>\n';
- tempstring = tempstring + '#include<volk/volk_complex.h>\n';
- tempstring = tempstring + '\n';
- tempstring = tempstring + emit_prolog();
- for i in range(len(retlist)):
- tempstring = tempstring + retlist[i] + " default_acquire_" + funclist[i] + replace_bracket.sub(";", replace_arch.sub("", arched_arglist[i])) + '\n';
- tempstring= tempstring + emit_epilog();
- tempstring = tempstring + "#endif /*INCLUDED_VOLK_INIT_H*/\n";
- return tempstring;
diff --git a/volk/include/volk/ b/volk/include/volk/
index 55c0f1c06..12eabf98d 100644
--- a/volk/include/volk/
+++ b/volk/include/volk/
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ def make_machines_c(machines):
#include <volk_typedefs.h>
#include <volk_machines.h>
-volk_machine volk_machines[] = {
+struct volk_machine volk_machines[] = {
for machine in machines:
tempstring += """#if LV_MACHINE_""" + machine.swapcase() + "\n"
diff --git a/volk/include/volk/ b/volk/include/volk/
deleted file mode 100644
index 051ac268d..000000000
--- a/volk/include/volk/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-def make_mktables(funclist) :
- tempstring = "";
- tempstring = tempstring + '/*this file is auto generated by*/\n';
- tempstring = tempstring + '#include<stdio.h>\n';
- tempstring = tempstring + '#include<volk/volk_registry.h>\n';
- tempstring = tempstring + '#include<volk_rank_archs.h>\n';
- tempstrgin = tempstring + '#include<volk/volk_cpu.h>\n';
- tempstring = tempstring + "\n\n";
- tempstring = tempstring + 'int main() {\n';
- tempstring = tempstring + ' int i = 0;\n';
- tempstring = tempstring + ' FILE* output;\n';
- tempstring = tempstring + ' output = fopen("volk_tables.h", "w");\n';
- tempstring = tempstring + ' fprintf(output, "#ifndef INCLUDED_VOLK_TABLES_H\\n");\n';
- tempstring = tempstring + ' fprintf(output, "#define INCLUDED_VOLK_TABLES_H\\n\\n");\n';
- for func in funclist:
- tempstring = tempstring + ' fprintf(output, "static const ' + func + '_func_table = %u;\\n", volk_rank_archs(' + func + '_arch_defs, volk_get_lvarch()));\n';
- tempstring = tempstring + ' fprintf(output, "#endif /*INCLUDED_VOLK_TABLES_H*/\\n");\n';
- tempstring = tempstring + ' fclose(output);\n'
- tempstring = tempstring + '}\n';
- return tempstring;
diff --git a/volk/include/volk/ b/volk/include/volk/
deleted file mode 100644
index d468487d7..000000000
--- a/volk/include/volk/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-from xml.dom import minidom
-from emit_omnilog import *
-from volk_regexp import *
-def make_runtime(funclist, arglist) :
- tempstring = "";
- tempstring = tempstring + '/*this file is auto generated by*/\n';
- tempstring = tempstring + '\n#ifndef INCLUDED_VOLK_RUNTIME';
- tempstring = tempstring + '\n#define INCLUDED_VOLK_RUNTIME';
- tempstring = tempstring + '\n\n#include<volk/volk_typedefs.h>\n';
- tempstring = tempstring + '#include<volk/volk_config_fixed.h>\n';
- tempstring = tempstring + '#include<volk/volk_complex.h>\n';
- tempstring = tempstring + emit_prolog();
- tempstring = tempstring + '\n';
- for i in range(len(funclist)):
- tempstring = tempstring + "extern void (*" + funclist[i] + ")(" + arglist[i] + ");\n"
- tempstring = tempstring + emit_epilog();
- tempstring = tempstring + "#endif /*INCLUDED_VOLK_RUNTIME*/\n";
- return tempstring;
diff --git a/volk/include/volk/ b/volk/include/volk/
deleted file mode 100644
index 99cdf395f..000000000
--- a/volk/include/volk/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-from xml.dom import minidom
-import string
-from volk_regexp import *
-def make_runtime_c(funclist, taglist, arched_arglist, retlist, my_arglist, fcountlist, my_argtypelist) :
- tempstring = "";
- tempstring = tempstring + '/*this file is auto generated by*/';
- tempstring = tempstring + '\n\n#include<volk/volk_runtime.h>\n';
- tempstring = tempstring + "#include<volk/volk_config_fixed.h>\n";
- tempstring = tempstring + '#include<volk/volk_cpu.h>\n';
- tempstring = tempstring + '#include<volk_init.h>\n';
- tempstring = tempstring + '#include<volk/volk_registry.h>\n';
- for func in funclist:
- tempstring = tempstring + "#include<volk/" + func + ".h>\n" ;
- tempstring = tempstring + '\n';
- for i in range(len(funclist)):
- tempstring = tempstring + "static const " + replace_volk.sub("p", funclist[i]) + " " + funclist[i] + "_archs[] = {\n";
- tags_counter = 0;
- for arch_list in fcountlist[i]:
- tempstring = tempstring + "#if defined(LV_HAVE_"
- for ind in range(len(arch_list)):
- tempstring = tempstring + arch_list[ind] + ")";
- if ind < len(arch_list) - 1:
- tempstring = tempstring + " && defined(LV_HAVE_";
- tempstring = tempstring + "\n " + funclist[i] + "_" + str(taglist[i][tags_counter]) + ",\n#endif\n";
- tags_counter = tags_counter + 1;
- lindex = tempstring.rfind(",");
- tempstring = tempstring[0:lindex] + string.replace(tempstring[lindex:len(tempstring)], ",", "");
- tempstring = tempstring + "};\n\n";
- tempstring = tempstring + retlist[i] + "default_acquire_" + funclist[i] + replace_arch.sub("", arched_arglist[i]) + '\n';
- tempstring = tempstring + " %s = %s_archs[volk_rank_archs(%s_arch_defs, volk_get_lvarch())];\n" % (funclist[i], funclist[i], funclist[i])
- tempstring = tempstring + " %s(%s);\n}\n\n" % (funclist[i], my_arglist[i])
- tempstring = tempstring + "%s(*%s)(%s) = &default_acquire_%s;\n\n" % (retlist[i], funclist[i], my_argtypelist[i], funclist[i])
- return tempstring;
diff --git a/volk/include/volk/ b/volk/include/volk/
index 9d33abe89..437fb33b1 100755
--- a/volk/include/volk/
+++ b/volk/include/volk/
@@ -9,38 +9,29 @@ from make_cpuid_c import make_cpuid_c
from make_cpuid_h import make_cpuid_h
from make_set_simd import make_set_simd
from make_registry import make_registry
-from make_h import make_h
-from make_init_h import make_init_h
from make_config_fixed import make_config_fixed
-from make_config_in import make_config_in
-from make_c import make_c
-from make_runtime_c import make_runtime_c
-from make_init_c import make_init_c
-from make_runtime import make_runtime
from make_typedefs import make_typedefs
from make_environment_init_c import make_environment_init_c
from make_environment_init_h import make_environment_init_h
-from make_mktables import make_mktables
from make_makefile_am import make_makefile_am
from make_machines_h import make_machines_h
from make_machines_c import make_machines_c
from make_each_machine_c import make_each_machine_c
+from make_c import make_c
+from make_h import make_h
import copy
outfile_set_simd = open("../../config/lv_set_simd_flags.m4", "w");
outfile_reg = open("volk_registry.h", "w");
outfile_h = open("volk.h", "w");
outfile_c = open("../../lib/volk.c", "w");
-outfile_runtime = open("volk_runtime.h", "w");
-outfile_runtime_c = open("../../lib/volk_runtime.c", "w");
outfile_typedefs = open("volk_typedefs.h", "w");
outfile_init_h = open("../../lib/volk_init.h", "w");
-outfile_init_c = open("../../lib/volk_init.c", "w");
outfile_cpu_h = open("volk_cpu.h", "w");
outfile_cpu_c = open("../../lib/volk_cpu.c", "w");
#outfile_config_in = open("../../", "w");
outfile_config_fixed = open("volk_config_fixed.h", "w");
-outfile_mktables = open("../../lib/volk_mktables.c", "w");
+#outfile_mktables = open("../../lib/volk_mktables.c", "w");
outfile_environment_c = open("../../lib/volk_environment_init.c", "w");
outfile_environment_h = open("volk_environment_init.h", "w");
outfile_makefile_am = open("../../lib/", "w");
@@ -268,46 +259,16 @@ outfile_cpu_c.close();
outfile_set_simd.write(make_set_simd(filearchs, machines));
outfile_reg.write(make_registry(filearchs, functions, fcountlist, taglist));
-outfile_h.write(make_h(functions, arched_arglist, retlist));
-outfile_init_h.write(make_init_h(functions, arched_arglist, retlist));
-outfile_c.write( make_c(functions, taglist, arched_arglist, retlist, my_arglist, fcountlist));
-outfile_runtime_c.write(make_runtime_c(functions, taglist, arched_arglist, retlist, my_arglist, fcountlist, my_argtypelist));
-outfile_init_c.write(make_init_c(functions, filearchs));
-outfile_runtime.write(make_runtime(functions, my_argtypelist));
outfile_typedefs.write(make_typedefs(functions, retlist, my_argtypelist));
outfile_makefile_am.write(make_makefile_am(filearchs, machines, archflags_dict))
@@ -317,6 +278,12 @@ outfile_machines_h.close()
+outfile_c.write(make_c(machines, archs, functions, arched_arglist, my_arglist))
for machine in machines:
machine_c_filename = "../../lib/volk_machine_" + machine + ".c"
outfile_machine_c = open(machine_c_filename, "w")