path: root/gr-wxgui/src/python/forms/
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Diffstat (limited to 'gr-wxgui/src/python/forms/')
1 files changed, 8 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/gr-wxgui/src/python/forms/ b/gr-wxgui/src/python/forms/
index c0f181b4d..8dc58367d 100644
--- a/gr-wxgui/src/python/forms/
+++ b/gr-wxgui/src/python/forms/
@@ -37,9 +37,6 @@ The forms follow a layered model:
Known problems:
* An empty label in the radio box still consumes space.
* The static text cannot resize the parent at runtime.
- * Text box should indicate its that its edited but not committed.
- * Colorize?
- * Tab out to commit?
EXT_KEY = 'external'
@@ -227,11 +224,18 @@ class text_box(_form_base):
def __init__(self, label='', width=-1, converter=converters.eval_converter(), **kwargs):
_form_base.__init__(self, converter=converter, **kwargs)
self._text_box = wx.TextCtrl(self._parent, size=wx.Size(width, -1), style=wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER)
+ self._default_bg_colour = self._text_box.GetBackgroundColour()
self._text_box.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT_ENTER, self._handle)
+ self._text_box.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, self._update_color)
self._add_widget(self._text_box, label)
+ def _update_color(self, *args):
+ if self._text_box.GetValue() == self[INT_KEY]:
+ self._text_box.SetBackgroundColour(self._default_bg_colour)
+ else: self._text_box.SetBackgroundColour('#EEDDDD')
def _handle(self, event): self[INT_KEY] = self._text_box.GetValue()
- def _update(self, value): self._text_box.SetValue(value)
+ def _update(self, value): self._text_box.SetValue(value); self._update_color()
# Slider Form