path: root/gr-radio-astronomy/src/python/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gr-radio-astronomy/src/python/')
1 files changed, 584 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gr-radio-astronomy/src/python/ b/gr-radio-astronomy/src/python/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..37a1ebfff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gr-radio-astronomy/src/python/
@@ -0,0 +1,584 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2004,2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This file is part of GNU Radio
+# GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+# Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+from gnuradio import gr, gru
+from gnuradio import usrp
+import usrp_dbid
+from gnuradio import eng_notation
+from gnuradio.eng_option import eng_option
+from gnuradio.wxgui import stdgui, ra_fftsink, ra_stripchartsink, waterfallsink, form, slider
+from optparse import OptionParser
+import wx
+import sys
+from Numeric import *
+import FFT
+import ephem
+from gnuradio.local_calibrator import *
+class app_flow_graph(stdgui.gui_flow_graph):
+ def __init__(self, frame, panel, vbox, argv):
+ stdgui.gui_flow_graph.__init__(self)
+ self.frame = frame
+ self.panel = panel
+ parser = OptionParser(option_class=eng_option)
+ parser.add_option("-R", "--rx-subdev-spec", type="subdev", default=(0, 0),
+ help="select USRP Rx side A or B (default=A)")
+ parser.add_option("-d", "--decim", type="int", default=16,
+ help="set fgpa decimation rate to DECIM [default=%default]")
+ parser.add_option("-f", "--freq", type="eng_float", default=None,
+ help="set frequency to FREQ", metavar="FREQ")
+ parser.add_option("-a", "--avg", type="eng_float", default=1.0,
+ help="set spectral averaging alpha")
+ parser.add_option("-i", "--integ", type="eng_float", default=1.0,
+ help="set integration time")
+ parser.add_option("-g", "--gain", type="eng_float", default=None,
+ help="set gain in dB (default is midpoint)")
+ parser.add_option("-l", "--reflevel", type="eng_float", default=30.0,
+ help="Set Total power reference level")
+ parser.add_option("-y", "--division", type="eng_float", default=0.5,
+ help="Set Total power Y division size")
+ parser.add_option("-e", "--longitude", type="eng_float", default=-76.02, help="Set Observer Longitude")
+ parser.add_option("-c", "--latitude", type="eng_float", default=44.85, help="Set Observer Latitude")
+ parser.add_option("-o", "--observing", type="eng_float", default=0.0,
+ help="Set observing frequency")
+ parser.add_option("-x", "--ylabel", default="dB", help="Y axis label")
+ parser.add_option("-C", "--cfunc", default="default", help="Calibration function name")
+ parser.add_option("-z", "--divbase", type="eng_float", default=0.025, help="Y Division increment base")
+ parser.add_option("-v", "--stripsize", type="eng_float", default=2400, help="Size of stripchart, in 2Hz samples")
+ parser.add_option("-F", "--fft_size", type="eng_float", default=1024, help="Size of FFT")
+ parser.add_option("-N", "--decln", type="eng_float", default=999.99, help="Observing declination")
+ parser.add_option("-I", "--interfilt", action="store_true", default=False)
+ parser.add_option("-X", "--prefix", default="./")
+ (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+ if len(args) != 0:
+ parser.print_help()
+ sys.exit(1)
+ self.show_debug_info = True
+ # build the graph
+ self.u = usrp.source_c(decim_rate=options.decim)
+ self.u.set_mux(usrp.determine_rx_mux_value(self.u, options.rx_subdev_spec))
+ self.cardtype = self.u.daughterboard_id(0)
+ # Set initial declination
+ self.decln = options.decln
+ # Turn off interference filter by default
+ self.use_interfilt = options.interfilt
+ # determine the daughterboard subdevice we're using
+ self.subdev = usrp.selected_subdev(self.u, options.rx_subdev_spec)
+ input_rate = self.u.adc_freq() / self.u.decim_rate()
+ tpstr="calib_"+options.cfunc+"_total_power"
+ sstr="calib_"+options.cfunc+"_fft"
+ self.tpcfunc=eval(tpstr)
+ self.scfunc=eval(sstr)
+ #
+ # Set prefix for data files
+ #
+ self.prefix = options.prefix
+ calib_set_prefix(self.prefix)
+ # Set up FFT display
+ self.scope = ra_fftsink.ra_fft_sink_c (self, panel,
+ fft_size=int(options.fft_size), sample_rate=input_rate,
+ fft_rate=8, title="Spectral",
+ cfunc=self.scfunc, xydfunc=self.xydfunc, interfunc=self.interference)
+ # Set up ephemeris data
+ self.locality = ephem.Observer()
+ self.locality.long = str(options.longitude)
+ = str(options.latitude)
+ # Set up stripchart display
+ self.stripsize = int(options.stripsize)
+ self.chart = ra_stripchartsink.stripchart_sink_f (self, panel,
+ stripsize=self.stripsize,
+ title="Continuum",
+ xlabel="LMST Offset (Seconds)",
+ scaling=1.0, ylabel=options.ylabel,
+ divbase=options.divbase, cfunc=self.tpcfunc)
+ # Set center frequency
+ self.centerfreq = options.freq
+ # Set observing frequency (might be different from actual programmed
+ # RF frequency)
+ if options.observing == 0.0:
+ self.observing = options.freq
+ else:
+ self.observing = options.observing
+ = input_rate
+ #
+ # Produce a default interference map
+ # May not actually get used, unless --interfilt was specified
+ #
+ self.intmap = Numeric.zeros(256,Numeric.Complex64)
+ for i in range(0,len(self.intmap)):
+ self.intmap[i] = complex(1.0, 0.0)
+ # We setup the first two integrators to produce a fixed integration
+ # Down to 1Hz, with output at 1 samples/sec
+ N = input_rate/5000
+ # Second stage runs on decimated output of first
+ M = (input_rate/N)
+ # Create taps for first integrator
+ t = range(0,N-1)
+ tapsN = []
+ for i in t:
+ tapsN.append(1.0/N)
+ # Create taps for second integrator
+ t = range(0,M-1)
+ tapsM = []
+ for i in t:
+ tapsM.append(1.0/M)
+ #
+ # The 3rd integrator is variable, and user selectable at runtime
+ # This integrator doesn't decimate, but is used to set the
+ # final integration time based on the constant 1Hz input samples
+ # The strip chart is fed at a constant 1Hz rate as a result
+ #
+ #
+ # Call constructors for receive chains
+ #
+ #
+ # This is the interference-zapping filter
+ #
+ # The GUI is used to set/clear inteference zones in
+ # the filter. The non-interfering zones are set to
+ # 1.0.
+ #
+ if 0:
+ self.interfilt = gr.fft_filter_ccc(1,self.intmap)
+ tmp = FFT.inverse_fft(self.intmap)
+ self.interfilt.set_taps(tmp)
+ # The three integrators--two FIR filters, and an IIR final filter
+ self.integrator1 = gr.fir_filter_fff (N, tapsN)
+ self.integrator2 = gr.fir_filter_fff (M, tapsM)
+ self.integrator3 = gr.single_pole_iir_filter_ff(1.0)
+ # Split complex USRP stream into a pair of floats
+ self.splitter = gr.complex_to_float (1);
+ self.toshort = gr.float_to_short();
+ # I squarer (detector)
+ self.multI = gr.multiply_ff();
+ # Q squarer (detector)
+ self.multQ = gr.multiply_ff();
+ # Adding squared I and Q to produce instantaneous signal power
+ self.adder = gr.add_ff();
+ #
+ # Start connecting configured modules in the receive chain
+ #
+ # Connect interference-filtered USRP input to selected scope function
+ if self.use_interfilt == True:
+ self.connect(self.u, self.interfilt, self.scope)
+ # Connect interference-filtered USRP to a complex->float splitter
+ self.connect(self.interfilt, self.splitter)
+ else:
+ self.connect(self.u, self.scope)
+ self.connect(self.u, self.splitter)
+ # Connect splitter outputs to multipliers
+ # First do I^2
+ self.connect((self.splitter, 0), (self.multI,0))
+ self.connect((self.splitter, 0), (self.multI,1))
+ # Then do Q^2
+ self.connect((self.splitter, 1), (self.multQ,0))
+ self.connect((self.splitter, 1), (self.multQ,1))
+ # Then sum the squares
+ self.connect(self.multI, (self.adder,0))
+ self.connect(self.multQ, (self.adder,1))
+ # Connect adder output to three-stages of FIR integrator
+ self.connect(self.adder, self.integrator1,
+ self.integrator2, self.integrator3, self.chart)
+ self._build_gui(vbox)
+ # Make GUI agree with command-line
+ self.myform['integration'].set_value(int(options.integ))
+ self.myform['average'].set_value(int(options.avg))
+ # Make integrator agree with command line
+ self.set_integration(int(options.integ))
+ # Make spectral averager agree with command line
+ if options.avg != 1.0:
+ self.scope.set_avg_alpha(float(1.0/options.avg))
+ calib_set_avg_alpha(float(options.avg))
+ self.scope.set_average(True)
+ # Set division size
+ self.chart.set_y_per_div(options.division)
+ # Set reference(MAX) level
+ self.chart.set_ref_level(options.reflevel)
+ # set initial values
+ if options.gain is None:
+ # if no gain was specified, use the mid-point in dB
+ g = self.subdev.gain_range()
+ options.gain = float(g[0]+g[1])/2
+ if options.freq is None:
+ # if no freq was specified, use the mid-point
+ r = self.subdev.freq_range()
+ options.freq = float(r[0]+r[1])/2
+ # Set the initial gain control
+ self.set_gain(options.gain)
+ if not(self.set_freq(options.freq)):
+ self._set_status_msg("Failed to set initial frequency")
+ self.set_decln (self.decln)
+ calib_set_bw(self.decln)
+ self.myform['decim'].set_value(self.u.decim_rate())
+ self.myform['fs@usb'].set_value(self.u.adc_freq() / self.u.decim_rate())
+ self.myform['dbname'].set_value(
+ # Make sure calibrator knows what our bandwidth is
+ calib_set_bw(self.u.adc_freq() / self.u.decim_rate())
+ # Tell calibrator our declination as well
+ calib_set_decln(self.decln)
+ # Start the timer for the LMST display
+ self.lmst_timer.Start(1000)
+ def _set_status_msg(self, msg):
+ self.frame.GetStatusBar().SetStatusText(msg, 0)
+ def _build_gui(self, vbox):
+ def _form_set_freq(kv):
+ return self.set_freq(kv['freq'])
+ def _form_set_decln(kv):
+ return self.set_decln(kv['decln'])
+ # Position the FFT display
+ vbox.Add(, 15, wx.EXPAND)
+ # Position the Total-power stripchart
+ vbox.Add(, 15, wx.EXPAND)
+ # add control area at the bottom
+ self.myform = myform = form.form()
+ hbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
+ hbox.Add((7,0), 0, wx.EXPAND)
+ vbox1 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+ myform['freq'] = form.float_field(
+ parent=self.panel, sizer=vbox1, label="Center freq", weight=1,
+ callback=myform.check_input_and_call(_form_set_freq, self._set_status_msg))
+ vbox1.Add((4,0), 0, 0)
+ myform['lmst_high'] = form.static_text_field(
+ parent=self.panel, sizer=vbox1, label="Current LMST", weight=1)
+ vbox1.Add((4,0), 0, 0)
+ myform['spec_data'] = form.static_text_field(
+ parent=self.panel, sizer=vbox1, label="Spectral Cursor", weight=1)
+ vbox1.Add((4,0), 0, 0)
+ vbox2 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+ g = self.subdev.gain_range()
+ myform['gain'] = form.slider_field(parent=self.panel, sizer=vbox2, label="RF Gain",
+ weight=1,
+ min=int(g[0]), max=int(g[1]),
+ callback=self.set_gain)
+ vbox2.Add((4,0), 0, 0)
+ myform['average'] = form.slider_field(parent=self.panel, sizer=vbox2,
+ label="Spectral Averaging (FFT frames)", weight=1, min=1, max=2000, callback=self.set_averaging)
+ vbox2.Add((4,0), 0, 0)
+ myform['integration'] = form.slider_field(parent=self.panel, sizer=vbox2,
+ label="Continuum Integration Time (sec)", weight=1, min=1, max=180, callback=self.set_integration)
+ vbox2.Add((4,0), 0, 0)
+ myform['decln'] = form.float_field(
+ parent=self.panel, sizer=vbox2, label="Current Declination", weight=1,
+ callback=myform.check_input_and_call(_form_set_decln))
+ vbox2.Add((4,0), 0, 0)
+ buttonbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
+ if self.use_interfilt == True:
+ self.doit = form.button_with_callback(self.panel,
+ label="Clear Interference List",
+ callback=self.clear_interferers)
+ if self.use_interfilt == True:
+ buttonbox.Add(self.doit, 0, wx.CENTER)
+ vbox.Add(buttonbox, 0, wx.CENTER)
+ hbox.Add(vbox1, 0, 0)
+ hbox.Add(vbox2, wx.ALIGN_RIGHT, 0)
+ vbox.Add(hbox, 0, wx.EXPAND)
+ self._build_subpanel(vbox)
+ self.lmst_timer = wx.PyTimer(self.lmst_timeout)
+ self.lmst_timeout()
+ def _build_subpanel(self, vbox_arg):
+ # build a secondary information panel (sometimes hidden)
+ # FIXME figure out how to have this be a subpanel that is always
+ # created, but has its visibility controlled by foo.Show(True/False)
+ if not(self.show_debug_info):
+ return
+ panel = self.panel
+ vbox = vbox_arg
+ myform = self.myform
+ #panel = wx.Panel(self.panel, -1)
+ #vbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+ hbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
+ hbox.Add((5,0), 0)
+ myform['decim'] = form.static_float_field(
+ parent=panel, sizer=hbox, label="Decim")
+ hbox.Add((5,0), 1)
+ myform['fs@usb'] = form.static_float_field(
+ parent=panel, sizer=hbox, label="Fs@USB")
+ hbox.Add((5,0), 1)
+ myform['dbname'] = form.static_text_field(
+ parent=panel, sizer=hbox)
+ hbox.Add((5,0), 1)
+ myform['baseband'] = form.static_float_field(
+ parent=panel, sizer=hbox, label="Analog BB")
+ hbox.Add((5,0), 1)
+ myform['ddc'] = form.static_float_field(
+ parent=panel, sizer=hbox, label="DDC")
+ hbox.Add((5,0), 0)
+ vbox.Add(hbox, 0, wx.EXPAND)
+ def set_freq(self, target_freq):
+ """
+ Set the center frequency we're interested in.
+ @param target_freq: frequency in Hz
+ @rypte: bool
+ Tuning is a two step process. First we ask the front-end to
+ tune as close to the desired frequency as it can. Then we use
+ the result of that operation and our target_frequency to
+ determine the value for the digital down converter.
+ """
+ #
+ # Everything except BASIC_RX should support usrp.tune()
+ #
+ if not (self.cardtype == usrp_dbid.BASIC_RX):
+ r = usrp.tune(self.u, 0, self.subdev, target_freq)
+ else:
+ r = self.u.set_rx_freq(0, target_freq)
+ f = self.u.rx_freq(0)
+ if abs(f-target_freq) > 2.0e3:
+ r = 0
+ if r:
+ self.myform['freq'].set_value(target_freq) # update displayed value
+ #
+ # Make sure calibrator knows our target freq
+ #
+ # Remember centerfreq---used for doppler calcs
+ delta = self.centerfreq - target_freq
+ self.centerfreq = target_freq
+ self.observing -= delta
+ self.scope.set_baseband_freq (self.observing)
+ calib_set_freq(self.observing)
+ # Clear interference list
+ self.clear_interferers()
+ self.myform['baseband'].set_value(r.baseband_freq)
+ self.myform['ddc'].set_value(r.dxc_freq)
+ return True
+ return False
+ def set_decln(self, dec):
+ self.decln = dec
+ self.myform['decln'].set_value(dec) # update displayed value
+ calib_set_decln(dec)
+ def set_gain(self, gain):
+ self.myform['gain'].set_value(gain) # update displayed value
+ self.subdev.set_gain(gain)
+ #
+ # Make sure calibrator knows our gain setting
+ #
+ calib_set_gain(gain)
+ def set_averaging(self, avval):
+ self.myform['average'].set_value(avval)
+ self.scope.set_avg_alpha(1.0/(avval))
+ calib_set_avg_alpha(avval)
+ self.scope.set_average(True)
+ def set_integration(self, integval):
+ self.integrator3.set_taps(1.0/integval)
+ self.myform['integration'].set_value(integval)
+ #
+ # Make sure calibrator knows our integration time
+ #
+ calib_set_integ(integval)
+ def lmst_timeout(self):
+ =
+ sidtime = self.locality.sidereal_time()
+ self.myform['lmst_high'].set_value(str(ephem.hours(sidtime)))
+ def xydfunc(self,xyv):
+ magn = int(log10(self.observing))
+ if (magn == 6 or magn == 7 or magn == 8):
+ magn = 6
+ dfreq = xyv[0] * pow(10.0,magn)
+ ratio = self.observing / dfreq
+ vs = 1.0 - ratio
+ vs *= 299792.0
+ if magn >= 9:
+ xhz = "Ghz"
+ elif magn >= 6:
+ xhz = "Mhz"
+ elif magn <= 5:
+ xhz = "Khz"
+ s = "%.6f%s\n%.3fdB" % (xyv[0], xhz, xyv[1])
+ s2 = "\n%.3fkm/s" % vs
+ self.myform['spec_data'].set_value(s+s2)
+ def interference(self,x):
+ if self.use_interfilt == False:
+ return
+ magn = int(log10(self.observing))
+ dfreq = x * pow(10.0,magn)
+ delta = dfreq - self.observing
+ fincr = / len(self.intmap)
+ l = len(self.intmap)
+ if delta > 0:
+ offset = delta/fincr
+ else:
+ offset = (l) - int((abs(delta)/fincr))
+ offset = int(offset)
+ if offset >= len(self.intmap) or offset < 0:
+ print "interference offset is invalid--", offset
+ return
+ #
+ # Zero out the region around the selected interferer
+ #
+ self.intmap[offset-2] = complex (0.5, 0.0)
+ self.intmap[offset-1] = complex (0.25, 0.0)
+ self.intmap[offset] = complex (0.0, 0.0)
+ self.intmap[offset+1] = complex(0.25, 0.0)
+ self.intmap[offset+2] = complex(0.5, 0.0)
+ #
+ # Set new taps
+ #
+ tmp = FFT.inverse_fft(self.intmap)
+ self.interfilt.set_taps(tmp)
+ def clear_interf(self):
+ self.clear_interferers()
+ def clear_interferers(self):
+ for i in range(0,len(self.intmap)):
+ self.intmap[i] = complex(1.0,0.0)
+ tmp = FFT.inverse_fft(self.intmap)
+ if self.use_interfilt == True:
+ self.interfilt.set_taps(tmp)
+ def toggle_cal(self):
+ if (self.calstate == True):
+ self.calstate = False
+ self.u.write_io(0,0,(1<<15))
+ self.calibrator.SetLabel("Calibration Source: Off")
+ else:
+ self.calstate = True
+ self.u.write_io(0,(1<<15),(1<<15))
+ self.calibrator.SetLabel("Calibration Source: On")
+ def toggle_annotation(self):
+ if (self.annotate_state == True):
+ self.annotate_state = False
+ self.annotation.SetLabel("Annotation: Off")
+ else:
+ self.annotate_state = True
+ self.annotation.SetLabel("Annotation: On")
+ calib_set_interesting(self.annotate_state)
+def main ():
+ app = stdgui.stdapp(app_flow_graph, "RADIO ASTRONOMY SPECTRAL/CONTINUUM RECEIVER: $Revision$", nstatus=1)
+ app.MainLoop()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main ()