path: root/gr-radio-astronomy/src/python/
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Diffstat (limited to 'gr-radio-astronomy/src/python/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 400 deletions
diff --git a/gr-radio-astronomy/src/python/ b/gr-radio-astronomy/src/python/
deleted file mode 100755
index 76988f8f0..000000000
--- a/gr-radio-astronomy/src/python/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,400 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright 2003,2004,2005,2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This file is part of GNU Radio
-# GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
-# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-from gnuradio import gr, gru
-from gnuradio.wxgui import stdgui2
-import wx
-import gnuradio.wxgui.plot as plot
-import Numeric
-import threading
-import math
-import ephem
-import time
-default_stripchartsink_size = (640,140)
-global_yvalues = []
-class stripchart_sink_base(object):
- def __init__(self, input_is_real=False, y_per_div=10, ref_level=50,
- sample_rate=1, stripsize=4,
- title='',xlabel="X", ylabel="Y", divbase=0.025,
- parallel=False, scaling=1.0, autoscale=False):
- # initialize common attributes
- self.y_divs = 8
- self.y_per_div=y_per_div
- self.ref_level = ref_level
- self.autoscale = autoscale
- self.sample_rate = sample_rate
- self.parallel = parallel
- self.title = title
- self.xlabel = xlabel
- self.ylabel = ylabel
- self.divbase = divbase
- self.scaling = scaling
- self.input_is_real = input_is_real
- self.msgq = gr.msg_queue(2) # queue that holds a maximum of 2 messages
- self.vector=Numeric.zeros(stripsize,Numeric.Float64)
- self.wcnt = 0
- self.timecnt = 0
- self.stripsize=stripsize
- def set_y_per_div(self, y_per_div):
- self.y_per_div = y_per_div
- def set_ref_level(self, ref_level):
- self.ref_level = ref_level
- def set_autoscale(self, auto):
- self.autoscale = auto
-class stripchart_sink_f(gr.hier_block2, stripchart_sink_base):
- def __init__(self, parent,
- y_per_div=10, ref_level=50, sample_rate=1,
- title='', stripsize=4,
- size=default_stripchartsink_size,xlabel="X",
- ylabel="Y", divbase=0.025,
- parallel=False, scaling=1.0, autoscale=False):
- if parallel == False:
- gr.hier_block2.__init__(self, "stripchart_sink_f",
- gr.io_signature(1, 1, gr.sizeof_float),
- gr.io_signature(0, 0, 0))
- else:
- gr.hier_block2.__init__(self, "stripchart_sink_f",
- gr.io_signature(1, 1, gr.sizeof_float*stripsize),
- gr.io_signature(0, 0, 0))
- stripchart_sink_base.__init__(self, input_is_real=True,
- y_per_div=y_per_div, ref_level=ref_level,
- sample_rate=sample_rate,
- stripsize=stripsize,
- xlabel=xlabel, ylabel=ylabel,
- divbase=divbase, title=title,
- parallel=parallel,
- scaling=scaling, autoscale=autoscale)
- if (parallel == True):
- one = gr.keep_one_in_n (gr.sizeof_float*stripsize, 1)
- sink = gr.message_sink(gr.sizeof_float*stripsize, self.msgq, True)
- else:
- one = gr.keep_one_in_n (gr.sizeof_float, 1)
- sink = gr.message_sink(gr.sizeof_float, self.msgq, True)
- self.connect (self, one, sink)
- = stripchart_window(self, parent, size=size)
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-myDATA_EVENT = wx.NewEventType()
-EVT_DATA_EVENT = wx.PyEventBinder (myDATA_EVENT, 0)
-class DataEvent(wx.PyEvent):
- def __init__(self, data):
- wx.PyEvent.__init__(self)
- self.SetEventType (myDATA_EVENT)
- = data
- def Clone (self):
- self.__class__ (self.GetId())
-class input_watcher (threading.Thread):
- def __init__ (self, msgq, evsize, event_receiver, **kwds):
- threading.Thread.__init__ (self, **kwds)
- self.setDaemon (1)
- self.msgq = msgq
- self.evsize = evsize
- self.event_receiver = event_receiver
- self.keep_running = True
- self.start ()
- def run (self):
- while (self.keep_running):
- msg = self.msgq.delete_head() # blocking read of message queue
- itemsize = int(msg.arg1())
- nitems = int(msg.arg2())
- s = msg.to_string() # get the body of the msg as a string
- # There may be more than one frame in the message.
- # If so, we take only the last one
- if nitems > 1:
- start = itemsize * (nitems - 1)
- s = s[start:start+itemsize]
- complex_data = Numeric.fromstring (s, Numeric.Float32)
- de = DataEvent (complex_data)
- wx.PostEvent (self.event_receiver, de)
- del de
-class stripchart_window(plot.PlotCanvas):
- def __init__ (self, stripchartsink, parent, id = -1,
- pos = wx.DefaultPosition, size = wx.DefaultSize,
- style = wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE, name = ""):
- plot.PlotCanvas.__init__ (self, parent, id, pos, size, style, name)
- self.y_range = None
- self.stripchartsink = stripchartsink
- self.SetEnableGrid (True)
- # self.SetEnableZoom (True)
- # self.SetBackgroundColour ('black')
- self.build_popup_menu()
- EVT_DATA_EVENT (self, self.set_data)
- wx.EVT_CLOSE (self, self.on_close_window)
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_RIGHT_UP, self.on_right_click)
- self.input_watcher = input_watcher(stripchartsink.msgq, 1, self)
- def on_close_window (self, event):
- print "stripchart_window:on_close_window"
- self.keep_running = False
- def set_data (self, evt):
- indata =
- L = len (indata)
- calc_min = min(indata)
- calc_max = max(indata)
- d = calc_max - calc_min
- d = d * 0.1
- if self.stripchartsink.autoscale == True and self.stripchartsink.parallel == True:
- self.y_range = self._axisInterval ('min', calc_min-d, calc_max+d)
- N = self.stripchartsink.stripsize
- if self.stripchartsink.parallel != True:
- for i in range(1,N):
- pooey = N-i
- self.stripchartsink.vector[pooey] = self.stripchartsink.vector[pooey-1]
- self.stripchartsink.vector[0] = indata
- else:
- self.stripchartsink.vector = indata
- if self.stripchartsink.parallel == True:
- avg = 0
- for i in range(0,self.stripchartsink.stripsize):
- if self.stripchartsink.vector[i] > 0:
- avg += self.stripchartsink.vector[i]
- if self.stripchartsink.vector[i] < calc_min:
- calc_min = self.stripchartsink.vector[i]
- if self.stripchartsink.vector[i] > calc_max:
- calc_max = self.stripchartsink.vector[i]
- avg /= self.stripchartsink.stripsize
- markers = []
- placedmarkers = 0
- for i in range(0,self.stripchartsink.stripsize):
- if (self.stripchartsink.vector[i] > 0 and
- self.stripchartsink.vector[i] > (avg*5)):
- markers.append((i*self.stripchartsink.scaling,
- self.stripchartsink.vector[i]))
- placedmarkers += 1
- points = Numeric.zeros((N,2), Numeric.Float64)
- for i in range(0,N):
- if self.stripchartsink.scaling == 1.0:
- points[i,0] = i
- else:
- points[i,0] = i * self.stripchartsink.scaling
- points[i,1] = self.stripchartsink.vector[i]
- if self.stripchartsink.parallel == True and placedmarkers > 1:
- for i in range(0,N):
- self.stripchartsink.vector[i] = 0
- marks = plot.PolyMarker(markers, colour='BLACK', marker='triangle_down')
- lines = plot.PolyLine (points, colour='RED')
- # Temporary--I'm find the markers distracting
- placedmarkers = 0
- xlab = self.stripchartsink.xlabel
- ylab = self.stripchartsink.ylabel
- if (self.stripchartsink.parallel == False) or (placedmarkers <= 1):
- graphics = plot.PlotGraphics ([lines],
- title=self.stripchartsink.title,
- xLabel = xlab, yLabel = ylab)
- else:
- graphics = plot.PlotGraphics ([lines,marks],
- title=self.stripchartsink.title,
- xLabel = xlab, yLabel = ylab)
- self.Draw (graphics, xAxis=None, yAxis=self.y_range)
- if self.stripchartsink.autoscale == False or self.stripchartsink.parallel == False:
- self.update_y_range ()
- def update_y_range (self):
- ymax = self.stripchartsink.ref_level
- ymin = self.stripchartsink.ref_level - self.stripchartsink.y_per_div * self.stripchartsink.y_divs
- self.y_range = self._axisInterval ('min', ymin, ymax)
- def on_incr_ref_level(self, evt):
- # print "on_incr_ref_level"
- self.stripchartsink.set_ref_level(self.stripchartsink.ref_level
- + self.stripchartsink.y_per_div)
- def on_decr_ref_level(self, evt):
- # print "on_decr_ref_level"
- self.stripchartsink.set_ref_level(self.stripchartsink.ref_level
- - self.stripchartsink.y_per_div)
- def on_autoscale(self, evt):
- self.stripchartsink.set_autoscale(evt.IsChecked())
- def on_incr_y_per_div(self, evt):
- divbase = self.stripchartsink.divbase
- x1 = 1 * divbase
- x2 = 2 * divbase
- x4 = 4 * divbase
- x10 = 10 * divbase
- x20 = 20 * divbase
- # print "on_incr_y_per_div"
- self.stripchartsink.set_y_per_div(next_up(self.stripchartsink.y_per_div, (x1,x2,x4,x10,x20)))
- def on_decr_y_per_div(self, evt):
- # print "on_decr_y_per_div"
- divbase = self.stripchartsink.divbase
- x1 = 1 * divbase
- x2 = 2 * divbase
- x4 = 4 * divbase
- x10 = 10 * divbase
- x20 = 20 * divbase
- self.stripchartsink.set_y_per_div(next_down(self.stripchartsink.y_per_div, (x1,x2,x4,x10,x20)))
- def on_y_per_div(self, evt):
- # print "on_y_per_div"
- divbase=self.stripchartsink.divbase
- Id = evt.GetId()
- if Id == self.id_y_per_div_1:
- self.stripchartsink.set_y_per_div(1*divbase)
- elif Id == self.id_y_per_div_2:
- self.stripchartsink.set_y_per_div(2*divbase)
- elif Id == self.id_y_per_div_5:
- self.stripchartsink.set_y_per_div(4*divbase)
- elif Id == self.id_y_per_div_10:
- self.stripchartsink.set_y_per_div(10*divbase)
- elif Id == self.id_y_per_div_20:
- self.stripchartsink.set_y_per_div(20*divbase)
- def on_right_click(self, event):
- menu = self.popup_menu
- for id, pred in self.checkmarks.items():
- item = menu.FindItemById(id)
- item.Check(pred())
- self.PopupMenu(menu, event.GetPosition())
- def build_popup_menu(self):
- divbase=self.stripchartsink.divbase
- self.id_incr_ref_level = wx.NewId()
- self.id_decr_ref_level = wx.NewId()
- self.id_autoscale = wx.NewId()
- self.id_incr_y_per_div = wx.NewId()
- self.id_decr_y_per_div = wx.NewId()
- self.id_y_per_div_1 = wx.NewId()
- self.id_y_per_div_2 = wx.NewId()
- self.id_y_per_div_5 = wx.NewId()
- self.id_y_per_div_10 = wx.NewId()
- self.id_y_per_div_20 = wx.NewId()
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.on_incr_ref_level, id=self.id_incr_ref_level)
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.on_decr_ref_level, id=self.id_decr_ref_level)
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.on_autoscale, id=self.id_autoscale)
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.on_incr_y_per_div, id=self.id_incr_y_per_div)
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.on_decr_y_per_div, id=self.id_decr_y_per_div)
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.on_y_per_div, id=self.id_y_per_div_1)
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.on_y_per_div, id=self.id_y_per_div_2)
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.on_y_per_div, id=self.id_y_per_div_5)
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.on_y_per_div, id=self.id_y_per_div_10)
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.on_y_per_div, id=self.id_y_per_div_20)
- # make a menu
- menu = wx.Menu()
- self.popup_menu = menu
- menu.Append(self.id_incr_ref_level, "Incr Ref Level")
- menu.Append(self.id_decr_ref_level, "Decr Ref Level")
- menu.AppendSeparator()
- menu.AppendCheckItem(self.id_autoscale, "Auto Scale")
- # we'd use RadioItems for these, but they're not supported on Mac
- v = 1.0*divbase
- s = "%.3f" % v
- menu.AppendCheckItem(self.id_y_per_div_1, s)
- v = 2.0*divbase
- s = "%.3f" % v
- menu.AppendCheckItem(self.id_y_per_div_2, s)
- v = 4.0*divbase
- s = "%.3f" % v
- menu.AppendCheckItem(self.id_y_per_div_5, s)
- v = 10*divbase
- s = "%.3f" % v
- menu.AppendCheckItem(self.id_y_per_div_10, s)
- v = 20*divbase
- s = "%.3f" % v
- menu.AppendCheckItem(self.id_y_per_div_20, s)
- self.checkmarks = {
- self.id_autoscale : lambda : self.stripchartsink.autoscale,
- self.id_y_per_div_1 : lambda : self.stripchartsink.y_per_div == 1*divbase,
- self.id_y_per_div_2 : lambda : self.stripchartsink.y_per_div == 2*divbase,
- self.id_y_per_div_5 : lambda : self.stripchartsink.y_per_div == 4*divbase,
- self.id_y_per_div_10 : lambda : self.stripchartsink.y_per_div == 10*divbase,
- self.id_y_per_div_20 : lambda : self.stripchartsink.y_per_div == 20*divbase,
- }
-def next_up(v, seq):
- """
- Return the first item in seq that is > v.
- """
- for s in seq:
- if s > v:
- return s
- return v
-def next_down(v, seq):
- """
- Return the last item in seq that is < v.
- """
- rseq = list(seq[:])
- rseq.reverse()
- for s in rseq:
- if s < v:
- return s
- return v