path: root/gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/
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Diffstat (limited to 'gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 99 deletions
diff --git a/gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/ b/gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/
deleted file mode 100755
index 2c8d4f760..000000000
--- a/gnuradio-examples/python/usrp/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-from gnuradio import gr, eng_notation
-from gnuradio import audio
-# from gnuradio import usrp
-from gnuradio.eng_option import eng_option
-from optparse import OptionParser
-import sys
-import math
-# return a gr.flow_graph
-def build_graph (input_filename, repeat):
- adc_rate = 64e6 # USRP A/D sampling rate
- decim = 250 # FPGA decimated by this amount
- quad_rate = adc_rate / decim # 256 kHz (the sample rate of the file)
- audio_decimation = 8
- audio_rate = quad_rate / audio_decimation # 32 kHz
- fg = gr.flow_graph ()
- # usrp is data source
- # src = usrp.source_c (0, decim)
- # src.set_rx_freq (0, -IF_freq)
- src = gr.file_source (gr.sizeof_gr_complex, input_filename, repeat)
- (head, tail) = build_pipeline (fg, quad_rate, audio_decimation)
- # sound card as final sink
- audio_sink = audio.sink (int (audio_rate))
- # now wire it all together
- fg.connect (src, head)
- fg.connect (tail, (audio_sink, 0))
- return fg
-def build_pipeline (fg, quad_rate, audio_decimation):
- '''Given a flow_graph, fg, construct a pipeline
- for demodulating a broadcast FM signal. The
- input is the downconverteed complex baseband
- signal. The output is the demodulated audio.
- build_pipeline returns a two element tuple
- containing the input and output endpoints.
- '''
- fm_demod_gain = 2200.0/32768.0
- audio_rate = quad_rate / audio_decimation
- volume = 1.0
- # input: complex; output: float
- fm_demod = gr.quadrature_demod_cf (volume*fm_demod_gain)
- # compute FIR filter taps for audio filter
- width_of_transition_band = audio_rate / 32
- audio_coeffs = gr.firdes.low_pass (1.0, # gain
- quad_rate, # sampling rate
- audio_rate/2 - width_of_transition_band,
- width_of_transition_band,
- gr.firdes.WIN_HAMMING)
- TAU = 75e-6 # 75us in US, 50us in EUR
- fftaps = [ 1 - math.exp(-1/TAU/quad_rate), 0]
- fbtaps= [ 0 , math.exp(-1/TAU/quad_rate) ]
- deemph = gr.iir_filter_ffd(fftaps,fbtaps)
- # input: float; output: float
- audio_filter = gr.fir_filter_fff (audio_decimation, audio_coeffs)
- fg.connect (fm_demod, deemph)
- fg.connect (deemph, audio_filter)
- return ((fm_demod, 0), (audio_filter, 0))
-def main ():
- usage = "usage: %prog [options] filename"
- parser = OptionParser (option_class=eng_option, usage=usage)
- parser.add_option ("-r", "--repeat", action="store_true", default=False)
- # parser.add_option (... your stuff here...)
- (options, args) = parser.parse_args ()
- if len (args) != 1:
- parser.print_help ()
- sys.exit (1)
- fg = build_graph (args[0], options.repeat)
- fg.start () # fork thread(s) and return
- raw_input ('Press Enter to quit: ')
- fg.stop ()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main ()