path: root/usrp2/fpga/opencores/8b10b/validate_8b10b.v
diff options
authorjcorgan2008-09-08 01:00:12 +0000
committerjcorgan2008-09-08 01:00:12 +0000
commite0fcbaee124d3e8c4c11bdda662f88e082352058 (patch)
treea51ef1c8b949681f45e5664478e8515065cfff5b /usrp2/fpga/opencores/8b10b/validate_8b10b.v
parentc86f6c23c6883f73d953d64c28ab42cedb77e4d7 (diff)
Merged r9433:9527 from features/gr-usrp2 into trunk. Adds usrp2 and gr-usrp2 top-level components. Trunk passes distcheck with mb-gcc installed, but currently not without them. The key issue is that when mb-gcc is not installed, the build system skips over the usrp2/firmware directory, and the firmware include files don't get put into the dist tarball. But we can't do the usual DIST_SUBDIRS method as the firmware is a subpackage.
git-svn-id: 221aa14e-8319-0410-a670-987f0aec2ac5
Diffstat (limited to 'usrp2/fpga/opencores/8b10b/validate_8b10b.v')
1 files changed, 168 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/usrp2/fpga/opencores/8b10b/validate_8b10b.v b/usrp2/fpga/opencores/8b10b/validate_8b10b.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..926b1081d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/usrp2/fpga/opencores/8b10b/validate_8b10b.v
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+// Chuck Benz, Hollis, NH Copyright (c)2002
+// The information and description contained herein is the
+// property of Chuck Benz.
+// Permission is granted for any reuse of this information
+// and description as long as this copyright notice is
+// preserved. Modifications may be made as long as this
+// notice is preserved.
+// 11-OCT-2002: updated with clearer messages, and checking decodeout
+`timescale 1ns / 1ns
+module test_8b10b ;
+ reg [29:0] code8b10b [0:267] ;
+ reg [8:0] testin ;
+ reg dispin ;
+ reg [10:0] i ;
+ wire [9:0] testout ;
+ wire dispout, decodedisp, decodeerr, disperr ;
+ wire [8:0] decodeout ;
+ // My data file is 30 columns. Column 1 becomes [29], 2 becomes [28], etc..
+ // code[0] is last Column (30)
+ // First column, [29] is K indication
+ // columns 2:9, [28:21], are data byte, aka 'm' and 'n' of Dm.n
+ // columns 10:19, [20:11] are 10b symbol if starting disparity was negative, 0
+ // columns 20:29, [10:1] are 10b symbol if starting disparity was positive, 1
+ // column 30, [0], is a 1 if symbol results in a disparity flip
+ // 0 for a balanced symbol (5 '1's, 5 '0's).
+ wire [29:0] code = code8b10b[i] ;
+ wire [9:0] expect_0_disp = {code[11], code[12], code[13], code[14], code[15],
+ code[16], code[17], code[18], code[19], code[20]} ;
+ wire [9:0] expect_1_disp = {code[1], code[2], code[3], code[4], code[5],
+ code[6], code[7], code[8], code[9], code[10]} ;
+ reg [1023:0] legal ; // mark every used 10b symbol as legal, leave rest marked as not
+ reg [2047:0] okdisp ; // now mark every used combination of symbol and starting disparity
+ reg [8:0] mapcode [1023:0] ;
+ reg [10:0] codedisp0, codedisp1 ;
+ reg [9:0] decodein ;
+ reg decdispin ;
+ integer errors ;
+ encode_8b10b DUTE (testin, dispin, testout, dispout) ;
+ decode_8b10b DUTD (decodein, decdispin, decodeout, decodedisp, decodeerr, disperr) ;
+ always @ (code) testin = code[29:21] ;
+ initial begin
+ errors = 0 ;
+ $readmemb ("8b10b_a.mem", code8b10b) ;
+ //$vcdpluson ;
+ $dumpvars (0);
+ $display ("\n\nFirst, test by trying all 268 (256 Dx.y and 12 Kx.y)") ;
+ $display ("valid inputs, with both + and - starting disparity.");
+ $display ("We check that the encoder output and ending disparity is correct.");
+ $display ("We also check that the decoder matches.");
+ for (i = 0 ; i < 268 ; i = i + 1) begin
+ // testin = code[29:21] ;
+ dispin = 0 ;
+ #1
+ decodein = testout ;
+ decdispin = dispin ;
+ #1
+// $display ("%b %b %b %b *%b*", dispin, testin, testout, {dispout, DUTD.disp6a, DUTD.disp6a2, DUTD.disp6a0, DUTD.disp6a2}, decodeout,, decodedisp,, DUTD.k28,, DUTD.disp6b) ;
+ if (testout != expect_0_disp)
+ $display ("bad code0 %b %b %b %b %b", dispin, testin, dispout, testout, expect_0_disp) ;
+ if (dispout != (dispin ^ code[0]))
+ $display ("bad disp0 %b %b %b %b %b", dispin, testin, dispout, testout, (dispin ^ code[0])) ;
+ if (0 != (9'b1_1111_1111 & (testin ^ decodeout)))
+ $display ("diff in abcdefghk decode, %b %b %b %b %b", dispin, testin, dispout, testout, decodeout) ;
+ if (decodedisp != dispout)
+ $display ("diff in decoder disp out, %b %b %b %b %b", dispin, testin, dispout, testout, decodeout) ;
+ if (decodeerr) $display ("decode error asserted improperly, %b %b %b %b %b", dispin, testin, dispout, testout, decodeout) ;
+ if ((testout != expect_0_disp) | decodeerr |
+ (dispout != (dispin ^ code[0])) | (decodedisp != dispout))
+ errors = errors + 1 ;
+ dispin = 1 ;
+ #1
+ decodein = testout ;
+ decdispin = dispin ;
+ #1
+// $display ("%b %b %b %b *%b*", dispin, testin, testout, {dispout, DUTD.disp6a, DUTD.disp6a2, DUTD.disp6a0, DUTD.disp6a2, DUTD.fghjp31, DUTD.feqg, DUTD.heqj, DUTD.fghj22,,, DUTD.hi, DUTD.ji, DUTD.dispout}, decodeout,, decodedisp,, DUTD.k28,, DUTD.disp6b) ;
+ if (testout != expect_1_disp)
+ $display ("bad code1 %b %b %b %b %b", dispin, testin, dispout, testout, expect_1_disp) ;
+ if (dispout != (dispin ^ code[0]))
+ $display ("bad disp1 %b %b %b %b %b", dispin, testin, dispout, testout, (dispin ^ code[0])) ;
+ if (0 != (9'b1_1111_1111 & (testin ^ decodeout)))
+ $display ("diff in abcdefghk decode, %b %b %b %b %b", dispin, testin, dispout, testout, decodeout) ;
+ if (decodedisp != dispout)
+ $display ("diff in decoder disp out, %b %b %b %b %b", dispin, testin, dispout, testout, decodeout) ;
+ if (decodeerr) $display ("decode error asserted improperly, %b %b %b %b %b", dispin, testin, dispout, testout, decodeout) ;
+ if ((testout != expect_1_disp) | decodeerr |
+ (dispout != (dispin ^ code[0])) | (decodedisp != dispout))
+ errors = errors + 1 ;
+ end
+ $display ("%d errors in that testing.\n", errors) ;
+ // Now, having verified all legal codes, lets run some illegal codes
+ // at the decoder... how to figure illegal codes ? 2048 possible cases,
+ // lets mark the OK ones...
+ legal = 0 ;
+ okdisp = 0 ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < 268 ; i = i + 1) begin
+ #1
+// $display ("i=%d: %b %b %d %d %x %x", i, expect_0_disp, expect_1_disp, expect_0_disp, expect_1_disp, expect_0_disp, expect_1_disp) ;
+ legal[expect_0_disp] = 1 ;
+ legal[expect_1_disp] = 1 ;
+ codedisp0 = expect_0_disp ;
+ codedisp1 = {1'b1, expect_1_disp} ;
+ okdisp[codedisp0] = 1 ;
+ okdisp[codedisp1] = 1 ;
+ mapcode[expect_0_disp] = code[29:21] ;
+ mapcode[expect_1_disp] = code[29:21] ;
+ end
+ $display ("Now lets test all (legal and illegal) codes into the decoder.");
+ $display ("checking all possible decode inputs") ;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < 1024 ; i = i + 1) begin
+ decodein = i ;
+ decdispin = 0 ;
+ codedisp1 = 1024 | i ;
+ #1
+ if (((legal[i] == 0) & (decodeerr != 1)) |
+ (legal[i] & (mapcode[i] != decodeout)) |
+ (legal[i] & (disperr != !okdisp[i])))
+ $display ("10b:%b start disp:%b 8b:%b end disp:%b codevio:%b dispvio:%b known code:%b used disp:",
+ decodein, decdispin, decodeout, decodedisp, decodeerr, disperr, legal[i], okdisp[i]) ;
+ if ((legal[i] == 0) & (decodeerr != 1)) $display ("ERR: decoderr should be 1") ;
+ if (legal[i] & (mapcode[i] != decodeout)) $display ("ERR: decode output incorrect") ;
+ if (legal[i] & (disperr != 1) & !okdisp[i]) $display ("ERR: disp err should be asserted") ;
+ else if (legal[i] & (disperr != 0) & okdisp[i])
+ $display ("ERR: disp err should not be asserted") ;
+ if (((legal[i] == 0) & (decodeerr != 1)) |
+ (legal[i] & !disperr & !okdisp[i]) |
+ (legal[i] & (mapcode[i] != decodeout)) |
+ (legal[i] & disperr & okdisp[i]))
+ errors = errors + 1 ;
+ decdispin = 1 ;
+ #1
+ if (((legal[i] == 0) & (decodeerr != 1)) |
+ (legal[i] & (mapcode[i] != decodeout)) |
+ (legal[i] & (disperr != !okdisp[i|1024])))
+ $display ("10b:%b start disp:%b 8b:%b end disp:%b codevio:%b dispvio:%b known code:%b used disp:",
+ decodein, decdispin, decodeout, decodedisp, decodeerr, disperr, legal[i], okdisp[i|1024]) ;
+ if ((legal[i] == 0) & (decodeerr != 1)) $display ("ERR: decoderr should be 1") ;
+ if (legal[i] & (mapcode[i] != decodeout)) $display ("ERR: decode output incorrect") ;
+ if (legal[i] & (disperr != 1) & !okdisp[i|1024]) $display ("ERR: disp err should be asserted") ;
+ else if (legal[i] & (disperr != 0) & okdisp[i|1024])
+ $display ("ERR: disp err should not be asserted") ;
+ if (((legal[i] == 0) & (decodeerr != 1)) |
+ (legal[i] & !disperr & !okdisp[i|1024]) |
+ (legal[i] & (mapcode[i] != decodeout)) |
+ (legal[i] & disperr & okdisp[i|1024]))
+ errors = errors + 1 ;
+ end // for (i = 0 ; i < 1024 ; i = i + 1)
+ $display ("\nDone testing decoder.\n") ;
+ $display ("Total error count: %d", errors);
+ if (errors == 0) $display ("Congratulations!\n");
+ $finish ;
+ end // initial begin