path: root/usrp/fpga/tb/cbus_tb.v
diff options
authorJohnathan Corgan2010-02-28 12:47:43 -0800
committerJohnathan Corgan2010-02-28 12:47:43 -0800
commita2c00f5cff7407ff10fc6c812d06fefe52c0b6a3 (patch)
tree77121ca27b951f9bd687dbba33f6a9383ac74d5a /usrp/fpga/tb/cbus_tb.v
parentdb29a2cfc18554ae0a3c55a4e13dc4cbfa86317f (diff)
Remove usrp1 and usrp2 FPGA files. These are now hosted at:
git:// ...under the 'usrp1' and 'usrp2' top-level directories.
Diffstat (limited to 'usrp/fpga/tb/cbus_tb.v')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 71 deletions
diff --git a/usrp/fpga/tb/cbus_tb.v b/usrp/fpga/tb/cbus_tb.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 53cc1272b..000000000
--- a/usrp/fpga/tb/cbus_tb.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-module cbus_tb;
-`define ch1in_freq 0
-`define ch2in_freq 1
-`define ch3in_freq 2
-`define ch4in_freq 3
-`define ch1out_freq 4
-`define ch2out_freq 5
-`define ch3out_freq 6
-`define ch4out_freq 7
-`define rates 8
-`define misc 9
- task send_config_word;
- input [7:0] addr;
- input [31:0] data;
- integer i;
- begin
- #10 serenable = 1;
- for(i=7;i>=0;i=i-1)
- begin
- #10 serdata = addr[i];
- #10 serclk = 0;
- #10 serclk = 1;
- #10 serclk = 0;
- end
- for(i=31;i>=0;i=i-1)
- begin
- #10 serdata = data[i];
- #10 serclk = 0;
- #10 serclk = 1;
- #10 serclk = 0;
- end
- #10 serenable = 0;
- // #10 serclk = 1;
- // #10 serclk = 0;
- end
- endtask // send_config_word
- initial $dumpfile("cbus_tb.vcd");
- initial $dumpvars(0,cbus_tb);
- initial reset = 1;
- initial #500 reset = 0;
- reg serclk, serdata, serenable, reset;
- wire SDO;
- control_bus control_bus
- ( .serial_clock(serclk),
- .serial_data_in(serdata),
- .enable(serenable),
- .reset(reset),
- .serial_data_out(SDO) );
- initial
- begin
- #1000 send_config_word(8'd1,32'hDEAD_BEEF);
- #1000 send_config_word(8'd3,32'hDDEE_FF01);
- #1000 send_config_word(8'd19,32'hFFFF_FFFF);
- #1000 send_config_word(8'd23,32'h1234_FEDC);
- #1000 send_config_word(8'h80,32'h0);
- #1000 send_config_word(8'h81,32'h0);
- #1000 send_config_word(8'h82,32'h0);
- #1000 reset = 1;
- #1 $finish;
- end
-endmodule // cbus_tb