path: root/grc/src/platforms/gui
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authorjblum2008-11-07 02:10:17 +0000
committerjblum2008-11-07 02:10:17 +0000
commit72206b4aabe2bde24ba8320b310fceaa9a2bef57 (patch)
treebef7ad13126370c8740e6590f640969790aa1dde /grc/src/platforms/gui
parent70ac448ffc0f3e887ec0ff94a65cc163561ef779 (diff)
moved param input
git-svn-id: 221aa14e-8319-0410-a670-987f0aec2ac5
Diffstat (limited to 'grc/src/platforms/gui')
1 files changed, 16 insertions, 109 deletions
diff --git a/grc/src/platforms/gui/ b/grc/src/platforms/gui/
index 013a8f84f..925f20657 100644
--- a/grc/src/platforms/gui/
+++ b/grc/src/platforms/gui/
@@ -23,97 +23,7 @@ import pygtk
import gtk
import pango
-import gobject
from Constants import PARAM_LABEL_FONT, PARAM_FONT
-from ... gui.Constants import DEFAULT_FILE_PATH
-from os import path
-# gtk objects for handling input
-class InputParam(gtk.HBox):
- """The base class for an input parameter inside the input parameters dialog."""
- def __init__(self, param, _handle_changed):
- gtk.HBox.__init__(self)
- self.param = param
- self._handle_changed = _handle_changed
- self.label = gtk.Label('') #no label, markup is added by set_markup
- self.label.set_size_request(150, -1)
- self.pack_start(self.label, False)
- self.set_markup = lambda m: self.label.set_markup(m)
- = None
- def set_color(self, color): pass
-class EntryParam(InputParam):
- """Provide an entry box for strings and numbers."""
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- InputParam.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
- self.entry = input = gtk.Entry()
- input.set_text(self.param.get_value())
- input.connect('changed', self._handle_changed)
- self.pack_start(input, True)
- self.get_text = input.get_text
- #tool tip
- = gtk.Tooltips()
-, '')
- def set_color(self, color): self.entry.modify_base(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, gtk.gdk.color_parse(color))
-class FileParam(EntryParam):
- """Provide an entry box for filename and a button to browse for a file."""
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- EntryParam.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
- input = gtk.Button('...')
- input.connect('clicked', self._handle_clicked)
- self.pack_start(input, False)
- def _handle_clicked(self, widget=None):
- """
- If the button was clicked, open a file dialog in open/save format.
- Replace the text in the entry with the new filename from the file dialog.
- """
- file_path = self.param.is_valid() and self.param.evaluate() or ''
- #bad file paths will be redirected to default
- if not path.exists(path.dirname(file_path)): file_path = DEFAULT_FILE_PATH
- if self.param.get_type() == 'file_open':
- file_dialog = gtk.FileChooserDialog('Open a Data File...', None,
- gtk.FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_OPEN, ('gtk-cancel',gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL,'gtk-open',gtk.RESPONSE_OK))
- elif self.param.get_type() == 'file_save':
- file_dialog = gtk.FileChooserDialog('Save a Data File...', None,
- gtk.FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SAVE, ('gtk-cancel',gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL, 'gtk-save',gtk.RESPONSE_OK))
- file_dialog.set_do_overwrite_confirmation(True)
- file_dialog.set_current_name(path.basename(file_path)) #show the current filename
- file_dialog.set_current_folder(path.dirname(file_path)) #current directory
- file_dialog.set_select_multiple(False)
- file_dialog.set_local_only(True)
- if gtk.RESPONSE_OK == #run the dialog
- file_path = file_dialog.get_filename() #get the file path
- self.entry.set_text(file_path)
- self._handle_changed()
- file_dialog.destroy() #destroy the dialog
-class EnumParam(InputParam):
- """Provide an entry box for Enum types with a drop down menu."""
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- InputParam.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
- input = gtk.ComboBox(gtk.ListStore(gobject.TYPE_STRING))
- cell = gtk.CellRendererText()
- input.pack_start(cell, True)
- input.add_attribute(cell, 'text', 0)
- for option in self.param.get_options(): input.append_text(option.get_name())
- input.set_active(int(self.param.get_option_keys().index(self.param.get_value())))
- input.connect("changed", self._handle_changed)
- self.pack_start(input, False)
- self.get_text = lambda: str(input.get_active()) #the get text parses the selected index to a string
-# A Flow Graph Parameter
class Param(Element):
"""The graphical parameter."""
@@ -123,29 +33,26 @@ class Param(Element):
Called when an external change occurs.
Update the graphical input by calling the change handler.
- if hasattr(self, 'input'): self._handle_changed()
+ if hasattr(self, '_input'): self._handle_changed()
def get_input_object(self, callback=None):
- Get the graphical gtk class to represent this parameter.
+ Get the graphical gtk object to represent this parameter.
Create the input object with this data type and the handle changed method.
@param callback a function of one argument(this param) to be called from the change handler
@return gtk input object
- self.callback = callback
- if self.is_enum(): input = EnumParam
- elif self.get_type() in ('file_open', 'file_save'): input = FileParam
- else: input = EntryParam
- self.input = input(self, self._handle_changed)
- if not callback: self.update()
- return self.input
+ self._callback = callback
+ self._input = self.get_input_class()(self, self._handle_changed)
+ if not self._callback: self.update()
+ return self._input
def _handle_changed(self, widget=None):
When the input changes, write the inputs to the data type.
Finish by calling the exteral callback.
- value = self.input.get_text()
+ value = self._input.get_text()
if self.is_enum(): value = self.get_option_keys()[int(value)]
#set the markup on the label, red for errors in corresponding data type.
@@ -158,23 +65,23 @@ class Param(Element):
filter(lambda c: self.get_key() in c, self.get_parent()._callbacks):
name = '<span underline="low">%s</span>'%name
if not self.is_valid():
- self.input.set_markup('<span foreground="red">%s</span>'%name)
+ self._input.set_markup('<span foreground="red">%s</span>'%name)
tip = 'Error: ' + ' '.join(self.get_error_messages())
- self.input.set_markup(name)
+ self._input.set_markup(name)
tip = 'Value: %s'%str(self.evaluate())
- if self.get_hide() == 'all': self.input.hide_all()
- else: self.input.show_all()
+ if self.get_hide() == 'all': self._input.hide_all()
+ else: self._input.show_all()
#set the color
- self.input.set_color(self.get_color())
+ self._input.set_color(self.get_color())
#set the tooltip
- if
- self.input.entry,
+ if
+ self._input.entry,
'Key: %s\nType: %s\n%s'%(self.get_key(), self.get_type(), tip),
#execute the external callback
- if self.callback: self.callback(self)
+ if self._callback: self._callback(self)
def get_markup(self):
@@ -214,7 +121,7 @@ class Param(Element):
dt_str = ', '.join(map(to_str, data))
else: dt_str = to_str(data) #other types
- max_len = max(42 - len(self.get_name()), 3)
+ max_len = max(27 - len(self.get_name()), 3)
if len(dt_str) > max_len:
dt_str = dt_str[:max_len-3] + '...'
return '<b>%s:</b> %s'%(Utils.xml_encode(self.get_name()), Utils.xml_encode(dt_str))