path: root/grc/gui/
diff options
authormanojgudi2013-10-07 14:26:59 +0530
committermanojgudi2013-10-07 14:26:59 +0530
commit6bc92d66be9975d618ac4cd104e7f5ff6e8605f2 (patch)
tree3a77657667b4ef037f712ee68a5ec86c86cba5c5 /grc/gui/
parent452defdb4a78e9e826740ddf4b9673e926c568a4 (diff)
parente9576e44ef8f0ad67d8cd8a4e025a0f8da0727f8 (diff)
merge from gr36_ni branch
Diffstat (limited to 'grc/gui/')
1 files changed, 530 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/grc/gui/ b/grc/gui/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9fb5e4ebf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/grc/gui/
@@ -0,0 +1,530 @@
+Copyright 2007-2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of GNU Radio
+GNU Radio Companion is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+GNU Radio Companion is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
+import os
+import signal
+from Constants import IMAGE_FILE_EXTENSION
+import Actions
+import pygtk
+import gtk
+import gobject
+import Preferences
+from threading import Thread
+import Messages
+from .. base import ParseXML
+from MainWindow import MainWindow
+from PropsDialog import PropsDialog
+import Dialogs
+from FileDialogs import OpenFlowGraphFileDialog, SaveFlowGraphFileDialog, SaveImageFileDialog
+class ActionHandler:
+ """
+ The action handler will setup all the major window components,
+ and handle button presses and flow graph operations from the GUI.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, file_paths, platform):
+ """
+ ActionHandler constructor.
+ Create the main window, setup the message handler, import the preferences,
+ and connect all of the action handlers. Finally, enter the gtk main loop and block.
+ @param file_paths a list of flow graph file passed from command line
+ @param platform platform module
+ """
+ self.clipboard = None
+ for action in Actions.get_all_actions(): action.connect('activate', self._handle_action)
+ #setup the main window
+ self.platform = platform;
+ self.main_window = MainWindow(platform)
+ self.main_window.connect('delete-event', self._quit)
+ self.main_window.connect('key-press-event', self._handle_key_press)
+ self.get_page = self.main_window.get_page
+ self.get_flow_graph = self.main_window.get_flow_graph
+ self.get_focus_flag = self.main_window.get_focus_flag
+ #setup the messages
+ Messages.register_messenger(self.main_window.add_report_line)
+ Messages.send_init(platform)
+ #initialize
+ self.init_file_paths = file_paths
+ #enter the mainloop
+ gtk.main()
+ def _handle_key_press(self, widget, event):
+ """
+ Handle key presses from the keyboard and translate key combinations into actions.
+ This key press handler is called prior to the gtk key press handler.
+ This handler bypasses built in accelerator key handling when in focus because
+ * some keys are ignored by the accelerators like the direction keys,
+ * some keys are not registered to any accelerators but are still used.
+ When not in focus, gtk and the accelerators handle the the key press.
+ @return false to let gtk handle the key action
+ """
+ if not self.get_focus_flag(): return False
+ return Actions.handle_key_press(event)
+ def _quit(self, window, event):
+ """
+ Handle the delete event from the main window.
+ Generated by pressing X to close, alt+f4, or right click+close.
+ This method in turns calls the state handler to quit.
+ @return true
+ """
+ return True
+ def _handle_action(self, action):
+ #print action
+ ##################################################
+ # Initalize/Quit
+ ##################################################
+ if action == Actions.APPLICATION_INITIALIZE:
+ for action in Actions.get_all_actions(): action.set_sensitive(False) #set all actions disabled
+ #enable a select few actions
+ for action in (
+ ): action.set_sensitive(True)
+ if not self.init_file_paths:
+ self.init_file_paths = Preferences.files_open()
+ if not self.init_file_paths: self.init_file_paths = ['']
+ for file_path in self.init_file_paths:
+ if file_path: self.main_window.new_page(file_path) #load pages from file paths
+ if Preferences.file_open() in self.init_file_paths:
+ self.main_window.new_page(Preferences.file_open(), show=True)
+ if not self.get_page(): self.main_window.new_page() #ensure that at least a blank page exists
+ elif action == Actions.APPLICATION_QUIT:
+ if self.main_window.close_pages():
+ gtk.main_quit()
+ exit(0)
+ ##################################################
+ # Selections
+ ##################################################
+ elif action == Actions.ELEMENT_SELECT:
+ pass #do nothing, update routines below
+ elif action == Actions.NOTHING_SELECT:
+ self.get_flow_graph().unselect()
+ ##################################################
+ # Enable/Disable
+ ##################################################
+ elif action == Actions.BLOCK_ENABLE:
+ if self.get_flow_graph().enable_selected(True):
+ self.get_flow_graph().update()
+ self.get_page().get_state_cache().save_new_state(self.get_flow_graph().export_data())
+ self.get_page().set_saved(False)
+ elif action == Actions.BLOCK_DISABLE:
+ if self.get_flow_graph().enable_selected(False):
+ self.get_flow_graph().update()
+ self.get_page().get_state_cache().save_new_state(self.get_flow_graph().export_data())
+ self.get_page().set_saved(False)
+ ##################################################
+ # Cut/Copy/Paste
+ ##################################################
+ elif action == Actions.BLOCK_CUT:
+ Actions.BLOCK_COPY()
+ elif action == Actions.BLOCK_COPY:
+ self.clipboard = self.get_flow_graph().copy_to_clipboard()
+ elif action == Actions.BLOCK_PASTE:
+ if self.clipboard:
+ self.get_flow_graph().paste_from_clipboard(self.clipboard)
+ self.get_flow_graph().update()
+ self.get_page().get_state_cache().save_new_state(self.get_flow_graph().export_data())
+ self.get_page().set_saved(False)
+ ##################################################
+ # Create heir block
+ ##################################################
+ elif action == Actions.BLOCK_CREATE_HIER:
+ # keeping track of coordinates for pasting later
+ coords = self.get_flow_graph().get_selected_blocks()[0].get_coordinate()
+ x,y = coords
+ x_min = x
+ y_min = y
+ pads = [];
+ params = [];
+ # Save the state of the leaf blocks
+ for block in self.get_flow_graph().get_selected_blocks():
+ # Check for string variables within the blocks
+ for param in block.get_params():
+ for variable in self.get_flow_graph().get_variables():
+ # If a block parameter exists that is a variable, create a parameter for it
+ if param.get_value() == variable.get_id():
+ params.append(param.get_value())
+ for flow_param in self.get_flow_graph().get_parameters():
+ # If a block parameter exists that is a parameter, create a parameter for it
+ if param.get_value() == flow_param.get_id():
+ params.append(param.get_value())
+ # keep track of x,y mins for pasting later
+ (x,y) = block.get_coordinate()
+ if x < x_min:
+ x_min = x
+ if y < y_min:
+ y_min = y
+ for connection in block.get_connections():
+ # Get id of connected blocks
+ source_id = connection.get_source().get_parent().get_id()
+ sink_id = connection.get_sink().get_parent().get_id()
+ # If connected block is not in the list of selected blocks create a pad for it
+ if self.get_flow_graph().get_block(source_id) not in self.get_flow_graph().get_selected_blocks():
+ pads.append({'key': connection.get_sink().get_key(), 'coord': connection.get_source().get_coordinate(), 'block_id' : block.get_id(), 'direction': 'source'})
+ if self.get_flow_graph().get_block(sink_id) not in self.get_flow_graph().get_selected_blocks():
+ pads.append({'key': connection.get_source().get_key(), 'coord': connection.get_sink().get_coordinate(), 'block_id' : block.get_id(), 'direction': 'sink'})
+ # Copy the selected blocks and paste them into a new page
+ # then move the flowgraph to a reasonable position
+ Actions.BLOCK_COPY()
+ self.main_window.new_page()
+ Actions.BLOCK_PASTE()
+ coords = (x_min,y_min)
+ self.get_flow_graph().move_selected(coords)
+ # Set flow graph to heir block type
+ top_block = self.get_flow_graph().get_block("top_block")
+ top_block.get_param('generate_options').set_value('hb')
+ # this needs to be a unique name
+ top_block.get_param('id').set_value('new_heir')
+ # Remove the default samp_rate variable block that is created
+ remove_me = self.get_flow_graph().get_block("samp_rate")
+ self.get_flow_graph().remove_element(remove_me)
+ # Add the param blocks along the top of the window
+ x_pos = 150
+ for param in params:
+ param_id = self.get_flow_graph().add_new_block('parameter',(x_pos,10))
+ param_block = self.get_flow_graph().get_block(param_id)
+ param_block.get_param('id').set_value(param)
+ x_pos = x_pos + 100
+ for pad in pads:
+ # Add the pad sources and sinks within the new heir block
+ if pad['direction'] == 'sink':
+ # Add new PAD_SINK block to the canvas
+ pad_id = self.get_flow_graph().add_new_block('pad_sink', pad['coord'])
+ # setup the references to the sink and source
+ pad_block = self.get_flow_graph().get_block(pad_id)
+ pad_sink = pad_block.get_sinks()[0]
+ source_block = self.get_flow_graph().get_block(pad['block_id'])
+ source = source_block.get_source(pad['key'])
+ # Ensure the port types match
+ while pad_sink.get_type() != source.get_type():
+ # Special case for some blocks that have non-standard type names, e.g. uhd
+ if pad_sink.get_type() == 'complex' and source.get_type() == 'fc32':
+ break;
+ pad_block.type_controller_modify(1)
+ # Connect the pad to the proper sinks
+ new_connection = self.get_flow_graph().connect(source,pad_sink)
+ elif pad['direction'] == 'source':
+ pad_id = self.get_flow_graph().add_new_block('pad_source', pad['coord'])
+ # setup the references to the sink and source
+ pad_block = self.get_flow_graph().get_block(pad_id)
+ pad_source = pad_block.get_sources()[0]
+ sink_block = self.get_flow_graph().get_block(pad['block_id'])
+ sink = sink_block.get_sink(pad['key'])
+ # Ensure the port types match
+ while sink.get_type() != pad_source.get_type():
+ # Special case for some blocks that have non-standard type names, e.g. uhd
+ if pad_source.get_type() == 'complex' and sink.get_type() == 'fc32':
+ break;
+ pad_block.type_controller_modify(1)
+ # Connect the pad to the proper sinks
+ new_connection = self.get_flow_graph().connect(pad_source,sink)
+ # update the new heir block flow graph
+ self.get_flow_graph().update()
+ ##################################################
+ # Move/Rotate/Delete/Create
+ ##################################################
+ elif action == Actions.BLOCK_MOVE:
+ self.get_page().get_state_cache().save_new_state(self.get_flow_graph().export_data())
+ self.get_page().set_saved(False)
+ elif action == Actions.BLOCK_ROTATE_CCW:
+ if self.get_flow_graph().rotate_selected(90):
+ self.get_flow_graph().update()
+ self.get_page().get_state_cache().save_new_state(self.get_flow_graph().export_data())
+ self.get_page().set_saved(False)
+ elif action == Actions.BLOCK_ROTATE_CW:
+ if self.get_flow_graph().rotate_selected(-90):
+ self.get_flow_graph().update()
+ self.get_page().get_state_cache().save_new_state(self.get_flow_graph().export_data())
+ self.get_page().set_saved(False)
+ elif action == Actions.ELEMENT_DELETE:
+ if self.get_flow_graph().remove_selected():
+ self.get_flow_graph().update()
+ self.get_page().get_state_cache().save_new_state(self.get_flow_graph().export_data())
+ self.get_page().set_saved(False)
+ elif action == Actions.ELEMENT_CREATE:
+ self.get_flow_graph().update()
+ self.get_page().get_state_cache().save_new_state(self.get_flow_graph().export_data())
+ self.get_page().set_saved(False)
+ elif action == Actions.BLOCK_INC_TYPE:
+ if self.get_flow_graph().type_controller_modify_selected(1):
+ self.get_flow_graph().update()
+ self.get_page().get_state_cache().save_new_state(self.get_flow_graph().export_data())
+ self.get_page().set_saved(False)
+ elif action == Actions.BLOCK_DEC_TYPE:
+ if self.get_flow_graph().type_controller_modify_selected(-1):
+ self.get_flow_graph().update()
+ self.get_page().get_state_cache().save_new_state(self.get_flow_graph().export_data())
+ self.get_page().set_saved(False)
+ elif action == Actions.PORT_CONTROLLER_INC:
+ if self.get_flow_graph().port_controller_modify_selected(1):
+ self.get_flow_graph().update()
+ self.get_page().get_state_cache().save_new_state(self.get_flow_graph().export_data())
+ self.get_page().set_saved(False)
+ elif action == Actions.PORT_CONTROLLER_DEC:
+ if self.get_flow_graph().port_controller_modify_selected(-1):
+ self.get_flow_graph().update()
+ self.get_page().get_state_cache().save_new_state(self.get_flow_graph().export_data())
+ self.get_page().set_saved(False)
+ ##################################################
+ # Window stuff
+ ##################################################
+ elif action == Actions.ABOUT_WINDOW_DISPLAY:
+ Dialogs.AboutDialog(self.get_flow_graph().get_parent())
+ elif action == Actions.HELP_WINDOW_DISPLAY:
+ Dialogs.HelpDialog()
+ elif action == Actions.TYPES_WINDOW_DISPLAY:
+ Dialogs.TypesDialog(self.get_flow_graph().get_parent())
+ elif action == Actions.ERRORS_WINDOW_DISPLAY:
+ Dialogs.ErrorsDialog(self.get_flow_graph())
+ ##################################################
+ # Param Modifications
+ ##################################################
+ elif action == Actions.BLOCK_PARAM_MODIFY:
+ selected_block = self.get_flow_graph().get_selected_block()
+ if selected_block:
+ if PropsDialog(selected_block).run():
+ #save the new state
+ self.get_flow_graph().update()
+ self.get_page().get_state_cache().save_new_state(self.get_flow_graph().export_data())
+ self.get_page().set_saved(False)
+ else:
+ #restore the current state
+ n = self.get_page().get_state_cache().get_current_state()
+ self.get_flow_graph().import_data(n)
+ self.get_flow_graph().update()
+ ##################################################
+ # Undo/Redo
+ ##################################################
+ elif action == Actions.FLOW_GRAPH_UNDO:
+ n = self.get_page().get_state_cache().get_prev_state()
+ if n:
+ self.get_flow_graph().unselect()
+ self.get_flow_graph().import_data(n)
+ self.get_flow_graph().update()
+ self.get_page().set_saved(False)
+ elif action == Actions.FLOW_GRAPH_REDO:
+ n = self.get_page().get_state_cache().get_next_state()
+ if n:
+ self.get_flow_graph().unselect()
+ self.get_flow_graph().import_data(n)
+ self.get_flow_graph().update()
+ self.get_page().set_saved(False)
+ ##################################################
+ # New/Open/Save/Close
+ ##################################################
+ elif action == Actions.FLOW_GRAPH_NEW:
+ self.main_window.new_page()
+ elif action == Actions.FLOW_GRAPH_OPEN:
+ file_paths = OpenFlowGraphFileDialog(self.get_page().get_file_path()).run()
+ if file_paths: #open a new page for each file, show only the first
+ for i,file_path in enumerate(file_paths):
+ self.main_window.new_page(file_path, show=(i==0))
+ elif action == Actions.FLOW_GRAPH_CLOSE:
+ self.main_window.close_page()
+ elif action == Actions.FLOW_GRAPH_SAVE:
+ #read-only or undefined file path, do save-as
+ if self.get_page().get_read_only() or not self.get_page().get_file_path():
+ #otherwise try to save
+ else:
+ try:
+ ParseXML.to_file(self.get_flow_graph().export_data(), self.get_page().get_file_path())
+ self.get_flow_graph().grc_file_path = self.get_page().get_file_path()
+ self.get_page().set_saved(True)
+ except IOError:
+ Messages.send_fail_save(self.get_page().get_file_path())
+ self.get_page().set_saved(False)
+ elif action == Actions.FLOW_GRAPH_SAVE_AS:
+ file_path = SaveFlowGraphFileDialog(self.get_page().get_file_path()).run()
+ if file_path is not None:
+ self.get_page().set_file_path(file_path)
+ elif action == Actions.FLOW_GRAPH_SCREEN_CAPTURE:
+ file_path = SaveImageFileDialog(self.get_page().get_file_path()).run()
+ if file_path is not None:
+ pixbuf = self.get_flow_graph().get_drawing_area().get_pixbuf()
+ ##################################################
+ # Gen/Exec/Stop
+ ##################################################
+ elif action == Actions.FLOW_GRAPH_GEN:
+ if not self.get_page().get_proc():
+ if not self.get_page().get_saved() or not self.get_page().get_file_path():
+ Actions.FLOW_GRAPH_SAVE() #only save if file path missing or not saved
+ if self.get_page().get_saved() and self.get_page().get_file_path():
+ generator = self.get_page().get_generator()
+ try:
+ Messages.send_start_gen(generator.get_file_path())
+ generator.write()
+ except Exception,e: Messages.send_fail_gen(e)
+ else: self.generator = None
+ elif action == Actions.FLOW_GRAPH_EXEC:
+ if not self.get_page().get_proc():
+ Actions.FLOW_GRAPH_GEN()
+ if self.get_page().get_saved() and self.get_page().get_file_path():
+ ExecFlowGraphThread(self)
+ elif action == Actions.FLOW_GRAPH_KILL:
+ if self.get_page().get_proc():
+ try: self.get_page().get_proc().kill()
+ except: print "could not kill process: %d"%self.get_page().get_proc().pid
+ elif action == Actions.PAGE_CHANGE: #pass and run the global actions
+ pass
+ elif action == Actions.RELOAD_BLOCKS:
+ self.platform.loadblocks()
+ self.main_window.btwin.clear();
+ self.platform.load_block_tree(self.main_window.btwin);
+ elif action == Actions.OPEN_HIER:
+ bn = [];
+ for b in self.get_flow_graph().get_selected_blocks():
+ if b._grc_source:
+ self.main_window.new_page(b._grc_source, show=True);
+ else: print '!!! Action "%s" not handled !!!'%action
+ ##################################################
+ # Global Actions for all States
+ ##################################################
+ #update general buttons
+ Actions.ERRORS_WINDOW_DISPLAY.set_sensitive(not self.get_flow_graph().is_valid())
+ Actions.ELEMENT_DELETE.set_sensitive(bool(self.get_flow_graph().get_selected_elements()))
+ Actions.BLOCK_PARAM_MODIFY.set_sensitive(bool(self.get_flow_graph().get_selected_block()))
+ Actions.BLOCK_ROTATE_CCW.set_sensitive(bool(self.get_flow_graph().get_selected_blocks()))
+ Actions.BLOCK_ROTATE_CW.set_sensitive(bool(self.get_flow_graph().get_selected_blocks()))
+ #update cut/copy/paste
+ Actions.BLOCK_CUT.set_sensitive(bool(self.get_flow_graph().get_selected_blocks()))
+ Actions.BLOCK_COPY.set_sensitive(bool(self.get_flow_graph().get_selected_blocks()))
+ Actions.BLOCK_PASTE.set_sensitive(bool(self.clipboard))
+ #update enable/disable
+ Actions.BLOCK_ENABLE.set_sensitive(bool(self.get_flow_graph().get_selected_blocks()))
+ Actions.BLOCK_DISABLE.set_sensitive(bool(self.get_flow_graph().get_selected_blocks()))
+ Actions.BLOCK_CREATE_HIER.set_sensitive(bool(self.get_flow_graph().get_selected_blocks()))
+ Actions.OPEN_HIER.set_sensitive(bool(self.get_flow_graph().get_selected_blocks()))
+ Actions.RELOAD_BLOCKS.set_sensitive(True)
+ #set the exec and stop buttons
+ self.update_exec_stop()
+ #saved status
+ Actions.FLOW_GRAPH_SAVE.set_sensitive(not self.get_page().get_saved())
+ self.main_window.update()
+ try: #set the size of the flow graph area (if changed)
+ new_size = self.get_flow_graph().get_option('window_size')
+ if self.get_flow_graph().get_size() != tuple(new_size):
+ self.get_flow_graph().set_size(*new_size)
+ except: pass
+ #draw the flow graph
+ self.get_flow_graph().update_selected()
+ self.get_flow_graph().queue_draw()
+ return True #action was handled
+ def update_exec_stop(self):
+ """
+ Update the exec and stop buttons.
+ Lock and unlock the mutex for race conditions with exec flow graph threads.
+ """
+ sensitive = self.get_flow_graph().is_valid() and not self.get_page().get_proc()
+ Actions.FLOW_GRAPH_GEN.set_sensitive(sensitive)
+ Actions.FLOW_GRAPH_EXEC.set_sensitive(sensitive)
+ Actions.FLOW_GRAPH_KILL.set_sensitive(self.get_page().get_proc() != None)
+class ExecFlowGraphThread(Thread):
+ """Execute the flow graph as a new process and wait on it to finish."""
+ def __init__ (self, action_handler):
+ """
+ ExecFlowGraphThread constructor.
+ @param action_handler an instance of an ActionHandler
+ """
+ Thread.__init__(self)
+ self.update_exec_stop = action_handler.update_exec_stop
+ self.flow_graph = action_handler.get_flow_graph()
+ #store page and dont use main window calls in run
+ = action_handler.get_page()
+ Messages.send_start_exec(
+ #get the popen
+ try:
+ self.p =
+ #update
+ self.update_exec_stop()
+ self.start()
+ except Exception, e:
+ Messages.send_verbose_exec(str(e))
+ Messages.send_end_exec()
+ def run(self):
+ """
+ Wait on the executing process by reading from its stdout.
+ Use gobject.idle_add when calling functions that modify gtk objects.
+ """
+ #handle completion
+ r = "\n"
+ while(r):
+ gobject.idle_add(Messages.send_verbose_exec, r)
+ r =, 1024)
+ gobject.idle_add(self.done)
+ def done(self):
+ """Perform end of execution tasks."""
+ Messages.send_end_exec()
+ self.update_exec_stop()