path: root/gr-qtgui
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authorJosh Blum2011-06-07 23:04:42 -0400
committerTom Rondeau2011-06-07 23:04:42 -0400
commitfd509d44bfa14375dce396e712869be257903fc7 (patch)
tree91feffbb7cb0bc0677c341d9ce4f1f840b5140bd /gr-qtgui
parentbbf11bb338a4a88a1f270f77649212fea0b0cab0 (diff)
qtgui: make a common function for the time label creation in waterfall
Diffstat (limited to 'gr-qtgui')
1 files changed, 16 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/gr-qtgui/lib/ b/gr-qtgui/lib/
index 20e1fa4ec..3dc182bca 100644
--- a/gr-qtgui/lib/
+++ b/gr-qtgui/lib/
@@ -147,6 +147,19 @@ private:
+static QString
+make_time_label(double secs)
+ std::string time_str = pt::to_simple_string(pt::from_time_t(time_t(secs)));
+ // lops off the YYYY-mmm-DD part of the string
+ size_t ind = time_str.find(" ");
+ if(ind != std::string::npos)
+ time_str = time_str.substr(ind);
+ return QString("").sprintf("%s.%03ld", time_str.c_str(), long(std::fmod(secs*1000, 1000)));
class QwtTimeScaleDraw: public QwtScaleDraw, public TimeScaleData
@@ -161,14 +174,7 @@ public:
virtual QwtText label(double value) const
double secs = GetZeroTime()/double(gruel::high_res_timer_tps()) - (value * GetSecondsPerLine());
- std::string time_str = pt::to_simple_string(pt::from_time_t(time_t(secs)));
- // lops off the YYYY-mmm-DD part of the string
- size_t ind = time_str.find(" ");
- if(ind != std::string::npos)
- time_str = time_str.substr(ind);
- return QwtText(QString("").sprintf("%s.%03ld", time_str.c_str(),
- long(std::fmod(secs*1000, 1000))));
+ return QwtText(make_time_label(secs));
virtual void initiateUpdate()
@@ -214,18 +220,9 @@ protected:
virtual QwtText trackerText( const QwtDoublePoint& p ) const
double secs = GetZeroTime()/double(gruel::high_res_timer_tps()) - (p.y() * GetSecondsPerLine());
- std::string time_str = pt::to_simple_string(pt::from_time_t(time_t(secs)));
- // lops off the YYYY-mmm-DD part of the string
- size_t ind = time_str.find(" ");
- if(ind != std::string::npos)
- time_str = time_str.substr(ind);
- QString yLabel(QString("").sprintf("%s.%03ld", time_str.c_str(),
- long(std::fmod(secs*1000, 1000))));
QwtText t(QString("%1 %2, %3").
- arg(p.x(), 0, 'f', GetFrequencyPrecision()).
- arg(_unitType.c_str()).arg(yLabel));
+ arg(p.x(), 0, 'f', GetFrequencyPrecision()).
+ arg(_unitType.c_str()).arg(make_time_label(secs)));
return t;