path: root/translate
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1 files changed, 93 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/translate/translation.adb b/translate/translation.adb
index d27ee5d..4916485 100644
--- a/translate/translation.adb
+++ b/translate/translation.adb
@@ -1013,6 +1013,98 @@ package body Translation is
end record;
type Subprg_Resolv_Info_Acc is access Subprg_Resolv_Info;
+ -- Complex types.
+ --
+ -- A complex type is not a VHDL notion, but a translation notion.
+ -- A complex type is a composite type whose size is not known at compile
+ -- type. This happends in VHDL because a bound can be globally static.
+ -- Therefore, the length of an array may not be known at compile type,
+ -- and this propagates to composite types (record and array) if they
+ -- have such an element. This is different from unconstrained arrays.
+ --
+ -- This occurs frequently in VHDL, and could even happen within
+ -- subprograms.
+ --
+ -- Such types are always dynamically allocated (on the stack or on the
+ -- heap). They must be continuous in memory so that they could be copied
+ -- via memcpy/memmove.
+ --
+ -- At runtime, the size of such type is computed. A builder procedure
+ -- is also created to setup inner pointers. This builder procedure should
+ -- be called at initialization, but also after a copy.
+ --
+ -- Example:
+ -- 1) subtype bv_type is bit_vector (l to h);
+ -- variable a : bv_type
+ --
+ -- This is represented by a pointer to an array of bit. No need for
+ -- builder procedure, as the element type is not complex. But there
+ -- is a size variable for the size of bv_type
+ --
+ -- 2) type rec1_type is record
+ -- f1 : integer;
+ -- f2 : bv_type;
+ -- end record;
+ --
+ -- This is represented by a pointer to a record. The 'f2' field is
+ -- a pointer to an array of bit. The size of the object is the size
+ -- of the record (with f2 as a pointer) + the size of bv_type.
+ -- A builder procedure is needed to initialize the 'f2' field.
+ -- The memory layout is:
+ -- +--------------+
+ -- | rec1: f1 |
+ -- | f2 |---+
+ -- +--------------+ |
+ -- | bv_type |<--+
+ -- | ... |
+ -- +--------------+
+ --
+ -- 3) type rec2_type is record
+ -- g1: rec1_type;
+ -- g2: bv_type;
+ -- g3: bv_type;
+ -- end record;
+ --
+ -- This is represented by a pointer to a record. All the three fields
+ -- are pointers.
+ -- The memory layout is:
+ -- +--------------+
+ -- | rec2: g1 |---+
+ -- | g2 |---|---+
+ -- | g3 |---|---|---+
+ -- +--------------+ | | |
+ -- | rec1: f1 |<--+ | |
+ -- | f2 |---+ | |
+ -- +--------------+ | | |
+ -- | bv_type (f2) |<--+ | |
+ -- | ... | | |
+ -- +--------------+ | |
+ -- | bv_type (g2) |<------+ |
+ -- | ... | |
+ -- +--------------+ |
+ -- | bv_type (g3) |<----------+
+ -- | ... |
+ -- +--------------+
+ --
+ -- 4) type bv_arr_type is array (natural range <>) of bv_type;
+ -- arr2 : bv_arr_type (1 to 4)
+ --
+ -- This should be represented by a pointer to bv_type.
+ -- The memory layout is:
+ -- +--------------+
+ -- | bv_type (1) |
+ -- | ... |
+ -- +--------------+
+ -- | bv_type (2) |
+ -- | ... |
+ -- +--------------+
+ -- | bv_type (3) |
+ -- | ... |
+ -- +--------------+
+ -- | bv_type (4) |
+ -- | ... |
+ -- +--------------+
-- Additional info for complex types.
type Complex_Type_Info is record
-- Variable containing the size of the type.
@@ -7344,8 +7436,7 @@ package body Translation is
exit when El = Null_Iir;
N_Res := Get_Additionnal_Size (Get_Type (El), Kind);
if N_Res /= O_Enode_Null then
- Res := New_Dyadic_Op
- (ON_Add_Ov, Res, N_Res);
+ Res := New_Dyadic_Op (ON_Add_Ov, Res, N_Res);
end if;
end loop;