path: root/translate/grt
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Diffstat (limited to 'translate/grt')
2 files changed, 60 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/translate/grt/grt-values.adb b/translate/grt/grt-values.adb
index 89d418f..7225dce 100644
--- a/translate/grt/grt-values.adb
+++ b/translate/grt/grt-values.adb
@@ -31,8 +31,7 @@ package body Grt.Values is
HT : constant Character := Character'Val (9);
-- Return True IFF C is a whitespace character (as defined in LRM93 14.3)
- function Is_Whitespace (C : in Character) return Boolean
- is
+ function Is_Whitespace (C : in Character) return Boolean is
return C = ' ' or C = NBSP or C = HT;
end Is_Whitespace;
@@ -60,7 +59,7 @@ package body Grt.Values is
end Remove_Whitespaces;
-- Convert C to lowercase.
- function LC (C : in Character) return Character is
+ function To_LC (C : in Character) return Character is
if C >= 'A' and then C <= 'Z' then
return Character'Val
@@ -68,7 +67,7 @@ package body Grt.Values is
return C;
end if;
- end LC;
+ end To_LC;
-- Return TRUE iff user string S (POS .. LEN) is equal to REF. Comparaison
-- is case insensitive, but REF must be lowercase (REF is supposed to
@@ -88,7 +87,7 @@ package body Grt.Values is
-- End of string.
return C = ASCII.NUL;
end if;
- if LC (S (Pos + P)) /= C or else C = ASCII.NUL then
+ if To_LC (S (Pos + P)) /= C or else C = ASCII.NUL then
return False;
end if;
P := P + 1;
@@ -523,41 +522,33 @@ package body Grt.Values is
return Ghdl_Value_F64 (S, Len, Pos);
end Ghdl_Value_F64;
- function Ghdl_Value_Physical_Type (Str : Std_String_Ptr;
- Rti : Ghdl_Rti_Access)
- return Ghdl_I64
+ procedure Ghdl_Value_Physical_Split (Str : Std_String_Ptr;
+ Is_Real : out Boolean;
+ Lit_Pos : out Ghdl_Index_Type;
+ Lit_End : out Ghdl_Index_Type;
+ Unit_Pos : out Ghdl_Index_Type)
S : constant Std_String_Basep := Str.Base;
Len : Ghdl_Index_Type := Str.Bounds.Dim_1.Length;
- Pos : Ghdl_Index_Type := 0;
- Unit_Pos : Ghdl_Index_Type;
- Lit_End : Ghdl_Index_Type;
- Found_Real : Boolean;
- Phys_Rti : constant Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Physical_Acc :=
- To_Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Physical_Acc (Rti);
- Unit_Name : Ghdl_C_String;
- Multiple : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
- Mult : Ghdl_I64;
-- LRM 14.1
-- Leading and trailing whitespace is allowed and ignored.
- Remove_Whitespaces (S, Len, Pos);
+ Lit_Pos := 0;
+ Remove_Whitespaces (S, Len, Lit_Pos);
-- Split between abstract literal (optionnal) and unit name.
- Lit_End := Pos;
- Found_Real := False;
+ Lit_End := Lit_Pos;
+ Is_Real := False;
while Lit_End < Len loop
exit when Is_Whitespace (S (Lit_End));
if S (Lit_End) = '.' then
- Found_Real := True;
+ Is_Real := True;
end if;
Lit_End := Lit_End + 1;
end loop;
if Lit_End = Len then
-- No literal
- Unit_Pos := Pos;
+ Unit_Pos := Lit_Pos;
Lit_End := 0;
Unit_Pos := Lit_End + 1;
@@ -566,7 +557,30 @@ package body Grt.Values is
Unit_Pos := Unit_Pos + 1;
end loop;
end if;
+ end Ghdl_Value_Physical_Split;
+ function Ghdl_Value_Physical_Type (Str : Std_String_Ptr;
+ Rti : Ghdl_Rti_Access)
+ return Ghdl_I64
+ is
+ S : constant Std_String_Basep := Str.Base;
+ Len : constant Ghdl_Index_Type := Str.Bounds.Dim_1.Length;
+ Unit_Pos : Ghdl_Index_Type;
+ Lit_Pos : Ghdl_Index_Type;
+ Lit_End : Ghdl_Index_Type;
+ Found_Real : Boolean;
+ Phys_Rti : constant Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Physical_Acc :=
+ To_Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Physical_Acc (Rti);
+ Unit_Name : Ghdl_C_String;
+ Multiple : Ghdl_Rti_Access;
+ Mult : Ghdl_I64;
+ begin
+ -- Extract literal and unit
+ Ghdl_Value_Physical_Split (Str, Found_Real, Lit_Pos, Lit_End, Unit_Pos);
+ -- Find unit value
Multiple := null;
for i in 0 .. Phys_Rti.Nbr - 1 loop
Unit_Name :=
@@ -606,9 +620,9 @@ package body Grt.Values is
if Found_Real then
return Ghdl_I64
- (Ghdl_Value_F64 (S, Lit_End, Pos) * Ghdl_F64 (Mult));
+ (Ghdl_Value_F64 (S, Lit_End, Lit_Pos) * Ghdl_F64 (Mult));
- return Ghdl_Value_I64 (S, Lit_End, Pos) * Mult;
+ return Ghdl_Value_I64 (S, Lit_End, Lit_Pos) * Mult;
end if;
end if;
end Ghdl_Value_Physical_Type;
diff --git a/translate/grt/ b/translate/grt/
index dda24d8..70a6581 100644
--- a/translate/grt/
+++ b/translate/grt/
@@ -26,6 +26,24 @@ with Grt.Types; use Grt.Types;
with Grt.Rtis; use Grt.Rtis;
package Grt.Values is
+ -- Return True IFF C is a whitespace character (as defined in LRM93 14.3)
+ function Is_Whitespace (C : in Character) return Boolean;
+ -- Convert C to lowercase.
+ function To_LC (C : in Character) return Character;
+ -- Extract position of numeric literal and unit in string STR.
+ -- Set IS_REAL if the unit is a real number (presence of '.').
+ -- Set UNIT_POS to the position of the first character of the unit name.
+ -- Set LIT_POS to the position of the first character of the numeric
+ -- literal (after whitespaces are skipped).
+ -- Set LIT_END to the position of the next character of the numeric lit.
+ procedure Ghdl_Value_Physical_Split (Str : Std_String_Ptr;
+ Is_Real : out Boolean;
+ Lit_Pos : out Ghdl_Index_Type;
+ Lit_End : out Ghdl_Index_Type;
+ Unit_Pos : out Ghdl_Index_Type);
function Ghdl_Value_B2 (Str : Std_String_Ptr; Rti : Ghdl_Rti_Access)
return Ghdl_B2;
function Ghdl_Value_E8 (Str : Std_String_Ptr; Rti : Ghdl_Rti_Access)
@@ -33,6 +51,7 @@ package Grt.Values is
function Ghdl_Value_E32 (Str : Std_String_Ptr; Rti : Ghdl_Rti_Access)
return Ghdl_E32;
function Ghdl_Value_I32 (Str : Std_String_Ptr) return Ghdl_I32;
+ function Ghdl_Value_I64 (Str : Std_String_Ptr) return Ghdl_I64;
function Ghdl_Value_F64 (Str : Std_String_Ptr) return Ghdl_F64;
function Ghdl_Value_P64 (Str : Std_String_Ptr; Rti : Ghdl_Rti_Access)
return Ghdl_I64;
@@ -43,6 +62,7 @@ private
pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Value_E8, "__ghdl_value_e8");
pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Value_E32, "__ghdl_value_e32");
pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Value_I32, "__ghdl_value_i32");
+ pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Value_I64, "__ghdl_value_i64");
pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Value_F64, "__ghdl_value_f64");
pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Value_P64, "__ghdl_value_p64");
pragma Export (C, Ghdl_Value_P32, "__ghdl_value_p32");