path: root/translate/grt/grt-rtis_utils.adb
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Diffstat (limited to 'translate/grt/grt-rtis_utils.adb')
1 files changed, 15 insertions, 41 deletions
diff --git a/translate/grt/grt-rtis_utils.adb b/translate/grt/grt-rtis_utils.adb
index dbc70c2..52b8600 100644
--- a/translate/grt/grt-rtis_utils.adb
+++ b/translate/grt/grt-rtis_utils.adb
@@ -148,13 +148,6 @@ package body Grt.Rtis_Utils is
return Traverse_Instance (Ctxt);
end Traverse_Blocks;
- function Rti_Complex_Type (Atype : Ghdl_Rti_Access) return Boolean
- is
- begin
- return (Atype.Mode and Ghdl_Rti_Type_Complex_Mask)
- = Ghdl_Rti_Type_Complex;
- end Rti_Complex_Type;
-- Disp value stored at ADDR and whose type is described by RTI.
procedure Get_Enum_Value
(Vstr : in out Vstring; Rti : Ghdl_Rti_Access; Val : Ghdl_Index_Type)
@@ -328,10 +321,12 @@ package body Grt.Rtis_Utils is
El : Ghdl_Rtin_Element_Acc;
Obj_Addr : Address;
+ Last_Addr : Address;
P : Natural;
P := Length (Name);
Obj_Addr := Addr;
+ Last_Addr := Addr;
for I in 1 .. Rti.Nbrel loop
El := To_Ghdl_Rtin_Element_Acc (Rti.Elements (I - 1));
if Is_Sig then
@@ -339,18 +334,21 @@ package body Grt.Rtis_Utils is
Addr := Obj_Addr + El.Val_Off;
end if;
+ if Rti_Complex_Type (El.Eltype) then
+ Addr := To_Addr_Acc (Addr).all;
+ end if;
Append (Name, '.');
Append (Name, El.Name);
Handle_Any (El.Eltype);
+ if Addr > Last_Addr then
+ Last_Addr := Addr;
+ end if;
Truncate (Name, P);
end loop;
- -- FIXME
- --Addr := Obj_Addr + Rti.Xx;
+ Addr := Last_Addr;
end Handle_Record;
- procedure Handle_Any (Rti : Ghdl_Rti_Access)
- is
- Save_Addr : Address;
+ procedure Handle_Any (Rti : Ghdl_Rti_Access) is
case Rti.Kind is
when Ghdl_Rtik_Subtype_Scalar =>
@@ -372,28 +370,7 @@ package body Grt.Rtis_Utils is
(Loc_To_Addr (St.Common.Depth, St.Bounds, Ctxt), Bt, Rngs);
- if Rti_Complex_Type (Rti) then
- Save_Addr := Addr;
- Addr := To_Addr_Acc (Addr).all;
- end if;
- Handle_Array_1 (Bt.Element, Rngs, Bt.Indexes, 0);
- if Rti_Complex_Type (Rti) then
- Addr := Save_Addr + (Address'Size / Storage_Unit);
- end if;
- end;
- when Ghdl_Rtik_Subtype_Array_Ptr =>
- declare
- St : constant Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Array_Acc :=
- To_Ghdl_Rtin_Subtype_Array_Acc (Rti);
- Bt : constant Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Array_Acc := St.Basetype;
- Rngs : Ghdl_Range_Array (0 .. Bt.Nbr_Dim - 1);
- begin
- Bound_To_Range
- (Loc_To_Addr (St.Common.Depth, St.Bounds, Ctxt), Bt, Rngs);
- Save_Addr := Addr;
- Addr := To_Addr_Acc (Addr).all;
Handle_Array_1 (Bt.Element, Rngs, Bt.Indexes, 0);
- Addr := Save_Addr + (Address'Size / Storage_Unit);
-- when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_File =>
-- declare
@@ -406,20 +383,17 @@ package body Grt.Rtis_Utils is
-- -- composite type).
-- end;
when Ghdl_Rtik_Type_Record =>
- if Rti_Complex_Type (Rti) then
- Save_Addr := Addr;
- Addr := To_Addr_Acc (Addr).all;
- end if;
Handle_Record (To_Ghdl_Rtin_Type_Record_Acc (Rti));
- if Rti_Complex_Type (Rti) then
- Addr := Save_Addr + (Address'Size / Storage_Unit);
- end if;
when others =>
Internal_Error ("grt.rtis_utils.foreach_scalar.handle_any");
end case;
end Handle_Any;
- Addr := Obj_Addr;
+ if Rti_Complex_Type (Obj_Type) then
+ Addr := To_Addr_Acc (Obj_Addr).all;
+ else
+ Addr := Obj_Addr;
+ end if;
Handle_Any (Obj_Type);
Free (Name);
end Foreach_Scalar;