path: root/translate/ghdldrv/ghdldrv.adb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'translate/ghdldrv/ghdldrv.adb')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 151 deletions
diff --git a/translate/ghdldrv/ghdldrv.adb b/translate/ghdldrv/ghdldrv.adb
index 72bac26..9f42adf 100644
--- a/translate/ghdldrv/ghdldrv.adb
+++ b/translate/ghdldrv/ghdldrv.adb
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Characters.Latin_1;
with GNAT.OS_Lib; use GNAT.OS_Lib;
-with GNAT.Directory_Operations;
with GNAT.Table;
with GNAT.Dynamic_Tables;
with Libraries;
@@ -528,153 +527,6 @@ package body Ghdldrv is
end if;
end Set_Tools_Name;
- function Is_Directory_Separator (C : Character) return Boolean is
- begin
- return C = '/' or else C = Directory_Separator;
- end Is_Directory_Separator;
- function Get_Basename_Pos (Pathname : String) return Natural is
- begin
- for I in reverse Pathname'Range loop
- if Is_Directory_Separator (Pathname (I)) then
- return I;
- end if;
- end loop;
- return 0;
- end Get_Basename_Pos;
- procedure Set_Prefix_From_Program_Path (Prog_Path : String)
- is
- Dir_Pos : Natural;
- begin
- Dir_Pos := Get_Basename_Pos (Prog_Path);
- if Dir_Pos = 0 then
- -- No directory in Prog_Path. This is not expected.
- return;
- end if;
- declare
- Pathname : String :=
- Normalize_Pathname (Prog_Path (Dir_Pos + 1 .. Prog_Path'Last),
- Prog_Path (Prog_Path'First .. Dir_Pos - 1));
- Pos : Natural;
- begin
- -- Stop now in case of error.
- if Pathname'Length = 0 then
- return;
- end if;
- -- Skip executable name
- Dir_Pos := Get_Basename_Pos (Pathname);
- if Dir_Pos = 0 then
- return;
- end if;
- -- Simplify path:
- -- /./ => /
- -- // => /
- Pos := Dir_Pos - 1;
- while Pos >= Pathname'First loop
- if Is_Directory_Separator (Pathname (Pos)) then
- if Is_Directory_Separator (Pathname (Pos + 1)) then
- -- // => /
- Pathname (Pos .. Dir_Pos - 1) :=
- Pathname (Pos + 1 .. Dir_Pos);
- Dir_Pos := Dir_Pos - 1;
- elsif Pos + 2 <= Dir_Pos
- and then Pathname (Pos + 1) = '.'
- and then Is_Directory_Separator (Pathname (Pos + 2))
- then
- -- /./ => /
- Pathname (Pos .. Dir_Pos - 2) :=
- Pathname (Pos + 2 .. Dir_Pos);
- Dir_Pos := Dir_Pos - 2;
- end if;
- end if;
- Pos := Pos - 1;
- end loop;
- -- Simplify path:
- -- /xxx/../ => /
- -- This is done after the previous simplication to avoid to deal
- -- with cases like /xxx//../ or /xxx/./../
- Pos := Dir_Pos - 3;
- while Pos >= Pathname'First loop
- if Is_Directory_Separator (Pathname (Pos))
- and then Pathname (Pos + 1) = '.'
- and then Pathname (Pos + 2) = '.'
- and then Is_Directory_Separator (Pathname (Pos + 3))
- then
- declare
- Pos2 : constant Natural :=
- Get_Basename_Pos (Pathname (Pathname'First .. Pos - 1));
- -- /xxxxxxxxxx/../
- -- ^ ^
- -- Pos2 Pos
- Len : Natural;
- begin
- if Pos2 = 0 then
- -- Shouldn't happen.
- return;
- end if;
- Len := Pos + 3 - Pos2;
- Pathname (Pos2 + 1 .. Dir_Pos - Len) :=
- Pathname (Pos + 4 .. Dir_Pos);
- Dir_Pos := Dir_Pos - Len;
- if Pos2 < Pathname'First + 3 then
- exit;
- end if;
- Pos := Pos2 - 3;
- end;
- else
- Pos := Pos - 1;
- end if;
- end loop;
- -- Remove last '/'
- Dir_Pos := Dir_Pos - 1;
- -- Skip directory.
- Dir_Pos := Get_Basename_Pos (Pathname (Pathname'First .. Dir_Pos));
- if Dir_Pos = 0 then
- return;
- end if;
- Exec_Prefix := new String'(Pathname (Pathname'First .. Dir_Pos - 1));
- end;
- end Set_Prefix_From_Program_Path;
- -- Extract Exec_Prefix from executable name.
- procedure Set_Exec_Prefix
- is
- use GNAT.Directory_Operations;
- Prog_Path : constant String := Ada.Command_Line.Command_Name;
- Exec_Path : String_Access;
- begin
- -- If the command name is an absolute path, deduce prefix from it.
- if Is_Absolute_Path (Prog_Path) then
- Set_Prefix_From_Program_Path (Prog_Path);
- return;
- end if;
- -- If the command name is a relative path, deduce prefix from it
- -- and current path.
- if Get_Basename_Pos (Prog_Path) /= 0 then
- if Is_Executable_File (Prog_Path) then
- Set_Prefix_From_Program_Path
- (Get_Current_Dir & Directory_Separator & Prog_Path);
- end if;
- return;
- end if;
- -- Look for program name on the path.
- Exec_Path := Locate_Exec_On_Path (Prog_Path);
- if Exec_Path /= null then
- Set_Prefix_From_Program_Path (Exec_Path.all);
- Free (Exec_Path);
- end if;
- end Set_Exec_Prefix;
function Locate_Exec_Tool (Toolname : String) return String_Access is
if Is_Absolute_Path (Toolname) then
@@ -746,9 +598,8 @@ package body Ghdldrv is
use Libraries;
- Set_Exec_Prefix;
- Locate_Tools;
Setup_Libraries (Load);
+ Locate_Tools;
for I in 2 .. Get_Nbr_Pathes loop
Add_Argument (Compiler_Args,
new String'("-P" & Image (Get_Path (I))));
@@ -963,7 +814,6 @@ package body Ghdldrv is
Put_Line (Prefix_Env.all);
end if;
- Set_Exec_Prefix;
Setup_Libraries (False);
Put ("exec prefix (from program name): ");