path: root/std_names.adb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'std_names.adb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 482 deletions
diff --git a/std_names.adb b/std_names.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index 98b4f06..0000000
--- a/std_names.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,482 +0,0 @@
--- Well known name table entries.
--- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GHDL; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Name_Table;
-with Tokens; use Tokens;
-with Ada.Exceptions;
-package body Std_Names is
- procedure Std_Names_Initialize is
- procedure Def (S : String; Id : Name_Id) is
- begin
- if Name_Table.Get_Identifier (S) /= Id then
- Ada.Exceptions.Raise_Exception
- (Program_Error'Identity, "wrong name_id for " & S);
- end if;
- end Def;
- begin
- Name_Table.Initialize;
- -- Create reserved words.
- for I in Tok_Mod .. Tok_Tolerance loop
- Def (Image (I),
- Name_First_Keyword +
- Token_Type'Pos (I) - Token_Type'Pos (Tok_First_Keyword));
- end loop;
- -- Create operators.
- Def ("=", Name_Op_Equality);
- Def ("/=", Name_Op_Inequality);
- Def ("<", Name_Op_Less);
- Def ("<=", Name_Op_Less_Equal);
- Def (">", Name_Op_Greater);
- Def (">=", Name_Op_Greater_Equal);
- Def ("+", Name_Op_Plus);
- Def ("-", Name_Op_Minus);
- Def ("*", Name_Op_Mul);
- Def ("/", Name_Op_Div);
- Def ("**", Name_Op_Exp);
- Def ("&", Name_Op_Concatenation);
- Def ("??", Name_Op_Condition);
- Def ("?=", Name_Op_Match_Equality);
- Def ("?/=", Name_Op_Match_Inequality);
- Def ("?<", Name_Op_Match_Less);
- Def ("?<=", Name_Op_Match_Less_Equal);
- Def ("?>", Name_Op_Match_Greater);
- Def ("?>=", Name_Op_Match_Greater_Equal);
- -- Create Attributes.
- Def ("base", Name_Base);
- Def ("left", Name_Left);
- Def ("right", Name_Right);
- Def ("high", Name_High);
- Def ("low", Name_Low);
- Def ("pos", Name_Pos);
- Def ("val", Name_Val);
- Def ("succ", Name_Succ);
- Def ("pred", Name_Pred);
- Def ("leftof", Name_Leftof);
- Def ("rightof", Name_Rightof);
- Def ("reverse_range", Name_Reverse_Range);
- Def ("length", Name_Length);
- Def ("delayed", Name_Delayed);
- Def ("stable", Name_Stable);
- Def ("quiet", Name_Quiet);
- Def ("transaction", Name_Transaction);
- Def ("event", Name_Event);
- Def ("active", Name_Active);
- Def ("last_event", Name_Last_Event);
- Def ("last_active", Name_Last_Active);
- Def ("last_value", Name_Last_Value);
- Def ("behavior", Name_Behavior);
- Def ("structure", Name_Structure);
- Def ("ascending", Name_Ascending);
- Def ("image", Name_Image);
- Def ("value", Name_Value);
- Def ("driving", Name_Driving);
- Def ("driving_value", Name_Driving_Value);
- Def ("simple_name", Name_Simple_Name);
- Def ("instance_name", Name_Instance_Name);
- Def ("path_name", Name_Path_Name);
- Def ("contribution", Name_Contribution);
- Def ("dot", Name_Dot);
- Def ("integ", Name_Integ);
- Def ("above", Name_Above);
- Def ("zoh", Name_ZOH);
- Def ("ltf", Name_LTF);
- Def ("ztf", Name_ZTF);
- Def ("ramp", Name_Ramp);
- Def ("slew", Name_Slew);
- -- Create standard.
- Def ("std", Name_Std);
- Def ("standard", Name_Standard);
- Def ("boolean", Name_Boolean);
- Def ("false", Name_False);
- Def ("true", Name_True);
- Def ("bit", Name_Bit);
- Def ("character", Name_Character);
- Def ("severity_level", Name_Severity_Level);
- Def ("note", Name_Note);
- Def ("warning", Name_Warning);
- Def ("error", Name_Error);
- Def ("failure", Name_Failure);
- Def ("UNIVERSAL_INTEGER", Name_Universal_Integer);
- Def ("UNIVERSAL_REAL", Name_Universal_Real);
- Def ("CONVERTIBLE_INTEGER", Name_Convertible_Integer);
- Def ("CONVERTIBLE_REAL", Name_Convertible_Real);
- Def ("integer", Name_Integer);
- Def ("real", Name_Real);
- Def ("time", Name_Time);
- Def ("fs", Name_Fs);
- Def ("ps", Name_Ps);
- Def ("ns", Name_Ns);
- Def ("us", Name_Us);
- Def ("ms", Name_Ms);
- Def ("sec", Name_Sec);
- Def ("min", Name_Min);
- Def ("hr", Name_Hr);
- Def ("delay_length", Name_Delay_Length);
- Def ("now", Name_Now);
- Def ("natural", Name_Natural);
- Def ("positive", Name_Positive);
- Def ("string", Name_String);
- Def ("bit_vector", Name_Bit_Vector);
- Def ("file_open_kind", Name_File_Open_Kind);
- Def ("read_mode", Name_Read_Mode);
- Def ("write_mode", Name_Write_Mode);
- Def ("append_mode", Name_Append_Mode);
- Def ("file_open_status", Name_File_Open_Status);
- Def ("open_ok", Name_Open_Ok);
- Def ("status_error", Name_Status_Error);
- Def ("name_error", Name_Name_Error);
- Def ("mode_error", Name_Mode_Error);
- Def ("foreign", Name_Foreign);
- Def ("boolean_vector", Name_Boolean_Vector);
- Def ("to_bstring", Name_To_Bstring);
- Def ("to_binary_string", Name_To_Binary_String);
- Def ("to_ostring", Name_To_Ostring);
- Def ("to_octal_string", Name_To_Octal_String);
- Def ("to_hstring", Name_To_Hstring);
- Def ("to_hex_string", Name_To_Hex_String);
- Def ("integer_vector", Name_Integer_Vector);
- Def ("real_vector", Name_Real_Vector);
- Def ("time_vector", Name_Time_Vector);
- Def ("digits", Name_Digits);
- Def ("format", Name_Format);
- Def ("unit", Name_Unit);
- Def ("domain_type", Name_Domain_Type);
- Def ("quiescent_domain", Name_Quiescent_Domain);
- Def ("time_domain", Name_Time_Domain);
- Def ("frequency_domain", Name_Frequency_Domain);
- Def ("domain", Name_Domain);
- Def ("frequency", Name_Frequency);
- Def ("real_vector", Name_Real_Vector);
- Def ("nul", Name_Nul);
- Def ("soh", Name_Soh);
- Def ("stx", Name_Stx);
- Def ("etx", Name_Etx);
- Def ("eot", Name_Eot);
- Def ("enq", Name_Enq);
- Def ("ack", Name_Ack);
- Def ("bel", Name_Bel);
- Def ("bs", Name_Bs);
- Def ("ht", Name_Ht);
- Def ("lf", Name_Lf);
- Def ("vt", Name_Vt);
- Def ("ff", Name_Ff);
- Def ("cr", Name_Cr);
- Def ("so", Name_So);
- Def ("si", Name_Si);
- Def ("dle", Name_Dle);
- Def ("dc1", Name_Dc1);
- Def ("dc2", Name_Dc2);
- Def ("dc3", Name_Dc3);
- Def ("dc4", Name_Dc4);
- Def ("nak", Name_Nak);
- Def ("syn", Name_Syn);
- Def ("etb", Name_Etb);
- Def ("can", Name_Can);
- Def ("em", Name_Em);
- Def ("sub", Name_Sub);
- Def ("esc", Name_Esc);
- Def ("fsp", Name_Fsp);
- Def ("gsp", Name_Gsp);
- Def ("rsp", Name_Rsp);
- Def ("usp", Name_Usp);
- Def ("del", Name_Del);
- Def ("c128", Name_C128);
- Def ("c129", Name_C129);
- Def ("c130", Name_C130);
- Def ("c131", Name_C131);
- Def ("c132", Name_C132);
- Def ("c133", Name_C133);
- Def ("c134", Name_C134);
- Def ("c135", Name_C135);
- Def ("c136", Name_C136);
- Def ("c137", Name_C137);
- Def ("c138", Name_C138);
- Def ("c139", Name_C139);
- Def ("c140", Name_C140);
- Def ("c141", Name_C141);
- Def ("c142", Name_C142);
- Def ("c143", Name_C143);
- Def ("c144", Name_C144);
- Def ("c145", Name_C145);
- Def ("c146", Name_C146);
- Def ("c147", Name_C147);
- Def ("c148", Name_C148);
- Def ("c149", Name_C149);
- Def ("c150", Name_C150);
- Def ("c151", Name_C151);
- Def ("c152", Name_C152);
- Def ("c153", Name_C153);
- Def ("c154", Name_C154);
- Def ("c155", Name_C155);
- Def ("c156", Name_C156);
- Def ("c157", Name_C157);
- Def ("c158", Name_C158);
- Def ("c159", Name_C159);
- -- Create misc.
- Def ("guard", Name_Guard);
- Def ("deallocate", Name_Deallocate);
- Def ("file_open", Name_File_Open);
- Def ("file_close", Name_File_Close);
- Def ("read", Name_Read);
- Def ("write", Name_Write);
- Def ("flush", Name_Flush);
- Def ("endfile", Name_Endfile);
- Def ("p", Name_P);
- Def ("f", Name_F);
- Def ("l", Name_L);
- Def ("r", Name_R);
- Def ("s", Name_S);
- Def ("external_name", Name_External_Name);
- Def ("open_kind", Name_Open_Kind);
- Def ("status", Name_Status);
- Def ("first", Name_First);
- Def ("last", Name_Last);
- Def ("textio", Name_Textio);
- Def ("work", Name_Work);
- Def ("text", Name_Text);
- Def ("to_string", Name_To_String);
- Def ("minimum", Name_Minimum);
- Def ("maximum", Name_Maximum);
- Def ("untruncated_text_read", Name_Untruncated_Text_Read);
- Def ("get_resolution_limit", Name_Get_Resolution_Limit);
- Def ("control_simulation", Name_Control_Simulation);
- Def ("ieee", Name_Ieee);
- Def ("std_logic_1164", Name_Std_Logic_1164);
- Def ("std_ulogic", Name_Std_Ulogic);
- Def ("std_ulogic_vector", Name_Std_Ulogic_Vector);
- Def ("std_logic", Name_Std_Logic);
- Def ("std_logic_vector", Name_Std_Logic_Vector);
- Def ("rising_edge", Name_Rising_Edge);
- Def ("falling_edge", Name_Falling_Edge);
- Def ("vital_timing", Name_VITAL_Timing);
- Def ("vital_level0", Name_VITAL_Level0);
- Def ("vital_level1", Name_VITAL_Level1);
- -- Verilog keywords
- Def ("always", Name_Always);
- Def ("assign", Name_Assign);
- Def ("buf", Name_Buf);
- Def ("bufif0", Name_Bufif0);
- Def ("bufif1", Name_Bufif1);
- Def ("casex", Name_Casex);
- Def ("casez", Name_Casez);
- Def ("cmos", Name_Cmos);
- Def ("deassign", Name_Deassign);
- Def ("default", Name_Default);
- Def ("defparam", Name_Defparam);
- Def ("disable", Name_Disable);
- Def ("endcase", Name_Endcase);
- Def ("endfunction", Name_Endfunction);
- Def ("endmodule", Name_Endmodule);
- Def ("endprimitive", Name_Endprimitive);
- Def ("endspecify", Name_Endspecify);
- Def ("endtable", Name_Endtable);
- Def ("endtask", Name_Endtask);
- Def ("forever", Name_Forever);
- Def ("fork", Name_Fork);
- Def ("highz0", Name_Highz0);
- Def ("highz1", Name_Highz1);
- Def ("initial", Name_Initial);
- Def ("input", Name_Input);
- Def ("join", Name_Join);
- Def ("large", Name_Large);
- Def ("medium", Name_Medium);
- Def ("module", Name_Module);
- Def ("negedge", Name_Negedge);
- Def ("nmos", Name_Nmos);
- Def ("notif0", Name_Notif0);
- Def ("notif1", Name_Notif1);
- Def ("output", Name_Output);
- Def ("parameter", Name_Parameter);
- Def ("pmos", Name_Pmos);
- Def ("posedge", Name_Posedge);
- Def ("primitive", Name_Primitive);
- Def ("pull0", Name_Pull0);
- Def ("pull1", Name_Pull1);
- Def ("pulldown", Name_Pulldown);
- Def ("pullup", Name_Pullup);
- Def ("reg", Name_Reg);
- Def ("repeat", Name_Repeat);
- Def ("rcmos", Name_Rcmos);
- Def ("rnmos", Name_Rnmos);
- Def ("rpmos", Name_Rpmos);
- Def ("rtran", Name_Rtran);
- Def ("rtranif0", Name_Rtranif0);
- Def ("rtranif1", Name_Rtranif1);
- Def ("small", Name_Small);
- Def ("specify", Name_Specify);
- Def ("specparam", Name_Specparam);
- Def ("strong0", Name_Strong0);
- Def ("strong1", Name_Strong1);
- Def ("supply0", Name_Supply0);
- Def ("supply1", Name_Supply1);
- Def ("table", Name_Tablex);
- Def ("task", Name_Task);
- Def ("tran", Name_Tran);
- Def ("tranif0", Name_Tranif0);
- Def ("tranif1", Name_Tranif1);
- Def ("tri", Name_Tri);
- Def ("tri0", Name_Tri0);
- Def ("tri1", Name_Tri1);
- Def ("trireg", Name_Trireg);
- Def ("wand", Name_Wand);
- Def ("weak0", Name_Weak0);
- Def ("weak1", Name_Weak1);
- Def ("wire", Name_Wire);
- Def ("wor", Name_Wor);
- Def ("define", Name_Define);
- Def ("endif", Name_Endif);
- Def ("ifdef", Name_Ifdef);
- Def ("include", Name_Include);
- Def ("timescale", Name_Timescale);
- Def ("undef", Name_Undef);
- -- Verilog system tasks
- Def ("display", Name_Display);
- Def ("finish", Name_Finish);
- -- BSV keywords
- Def ("Action", Name_uAction);
- Def ("ActionValue", Name_uActionValue);
- Def ("BVI", Name_BVI);
- Def ("C", Name_uC);
- Def ("CF", Name_uCF);
- Def ("E", Name_uE);
- Def ("SB", Name_uSB);
- Def ("SBR", Name_uSBR);
- Def ("action", Name_Action);
- Def ("endaction", Name_Endaction);
- Def ("actionvalue", Name_Actionvalue);
- Def ("endactionvalue", Name_Endactionvalue);
- Def ("ancestor", Name_Ancestor);
- Def ("clocked_by", Name_Clocked_By);
- Def ("continue", Name_Continue);
- Def ("default_clock", Name_Default_Clock);
- Def ("default_reset", Name_Default_Reset);
- Def ("dependencies", Name_Dependencies);
- Def ("deriving", Name_Deriving);
- Def ("determines", Name_Determines);
- Def ("enable", Name_Enable);
- Def ("enum", Name_Enum);
- Def ("export", Name_Export);
- Def ("ifc_inout", Name_Ifc_Inout);
- Def ("import", Name_Import);
- Def ("input_clock", Name_Input_Clock);
- Def ("input_reset", Name_Input_Reset);
- Def ("instance", Name_Instance);
- Def ("endinstance", Name_Endinstance);
- Def ("interface", Name_Interface);
- Def ("endinterface", Name_Endinterface);
- Def ("let", Name_Let);
- Def ("match", Name_Match);
- Def ("matches", Name_Matches);
- Def ("method", Name_Method);
- Def ("endmethod", Name_Endmethod);
- Def ("numeric", Name_Numeric);
- Def ("output_clock", Name_Output_Clock);
- Def ("output_reset", Name_Output_Reset);
- Def ("endpackage", Name_Endpackage);
- Def ("par", Name_Par);
- Def ("endpar", Name_Endpar);
- Def ("path", Name_Path);
- Def ("provisos", Name_Provisos);
- Def ("ready", Name_Ready);
- Def ("reset_by", Name_Reset_By);
- Def ("rule", Name_Rule);
- Def ("endrule", Name_Endrule);
- Def ("rules", Name_Rules);
- Def ("endrules", Name_Endrules);
- Def ("same_family", Name_Same_Family);
- Def ("schedule", Name_Schedule);
- Def ("seq", Name_Seq);
- Def ("endseq", Name_Endseq);
- Def ("struct", Name_Struct);
- Def ("tagged", Name_Tagged);
- Def ("typeclass", Name_Typeclass);
- Def ("endtypeclass", Name_Endtypeclass);
- Def ("typedef", Name_Typedef);
- Def ("union", Name_Union);
- Def ("valueof", Name_Valueof);
- Def ("valueOf", Name_uValueof);
- Def ("void", Name_Void);
- -- VHDL special comments
- Def ("psl", Name_Psl);
- Def ("pragma", Name_Pragma);
- -- PSL keywords
- Def ("a", Name_A);
- Def ("af", Name_Af);
- Def ("ag", Name_Ag);
- Def ("ax", Name_Ax);
- Def ("abort", Name_Abort);
- Def ("assume", Name_Assume);
- Def ("assume_guarantee", Name_Assume_Guarantee);
- Def ("before", Name_Before);
- Def ("clock", Name_Clock);
- Def ("const", Name_Const);
- Def ("cover", Name_Cover);
- Def ("e", Name_E);
- Def ("ef", Name_Ef);
- Def ("eg", Name_Eg);
- Def ("ex", Name_Ex);
- Def ("endpoint", Name_Endpoint);
- Def ("eventually", Name_Eventually);
- Def ("fairness", Name_Fairness);
- Def ("fell ", Name_Fell);
- Def ("forall", Name_Forall);
- Def ("g", Name_G);
- Def ("inf", Name_Inf);
- Def ("inherit", Name_Inherit);
- Def ("never", Name_Never);
- Def ("next_a", Name_Next_A);
- Def ("next_e", Name_Next_E);
- Def ("next_event", Name_Next_Event);
- Def ("next_event_a", Name_Next_Event_A);
- Def ("next_event_e", Name_Next_Event_E);
- Def ("property", Name_Property);
- Def ("prev", Name_Prev);
- Def ("restrict", Name_Restrict);
- Def ("restrict_guarantee", Name_Restrict_Guarantee);
- Def ("rose", Name_Rose);
- Def ("sequence", Name_Sequence);
- Def ("strong", Name_Strong);
- Def ("union", Name_Union);
- Def ("vmode", Name_Vmode);
- Def ("vprop", Name_Vprop);
- Def ("vunit", Name_Vunit);
- Def ("w", Name_W);
- Def ("whilenot", Name_Whilenot);
- Def ("within", Name_Within);
- Def ("x", Name_X);
- end Std_Names_Initialize;
-end Std_Names;