path: root/src/vhdl/translate/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/vhdl/translate/')
1 files changed, 1685 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/vhdl/translate/ b/src/vhdl/translate/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..adf0091
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/vhdl/translate/
@@ -0,0 +1,1685 @@
+-- Iir to ortho translator.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002 - 2014 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;
+with Interfaces; use Interfaces;
+with Ortho_Nodes; use Ortho_Nodes;
+with Ortho_Ident; use Ortho_Ident;
+with Iirs; use Iirs;
+with Types; use Types;
+package Trans is
+ -- Ortho type node for STD.BOOLEAN.
+ Std_Boolean_Type_Node : O_Tnode;
+ Std_Boolean_True_Node : O_Cnode;
+ Std_Boolean_False_Node : O_Cnode;
+ -- Array of STD.BOOLEAN.
+ Std_Boolean_Array_Type : O_Tnode;
+ -- Std_ulogic indexed array of STD.Boolean.
+ Std_Ulogic_Boolean_Array_Type : O_Tnode;
+ -- Ortho type node for string template pointer.
+ Std_String_Ptr_Node : O_Tnode;
+ Std_String_Node : O_Tnode;
+ -- Ortho type for std.standard.integer.
+ Std_Integer_Otype : O_Tnode;
+ -- Ortho type for std.standard.real.
+ Std_Real_Otype : O_Tnode;
+ -- Ortho type node for std.standard.time.
+ Std_Time_Otype : O_Tnode;
+ -- Node for the variable containing the current filename.
+ Current_Filename_Node : O_Dnode := O_Dnode_Null;
+ Current_Library_Unit : Iir := Null_Iir;
+ -- Global declarations.
+ Ghdl_Ptr_Type : O_Tnode;
+ Sizetype : O_Tnode;
+ Ghdl_I32_Type : O_Tnode;
+ Ghdl_I64_Type : O_Tnode;
+ Ghdl_Real_Type : O_Tnode;
+ -- Constant character.
+ Char_Type_Node : O_Tnode;
+ -- Array of char.
+ Chararray_Type : O_Tnode;
+ -- Pointer to array of char.
+ Char_Ptr_Type : O_Tnode;
+ -- Array of char ptr.
+ Char_Ptr_Array_Type : O_Tnode;
+ Char_Ptr_Array_Ptr_Type : O_Tnode;
+ Ghdl_Index_Type : O_Tnode;
+ Ghdl_Index_0 : O_Cnode;
+ Ghdl_Index_1 : O_Cnode;
+ -- Type for a file (this is in fact a index in a private table).
+ Ghdl_File_Index_Type : O_Tnode;
+ Ghdl_File_Index_Ptr_Type : O_Tnode;
+ -- Record containing a len and string fields.
+ Ghdl_Str_Len_Type_Node : O_Tnode;
+ Ghdl_Str_Len_Type_Len_Field : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Str_Len_Type_Str_Field : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Str_Len_Ptr_Node : O_Tnode;
+ Ghdl_Str_Len_Array_Type_Node : O_Tnode;
+ -- Location.
+ Ghdl_Location_Type_Node : O_Tnode;
+ Ghdl_Location_Filename_Node : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Location_Line_Node : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Location_Col_Node : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Location_Ptr_Node : O_Tnode;
+ -- Allocate memory for a block.
+ Ghdl_Alloc_Ptr : O_Dnode;
+ -- bool type.
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type : O_Tnode;
+ type Enode_Boolean_Array is array (Boolean) of O_Cnode;
+ Ghdl_Bool_Nodes : Enode_Boolean_Array;
+ Ghdl_Bool_False_Node : O_Cnode renames Ghdl_Bool_Nodes (False);
+ Ghdl_Bool_True_Node : O_Cnode renames Ghdl_Bool_Nodes (True);
+ Ghdl_Bool_Array_Type : O_Tnode;
+ Ghdl_Bool_Array_Ptr : O_Tnode;
+ -- Comparaison type.
+ Ghdl_Compare_Type : O_Tnode;
+ Ghdl_Compare_Lt : O_Cnode;
+ Ghdl_Compare_Eq : O_Cnode;
+ Ghdl_Compare_Gt : O_Cnode;
+ -- Dir type.
+ Ghdl_Dir_Type_Node : O_Tnode;
+ Ghdl_Dir_To_Node : O_Cnode;
+ Ghdl_Dir_Downto_Node : O_Cnode;
+ -- Signals.
+ Ghdl_Scalar_Bytes : O_Tnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Type : O_Tnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Value_Field : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Driving_Value_Field : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Last_Value_Field : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Last_Event_Field : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Last_Active_Field : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Event_Field : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Active_Field : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Has_Active_Field : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Ptr : O_Tnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Ptr_Ptr : O_Tnode;
+ type Object_Kind_Type is (Mode_Value, Mode_Signal);
+ -- Well known identifiers.
+ Wki_This : O_Ident;
+ Wki_Size : O_Ident;
+ Wki_Res : O_Ident;
+ Wki_Dir_To : O_Ident;
+ Wki_Dir_Downto : O_Ident;
+ Wki_Left : O_Ident;
+ Wki_Right : O_Ident;
+ Wki_Dir : O_Ident;
+ Wki_Length : O_Ident;
+ Wki_I : O_Ident;
+ Wki_Instance : O_Ident;
+ Wki_Arch_Instance : O_Ident;
+ Wki_Name : O_Ident;
+ Wki_Sig : O_Ident;
+ Wki_Obj : O_Ident;
+ Wki_Rti : O_Ident;
+ Wki_Parent : O_Ident;
+ Wki_Filename : O_Ident;
+ Wki_Line : O_Ident;
+ Wki_Lo : O_Ident;
+ Wki_Hi : O_Ident;
+ Wki_Mid : O_Ident;
+ Wki_Cmp : O_Ident;
+ Wki_Upframe : O_Ident;
+ Wki_Frame : O_Ident;
+ Wki_Val : O_Ident;
+ Wki_L_Len : O_Ident;
+ Wki_R_Len : O_Ident;
+ -- ALLOCATION_KIND defines the type of memory storage.
+ -- ALLOC_STACK means the object is allocated on the local stack and
+ -- deallocated at the end of the function.
+ -- ALLOC_SYSTEM for object created during design elaboration and whose
+ -- life is infinite.
+ -- ALLOC_RETURN for unconstrained object returns by function.
+ -- ALLOC_HEAP for object created by new.
+ type Allocation_Kind is
+ (Alloc_Stack, Alloc_Return, Alloc_Heap, Alloc_System);
+ package Chap10 is
+ -- There are three data storage kind: global, local or instance.
+ -- For example, a constant can have:
+ -- * a global storage when declared inside a package. This storage
+ -- can be accessed from any point.
+ -- * a local storage when declared in a subprogram. This storage
+ -- can be accessed from the subprogram, is created when the subprogram
+ -- is called and destroy when the subprogram exit.
+ -- * an instance storage when declared inside a process. This storage
+ -- can be accessed from the process via an instance pointer, is
+ -- created during elaboration.
+ --procedure Push_Global_Factory (Storage : O_Storage);
+ --procedure Pop_Global_Factory;
+ procedure Set_Global_Storage (Storage : O_Storage);
+ -- Set the global scope handling.
+ Global_Storage : O_Storage;
+ -- Scope for variables. This is used both to build instances (so it
+ -- contains the record type that contains objects declared in that
+ -- scope) and to use instances (it contains the path to access to these
+ -- objects).
+ type Var_Scope_Type is private;
+ type Var_Scope_Acc is access all Var_Scope_Type;
+ for Var_Scope_Acc'Storage_Size use 0;
+ Null_Var_Scope : constant Var_Scope_Type;
+ type Var_Type is private;
+ Null_Var : constant Var_Type;
+ -- Return the record type for SCOPE.
+ function Get_Scope_Type (Scope : Var_Scope_Type) return O_Tnode;
+ -- Return the size for instances of SCOPE.
+ function Get_Scope_Size (Scope : Var_Scope_Type) return O_Cnode;
+ -- Return True iff SCOPE is defined.
+ function Has_Scope_Type (Scope : Var_Scope_Type) return Boolean;
+ -- Create an empty and incomplete scope type for SCOPE using NAME.
+ procedure Predeclare_Scope_Type (Scope : Var_Scope_Acc; Name : O_Ident);
+ -- Declare a pointer PTR_TYPE with NAME to scope type SCOPE.
+ procedure Declare_Scope_Acc
+ (Scope : Var_Scope_Type; Name : O_Ident; Ptr_Type : out O_Tnode);
+ -- Start to build an instance.
+ -- If INSTANCE_TYPE is not O_TNODE_NULL, it must be an uncompleted
+ -- record type, that will be completed.
+ procedure Push_Instance_Factory (Scope : Var_Scope_Acc);
+ -- Manually add a field to the current instance being built.
+ function Add_Instance_Factory_Field (Name : O_Ident; Ftype : O_Tnode)
+ return O_Fnode;
+ -- In the scope being built, add a field NAME that contain sub-scope
+ -- CHILD. CHILD is modified so that accesses to CHILD objects is done
+ -- via SCOPE.
+ procedure Add_Scope_Field
+ (Name : O_Ident; Child : in out Var_Scope_Type);
+ -- Return the offset of field for CHILD in its parent scope.
+ function Get_Scope_Offset (Child : Var_Scope_Type; Otype : O_Tnode)
+ return O_Cnode;
+ -- Finish the building of the current instance and return the type
+ -- built.
+ procedure Pop_Instance_Factory (Scope : Var_Scope_Acc);
+ -- Create a new scope, in which variable are created locally
+ -- (ie, on the stack). Always created unlocked.
+ procedure Push_Local_Factory;
+ -- Destroy a local scope.
+ procedure Pop_Local_Factory;
+ -- Set_Scope defines how to access to variables of SCOPE.
+ -- Variables defined in SCOPE can be accessed via field SCOPE_FIELD
+ -- in scope SCOPE_PARENT.
+ procedure Set_Scope_Via_Field
+ (Scope : in out Var_Scope_Type;
+ Scope_Field : O_Fnode; Scope_Parent : Var_Scope_Acc);
+ -- Variables defined in SCOPE can be accessed by dereferencing
+ -- field SCOPE_FIELD defined in SCOPE_PARENT.
+ procedure Set_Scope_Via_Field_Ptr
+ (Scope : in out Var_Scope_Type;
+ Scope_Field : O_Fnode; Scope_Parent : Var_Scope_Acc);
+ -- Variables/scopes defined in SCOPE can be accessed via
+ -- dereference of parameter SCOPE_PARAM.
+ procedure Set_Scope_Via_Param_Ptr
+ (Scope : in out Var_Scope_Type; Scope_Param : O_Dnode);
+ -- Variables/scopes defined in SCOPE can be accessed via DECL.
+ procedure Set_Scope_Via_Decl
+ (Scope : in out Var_Scope_Type; Decl : O_Dnode);
+ -- Variables/scopes defined in SCOPE can be accessed by derefencing
+ -- VAR.
+ procedure Set_Scope_Via_Var_Ptr
+ (Scope : in out Var_Scope_Type; Var : Var_Type);
+ -- No more accesses to SCOPE_TYPE are allowed. Scopes must be cleared
+ -- before being set.
+ procedure Clear_Scope (Scope : in out Var_Scope_Type);
+ -- Reset the identifier.
+ type Id_Mark_Type is limited private;
+ type Local_Identifier_Type is private;
+ procedure Reset_Identifier_Prefix;
+ procedure Push_Identifier_Prefix (Mark : out Id_Mark_Type;
+ Name : String;
+ Val : Iir_Int32 := 0);
+ procedure Push_Identifier_Prefix (Mark : out Id_Mark_Type;
+ Name : Name_Id;
+ Val : Iir_Int32 := 0);
+ procedure Push_Identifier_Prefix_Uniq (Mark : out Id_Mark_Type);
+ procedure Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark : in Id_Mark_Type);
+ -- Save/restore the local identifier number; this is used by package
+ -- body, which has the same prefix as the package declaration, so it
+ -- must continue local identifiers numbers.
+ -- This is used by subprogram bodies too.
+ procedure Save_Local_Identifier (Id : out Local_Identifier_Type);
+ procedure Restore_Local_Identifier (Id : Local_Identifier_Type);
+ -- Create an identifier from IIR node ID without the prefix.
+ function Create_Identifier_Without_Prefix (Id : Iir)
+ return O_Ident;
+ function Create_Identifier_Without_Prefix (Id : Name_Id; Str : String)
+ return O_Ident;
+ -- Create an identifier from the current prefix.
+ function Create_Identifier return O_Ident;
+ -- Create an identifier from IIR node ID with prefix.
+ function Create_Identifier (Id : Iir; Str : String := "")
+ return O_Ident;
+ function Create_Identifier
+ (Id : Iir; Val : Iir_Int32; Str : String := "")
+ return O_Ident;
+ function Create_Identifier (Id : Name_Id; Str : String := "")
+ return O_Ident;
+ -- Create a prefixed identifier from a string.
+ function Create_Identifier (Str : String) return O_Ident;
+ -- Create an identifier for a variable.
+ -- IE, if the variable is global, prepend the prefix,
+ -- if the variable belong to an instance, no prefix is added.
+ type Var_Ident_Type is private;
+ function Create_Var_Identifier (Id : Iir) return Var_Ident_Type;
+ function Create_Var_Identifier (Id : String) return Var_Ident_Type;
+ function Create_Var_Identifier (Id : Iir; Str : String; Val : Natural)
+ return Var_Ident_Type;
+ function Create_Uniq_Identifier return Var_Ident_Type;
+ -- Create variable NAME of type VTYPE in the current scope.
+ -- If the current scope is the global scope, then a variable is
+ -- created at the top level (using decl_global_storage).
+ -- If the current scope is not the global scope, then a field is added
+ -- to the current scope.
+ function Create_Var
+ (Name : Var_Ident_Type;
+ Vtype : O_Tnode;
+ Storage : O_Storage := Global_Storage)
+ return Var_Type;
+ -- Create a global variable.
+ function Create_Global_Var
+ (Name : O_Ident; Vtype : O_Tnode; Storage : O_Storage)
+ return Var_Type;
+ -- Create a global constant and initialize it to INITIAL_VALUE.
+ function Create_Global_Const
+ (Name : O_Ident;
+ Vtype : O_Tnode;
+ Storage : O_Storage;
+ Initial_Value : O_Cnode)
+ return Var_Type;
+ procedure Define_Global_Const (Const : in out Var_Type; Val : O_Cnode);
+ -- Return the (real) reference to a variable created by Create_Var.
+ function Get_Var (Var : Var_Type) return O_Lnode;
+ -- Return a reference to the instance of type ITYPE.
+ function Get_Instance_Ref (Scope : Var_Scope_Type) return O_Lnode;
+ -- Return the address of the instance for block BLOCK.
+ function Get_Instance_Access (Block : Iir) return O_Enode;
+ -- Return the storage for the variable VAR.
+ function Get_Alloc_Kind_For_Var (Var : Var_Type) return Allocation_Kind;
+ -- Return TRUE iff VAR is stable, ie get_var (VAR) can be referenced
+ -- several times.
+ function Is_Var_Stable (Var : Var_Type) return Boolean;
+ -- Used only to generate RTI.
+ function Is_Var_Field (Var : Var_Type) return Boolean;
+ function Get_Var_Offset (Var : Var_Type; Otype : O_Tnode) return O_Cnode;
+ function Get_Var_Label (Var : Var_Type) return O_Dnode;
+ -- For package instantiation.
+ -- Associate INST_SCOPE as the instantiated scope for ORIG_SCOPE.
+ procedure Push_Instantiate_Var_Scope
+ (Inst_Scope : Var_Scope_Acc; Orig_Scope : Var_Scope_Acc);
+ -- Remove the association for INST_SCOPE.
+ procedure Pop_Instantiate_Var_Scope
+ (Inst_Scope : Var_Scope_Acc);
+ -- Get the associated instantiated scope for SCOPE.
+ function Instantiated_Var_Scope (Scope : Var_Scope_Acc)
+ return Var_Scope_Acc;
+ -- Create a copy of VAR using instantiated scope (if needed).
+ function Instantiate_Var (Var : Var_Type) return Var_Type;
+ -- Create a copy of SCOPE using instantiated scope (if needed).
+ function Instantiate_Var_Scope (Scope : Var_Scope_Type)
+ return Var_Scope_Type;
+ private
+ type Local_Identifier_Type is new Natural;
+ type Id_Mark_Type is record
+ Len : Natural;
+ Local_Id : Local_Identifier_Type;
+ end record;
+ type Var_Ident_Type is record
+ Id : O_Ident;
+ end record;
+ -- An instance contains all the data (variable, signals, constant...)
+ -- which are declared by an entity and an architecture.
+ -- (An architecture inherits the data of its entity).
+ --
+ -- The processes and implicit guard signals of an entity/architecture
+ -- are translated into functions. The first argument of these functions
+ -- is a pointer to the instance.
+ type Inst_Build_Kind_Type is (Local, Global, Instance);
+ type Inst_Build_Type (Kind : Inst_Build_Kind_Type);
+ type Inst_Build_Acc is access Inst_Build_Type;
+ type Inst_Build_Type (Kind : Inst_Build_Kind_Type) is record
+ Prev : Inst_Build_Acc;
+ Prev_Id_Start : Natural;
+ case Kind is
+ when Local =>
+ -- Previous global storage.
+ Prev_Global_Storage : O_Storage;
+ when Global =>
+ null;
+ when Instance =>
+ Scope : Var_Scope_Acc;
+ Elements : O_Element_List;
+ end case;
+ end record;
+ -- Kind of variable:
+ -- VAR_NONE: the variable doesn't exist.
+ -- VAR_GLOBAL: the variable is a global variable (static or not).
+ -- VAR_LOCAL: the variable is on the stack.
+ -- VAR_SCOPE: the variable is in the instance record.
+ type Var_Kind is (Var_None, Var_Global, Var_Local, Var_Scope);
+ type Var_Type (Kind : Var_Kind := Var_None) is record
+ case Kind is
+ when Var_None =>
+ null;
+ when Var_Global
+ | Var_Local =>
+ E : O_Dnode;
+ when Var_Scope =>
+ I_Field : O_Fnode;
+ I_Scope : Var_Scope_Acc;
+ end case;
+ end record;
+ Null_Var : constant Var_Type := (Kind => Var_None);
+ type Var_Scope_Kind is (Var_Scope_None,
+ Var_Scope_Ptr,
+ Var_Scope_Decl,
+ Var_Scope_Field,
+ Var_Scope_Field_Ptr);
+ type Var_Scope_Type (Kind : Var_Scope_Kind := Var_Scope_None) is record
+ Scope_Type : O_Tnode := O_Tnode_Null;
+ case Kind is
+ when Var_Scope_None =>
+ -- Not set, cannot be referenced.
+ null;
+ when Var_Scope_Ptr
+ | Var_Scope_Decl =>
+ -- Instance for entity, architecture, component, subprogram,
+ -- resolver, process, guard function, PSL directive, PSL cover,
+ -- PSL assert, component instantiation elaborator
+ D : O_Dnode;
+ when Var_Scope_Field
+ | Var_Scope_Field_Ptr =>
+ -- For an entity: the architecture.
+ -- For an architecture: ptr to a generate subblock.
+ -- For a subprogram: parent frame
+ Field : O_Fnode;
+ Up_Link : Var_Scope_Acc;
+ end case;
+ end record;
+ Null_Var_Scope : constant Var_Scope_Type := (Scope_Type => O_Tnode_Null,
+ Kind => Var_Scope_None);
+ end Chap10;
+ use Chap10;
+ package Subprgs is
+ -- Subprograms instances.
+ --
+ -- Subprograms declared inside entities, architecture, blocks
+ -- or processes (but not inside packages) may access to data declared
+ -- outside the subprogram (and this with a life longer than the
+ -- subprogram life). These data correspond to constants, variables,
+ -- files, signals or types. However these data are not shared between
+ -- instances of the same entity, architecture... Subprograms instances
+ -- is the way subprograms access to these data.
+ -- One subprogram instance corresponds to a record.
+ -- Type to save an old instance builder. Subprograms may have at most
+ -- one instance. If they need severals (for example a protected
+ -- subprogram), the most recent one will have a reference to the
+ -- previous one.
+ type Subprg_Instance_Stack is limited private;
+ -- Declare an instance to be added for subprograms.
+ -- DECL is the node for which the instance is created. This is used by
+ -- PTR_TYPE is a pointer to DECL_TYPE.
+ -- IDENT is an identifier for the interface.
+ -- The previous instance is stored to PREV. It must be restored with
+ -- Pop_Subprg_Instance.
+ -- Add_Subprg_Instance_Interfaces will add an interface of name IDENT
+ -- and type PTR_TYPE for every instance declared by
+ procedure Push_Subprg_Instance (Scope : Var_Scope_Acc;
+ Ptr_Type : O_Tnode;
+ Ident : O_Ident;
+ Prev : out Subprg_Instance_Stack);
+ -- Since local subprograms has a direct access to its father interfaces,
+ -- they do not required instances interfaces.
+ -- These procedures are provided to temporarly disable the addition of
+ -- instances interfaces. Use Pop_Subpg_Instance to restore to the
+ -- previous state.
+ procedure Clear_Subprg_Instance (Prev : out Subprg_Instance_Stack);
+ -- Revert of the previous subprogram.
+ -- Instances must be removed in opposite order they are added.
+ procedure Pop_Subprg_Instance (Ident : O_Ident;
+ Prev : Subprg_Instance_Stack);
+ -- True iff there is currently a subprogram instance.
+ function Has_Current_Subprg_Instance return Boolean;
+ -- Contains the subprogram interface for the instance.
+ type Subprg_Instance_Type is private;
+ Null_Subprg_Instance : constant Subprg_Instance_Type;
+ -- Add interfaces during the creation of a subprogram.
+ procedure Add_Subprg_Instance_Interfaces
+ (Interfaces : in out O_Inter_List; Vars : out Subprg_Instance_Type);
+ -- Add a field in the current factory that reference the current
+ -- instance.
+ procedure Add_Subprg_Instance_Field (Field : out O_Fnode);
+ -- Associate values to the instance interface during invocation of a
+ -- subprogram.
+ procedure Add_Subprg_Instance_Assoc
+ (Assocs : in out O_Assoc_List; Vars : Subprg_Instance_Type);
+ -- Get the value to be associated to the instance interface.
+ function Get_Subprg_Instance (Vars : Subprg_Instance_Type)
+ return O_Enode;
+ -- True iff VARS is associated with an instance.
+ function Has_Subprg_Instance (Vars : Subprg_Instance_Type)
+ return Boolean;
+ -- Assign the instance field FIELD of VAR.
+ procedure Set_Subprg_Instance_Field
+ (Var : O_Dnode; Field : O_Fnode; Vars : Subprg_Instance_Type);
+ -- To be called at the beginning and end of a subprogram body creation.
+ -- Call PUSH_SCOPE for the subprogram intances.
+ procedure Start_Subprg_Instance_Use (Vars : Subprg_Instance_Type);
+ procedure Finish_Subprg_Instance_Use (Vars : Subprg_Instance_Type);
+ -- Call Push_Scope to reference instance from FIELD.
+ procedure Start_Prev_Subprg_Instance_Use_Via_Field
+ (Prev : Subprg_Instance_Stack; Field : O_Fnode);
+ procedure Finish_Prev_Subprg_Instance_Use_Via_Field
+ (Prev : Subprg_Instance_Stack; Field : O_Fnode);
+ -- Same as above, but for IIR.
+ procedure Create_Subprg_Instance (Interfaces : in out O_Inter_List;
+ Subprg : Iir);
+ procedure Start_Subprg_Instance_Use (Subprg : Iir);
+ procedure Finish_Subprg_Instance_Use (Subprg : Iir);
+ function Instantiate_Subprg_Instance (Inst : Subprg_Instance_Type)
+ return Subprg_Instance_Type;
+ private
+ type Subprg_Instance_Type is record
+ Inter : O_Dnode;
+ Inter_Type : O_Tnode;
+ Scope : Var_Scope_Acc;
+ end record;
+ Null_Subprg_Instance : constant Subprg_Instance_Type :=
+ (O_Dnode_Null, O_Tnode_Null, null);
+ type Subprg_Instance_Stack is record
+ Scope : Var_Scope_Acc;
+ Ptr_Type : O_Tnode;
+ Ident : O_Ident;
+ end record;
+ Null_Subprg_Instance_Stack : constant Subprg_Instance_Stack :=
+ (null, O_Tnode_Null, O_Ident_Nul);
+ Current_Subprg_Instance : Subprg_Instance_Stack :=
+ Null_Subprg_Instance_Stack;
+ end Subprgs;
+ type Ortho_Info_Kind is
+ (
+ Kind_Type,
+ Kind_Incomplete_Type,
+ Kind_Index,
+ Kind_Expr,
+ Kind_Subprg,
+ Kind_Object,
+ Kind_Alias,
+ Kind_Iterator,
+ Kind_Interface,
+ Kind_Disconnect,
+ Kind_Process,
+ Kind_Psl_Directive,
+ Kind_Loop,
+ Kind_Block,
+ Kind_Component,
+ Kind_Field,
+ Kind_Package,
+ Kind_Package_Instance,
+ Kind_Config,
+ Kind_Assoc,
+ Kind_Str_Choice,
+ Kind_Design_File,
+ Kind_Library
+ );
+ type Ortho_Info_Type_Kind is
+ (
+ Kind_Type_Scalar,
+ Kind_Type_Array,
+ Kind_Type_Record,
+ Kind_Type_File,
+ Kind_Type_Protected
+ );
+ type O_Tnode_Array is array (Object_Kind_Type) of O_Tnode;
+ type O_Fnode_Array is array (Object_Kind_Type) of O_Fnode;
+ type Rti_Depth_Type is new Natural range 0 .. 255;
+ type Ortho_Info_Type_Type (Kind : Ortho_Info_Type_Kind := Kind_Type_Scalar)
+ is record
+ -- For all types:
+ -- This is the maximum depth of RTI, that is the max of the depth of
+ -- the type itself and every types it depends on.
+ Rti_Max_Depth : Rti_Depth_Type;
+ case Kind is
+ when Kind_Type_Scalar =>
+ -- For scalar types:
+ -- True if no need to check against low/high bound.
+ Nocheck_Low : Boolean := False;
+ Nocheck_Hi : Boolean := False;
+ -- Ortho type for the range record type.
+ Range_Type : O_Tnode;
+ -- Ortho type for an access to the range record type.
+ Range_Ptr_Type : O_Tnode;
+ -- Tree for the range record declaration.
+ Range_Var : Var_Type;
+ -- Fields of TYPE_RANGE_TYPE.
+ Range_Left : O_Fnode;
+ Range_Right : O_Fnode;
+ Range_Dir : O_Fnode;
+ Range_Length : O_Fnode;
+ when Kind_Type_Array =>
+ Base_Type : O_Tnode_Array;
+ Base_Ptr_Type : O_Tnode_Array;
+ Bounds_Type : O_Tnode;
+ Bounds_Ptr_Type : O_Tnode;
+ Base_Field : O_Fnode_Array;
+ Bounds_Field : O_Fnode_Array;
+ -- True if the array bounds are static.
+ Static_Bounds : Boolean;
+ -- Variable containing the bounds for a constrained array.
+ Array_Bounds : Var_Type;
+ -- Variable containing a 1 length bound for unidimensional
+ -- unconstrained arrays.
+ Array_1bound : Var_Type;
+ -- Variable containing the description for each index.
+ Array_Index_Desc : Var_Type;
+ when Kind_Type_Record =>
+ -- Variable containing the description for each element.
+ Record_El_Desc : Var_Type;
+ when Kind_Type_File =>
+ -- Constant containing the signature of the file.
+ File_Signature : O_Dnode;
+ when Kind_Type_Protected =>
+ Prot_Scope : aliased Var_Scope_Type;
+ -- Init procedure for the protected type.
+ Prot_Init_Subprg : O_Dnode;
+ Prot_Init_Instance : Subprgs.Subprg_Instance_Type;
+ -- Final procedure.
+ Prot_Final_Subprg : O_Dnode;
+ Prot_Final_Instance : Subprgs.Subprg_Instance_Type;
+ -- The outer instance, if any.
+ Prot_Subprg_Instance_Field : O_Fnode;
+ -- The LOCK field in the object type
+ Prot_Lock_Field : O_Fnode;
+ end case;
+ end record;
+-- Ortho_Info_Type_Scalar_Init : constant Ortho_Info_Type_Type :=
+-- (Kind => Kind_Type_Scalar,
+-- Range_Type => O_Tnode_Null,
+-- Range_Ptr_Type => O_Tnode_Null,
+-- Range_Var => null,
+-- Range_Left => O_Fnode_Null,
+-- Range_Right => O_Fnode_Null,
+-- Range_Dir => O_Fnode_Null,
+-- Range_Length => O_Fnode_Null);
+ Ortho_Info_Type_Array_Init : constant Ortho_Info_Type_Type :=
+ (Kind => Kind_Type_Array,
+ Rti_Max_Depth => 0,
+ Base_Type => (O_Tnode_Null, O_Tnode_Null),
+ Base_Ptr_Type => (O_Tnode_Null, O_Tnode_Null),
+ Bounds_Type => O_Tnode_Null,
+ Bounds_Ptr_Type => O_Tnode_Null,
+ Base_Field => (O_Fnode_Null, O_Fnode_Null),
+ Bounds_Field => (O_Fnode_Null, O_Fnode_Null),
+ Static_Bounds => False,
+ Array_Bounds => Null_Var,
+ Array_1bound => Null_Var,
+ Array_Index_Desc => Null_Var);
+ Ortho_Info_Type_Record_Init : constant Ortho_Info_Type_Type :=
+ (Kind => Kind_Type_Record,
+ Rti_Max_Depth => 0,
+ Record_El_Desc => Null_Var);
+ Ortho_Info_Type_File_Init : constant Ortho_Info_Type_Type :=
+ (Kind => Kind_Type_File,
+ Rti_Max_Depth => 0,
+ File_Signature => O_Dnode_Null);
+ Ortho_Info_Type_Prot_Init : constant Ortho_Info_Type_Type :=
+ (Kind => Kind_Type_Protected,
+ Rti_Max_Depth => 0,
+ Prot_Scope => Null_Var_Scope,
+ Prot_Init_Subprg => O_Dnode_Null,
+ Prot_Init_Instance => Subprgs.Null_Subprg_Instance,
+ Prot_Final_Subprg => O_Dnode_Null,
+ Prot_Subprg_Instance_Field => O_Fnode_Null,
+ Prot_Final_Instance => Subprgs.Null_Subprg_Instance,
+ Prot_Lock_Field => O_Fnode_Null);
+ -- Mode of the type; roughly speaking, this corresponds to its size
+ -- (for scalars) or its layout (for composite types).
+ -- Used to select library subprograms for signals.
+ type Type_Mode_Type is
+ (
+ -- Unknown mode.
+ Type_Mode_Unknown,
+ -- Boolean type, with 2 elements.
+ Type_Mode_B1,
+ -- Enumeration with at most 256 elements.
+ Type_Mode_E8,
+ -- Enumeration with more than 256 elements.
+ Type_Mode_E32,
+ -- Integer types.
+ Type_Mode_I32,
+ Type_Mode_I64,
+ -- Physical types.
+ Type_Mode_P32,
+ Type_Mode_P64,
+ -- Floating point type.
+ Type_Mode_F64,
+ -- File type.
+ Type_Mode_File,
+ -- Thin access.
+ Type_Mode_Acc,
+ -- Fat access.
+ Type_Mode_Fat_Acc,
+ -- Record.
+ Type_Mode_Record,
+ -- Protected type
+ Type_Mode_Protected,
+ -- Constrained array type (length is known at compile-time).
+ Type_Mode_Array,
+ -- Fat array type (used for unconstrained array).
+ Type_Mode_Fat_Array);
+ subtype Type_Mode_Scalar is Type_Mode_Type
+ range Type_Mode_B1 .. Type_Mode_F64;
+ subtype Type_Mode_Non_Composite is Type_Mode_Type
+ range Type_Mode_B1 .. Type_Mode_Fat_Acc;
+ -- Composite types, with the vhdl meaning: record and arrays.
+ subtype Type_Mode_Composite is Type_Mode_Type
+ range Type_Mode_Record .. Type_Mode_Fat_Array;
+ -- Array types.
+ subtype Type_Mode_Arrays is Type_Mode_Type range
+ Type_Mode_Array .. Type_Mode_Fat_Array;
+ -- Thin types, ie types whose length is a scalar.
+ subtype Type_Mode_Thin is Type_Mode_Type
+ range Type_Mode_B1 .. Type_Mode_Acc;
+ -- Fat types, ie types whose length is longer than a scalar.
+ subtype Type_Mode_Fat is Type_Mode_Type
+ range Type_Mode_Fat_Acc .. Type_Mode_Fat_Array;
+ -- These parameters are passed by value, ie the argument of the subprogram
+ -- is the value of the object.
+ subtype Type_Mode_By_Value is Type_Mode_Type
+ range Type_Mode_B1 .. Type_Mode_Acc;
+ -- These parameters are passed by copy, ie a copy of the object is created
+ -- and the reference of the copy is passed. If the object is not
+ -- modified by the subprogram, the object could be passed by reference.
+ subtype Type_Mode_By_Copy is Type_Mode_Type
+ range Type_Mode_Fat_Acc .. Type_Mode_Fat_Acc;
+ -- The parameters are passed by reference, ie the argument of the
+ -- subprogram is an address to the object.
+ subtype Type_Mode_By_Ref is Type_Mode_Type
+ range Type_Mode_Record .. Type_Mode_Fat_Array;
+ -- Additional informations for a resolving function.
+ type Subprg_Resolv_Info is record
+ Resolv_Func : O_Dnode;
+ -- Parameter nodes.
+ Var_Instance : Subprgs.Subprg_Instance_Type;
+ -- Signals
+ Var_Vals : O_Dnode;
+ -- Driving vector.
+ Var_Vec : O_Dnode;
+ -- Length of Vector.
+ Var_Vlen : O_Dnode;
+ Var_Nbr_Drv : O_Dnode;
+ Var_Nbr_Ports : O_Dnode;
+ end record;
+ type Subprg_Resolv_Info_Acc is access Subprg_Resolv_Info;
+ -- Complex types.
+ --
+ -- A complex type is not a VHDL notion, but a translation notion.
+ -- A complex type is a composite type whose size is not known at compile
+ -- type. This happends in VHDL because a bound can be globally static.
+ -- Therefore, the length of an array may not be known at compile type,
+ -- and this propagates to composite types (record and array) if they
+ -- have such an element. This is different from unconstrained arrays.
+ --
+ -- This occurs frequently in VHDL, and could even happen within
+ -- subprograms.
+ --
+ -- Such types are always dynamically allocated (on the stack or on the
+ -- heap). They must be continuous in memory so that they could be copied
+ -- via memcpy/memmove.
+ --
+ -- At runtime, the size of such type is computed. A builder procedure
+ -- is also created to setup inner pointers. This builder procedure should
+ -- be called at initialization, but also after a copy.
+ --
+ -- Example:
+ -- 1) subtype bv_type is bit_vector (l to h);
+ -- variable a : bv_type
+ --
+ -- This is represented by a pointer to an array of bit. No need for
+ -- builder procedure, as the element type is not complex. But there
+ -- is a size variable for the size of bv_type
+ --
+ -- 2) type rec1_type is record
+ -- f1 : integer;
+ -- f2 : bv_type;
+ -- end record;
+ --
+ -- This is represented by a pointer to a record. The 'f2' field is
+ -- an offset to an array of bit. The size of the object is the size
+ -- of the record (with f2 as a pointer) + the size of bv_type.
+ -- The alinment of the object is the maximum alignment of its sub-
+ -- objects: rec1 and bv_type.
+ -- A builder procedure is needed to initialize the 'f2' field.
+ -- The memory layout is:
+ -- +--------------+
+ -- | rec1: f1 |
+ -- | f2 |---+
+ -- +--------------+ |
+ -- | bv_type |<--+
+ -- | ... |
+ -- +--------------+
+ --
+ -- 3) type rec2_type is record
+ -- g1: rec1_type;
+ -- g2: bv_type;
+ -- g3: bv_type;
+ -- end record;
+ --
+ -- This is represented by a pointer to a record. All the three fields
+ -- are offset (relative to rec2). Alignment is the maximum alignment of
+ -- the sub-objects (rec2, rec1, bv_type x 3).
+ -- The memory layout is:
+ -- +--------------+
+ -- | rec2: g1 |---+
+ -- | g2 |---|---+
+ -- | g3 |---|---|---+
+ -- +--------------+ | | |
+ -- | rec1: f1 |<--+ | |
+ -- | f2 |---+ | |
+ -- +--------------+ | | |
+ -- | bv_type (f2) |<--+ | |
+ -- | ... | | |
+ -- +--------------+ | |
+ -- | bv_type (g2) |<------+ |
+ -- | ... | |
+ -- +--------------+ |
+ -- | bv_type (g3) |<----------+
+ -- | ... |
+ -- +--------------+
+ --
+ -- 4) type bv_arr_type is array (natural range <>) of bv_type;
+ -- arr2 : bv_arr_type (1 to 4)
+ --
+ -- This should be represented by a pointer to bv_type.
+ -- The memory layout is:
+ -- +--------------+
+ -- | bv_type (1) |
+ -- | ... |
+ -- +--------------+
+ -- | bv_type (2) |
+ -- | ... |
+ -- +--------------+
+ -- | bv_type (3) |
+ -- | ... |
+ -- +--------------+
+ -- | bv_type (4) |
+ -- | ... |
+ -- +--------------+
+ -- Additional info for complex types.
+ type Complex_Type_Info is record
+ -- Variable containing the size of the type.
+ -- This is defined only for types whose size is only known at
+ -- running time (and not a compile-time).
+ Size_Var : Var_Type;
+ -- Variable containing the alignment of the type.
+ -- Only defined for recods and for Mode_Value.
+ -- Note: this is not optimal, because the alignment could be computed
+ -- at compile time, but there is no way to do that with ortho (no
+ -- operation on constants). Furthermore, the alignment is independent
+ -- of the instance, so there could be one global variable. But this
+ -- doesn't fit in the whole machinery (in particular, there is no
+ -- easy way to compute it once). As the overhead is very low, no need
+ -- to bother with this issue.
+ Align_Var : Var_Type;
+ Builder_Need_Func : Boolean;
+ -- Parameters for type builders.
+ -- NOTE: this is only set for types (and *not* for subtypes).
+ Builder_Instance : Subprgs.Subprg_Instance_Type;
+ Builder_Base_Param : O_Dnode;
+ Builder_Bound_Param : O_Dnode;
+ Builder_Func : O_Dnode;
+ end record;
+ type Complex_Type_Arr_Info is array (Object_Kind_Type) of Complex_Type_Info;
+ type Complex_Type_Info_Acc is access Complex_Type_Arr_Info;
+ procedure Free_Complex_Type_Info is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
+ (Complex_Type_Arr_Info, Complex_Type_Info_Acc);
+ type Assoc_Conv_Info is record
+ -- The subprogram created to do the conversion.
+ Subprg : O_Dnode;
+ -- The local base block
+ Instance_Block : Iir;
+ -- and its address.
+ Instance_Field : O_Fnode;
+ -- The instantiated entity (if any).
+ Instantiated_Entity : Iir;
+ -- and its address.
+ Instantiated_Field : O_Fnode;
+ In_Field : O_Fnode;
+ Out_Field : O_Fnode;
+ Record_Type : O_Tnode;
+ Record_Ptr_Type : O_Tnode;
+ end record;
+ type Direct_Driver_Type is record
+ Sig : Iir;
+ Var : Var_Type;
+ end record;
+ type Direct_Driver_Arr is array (Natural range <>) of Direct_Driver_Type;
+ type Direct_Drivers_Acc is access Direct_Driver_Arr;
+ type Ortho_Info_Type;
+ type Ortho_Info_Acc is access Ortho_Info_Type;
+ type Ortho_Info_Type (Kind : Ortho_Info_Kind) is record
+ case Kind is
+ when Kind_Type =>
+ -- Mode of the type.
+ Type_Mode : Type_Mode_Type := Type_Mode_Unknown;
+ -- If true, the type is (still) incomplete.
+ Type_Incomplete : Boolean := False;
+ -- For array only. True if the type is constrained with locally
+ -- static bounds. May have non locally-static bounds in some
+ -- of its sub-element (ie being a complex type).
+ Type_Locally_Constrained : Boolean := False;
+ -- Additionnal info for complex types.
+ C : Complex_Type_Info_Acc := null;
+ -- Ortho node which represents the type.
+ -- Type -> Ortho type
+ -- scalar -> scalar
+ -- record (complex or not) -> record
+ -- constrained non-complex array -> constrained array
+ -- constrained complex array -> the element
+ -- unconstrained array -> fat pointer
+ -- access to unconstrained array -> fat pointer
+ -- access (others) -> access
+ -- file -> file_index_type
+ -- protected -> instance
+ Ortho_Type : O_Tnode_Array;
+ -- Ortho pointer to the type. This is always an access to the
+ -- ortho_type.
+ Ortho_Ptr_Type : O_Tnode_Array;
+ -- Chain of temporary types to be destroyed at end of scope.
+ Type_Transient_Chain : Iir := Null_Iir;
+ -- More info according to the type.
+ T : Ortho_Info_Type_Type;
+ -- Run-time information.
+ Type_Rti : O_Dnode := O_Dnode_Null;
+ when Kind_Incomplete_Type =>
+ -- The declaration of the incomplete type.
+ Incomplete_Type : Iir;
+ Incomplete_Array : Ortho_Info_Acc;
+ when Kind_Index =>
+ -- Field declaration for array dimension.
+ Index_Field : O_Fnode;
+ when Kind_Expr =>
+ -- Ortho tree which represents the expression, used for
+ -- enumeration literals.
+ Expr_Node : O_Cnode;
+ when Kind_Subprg =>
+ -- True if the function can return a value stored in the secondary
+ -- stack. In this case, the caller must deallocate the area
+ -- allocated by the callee when the value was used.
+ Use_Stack2 : Boolean := False;
+ -- Subprogram declaration node.
+ Ortho_Func : O_Dnode;
+ -- For a function:
+ -- If the return value is not composite, then this field
+ -- must be O_DNODE_NULL.
+ -- If the return value is a composite type, then the caller must
+ -- give to the callee an area to put the result. This area is
+ -- given via an (hidden to the user) interface. Furthermore,
+ -- the function is translated into a procedure.
+ -- For a procedure:
+ -- If there are copy-out interfaces, they are gathered in a
+ -- record and a pointer to the record is passed to the
+ -- procedure. RES_INTERFACE is the interface for this pointer.
+ Res_Interface : O_Dnode := O_Dnode_Null;
+ -- Field in the frame for a pointer to the RESULT structure.
+ Res_Record_Var : Var_Type := Null_Var;
+ -- For a subprogram with a result interface:
+ -- Type definition for the record.
+ Res_Record_Type : O_Tnode := O_Tnode_Null;
+ -- Type definition for access to the record.
+ Res_Record_Ptr : O_Tnode := O_Tnode_Null;
+ -- Access to the declarations within this subprogram.
+ Subprg_Frame_Scope : aliased Var_Scope_Type;
+ -- Instances for the subprograms.
+ Subprg_Instance : Subprgs.Subprg_Instance_Type :=
+ Subprgs.Null_Subprg_Instance;
+ Subprg_Resolv : Subprg_Resolv_Info_Acc := null;
+ -- Local identifier number, set by spec, continued by body.
+ Subprg_Local_Id : Local_Identifier_Type;
+ -- If set, return should be converted into exit out of the
+ -- SUBPRG_EXIT loop and the value should be assigned to
+ -- SUBPRG_RESULT, if any.
+ Subprg_Exit : O_Snode := O_Snode_Null;
+ Subprg_Result : O_Dnode := O_Dnode_Null;
+ when Kind_Object =>
+ -- For constants: set when the object is defined as a constant.
+ Object_Static : Boolean;
+ -- The object itself.
+ Object_Var : Var_Type;
+ -- Direct driver for signal (if any).
+ Object_Driver : Var_Type := Null_Var;
+ -- RTI constant for the object.
+ Object_Rti : O_Dnode := O_Dnode_Null;
+ -- Function to compute the value of object (used for implicit
+ -- guard signal declaration).
+ Object_Function : O_Dnode := O_Dnode_Null;
+ when Kind_Alias =>
+ Alias_Var : Var_Type;
+ Alias_Kind : Object_Kind_Type;
+ when Kind_Iterator =>
+ Iterator_Var : Var_Type;
+ when Kind_Interface =>
+ -- Ortho declaration for the interface. If not null, there is
+ -- a corresponding ortho parameter for the interface. While
+ -- translating nested subprograms (that are unnested),
+ -- Interface_Field may be set to the corresponding field in the
+ -- FRAME record. So:
+ -- Node: not null, Field: null: parameter
+ -- Node: not null, Field: not null: parameter with a copy in
+ -- the FRAME record.
+ -- Node: null, Field: null: not possible
+ -- Node: null, Field: not null: field in RESULT record
+ Interface_Node : O_Dnode := O_Dnode_Null;
+ -- Field of the result record for copy-out arguments of procedure.
+ -- In that case, Interface_Node must be null.
+ Interface_Field : O_Fnode;
+ -- Type of the interface.
+ Interface_Type : O_Tnode;
+ when Kind_Disconnect =>
+ -- Variable which contains the time_expression of the
+ -- disconnection specification
+ Disconnect_Var : Var_Type;
+ when Kind_Process =>
+ Process_Scope : aliased Var_Scope_Type;
+ -- Subprogram for the process.
+ Process_Subprg : O_Dnode;
+ -- List of drivers if Flag_Direct_Drivers.
+ Process_Drivers : Direct_Drivers_Acc := null;
+ -- RTI for the process.
+ Process_Rti_Const : O_Dnode := O_Dnode_Null;
+ when Kind_Psl_Directive =>
+ Psl_Scope : aliased Var_Scope_Type;
+ -- Procedure for the state machine.
+ Psl_Proc_Subprg : O_Dnode;
+ -- Procedure for finalization. Handles EOS.
+ Psl_Proc_Final_Subprg : O_Dnode;
+ -- Length of the state vector.
+ Psl_Vect_Len : Natural;
+ -- Type of the state vector.
+ Psl_Vect_Type : O_Tnode;
+ -- State vector variable.
+ Psl_Vect_Var : Var_Type;
+ -- Boolean variable (for cover)
+ Psl_Bool_Var : Var_Type;
+ -- RTI for the process.
+ Psl_Rti_Const : O_Dnode := O_Dnode_Null;
+ when Kind_Loop =>
+ -- Labels for the loop.
+ -- Used for exit/next from while-loop, and to exit from for-loop.
+ Label_Exit : O_Snode;
+ -- Used to next from for-loop, with an exit statment.
+ Label_Next : O_Snode;
+ when Kind_Block =>
+ -- Access to declarations of this block.
+ Block_Scope : aliased Var_Scope_Type;
+ -- Instance type (ortho record) for declarations contained in the
+ -- block/entity/architecture.
+ Block_Decls_Ptr_Type : O_Tnode;
+ -- For Entity: field in the instance type containing link to
+ -- parent.
+ -- For an instantiation: link in the parent block to the instance.
+ Block_Link_Field : O_Fnode;
+ -- For an entity: must be o_fnode_null.
+ -- For an architecture: the entity field.
+ -- For a block, a component or a generate block: field in the
+ -- parent instance which contains the declarations for this
+ -- block.
+ Block_Parent_Field : O_Fnode;
+ -- For a generate block: field in the block providing a chain to
+ -- the previous block (note: this may not be the parent, but
+ -- is a parent).
+ Block_Origin_Field : O_Fnode;
+ -- For an iterative block: boolean field set when the block
+ -- is configured. This is used to check if the block was already
+ -- configured since index and slice are not compelled to be
+ -- locally static.
+ Block_Configured_Field : O_Fnode;
+ -- For iterative generate block: array of instances.
+ Block_Decls_Array_Type : O_Tnode;
+ Block_Decls_Array_Ptr_Type : O_Tnode;
+ -- Subprogram which elaborates the block (for entity or arch).
+ Block_Elab_Subprg : O_Dnode;
+ -- Size of the block instance.
+ Block_Instance_Size : O_Dnode;
+ -- Only for an entity: procedure that elaborate the packages this
+ -- units depend on. That must be done before elaborating the
+ -- entity and before evaluating default expressions in generics.
+ Block_Elab_Pkg_Subprg : O_Dnode;
+ -- RTI constant for the block.
+ Block_Rti_Const : O_Dnode := O_Dnode_Null;
+ when Kind_Component =>
+ -- How to access to component interfaces.
+ Comp_Scope : aliased Var_Scope_Type;
+ -- Instance for the component.
+ Comp_Ptr_Type : O_Tnode;
+ -- Field containing a pointer to the instance link.
+ Comp_Link : O_Fnode;
+ -- RTI for the component.
+ Comp_Rti_Const : O_Dnode;
+ when Kind_Config =>
+ -- Subprogram that configure the block.
+ Config_Subprg : O_Dnode;
+ when Kind_Field =>
+ -- Node for a record element declaration.
+ Field_Node : O_Fnode_Array := (O_Fnode_Null, O_Fnode_Null);
+ when Kind_Package =>
+ -- Subprogram which elaborate the package spec/body.
+ -- External units should call the body elaborator.
+ -- The spec elaborator is called only from the body elaborator.
+ Package_Elab_Spec_Subprg : O_Dnode;
+ Package_Elab_Body_Subprg : O_Dnode;
+ -- Instance for the elaborators.
+ Package_Elab_Spec_Instance : Subprgs.Subprg_Instance_Type;
+ Package_Elab_Body_Instance : Subprgs.Subprg_Instance_Type;
+ -- Variable set to true when the package is elaborated.
+ Package_Elab_Var : Var_Type;
+ -- RTI constant for the package.
+ Package_Rti_Const : O_Dnode;
+ -- Access to declarations of the spec.
+ Package_Spec_Scope : aliased Var_Scope_Type;
+ -- Instance type for uninstantiated package
+ Package_Spec_Ptr_Type : O_Tnode;
+ Package_Body_Scope : aliased Var_Scope_Type;
+ Package_Body_Ptr_Type : O_Tnode;
+ -- Field to the spec within the body.
+ Package_Spec_Field : O_Fnode;
+ -- Local id, set by package declaration, continued by package
+ -- body.
+ Package_Local_Id : Local_Identifier_Type;
+ when Kind_Package_Instance =>
+ -- The variables containing the instance. There are two variables
+ -- for interface package: one for the spec, one for the body.
+ -- For package instantiation, only the variable for the body is
+ -- used. The variable for spec is added so that packages with
+ -- package interfaces don't need to know the body of their
+ -- interfaces.
+ Package_Instance_Spec_Var : Var_Type;
+ Package_Instance_Body_Var : Var_Type;
+ -- Elaboration procedure for the instance.
+ Package_Instance_Elab_Subprg : O_Dnode;
+ Package_Instance_Spec_Scope : aliased Var_Scope_Type;
+ Package_Instance_Body_Scope : aliased Var_Scope_Type;
+ when Kind_Assoc =>
+ -- Association informations.
+ Assoc_In : Assoc_Conv_Info;
+ Assoc_Out : Assoc_Conv_Info;
+ when Kind_Str_Choice =>
+ -- List of choices, used to sort them.
+ Choice_Chain : Ortho_Info_Acc;
+ -- Association index.
+ Choice_Assoc : Natural;
+ -- Corresponding choice simple expression.
+ Choice_Expr : Iir;
+ -- Corresponding choice.
+ Choice_Parent : Iir;
+ when Kind_Design_File =>
+ Design_Filename : O_Dnode;
+ when Kind_Library =>
+ Library_Rti_Const : O_Dnode;
+ end case;
+ end record;
+ procedure Unchecked_Deallocation is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
+ (Name => Ortho_Info_Acc, Object => Ortho_Info_Type);
+ subtype Type_Info_Acc is Ortho_Info_Acc (Kind_Type);
+ subtype Incomplete_Type_Info_Acc is Ortho_Info_Acc (Kind_Incomplete_Type);
+ subtype Index_Info_Acc is Ortho_Info_Acc (Kind_Index);
+ subtype Subprg_Info_Acc is Ortho_Info_Acc (Kind_Subprg);
+ subtype Object_Info_Acc is Ortho_Info_Acc (Kind_Object);
+ subtype Alias_Info_Acc is Ortho_Info_Acc (Kind_Alias);
+ subtype Proc_Info_Acc is Ortho_Info_Acc (Kind_Process);
+ subtype Psl_Info_Acc is Ortho_Info_Acc (Kind_Psl_Directive);
+ subtype Loop_Info_Acc is Ortho_Info_Acc (Kind_Loop);
+ subtype Block_Info_Acc is Ortho_Info_Acc (Kind_Block);
+ subtype Comp_Info_Acc is Ortho_Info_Acc (Kind_Component);
+ subtype Field_Info_Acc is Ortho_Info_Acc (Kind_Field);
+ subtype Config_Info_Acc is Ortho_Info_Acc (Kind_Config);
+ subtype Assoc_Info_Acc is Ortho_Info_Acc (Kind_Assoc);
+ subtype Inter_Info_Acc is Ortho_Info_Acc (Kind_Interface);
+ subtype Design_File_Info_Acc is Ortho_Info_Acc (Kind_Design_File);
+ subtype Library_Info_Acc is Ortho_Info_Acc (Kind_Library);
+ -- In order to simplify the handling of Enode/Lnode, let's introduce
+ -- Mnode (yes, another node).
+ -- An Mnode is a typed union, containing either an Lnode or a Enode.
+ -- See Mstate for a description of the union.
+ -- The real data is contained insisde a record, so that the discriminant
+ -- can be changed.
+ type Mnode;
+ -- State of an Mmode.
+ type Mstate is
+ (
+ -- The Mnode contains an Enode, which can be either a value or a
+ -- pointer.
+ -- This Mnode can be used only once.
+ Mstate_E,
+ -- The Mnode contains an Lnode representing a value.
+ -- This Lnode can be used only once.
+ Mstate_Lv,
+ -- The Mnode contains an Lnode representing a pointer.
+ -- This Lnode can be used only once.
+ Mstate_Lp,
+ -- The Mnode contains an Dnode for a variable representing a value.
+ -- This Dnode may be used several times.
+ Mstate_Dv,
+ -- The Mnode contains an Dnode for a variable representing a pointer.
+ -- This Dnode may be used several times.
+ Mstate_Dp,
+ -- Null Mnode.
+ Mstate_Null,
+ -- The Mnode is invalid (such as already used).
+ Mstate_Bad);
+ type Mnode1 (State : Mstate := Mstate_Bad) is record
+ -- True if the object is composite (its value cannot be read directly).
+ Comp : Boolean;
+ -- Additionnal informations about the objects: kind and type.
+ K : Object_Kind_Type;
+ T : Type_Info_Acc;
+ -- Ortho type of the object.
+ Vtype : O_Tnode;
+ -- Type for a pointer to the object.
+ Ptype : O_Tnode;
+ case State is
+ when Mstate_E =>
+ E : O_Enode;
+ when Mstate_Lv =>
+ Lv : O_Lnode;
+ when Mstate_Lp =>
+ Lp : O_Lnode;
+ when Mstate_Dv =>
+ Dv : O_Dnode;
+ when Mstate_Dp =>
+ Dp : O_Dnode;
+ when Mstate_Bad
+ | Mstate_Null =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ end record;
+ --pragma Pack (Mnode1);
+ type Mnode is record
+ M1 : Mnode1;
+ end record;
+ -- Null Mnode.
+ Mnode_Null : constant Mnode := Mnode'(M1 => (State => Mstate_Null,
+ Comp => False,
+ K => Mode_Value,
+ Ptype => O_Tnode_Null,
+ Vtype => O_Tnode_Null,
+ T => null));
+ -- Object kind of a Mnode
+ function Get_Object_Kind (M : Mnode) return Object_Kind_Type;
+ -- Transform VAR to Mnode.
+ function Get_Var
+ (Var : Var_Type; Vtype : Type_Info_Acc; Mode : Object_Kind_Type)
+ return Mnode;
+ -- Return a stabilized node for M.
+ -- The former M is not usuable anymore.
+ function Stabilize (M : Mnode; Can_Copy : Boolean := False) return Mnode;
+ -- Stabilize M.
+ procedure Stabilize (M : in out Mnode);
+ -- If M is not stable, create a variable containing the value of M.
+ -- M must be scalar (or access).
+ function Stabilize_Value (M : Mnode) return Mnode;
+ -- Create a temporary of type INFO and kind KIND.
+ function Create_Temp (Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Kind : Object_Kind_Type := Mode_Value)
+ return Mnode;
+ -- Return the value of field FIELD of lnode L that is contains
+ -- a pointer to a record.
+ -- This is equivalent to:
+ -- new_value (new_selected_element (new_access_element (new_value (l)),
+ -- field))
+ function New_Value_Selected_Acc_Value (L : O_Lnode; Field : O_Fnode)
+ return O_Enode;
+ function New_Selected_Acc_Value (L : O_Lnode; Field : O_Fnode)
+ return O_Lnode;
+ function New_Indexed_Acc_Value (L : O_Lnode; I : O_Enode) return O_Lnode;
+ -- Equivalent to new_access_element (new_value (l))
+ function New_Acc_Value (L : O_Lnode) return O_Lnode;
+ procedure Init_Node_Infos;
+ procedure Update_Node_Infos;
+ procedure Free_Node_Infos;
+ procedure Set_Info (Target : Iir; Info : Ortho_Info_Acc);
+ procedure Clear_Info (Target : Iir);
+ function Get_Info (Target : Iir) return Ortho_Info_Acc;
+ pragma Inline (Get_Info);
+ -- Create an ortho_info field of kind KIND for iir node TARGET, and
+ -- return it.
+ function Add_Info (Target : Iir; Kind : Ortho_Info_Kind)
+ return Ortho_Info_Acc;
+ procedure Free_Info (Target : Iir);
+ procedure Free_Type_Info (Info : in out Type_Info_Acc);
+ procedure Set_Ortho_Expr (Target : Iir; Expr : O_Cnode);
+ function Get_Ortho_Expr (Target : Iir) return O_Cnode;
+ function Get_Ortho_Type (Target : Iir; Is_Sig : Object_Kind_Type)
+ return O_Tnode;
+ -- Return true is INFO is a type info for a composite type, ie:
+ -- * a record
+ -- * an array (fat or thin)
+ -- * a fat pointer.
+ function Is_Composite (Info : Type_Info_Acc) return Boolean;
+ pragma Inline (Is_Composite);
+ function Is_Complex_Type (Tinfo : Type_Info_Acc) return Boolean;
+ pragma Inline (Is_Complex_Type);
+ type Hexstr_Type is array (Integer range 0 .. 15) of Character;
+ N2hex : constant Hexstr_Type := "0123456789abcdef";
+ function Get_Type_Info (M : Mnode) return Type_Info_Acc;
+ pragma Inline (Get_Type_Info);
+ function E2M (E : O_Enode; T : Type_Info_Acc; Kind : Object_Kind_Type)
+ return Mnode;
+ function Lv2M (L : O_Lnode; T : Type_Info_Acc; Kind : Object_Kind_Type)
+ return Mnode;
+ function Lv2M (L : O_Lnode;
+ Comp : Boolean;
+ Vtype : O_Tnode;
+ Ptype : O_Tnode;
+ T : Type_Info_Acc; Kind : Object_Kind_Type)
+ return Mnode;
+ function Lp2M (L : O_Lnode; T : Type_Info_Acc; Kind : Object_Kind_Type)
+ return Mnode;
+ function Lp2M (L : O_Lnode;
+ T : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Kind : Object_Kind_Type;
+ Vtype : O_Tnode;
+ Ptype : O_Tnode)
+ return Mnode;
+ function Lv2M (L : O_Lnode;
+ T : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Kind : Object_Kind_Type;
+ Vtype : O_Tnode;
+ Ptype : O_Tnode)
+ return Mnode;
+ function Dv2M (D : O_Dnode;
+ T : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Kind : Object_Kind_Type)
+ return Mnode;
+ function Dv2M (D : O_Dnode;
+ T : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Kind : Object_Kind_Type;
+ Vtype : O_Tnode;
+ Ptype : O_Tnode)
+ return Mnode;
+ function Dp2M (D : O_Dnode;
+ T : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Kind : Object_Kind_Type;
+ Vtype : O_Tnode;
+ Ptype : O_Tnode)
+ return Mnode;
+ function Dp2M (D : O_Dnode;
+ T : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Kind : Object_Kind_Type)
+ return Mnode;
+ function M2Lv (M : Mnode) return O_Lnode;
+ function M2Lp (M : Mnode) return O_Lnode;
+ function M2Dp (M : Mnode) return O_Dnode;
+ function M2Dv (M : Mnode) return O_Dnode;
+ function T2M (Atype : Iir; Kind : Object_Kind_Type) return Mnode;
+ function M2E (M : Mnode) return O_Enode;
+ function M2Addr (M : Mnode) return O_Enode;
+-- function Is_Null (M : Mnode) return Boolean is
+-- begin
+-- return M.M1.State = Mstate_Null;
+-- end Is_Null;
+ function Is_Stable (M : Mnode) return Boolean;
+-- function Varv2M
+-- (Var : Var_Type; Vtype : Type_Info_Acc; Mode : Object_Kind_Type)
+-- return Mnode is
+-- begin
+-- return Lv2M (Get_Var (Var), Vtype, Mode);
+-- end Varv2M;
+ function Varv2M (Var : Var_Type;
+ Var_Type : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Mode : Object_Kind_Type;
+ Vtype : O_Tnode;
+ Ptype : O_Tnode)
+ return Mnode;
+ -- Convert a Lnode for a sub object to an MNODE.
+ function Lo2M (L : O_Lnode; Vtype : Type_Info_Acc; Mode : Object_Kind_Type)
+ return Mnode;
+ function Lo2M (D : O_Dnode; Vtype : Type_Info_Acc; Mode : Object_Kind_Type)
+ return Mnode;
+ package Helpers is
+ -- Generate code to initialize a ghdl_index_type variable V to 0.
+ procedure Init_Var (V : O_Dnode);
+ -- Generate code to increment/decrement a ghdl_index_type variable V.
+ procedure Inc_Var (V : O_Dnode);
+ procedure Dec_Var (V : O_Dnode);
+ -- Generate code to exit from loop LABEL iff COND is true.
+ procedure Gen_Exit_When (Label : O_Snode; Cond : O_Enode);
+ -- Create a region for temporary variables.
+ procedure Open_Temp;
+ -- Create a temporary variable.
+ function Create_Temp (Atype : O_Tnode) return O_Dnode;
+ -- Create a temporary variable of ATYPE and initialize it with VALUE.
+ function Create_Temp_Init (Atype : O_Tnode; Value : O_Enode)
+ return O_Dnode;
+ -- Create a temporary variable of ATYPE and initialize it with the
+ -- address of NAME.
+ function Create_Temp_Ptr (Atype : O_Tnode; Name : O_Lnode)
+ return O_Dnode;
+ -- Create a mark in the temporary region for the stack2.
+ -- FIXME: maybe a flag must be added to CLOSE_TEMP where it is known
+ -- stack2 can be released.
+ procedure Create_Temp_Stack2_Mark;
+ -- Add ATYPE in the chain of types to be destroyed at the end of the
+ -- temp scope.
+ procedure Add_Transient_Type_In_Temp (Atype : Iir);
+ -- Close the temporary region.
+ procedure Close_Temp;
+ -- Like Open_Temp, but will never create a declare region. To be used
+ -- only within a subprogram, to use the declare region of the
+ -- subprogram.
+ procedure Open_Local_Temp;
+ -- Destroy transient types created in a temporary region.
+ procedure Destroy_Local_Transient_Types;
+ procedure Close_Local_Temp;
+ -- Return TRUE if stack2 will be released. Used for fine-tuning only
+ -- (return statement).
+ function Has_Stack2_Mark return Boolean;
+ -- Manually release stack2. Used for fine-tuning only.
+ procedure Stack2_Release;
+ -- Free all old temp.
+ -- Used only to free memory.
+ procedure Free_Old_Temp;
+ -- Return a ghdl_index_type literal for NUM.
+ function New_Index_Lit (Num : Unsigned_64) return O_Cnode;
+ -- Create a uniq identifier.
+ subtype Uniq_Identifier_String is String (1 .. 11);
+ function Create_Uniq_Identifier return Uniq_Identifier_String;
+ function Create_Uniq_Identifier return O_Ident;
+ end Helpers;
+end Trans;