path: root/src/vhdl/simulate/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/vhdl/simulate/')
1 files changed, 34 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/src/vhdl/simulate/ b/src/vhdl/simulate/
index e9b48d0..482edd3 100644
--- a/src/vhdl/simulate/
+++ b/src/vhdl/simulate/
@@ -30,6 +30,12 @@ package Annotations is
procedure Disp_Vhdl_Info (Node: Iir);
procedure Disp_Tree_Info (Node: Iir);
+ type Object_Slot_Type is new Natural;
+ subtype Parameter_Slot_Type is Object_Slot_Type range 0 .. 2**15;
+ type Pkg_Index_Type is new Natural;
+ Nbr_Packages : Pkg_Index_Type := 0;
-- Annotations are used to collect informations for elaboration and to
-- locate iir_value_literal for signals, variables or constants.
@@ -46,17 +52,35 @@ package Annotations is
-- Scope_Level_Component is set to a maximum, since there is at
-- most one scope after it (the next one is an entity).
- type Scope_Level_Type is new Integer;
- Scope_Level_Global: constant Scope_Level_Type := 0;
- Scope_Level_Entity: constant Scope_Level_Type := 1;
- Scope_Level_Component : constant Scope_Level_Type :=
- Scope_Level_Type'Last - 1;
+ type Scope_Level_Kind is
+ (
+ -- For a package, the depth is
+ Scope_Kind_Package,
+ Scope_Kind_Component,
+ Scope_Kind_Frame,
+ Scope_Kind_Pkg_Inst,
+ Scope_Kind_None
+ );
+ type Scope_Depth_Type is range 0 .. 2**15;
+ type Scope_Level_Type (Kind : Scope_Level_Kind := Scope_Kind_None) is
+ record
+ case Kind is
+ when Scope_Kind_Package =>
+ Pkg_Index : Pkg_Index_Type;
+ when Scope_Kind_Component =>
+ null;
+ when Scope_Kind_Frame =>
+ Depth : Scope_Depth_Type;
+ when Scope_Kind_Pkg_Inst =>
+ Pkg_Inst : Parameter_Slot_Type;
+ when Scope_Kind_None =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ end record;
type Instance_Slot_Type is new Integer;
Invalid_Instance_Slot : constant Instance_Slot_Type := -1;
- type Object_Slot_Type is new Integer;
-- The annotation depends on the kind of the node.
type Sim_Info_Kind is
(Kind_Block, Kind_Process, Kind_Frame,
@@ -106,8 +130,6 @@ package Annotations is
end case;
end record;
- Nbr_Packages : Iir_Index32 := 0;
-- Get/Set annotation fied from/to an iir.
procedure Set_Info (Target: Iir; Info: Sim_Info_Acc);
pragma Inline (Set_Info);
@@ -117,4 +139,7 @@ package Annotations is
-- Expand the annotation table. This is automatically done by Annotate,
-- to be used only by debugger.
procedure Annotate_Expand_Table;
+ -- For debugging.
+ function Image (Scope : Scope_Level_Type) return String;
end Annotations;